Indies not impressed

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Rav.

And really, there aren't that many Hillary voters anyway...or I guess she'd be running for president.

I'll bet she's laughing her ass off at Obama right now.....
Actually, I read some of the comments at Hillary Clinton Forum last night after Gov. Palin knocked it out of the fucking park.

Oooooh boy, did they love Palin, and do they ever HATE Obama :badgrin:

HRC supporters will vote for McCain/Palin in droves, I've no doubt about.

Much to the chagrin of Ravioli-butt :rofl:
Actually, I read some of the comments at Hillary Clinton Forum last night after Gov. Palin knocked it out of the fucking park.

Oooooh boy, did they love Palin, and do they ever HATE Obama :badgrin:

HRC supporters will vote for McCain/Palin in droves, I've no doubt about.

Much to the chagrin of Ravioli-butt :rofl:
Sorry, according to the latest poll only 9% of them are for McCain. What was it before...somewhere between 25 and 30%?
Ravioli opened her trap too soon :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

24 hours ago, independent voters nationwide were split on whether Palin was an asset or a liability to McCain's campaign. Today, by a 2:1 margin, independents say Palin is an asset. Overnight, the percentage calling the Alaska governor an asset to the campaign climbed 13 points; the percentage calling her a liability fell 17 points.

SurveyUSA: Palin Gets an 'A' - Real Clear Politics - Elections 2008 - TIME
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Rav.

And really, there aren't that many Hillary voters anyway...or I guess she'd be running for president.

I'll bet she's laughing her ass off at Obama right now.....

She got 300000 more votes than Obama. That is 18300000 McCain didn;t get any in comparison. She didn't have that many. Look at her numbers. Why would she be laughing her ass off at Obama he is the next president from all the poles. The top 50 have Obama on top.

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