Indictment 'likely' for couple accused of stealing GoFundMe funds from homeless veteran


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I heard on World News Tonight that GoFundMe has pledged to provide Mr. Bobbitt with the full $403,000 that was raised.

Indictment 'likely' for couple accused of stealing from homeless veteran

New Jersey man Mark D'Amico, 39, was also picked up Monday on a traffic warrant — the latest twist in a case that began as a feel-good tale.

by Erik Ortiz / Sep.11.2018 / 5:41 AM ET / Updated 10:00 AM ET

Troubles are mounting for the New Jersey couple accused of stealing from an online fundraiser meant to benefit a homeless veteran after their lawyer said in a court motion they will "likely" be indicted and one of them was arrested Monday night on a traffic warrant.

Mark D'Amico was picked up on the outstanding warrant and transported to the Burlington County Jail, where he remained Tuesday on $500 bail, Burlington City police told NBC Philadelphia.

Ernest Badway, an attorney for D'Amico and girlfriend Katelyn McClure, said Tuesday he had no comment about the couple's case.

The traffic warrant is related to D'Amico's failure to appear in court in July after he was first stopped in October 2017 for a broken taillight, driving with a suspended license and failure to turn over his license, according to NBC Philadelphia.

The latest developments come in light of court documents Monday in which Badway wrote that McClure and D'Amico are "unable to defend themselves" against accusations because they no longer have access to certain financial records.

"(Since) it is expected that one or both of the defendants will likely be indicted, my firm and I will no longer be able to continue our representation of them in this matter," Badway said in a motion.

It was unclear, however, if his firm would represent the couple in any criminal proceedings.​
Why should the homeless person get any of the money when they are no stranger to drugs usage?

God bless you always!!!


I see the logic and that it's in the homeless guys best interest, but idk it's kind of ... borderline scamy or something. Certainly it's controlling. Personally, I think they should give the money to the guy and if he wastes it on drugs that's a damn shame, but really, the money was for the homeless guy, not the self-appointed "parents" who "know better" than he does. (Even if I kind of agree they might be right.)
If you're going to steal money from charity, you need to do it the right way...

Do what the Red Cross and UNICEF do ... take 98% of charitable donations and call it 'administrative fees'.
^^^ Whoever gives money to someone with drug issues is only an enabler and maybe the couple who gathered the money do not want to fall into such a category...which is why I think that whatever is needed should be spent on getting the guy cleaned up.

God bless you and him and the couple always!!!

I heard on World News Tonight that GoFundMe has pledged to provide Mr. Bobbitt with the full $403,000 that was raised.

Indictment 'likely' for couple accused of stealing from homeless veteran

New Jersey man Mark D'Amico, 39, was also picked up Monday on a traffic warrant — the latest twist in a case that began as a feel-good tale.

by Erik Ortiz / Sep.11.2018 / 5:41 AM ET / Updated 10:00 AM ET

Troubles are mounting for the New Jersey couple accused of stealing from an online fundraiser meant to benefit a homeless veteran after their lawyer said in a court motion they will "likely" be indicted and one of them was arrested Monday night on a traffic warrant.

Mark D'Amico was picked up on the outstanding warrant and transported to the Burlington County Jail, where he remained Tuesday on $500 bail, Burlington City police told NBC Philadelphia.

Ernest Badway, an attorney for D'Amico and girlfriend Katelyn McClure, said Tuesday he had no comment about the couple's case.

The traffic warrant is related to D'Amico's failure to appear in court in July after he was first stopped in October 2017 for a broken taillight, driving with a suspended license and failure to turn over his license, according to NBC Philadelphia.

The latest developments come in light of court documents Monday in which Badway wrote that McClure and D'Amico are "unable to defend themselves" against accusations because they no longer have access to certain financial records.

"(Since) it is expected that one or both of the defendants will likely be indicted, my firm and I will no longer be able to continue our representation of them in this matter," Badway said in a motion.

It was unclear, however, if his firm would represent the couple in any criminal proceedings.​
They should be indictmented, tried and if convicted sentence to the extent of the law.

What they did is a true scumbag move.
I hear ya JO, it is enabling. Problem is, you can't "raise money" for someone then not give it to them. I think it might even fall under "scam" laws.
^^^ Whoever gives money to someone with drug issues is only an enabler and maybe the couple who gathered the money do not want to fall into such a category...which is why I think that whatever is needed should be spent on getting the guy cleaned up.

God bless you and him and the couple always!!!

He's a human being, not a stray they brought home from the shelter, irrespective of whether he has a drug problem or not. If I'm not mistaken, people who donate or give money can designate how it is to used or not used but if no conditions were set, then he's entitled to it, no strings attached which I believe is why GoFundMe is stating they will honor the original amount raised.

The couple on the other hand stole money which was earmarked for this Mr. Bobbitt. Most people who donated I would image were aware of the challenges that many military veterans that end up homeless face yet they donated apparently because they wanted to help him for having helped Ms. McClure. If he were genuinely the type of person you're trying to paint him as do you really think he would have spent his last $20 helping her if he needed that money to buy his drugs?
^^^ To answer the question that you ask me, yes, he could've gave that money so that what was done for him in return would take place. How do you know that he isn't an opportunist just like so many other people out there are?

God bless you always!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the couple "stole" nor even "wrongly" spent any of the rest of the money- I believe it was $400k and they gave him $200k of that and are "denying" him the remaining $200k... until he goes to rehab or some such I believe.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the couple "stole" nor even "wrongly" spent any of the rest of the money- I believe it was $400k and they gave him $200k of that and are "denying" him the remaining $200k... until he goes to rehab or some such I believe.
First off, it's not their money. This money was donated for him. It's his money they just had control over it because they're the ones who setup the account.

Why do you think they can demand he go to rehab? He's not their kid who can be disinherited if he doesn't comply with their demands and ideas for his life but more importantly, this is what Ms. McClure stated in the GoFundMe page:

First off, we would like to thank everyone who had a part of this amazing ride we've been on for the last few days. Your kind words, donations and help getting the word out meant the world to Mark, Johnny and myself. This would've never happened with out all of you!

Now lets get down to some business. We've received a lot of comments and questions about what johnnys plans are for this money and how it will be used. Hopefully this will answer them while keeping his privacy and the privacy of the people he is helping also. The first thing on the list is a NEW Home which Johnny will own!! He will never have to worry about a roof over his head again!! Second will be the dream truck he's always wanted... a 1999 ford ranger (yes I'm serious). There will also be 2 trusts set up in his name, one essentially giving him the ability to collect a small "salary" each year and another retirement trust which will be wisely invested by a financial planner which he will have access to in a time frame he feels comfortable with so when the time comes he can live his retirement dream of owning a piece of land and a cabin in the country. A bank account will be set up for him with funds for every day needs that will get him through until he finds a job. And lastly, he will be donating to a few organizations and people who over the last couple of years have helped him get through this rough patch in his life. This is a well thought out plan that Johnny his lawyer and financial advisor came up with in order to give Johnny the means to acclimate back into a "normal" life and also to protect him and ensure he has a bright future. I hope this will answer all the questions we have been getting about his plans. Once again, we couldn't thank all of you enough for the kindness you have shown. Mark and I are beyond humbled and grateful that you took our little project and turned it into a world wide cause that thousands of people supported. The next update you receive will be from Johnny himself. He finally got his new computer and he is dying to thank all you personally!! You guys are amazing, keep checking in with us from time to time

Original story :

This is Johnny.

Driving into Philly one night, I made the mistake of thinking that I would be able to make it all the way down I- 95 with my gas light on. Needless to say, I was wrong. I never ran out of gas before, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pulled over as far as I could, and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station.
That’s when I met Johnny. Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can. Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe.

Johnny did not ask me for a dollar, and I couldn’t repay him at that moment because I didn’t have any cash, but I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks. I repaid him for the gas, gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks, and I give him a few dollars every time I see him.

I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day. He is such a great guy, and talking to him each time I see him makes me want to help him more and more.

One day I stopped to see him and had a few things in a bag to give him, one of which was a box of cereal bars so he could have something that he could carry around and eat. He was very appreciative as usual and the first thing he said was “do you want one?” Another time I dropped off 2 wawa gift cards and a case of water.. the first words that came out of his mouth were “I can’t wait to show the guys” (there are 2 others he hangs out with and they all take care of each other). If just those 2 statements alone do not give you a glimpse of the good heart this man has I’m not sure anything will.

I am raising money for Johnny. With the money, I would like to get him first and last month’s rent at an apartment, a reliable vehicle, and 4-6 months worth of expenses. He is very interested in finding a job, and I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s rest, his life can get back to being normal.

Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him.

Please help this man get into a home. It is already getting so cold out in Philadelphia, and I can’t imagine what it will be like to be out there all winter. Any little bit will help.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the couple "stole" nor even "wrongly" spent any of the rest of the money- I believe it was $400k and they gave him $200k of that and are "denying" him the remaining $200k... until he goes to rehab or some such I believe.
First off, it's not their money. This money was donated for him. It's his money they just had control over it because they're the ones who setup the account.

Why do you think they can demand he go to rehab? He's not their kid who can be disinherited if he doesn't comply with their demands and ideas for his life but more importantly, this is what Ms. McClure stated in the GoFundMe page:

First off, we would like to thank everyone who had a part of this amazing ride we've been on for the last few days. Your kind words, donations and help getting the word out meant the world to Mark, Johnny and myself. This would've never happened with out all of you!

Now lets get down to some business. We've received a lot of comments and questions about what johnnys plans are for this money and how it will be used. Hopefully this will answer them while keeping his privacy and the privacy of the people he is helping also. The first thing on the list is a NEW Home which Johnny will own!! He will never have to worry about a roof over his head again!! Second will be the dream truck he's always wanted... a 1999 ford ranger (yes I'm serious). There will also be 2 trusts set up in his name, one essentially giving him the ability to collect a small "salary" each year and another retirement trust which will be wisely invested by a financial planner which he will have access to in a time frame he feels comfortable with so when the time comes he can live his retirement dream of owning a piece of land and a cabin in the country. A bank account will be set up for him with funds for every day needs that will get him through until he finds a job. And lastly, he will be donating to a few organizations and people who over the last couple of years have helped him get through this rough patch in his life. This is a well thought out plan that Johnny his lawyer and financial advisor came up with in order to give Johnny the means to acclimate back into a "normal" life and also to protect him and ensure he has a bright future. I hope this will answer all the questions we have been getting about his plans. Once again, we couldn't thank all of you enough for the kindness you have shown. Mark and I are beyond humbled and grateful that you took our little project and turned it into a world wide cause that thousands of people supported. The next update you receive will be from Johnny himself. He finally got his new computer and he is dying to thank all you personally!! You guys are amazing, keep checking in with us from time to time

Original story :

This is Johnny.

Driving into Philly one night, I made the mistake of thinking that I would be able to make it all the way down I- 95 with my gas light on. Needless to say, I was wrong. I never ran out of gas before, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pulled over as far as I could, and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station.
That’s when I met Johnny. Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can. Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe.

Johnny did not ask me for a dollar, and I couldn’t repay him at that moment because I didn’t have any cash, but I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks. I repaid him for the gas, gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks, and I give him a few dollars every time I see him.

I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day. He is such a great guy, and talking to him each time I see him makes me want to help him more and more.

One day I stopped to see him and had a few things in a bag to give him, one of which was a box of cereal bars so he could have something that he could carry around and eat. He was very appreciative as usual and the first thing he said was “do you want one?” Another time I dropped off 2 wawa gift cards and a case of water.. the first words that came out of his mouth were “I can’t wait to show the guys” (there are 2 others he hangs out with and they all take care of each other). If just those 2 statements alone do not give you a glimpse of the good heart this man has I’m not sure anything will.

I am raising money for Johnny. With the money, I would like to get him first and last month’s rent at an apartment, a reliable vehicle, and 4-6 months worth of expenses. He is very interested in finding a job, and I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s rest, his life can get back to being normal.

Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him.

Please help this man get into a home. It is already getting so cold out in Philadelphia, and I can’t imagine what it will be like to be out there all winter. Any little bit will help.


Now you're looking even more like fake news son.

How about you read my posts #4 and #10 and get off your misinformed horse, eh?
Now you're looking even more like fake news son.

How about you read my posts #4 and #10 and get off your misinformed horse, eh?
Why would I focus on your comments when I have at my disposal court filings and actual news reports?

Well probably because then your dumb ass would realize that I said it's likely a scam, and possibly illegal, for them not to give money donated on the guys behalf to the guy... But hey you go on with your bad ass looking like a fool trying to say what I think. Have fun with your little fantasy.
Well probably because then your dumb ass would realize that I said it's likely a scam, and possibly illegal, for them not to give money donated on the guys behalf to the guy... But hey you go on with your bad ass looking like a fool trying to say what I think. Have fun with your little fantasy.
The dumbassery is all yours but I do understand the impulse to save face. Rest assured than none of my fantasies involve you, whoever the hell you are.

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