
Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I posted about this when Bobbit's attorney first filed the lawsuit to get an accounting of how the money was spent. There was a poster commenting at that who was convinced that the whole thing was a scam. Looks like s/he was correct.

Arrests in GoFundMe homeless good Samaritan 'scam' show perils of crowdfunding

The case is "a perfect example of the inherent risks and weaknesses of giving over a crowdfunding site," one expert noted.


Homeless man and couple charged in alleged GoFundMe scam
Nov. 16, 201802:56
Nov. 16, 2018 / 3:35 AM PST / Updated Nov. 16, 2018 / 4:46 AM PST
By Dareh Gregorian

They've been used to help cancer victims, people in danger of losing their homes, businesses trying to stay afloat and communities trying to rebuild. And now internet crowdfunding sites are increasingly being used by scam artists trying to con well-meaning people out of their hard-earned money.

Charges Thursday against a New Jersey couple and a homeless man whose ostensibly heartwarming encounter led to a $400,000 haul on GoFundMe show how hard it can be to differentiate real people in need from those motivated by greed.

The case against the trio "is crazy," said Adrienne Gonzalez, founder of the watchdog website GoFraudMe, and it highlights the risks of giving to crowdfunding sites.

Stephanie Kalivas, an analyst for Charity Watch in Chicago, called the case, "a perfect example of the inherent risks and weaknesses of giving over a crowdfunding site."

The couple, Mark D'Amico, 39, and Kate McClure, 28, melted hearts across the country when they described an encounter McClure had with a homeless Marine veteran named Johnny Bobbitt, Jr. 35.

McClure said she had run out of gas near the interstate in Philadelphia, and that Bobbitt trudged to a service station and spent his last $20 so she could make her way home. The couple launched a GoFundMe campaign last November entitled "Paying It Forward," looking to raise $10,000 to rent Bobbitt an apartment and a car.

Their plea went viral, and within a month, more than14,000 people had donated a total of $402,706 to the cause.

But the "entire campaign was predicated on a lie," Burlington County prosecutor Scott Coffina said Thursday.​
Already a thread or two on this. Welcome to the party. Glad you made it.
Nothing from the libs on the Christina Ford Gofundme scam though..
I thought about starting a gofundme for one of these.
How do you think it would go over

I had to go into a nursing home due to a fractured foot. Unable to pay my share of the family bills I started a gofundme page. It made a little over $170. I long ago deleted everyone from my friend list that wasn't an actual friend so I only had about 140 friends in it. Posted it on a Conservative Facebook Page. Still pitiful contributions. Luckily my 24 year old nephew, who couldn't hold down a job more than a month, held down a job more than a month and is paying my share of the bills as if it was his. He finally man'd up. But the GoFundMe page didn't make me anything to be worth the shame of having to ask for help.
If this whole thing truly was a scam, I hope that the maximum time frame is what gets dumped on their plate because all that they did was make it harder on those who really are in the need of help.

God bless you and everyone that they have ripped off always!!!

...I know OP

but just wait .....when Christmas and New Year comes around.....just wait for that LOL

these lazy thugs will ask more and more

hopefully you all know what it's all about.
these lazy parasites belong in Hollywierd God....what actors................gimme gimme gimme......I;m dying dying....

everything for a nickel...

how pathetic and disgusting are those losers.

go work you useless people

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