Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
These so-called vaccines are nothing more than therapeutics, thus the "booster" after six months of the second shot.

England and Vermont are showing more people who are vaccinated dying than the unvaccinated are.

Vaccines currently are the primary mitigation strategy to combat COVID-19 around the world. For instance, the narrative related to the ongoing surge of new cases in the United States (US) is argued to be driven by areas with low vaccination rates [1]. A similar narrative also has been observed in countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom [2]. At the same time, Israel that was hailed for its swift and high rates of vaccination has also seen a substantial resurgence in COVID-19 cases [3]. We investigate the relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries and across 2947 counties in the US.



At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1).

In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.

The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.​


Preventative measures like lockdowns, mask mandates, socital distancing, etc. will not be nearly as strong or pervasive as during 2020. This is thanks to the effect vaccines have on easing the burden on hospitals. Infection rates and your risk of catching covid are only going to go up, but we have seen that vaccines dramatically reduce the chance you'll be hospitalized. Risking your life and health to own the libs is a personal choice that vaccinated people should not care about unless the unvaccinated start putting a dangerous strain on our healthcare systems.

Preventative measures like lockdowns, mask mandates, socital distancing, etc. will not be nearly as strong or pervasive as during 2020. This is thanks to the effect vaccines have on easing the burden on hospitals. Infection rates and your risk of catching covid are only going to go up, but we have seen that vaccines dramatically reduce the chance you'll be hospitalized. Risking your life and health to own the libs is a personal choice that vaccinated people should not care about unless the unvaccinated start putting a dangerous strain on our healthcare systems.
There you go being disingenuous. There were zero fully vaccinated people in January through March, likely not sizable number until mid June. Which makes your fake ass graph as fraudulent as you vaccine pushing rubes.
There you go being disingenuous. There were zero fully vaccinated people in January through March, likely not sizable number until mid June. Which makes your fake ass graph as fraudulent as you vaccine pushing rubes.
Absolutely there were fully vaccinated people in January. Why would you think there weren't?
As the trump Nazis rely on false data that supports their stupidity, the world can be hopeful the disease runs its course, killing off as many of these stupid, hate-filled trump Nazis as possible.

The good people of the planet will be better off when this cancerous segment of the population has been eradicated by a virus, apparently sent from God to save humanity from these evil, worthless people.

These so-called vaccines are nothing more than therapeutics, thus the "booster" after six months of the second shot.

England and Vermont are showing more people who are vaccinated dying than the unvaccinated are.

Vaccines currently are the primary mitigation strategy to combat COVID-19 around the world. For instance, the narrative related to the ongoing surge of new cases in the United States (US) is argued to be driven by areas with low vaccination rates [1]. A similar narrative also has been observed in countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom [2]. At the same time, Israel that was hailed for its swift and high rates of vaccination has also seen a substantial resurgence in COVID-19 cases [3]. We investigate the relationship between the percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases across 68 countries and across 2947 counties in the US.​


At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1).​
In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.​
The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.​

Can you please point to where in your link it says anything about the vaccinated becoming infected. I sure didn’t see it. It simply says the vaccination rates don’t seem to correlate to fewer cases.
There you go being disingenuous. There were zero fully vaccinated people in January through March, likely not sizable number until mid June. Which makes your fake ass graph as fraudulent as you vaccine pushing rubes.
I got my second dose the first week in March.
Had to go to a neighboring Trump county to find available appts. Hundreds were available.
Vaccinations began in limited capacities in the Fall of 2020. My first shot was in early January.
My wife received hers through work then. Took me a while to figure out that the wait in my metro county may be long so I looked in Trump country and had an appt the next day.
Not in enough of the population for any type of valid comparison. The first major rollout wasn't until March.
You are ridiculous. Both hospitalizations and vaccinations continued to rise and over time they became increasingly divergent. Your point about the beginning of the graph is simply stupid and does nothing to change that dynamic.
You are ridiculous. Both hospitalizations and vaccinations continued to rise and over time they became increasingly divergent. Your point about the beginning of the graph is simply stupid and does nothing to change that dynamic.

You are an idiot. Until there became a statistically comparable number of fully vaxxed, everyone was statistically unvaxxed. That means you are pushing disingenuous data. So typical of the left. It creates a false narrative to fit an agenda. Like how the loser left counts unvaxxed deaths when there was no vax available and uses that data months later pretending the vax is somehow super efficient. There is nothing legitimate in such pathetic tactics.
You are an idiot. Until there became a statistically comparable number of fully vaxxed, everyone was statistically unvaxxed. That means you are pushing disingenuous data. So typical of the left. It creates a false narrative to fit an agenda. Like how the loser left counts unvaxxed deaths when there was no vax available and uses that data months later pretending the vax is somehow super efficient. There is nothing legitimate in such pathetic tactics.
That’s why the two lines are close together in the beginning, dope. As the data set grows, so does the clarity of the result.
As the trump Nazis rely on false data that supports their stupidity, the world can be hopeful the disease runs its course, killing off as many of these stupid, hate-filled trump Nazis as possible.

The good people of the planet will be better off when this cancerous segment of the population has been eradicated by a virus, apparently sent from God to save humanity from these evil, worthless people.

Nobody but Trump supporters rely on false data? You can't be serious.
That’s why the two lines are close together in the beginning, dope. As the data set grows, so does the clarity of the result.
There were cases that whole time, there were deaths that whole time. Where is that data? This is cherry picked stupidity writ large. Sad you rubes accept it.
Just like with the mask, the hand wringers have used the vaccine to create a false sense if security.

The whole objective is to excercised power, to see what can be gotten away with. These new, illegal powers will be used in the future to ban guns, restrict electricity usage, limit travel, dictate to people where they can live. Anyone who can't see where this is all headed is either a moron, or they're in on it and expect to have a seat at the big table
As the trump Nazis rely on false data that supports their stupidity, the world can be hopeful the disease runs its course, killing off as many of these stupid, hate-filled trump Nazis as possible.

The good people of the planet will be better off when this cancerous segment of the population has been eradicated by a virus, apparently sent from God to save humanity from these evil, worthless people.

I bet you still believe Russian collusion. Huh?
Just like with the mask, the hand wringers have used the vaccine to create a false sense if security.

The whole objective is to excercised power, to see what can be gotten away with. These new, illegal powers will be used in the future to ban guns, restrict electricity usage, limit travel, dictate to people where they can live. Anyone who can't see where this is all headed is either a moron, or they're in on it and expect to have a seat at the big table
That big table needs reservations. The people supporting this crap will suffer too.
A reader tipped me to this fascinating paper in a peer-reviewed journal about a Covid outbreak in Israel that began in mid-July, just as vaccine failure was accelerating there.
A vaccinated dialysis patient was admitted to Meir Medical Center - a large Israeli hospital near Tel Aviv - with fever and cough. He remained on the dialysis unit for days, as his condition worsened. (One of many problems with overselling the vaccines is that it led to mistakes like this.)

By the time he was diagnosed with Covid-19, he had infected three fellow patients. He also had a PCR threshold of 13.6 - almost impossibly low, showing viral loads roughly 1 million times those in a lightly infected person. He was moved to a Covid-19 ward, where he eventually died (I say he, though the patient’s gender is not revealed; the paper refers to “they).
The paper, published in Eurosurveillance, a journal published by the European Centers for Disease Control, explains that the outbreak rapidly spread among both patients and staff of the hospital’s dialysis unit, the Covid-19 ward, and other wards. At the time, 238 out of 248 of exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.
Again, the fact that 96 percent of the people in this population had been vaccinated - a level far above early estimates of the percentages required for herd immunity - apparently made no difference
Further, all patients and staff were required to wear surgical masks when they were in the same room, and staff on the Covid-19 unit wore N95 masks and face shields.
Ultimately, 39 out of the 238 exposed vaccinated people (16 percent) were infected, along with 3 out of 10 unvaccinated people - a difference that doesn’t reach statistical significance because the unvaccinated group is too small.
Of the infected, 23 were patients and 19 staff. The staff all recovered quickly. But five patients died and another nine had severe or critical cases. All were vaccinated. The two unvaccinated infected patients both had mild cases.

As the authors explained:
“This communication… challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks… In the outbreak described here, 96.2% of the exposed population was vaccinated. Infection advanced rapidly (many cases became symptomatic within 2 days of exposure), and viral load was high.”


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