Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

i'll type this very slowly so you can understand it. i can't read anyone's PMs, sent or otherwise, but my own, unless they're forwarded to me. i'm really not interested in which of you two alleged adults said what to whom. this is the last time i'm going to address this. if you bring it up again on the boards, you'll be taking a vacation. feel free to send me or another mod/admin a PM if you want to continue this conversation, but i have to tell you up front i'm growing weary of this whole topic. thanks.

Let me help you out in your defense of your racist.

I'm gone.
Discrimination against color/race/creed/sex hurts everyone dillo. It really is that simple.

I have been discriminated against for the majority of my life. Being female it appears many males in mid positions have sought to rule over me in their on vain precepts. I could write an entire book full of the shit I have faced over the years out of shear hatred and resentment from men who did not believe a woman should be in the positions that I have been in. Most of those were white males.
Does that mean I hold all white males responsible for what ignorant men did to me? No. It does though in fact need to be kept in mind so another does not suffer the same fate as I have already had to face.

In all that I do have a soft spot for those who suffer the woes of discriminatory actions by others.

I have been treated with kindness from people of all races. In that I know people are merely people regardless of what the color of their skin is.

:clap2: very well said.
Is he really 87? My god, then he should be cut some slack. These idiots in this thread are attacking an old man that actually has every right to say what he did.

How incredibly pathetic.

No it's not pathetic Ravi. Everyone keeps yelling "we've got to have conversations about race" well, now we are having one. It's not fair to categorize someone's feelings as pathetic! Hear them out.
I know Rev. Lowery very well and he is a brilliant man who understands the tragedy of poverty more than most and who is closer to the embodiment of MLK than anyone else alive.

What he said was absolutely true and if that truth "upset some white men" that's really too bad considering unarmed black men are being murdered by police and the American criminal injustice system is racist to its core .. making America the greatest prison nation in human history. Why aren't those white men upset about that truth?

here we go, a whining black (supposedly) to balance out the whining whites.

now a perfect picture of the victimization of America is present here at USMB.

my blacken heart pitter patters. ..:eusa_angel:
Are you saying that black people are discriminated against in Iowa? You mentioned one child walking around with a baseball bat. We've been led to believe that racism is a problem only in the South. I've never seen anyone walk around with a baseball bat.

Well come on down to Leon in the summer. Go to the laundry mat. Sit there long enough and just watch. Eventually you'll probably see the young lad.

I still have the letters from the city from back when I rented to a mixed race couple. The city attempted to extort me into getting rid of my renters via their form of harrassment.

If you think for one moment that Iowa is not an extremely racist/sexist place you really have no clue.

It amazed me that Obama chose Vilsack as one of his appointees. In that alone I am thinking Obama really does not have a clue.
Discrimination against color/race/creed/sex hurts everyone dillo. It really is that simple.

I have been discriminated against for the majority of my life. Being female it appears many males in mid positions have sought to rule over me in their on vain precepts. I could write an entire book full of the shit I have faced over the years out of shear hatred and resentment from men who did not believe a woman should be in the positions that I have been in. Most of those were white males.
Does that mean I hold all white males responsible for what ignorant men did to me? No. It does though in fact need to be kept in mind so another does not suffer the same fate as I have already had to face.

In all that I do have a soft spot for those who suffer the woes of discriminatory actions by others.

I have been treated with kindness from people of all races. In that I know people are merely people regardless of what the color of their skin is.

Projecting your problems onto others hurts everyone too. Taking responsibilty is the ONLY thing that resolves it. Blaming others is a losing game played by those with no intention of moving foreward. If this administration doesnt' want to take advantage of that, fine. I just hate to see em blow a big chance.
Hell he sat front and center for twenty years lapping up every frothing at the mouth racist rant of reverend wright, he's USED to it, and he laughed because now he knows they can get away with it and whitey will still kiss his ass. They proved it by putting him in office. He laughed because now he feels invincible, and for good reason.

your inferiority complex is showing :redface:
Pure speculation----if this administration expects to be successful and maintain the current support it has from MILLIONS of whites,I suggest they quit blaming whites for their problems and get on with it.

Who in this admin has blamed anybody for anything? :lol:

you big dope, all this admin has done so far is sign one piece of paper halting fed agency changes or something.

gawd, you are all too proud to admit you had your heads up your collective victim ass yesterday.

mob mentality? the firestorm of pitiful outrage was fed by a faux issue. :lol:
Well come on down to Leon in the summer. Go to the laundry mat. Sit there long enough and just watch. Eventually you'll probably see the young lad.

I still have the letters from the city from back when I rented to a mixed race couple. The city attempted to extort me into getting rid of my renters via their form of harrassment.

If you think for one moment that Iowa is not an extremely racist/sexist place you really have no clue.

It amazed me that Obama chose Vilsack as one of his appointees. In that alone I am thinking Obama really does not have a clue.

No, I really don't have a clue. I know the first time I encountered racism was in Anchorage Alaska. I was a child and with my Dad (he was military) as he went Apartment hunting. He made a phone call about one apartment and he hung up in disgust. I asked what was the matter and he said "The guy asked me if I was black" We moved from Alaska to the south. What I'm saying is there is a notion that racism is a southern thing. I see less of it here than I have in other areas of the country.
Who in this admin has blamed anybody for anything? :lol:

you big dope, all this admin has done so far is sign one piece of paper halting fed agency changes or something.

gawd, you are all too proud to admit you had your heads up your collective victim ass yesterday.

mob mentality? the firestorm of pitiful outrage was fed by a faux issue. :lol:

The "mob" here hasn't done anything either but post opinions about----it's what happens here. No one has called for a lynching or an investigation.
Projecting your problems onto others hurts everyone too. Taking responsibilty is the ONLY thing that resolves it. Blaming others is a losing game played by those with no intention of moving foreward. If this administration doesnt' want to take advantage of that, fine. I just hate to see em blow a big chance.
"Taking responsibilty" means we all work together and keep it forefront that ignorance is not truly bliss.

It is obvious by this little ole forum and the threads here that everyone still needs a reality check. That is not a blame dillo just fact.
Is he really 87? My god, then he should be cut some slack. These idiots in this thread are attacking an old man that actually has every right to say what he did.

How incredibly pathetic.

Yes, according to what I heard on the radio this morning, he's 87.

I agree, it's as if some people are going out of their way to feel offended.

Give the old man a break, he had a bit of nostalgia for an old poem. :lol:
"Taking responsibilty" means we all work together and keep it forefront that ignorance is not truly bliss.

It is obvious by this little ole forum and the threads here that everyone still needs a reality check. That is not a blame dillo just fact.

We do--we all need to work together and that includes not blaming others.

Reality check-----exactly what IS the reality that we need to be aware of ?
No, I really don't have a clue. I know the first time I encountered racism was in Anchorage Alaska. I was a child and with my Dad (he was military) as he went Apartment hunting. He made a phone call about one apartment and he hung up in disgust. I asked what was the matter and he said "The guy asked me if I was black" We moved from Alaska to the south. What I'm saying is there is a notion that racism is a southern thing. I see less of it here than I have in other areas of the country.
Evidently the KKK is alive and well in areas of MO, IA. We were driving back from Eastern Iowa on HWY 2. I notice a highway cleanup sign reading the exalted knights etc.. I called a DOT guy the next day and asked about it. "I'm wondering when IDOT started supporting the KKK?" I asked the guy. He said it was not actually a support of the KKK but a right that they have as a legal organization.
You know what? The people who have a problem with what this man said make me sick.

For some reason, they are soooo bitter that a black Democrat is president that they nit pick everything about his presidency, including those that support it, and the events surrounding it so much as to claim that what this man says is racist. That he somehow claimed that all whites are racist. That isn't what he said.

Do these people feel so insecure about their own subconscous/unconscious racist tendencies as to try to find it in everything they can in other peoples' statements? Black people are just as racist as white who are just as racist as Asian, Hispanics, and Native Peoples. We're all a bunch of racists. Now deal with it, be aware of it, try not to let it bother you or anyone else, and don't let your racist tendencies affect how you treat people who are different from you.

Oh, by the way, racism isn't over because white people voted for a black man. Just to let you know.

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