Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

You know what? The people who have a problem with what this man said make me sick.

For some reason, they are soooo bitter that a black Democrat is president that they nit pick everything about his presidency, including those that support it, and the events surrounding it so much as to claim that what this man says is racist. That he somehow claimed that all whites are racist. That isn't what he said.

Do these people feel so insecure about their own subconscous/unconscious racist tendencies as to try to find it in everything they can in other peoples' statements? Black people are just as racist as white who are just as racist as Asian, Hispanics, and Native Peoples. We're all a bunch of racists. Now deal with it, be aware of it, try not to let it bother you or anyone else, and don't let your racist tendencies affect how you treat people who are different from you.

Oh, by the way, racism isn't over because white people voted for a black man. Just to let you know.

Really---well help me out with this one then. When will criticism become criticsm again instead of a racists utterance from some white trash bigot ?
The race card has been so overplayed that people resent it.
Really---well help me out with this one then. When will criticism become criticsm again instead of a racists utterance from some white trash bigot ?
The race card has been so overplayed that people resent it.

Now I'll agree with that.
You know what? The people who have a problem with what this man said make me sick.

For some reason, they are soooo bitter that a black Democrat is president that they nit pick everything about his presidency, including those that support it, and the events surrounding it so much as to claim that what this man says is racist. That he somehow claimed that all whites are racist. That isn't what he said.

Do these people feel so insecure about their own subconscous/unconscious racist tendencies as to try to find it in everything they can in other peoples' statements? Black people are just as racist as white who are just as racist as Asian, Hispanics, and Native Peoples. We're all a bunch of racists. Now deal with it, be aware of it, try not to let it bother you or anyone else, and don't let your racist tendencies affect how you treat people who are different from you.

Oh, by the way, racism isn't over because white people voted for a black man. Just to let you know.

and I couldn't agree more: "...racism isn't over because white people voted for a black man. Just to let you know."

Do these people feel so insecure about their own subconscous/unconscious racist tendencies as to try to find it in everything they can in other peoples' statements? Black people are just as racist as white who are just as racist as Asian, Hispanics, and Native Peoples. We're all a bunch of racists.
Really---well help me out with this one then. When will criticism become criticsm again instead of a racists utterance from some white trash bigot ?
The race card has been so overplayed that people resent it.

I agree, but by whom? Jesse? Sharpton? Are they representative? How many votes did they get?

you are being overly sensitive. get over IT...slowly, but get over IT. your mental health is in danger.
watch how you fuk with me buddy. if you want a civil and reasonable response, next time put a link to a quote you infer are my words.

I DIDN'T infer it was your quote----I quoted myself and still have not received an answer. Threatening me ? :lol::lol:
Really---well help me out with this one then. When will criticism become criticsm again instead of a racists utterance from some white trash bigot ?
The race card has been so overplayed that people resent it.

The race card?

You mean anything that mentions the fact racism still exsists in the US?

This is why your party is such a failure, you guys want to not metion problems and pretend they will just go away. Adults with real thinking minds face problems and talk about them. That is how you figure out real solutions.
The race card?

You mean anything that mentions the fact racism still exsists in the US?

This is why your party is such a failure, you guys want to not metion problems and pretend they will just go away. Adults with real thinking minds face problems and talk about them. That is how you figure out real solutions.

you must admit it has been overplayed by some.

one name: Tawana Brawley

the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

but the resentment of white people is overdone too.
To have this holier than thou know it all say at a Presidential Inauguration ....

I agree. All holier than thous should be henceforth banned from all state functions. Religious people are pain in the ass troublemakers. Keep in in the pulpit where it belongs.
Really---well help me out with this one then. When will criticism become criticsm again instead of a racists utterance from some white trash bigot ?
The race card has been so overplayed that people resent it.

When the criticism doesn't involve race then I will call it criticism. When it involves race, then I will call it racism. Splitting hairs with semantics doesn't change what the idea behind the words is.
If only our President had said,

“We know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, non-believers and some whery whery shenshitive white men.”

you must admit it has been overplayed by some.

one name: Tawana Brawley

the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

but the resentment of white people is overdone too.

There are insane people of all races.

That does not negate the fact that racism still exsists.
When the criticism doesn't involve race then I will call it criticism. When it involves race, then I will call it racism. Splitting hairs with semantics doesn't change what the idea behind the words is.

I'll split a hair here...

When criticism involves race as an issue it can be criticism and not racism if a discussion of say an individual focuses on motivations, actions and words of the individual (and more) and not on those things as being inherent to a race.

Because on the genetic level, does race really exist? There is no race gene is there?

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