In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 44 50.6%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 26 29.9%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 54 62.1%

  • Total voters
How about that Ninja outfit, hired by and loaded with Trump and his donors, and they found nada, zip, zilch. I have a hunch that your version of "smashed" is loaded with gibberish. Even trump knows he lost and he is simply playing you. Too bad you are so easy for a con-man to con.
This is their smashed the courts argument:

All the courts in America are "paid off" and "in on he steal" and "biased against trump" Then they falsely try to claim the judges never saw the evidence which is a 100% lie as numerous judges openly stated in their briefs that they saw the evidence and it was garbage.

Protectionist is a joke, he basically ignores all the holes in his story and all the evidence refuting everything he says, then claims victory??

On top of that, all the lawyers from these court cases are all being censured or worse. They are all admitting they knowingly lied to the courts and knowingly lied about election fraud that they now admit didn't happen.

He conveniently ignores the death blow to his arguments. When your lawyer admits they lied and there is no fraud, then what credible evidence do they have?

They are little children that can't admit they lost, when even the Trump's daughter can admit it.
This is their smashed the courts argument:

All the courts in America are "paid off" and "in on he steal" and "biased against trump" Then they falsely try to claim the judges never saw the evidence which is a 100% lie as numerous judges openly stated in their briefs that they saw the evidence and it was garbage.

Protectionist is a joke, he basically ignores all the holes in his story and all the evidence refuting everything he says, then claims victory??

On top of that, all the lawyers from these court cases are all being censured or worse. They are all admitting they knowingly lied to the courts and knowingly lied about election fraud that they now admit didn't happen.

He conveniently ignores the death blow to his arguments. When your lawyer admits they lied and there is no fraud, then what credible evidence do they have?

They are little children that can't admit they lost, when even the Trump's daughter can admit it.
I have crushed this stupid flimsy "courts" rap 100 times in this forum. Then, this clown shows up again & again, acting like he never saw what I wrote about his weak courts rap.

In the meantime, the MANY PAGES of 2020 elction fraud evidence that I posted, is still here in this forum, and in this thread, and he refused to read it, knowing that it will crush all of his fraud denials to bits. Ho hum. yawn****
I have crushed this stupid flimsy "courts" rap 100 times in this forum. Then, this clown shows up again & again, acting like he never saw what I wrote about his weak courts rap.

In the meantime, the MANY PAGES of 2020 elction fraud evidence that I posted, is still here in this forum, and in this thread, and he refused to read it, knowing that it will crush all of his fraud denials to bits. Ho hum. yawn****
You have never attempted to crush this argument at all. Your big response was the courts are biased against Trump??

A laughable joke.

The judges commented in their briefs, they saw the evidence and it was a joke. Their own words, the evidence is not credible at all.

I have crushed everything you have said, and you can;t address any of my main points at all.

Why did AG Barr say no fraud?
Why did the people at fox news say no fraud?
Why did Dept of homeland security and Dept of justice say no fraud?
Why did GOP Election officials like the one from GA say no fraud? With Trump's highly incriminating phone call begging for votes??
Why did every court in all of America say no fraud, with judges looking at the evidence and specifically writing that it was not credible at all?
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied about fraud and accept censure for that lying?? If there was fraud she would not be censured and admitting she lied.
Why did Trump's own daughter say no fraud??

We have every credible entity in the entire US including the courts, dept of justice, heads of political parties, election officials, even Trump's own attorneys. etc.
You have absolutely nobody credible at all on your side claiming fraud, all you have is disgravced Sydney Powell, Giuliani, and the My Pillow Guy.
You have never attempted to crush this argument at all. Your big response was the courts are biased against Trump??

A laughable joke.

The judges commented in their briefs, they saw the evidence and it was a joke. Their own words, the evidence is not credible at all.

I have crushed everything you have said, and you can;t address any of my main points at all.

Why did AG Barr say no fraud?
Why did the people at fox news say no fraud?
Why did Dept of homeland security and Dept of justice say no fraud?
Why did GOP Election officials like the one from GA say no fraud? With Trump's highly incriminating phone call begging for votes??
Why did every court in all of America say no fraud, with judges looking at the evidence and specifically writing that it was not credible at all?
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied about fraud and accept censure for that lying?? If there was fraud she would not be censured and admitting she lied.
Why did Trump's own daughter say no fraud??

We have every credible entity in the entire US including the courts, dept of justice, heads of political parties, election officials, even Trump's own attorneys. etc.
You have absolutely nobody credible at all on your side claiming fraud, all you have is disgravced Sydney Powell, Giuliani, and the My Pillow Guy.
FALSE!! They "saw" nothing. They never examined it.

Again, the courts were a motley collection of
1. Anti-Trump Democrats
2. Anti-Trump RINOs.
3. Judges who just were not comfortable with allowing politics to come into the courtroom.

HO HUM! The "court" argument is a laughingstock.
FALSE!! They "saw" nothing. They never examined it.

Again, the courts were a motley collection of
1. Anti-Trump Democrats
2. Anti-Trump RINOs.
3. Judges who just were not comfortable with allowing politics to come into the courtroom.

HO HUM! The "court" argument is a laughingstock.

Trump appointed judges saw Trump's BS evidence and rejected it. You are blatantly lying, yet again per usual:

Ludwig’s stern rebuke echoed a Trump federal appeals court nominee, Stephanos Bibas, who ruled against the Trump campaign in late November in Pennsylvania.
“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Chief among them is Brett H. Ludwig, whom Trump nominated to a U.S. District Court in Wisconsin in 2017. Earlier this month, he called the Trump campaign’s request to have the GOP-appointed Wisconsin legislature pick new presidential electors “bizarre.” And he followed that up Saturday by ruling against the “extraordinary” lawsuit.

Its over, you have been fully debunked. You Post lies. Nothing you say is credible.

Next up, Censures !!! Trump Attprney Censures !!! Why are Trump's attorneys being censured and admitting they lied to the courts, and admitting there was no fraud???

Trump appointed judges saw Trump BS evidence and ruled it not credible. Game Over

Mic Drop !
Trump appointed judges saw Trump's BS evidence and rejected it. You are blatantly lying, yet again per usual:

Ludwig’s stern rebuke echoed a Trump federal appeals court nominee, Stephanos Bibas, who ruled against the Trump campaign in late November in Pennsylvania.
“Charges of unfairness are serious,” Bibas wrote on behalf of a three-judge panel. “But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

Chief among them is Brett H. Ludwig, whom Trump nominated to a U.S. District Court in Wisconsin in 2017. Earlier this month, he called the Trump campaign’s request to have the GOP-appointed Wisconsin legislature pick new presidential electors “bizarre.” And he followed that up Saturday by ruling against the “extraordinary” lawsuit.

Its over, you have been fully debunked. You Post lies. Nothing you say is credible.

Next up, Censures !!! Trump Attprney Censures !!! Why are Trump's attorneys being censured and admitting they lied to the courts, and admitting there was no fraud???

Trump appointed judges saw Trump BS evidence and ruled it not credible. Game Over

Mic Drop !
Doesn't matter who appointed them. Trump appointed lots of people who turned out to be disloyal, and frankly, not even of sound mind.

When I owned my own business, I appointed some people to do things and they didn't always work out right. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't.

That's life, and you're getting an education in it, junior.

What Bibas said is FALSE. Either he's lying because he's a Trump hater, or he just wanted to get home to dinner a bit earlier that day. 😐
Doesn't matter who appointed them. Trump appointed lots of people who turned out to be disloyal, and frankly, not even of sound mind.

When I owned my own business, I appointed some people to do things and they didn't always work out right. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't.

That's life, and you're getting an education in it, junior.

What Bibas said is FALSE. Either he's lying because he's a Trump hater, or he just wanted to get home to dinner a bit earlier that day. 😐

There are so many wholes in your swiss cheese argument that you can't tell enough lies to cover them all.
So now the Federal judge is lying !!!!!!!!!!!!

That's your big rebuttal !!!! That's all you have, a Trump appointed Fed judge is lying !!!!

That is the sound of you blowing up and going down in flames.

First you said the judges didn't see the evidence.
That's a lie. The judges said they saw the evidence and it is not credible. You lose right there.

Then you said the judges are "biased against Trump" or "In on the steal", yet they are Trump appointed judges...

You have posted a bunch of QANON bullshit that has absolutely no merit and has been fully debunked and shot down. Shot down by all the US courts in the entire country.

When every single court in the entire country has seen the evidence and has ruled it has no merit at all, with Trump appointed judges saying as much. Its over. That is the end.

Here is the nuclear bomb that you still can;t answer.

Why did AG Barr say no fraud?
Why did the people at fox news say no fraud?
Why did Dept of homeland security and Dept of justice say no fraud?
Why did GOP Election officials like the one from GA say no fraud? With Trump's highly incriminating phone call begging for votes??
Why did every court in all of America say no fraud, with judges looking at the evidence and specifically writing that it was not credible at all?
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied about fraud and accept censure for that lying?? If there was fraud she would not be censured and admitting she lied.
Why did Trump's own daughter say no fraud??

We have every credible entity in the entire US including the courts, dept of justice, heads of political parties, election officials, even Trump's own attorneys. etc.
You have absolutely nobody credible at all on your side claiming fraud, all you have is disgravced Sydney Powell, Giuliani, and the My Pillow Guy.

You have been completely debunked and shot down. I have destroyed the Surrenderists
FALSE!! They "saw" nothing. They never examined it.

Again, the courts were a motley collection of
1. Anti-Trump Democrats
2. Anti-Trump RINOs.
3. Judges who just were not comfortable with allowing politics to come into the courtroom.

HO HUM! The "court" argument is a laughingstock.
Utter nonsense. Judges review all cases in chambers and then decide whether the case has possible merit in a trial. If the "proof" does not have merit, they toss it. Most judges work for the people--you and me, and politics have been a part of the courtroom scene forever. Trump has simply taken it to a new level, and it isn't his money paying for this stuff. The laughingstock are the dimwits who bring this phony bologna before a judge.
FALSE!! They "saw" nothing. They never examined it.

Again, the courts were a motley collection of
1. Anti-Trump Democrats
2. Anti-Trump RINOs.
3. Judges who just were not comfortable with allowing politics to come into the courtroom.

HO HUM! The "court" argument is a laughingstock.

You're lying as always, gramps. Here's yet another case where a judge reviewed the evidence and determined it was meritless. So did the other six judges on the Nevada Supreme Court...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.

“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.

That's 7 judges in 2 courts ALL reaching the same conclusion... the plaintiff's evidence failed to demonstrate fraud.

There are so many wholes in your swiss cheese argument that you can't tell enough lies to cover them all.
So now the Federal judge is lying !!!!!!!!!!!!

That's your big rebuttal !!!! That's all you have, a Trump appointed Fed judge is lying !!!!

That is the sound of you blowing up and going down in flames.

First you said the judges didn't see the evidence.
That's a lie. The judges said they saw the evidence and it is not credible. You lose right there.

Then you said the judges are "biased against Trump" or "In on the steal", yet they are Trump appointed judges...

You have posted a bunch of QANON bullshit that has absolutely no merit and has been fully debunked and shot down. Shot down by all the US courts in the entire country.

When every single court in the entire country has seen the evidence and has ruled it has no merit at all, with Trump appointed judges saying as much. Its over. That is the end.

Here is the nuclear bomb that you still can;t answer.

Why did AG Barr say no fraud?
Why did the people at fox news say no fraud?
Why did Dept of homeland security and Dept of justice say no fraud?
Why did GOP Election officials like the one from GA say no fraud? With Trump's highly incriminating phone call begging for votes??
Why did every court in all of America say no fraud, with judges looking at the evidence and specifically writing that it was not credible at all?
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied about fraud and accept censure for that lying?? If there was fraud she would not be censured and admitting she lied.
Why did Trump's own daughter say no fraud??

We have every credible entity in the entire US including the courts, dept of justice, heads of political parties, election officials, even Trump's own attorneys. etc.
You have absolutely nobody credible at all on your side claiming fraud, all you have is disgravced Sydney Powell, Giuliani, and the My Pillow Guy.

You have been completely debunked and shot down. I have destroyed the Surrenderists
OMG - how could protectionist (or anyone) dare say that a federal judge could be lying? HA HA HA .:rolleyes:

You've got a lot to learn, junior.
OMG - how could protectionist (or anyone) dare say that a federal judge could be lying? HA HA HA .:rolleyes:

You've got a lot to learn, junior.
All judges, whether federal or not, are NOT liars. Sure a federal judge can lie. We have some on the Supreme Court--But all of 'em? Nah
Sure, if you want to ignore common sense like a fucking idiot.

Biden didn’t get the number of votes he got because he’s Biden. He got that many votes because he was running against Trump.

You were saying something about one side looking crazy? Thanks for demonstrating my point for me.
Except for calling people f-ing idiots,
you are correct that the largest amount of Biden voters were voting for anyone but Trump.
Did somebody say all federal judges lie ? I hadn't heard that.
Of course, not all federal judges lie, yes? However, those who rule against Trump are liars, yes? Judges know what evidence is--you do not. They are educated accordingly and understand evidence laws. Trump knows how to tickle your testicles, and y'all buy into it.
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Of course, not all federal judges lie, yes? However, those who rule against Trump are liars, yes? Judges know what evidence is--you do not. They are educated accordingly and understand evidence laws. Trump knows how to tickle your testicles, and y'all buy into it.
So you are ignirant of th fat that thos jugesdidnt even look at the evodence. Get basic ifo before posting.
Utter nonsense. Judges review all cases in chambers and then decide whether the case has possible merit in a trial. If the "proof" does not have merit, they toss it. Most judges work for the people--you and me, and politics have been a part of the courtroom scene forever. Trump has simply taken it to a new level, and it isn't his money paying for this stuff. The laughingstock are the dimwits who bring this phony bologna before a judge.
YOU are talking the NONSENSE. You dont kniw wjat yur talking about, dumbass,
You're lying as always, gramps. Here's yet another case where a judge reviewed the evidence and determined it was meritless. So did the other six judges on the Nevada Supreme Court...

"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.

“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.

That's 7 judges in 2 courts ALL reaching the same conclusion... the plaintiff's evidence failed to demonstrate fraud.
Well, I stated that these "courts" who ruled against Trump, were biased against him and were >>
1. Anti-Trump Democrats
2. Anti-Trump RINOs.
3. Judges who just were not comfortable with allowing politics to come into the courtroom.
So, you're not presenting anything new here that I havent responded to. How does anything you've said establish that these 7 judges were not part & parcel of these 3 characteristics I noted ? Where's you evidence of that ? Insufficient evidence. You act like all a court has to do is say something, and we should take it as true fact. That is ludicrous.

In the meantime not a word of what these judges said (or you showing they said) speaks to the the evidences I posted. When you, or your 7 judges, specifically comment on what I've posted, THEN we could have something to talk about. Until then, my evidence remains solid.

A lawyer for the Trump campaign alleges that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada.

Voting machines were not secure or password protected, according to a Trump campaign attorney at a Dec. 3 court hearing, and votes disappeared on machines between logging off and logging in. However, they point out they cannot get access to the machines to examine and figure out why.

Watch the court hearing

There was an inexplicable jump in voter registrations with unusual addresses and incomplete information. That's according to an affidavit filed by a data scientist who said there was a “historically strange” spike of 13,000 voters who registered with missing information, such as gender and age. There were also registrations that used casinos and RV parks as their address.

The Trump campaign claims gift cards and other incentives given away in a a get-out-the-vote effort aimed at Native Americans was illegal. The organizing group says it is not.

Read More

Read More

Republicans say they identified several thousand voters who appear to have cast ballots after they moved from Nevada.

The Voter Integrity Project says 8,443 people who voted in Nevada did not meet the legal residency requirements.

At a hearing, the Trump campaign said over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, 42,248 people voted more than once, of those who are on record as not voting: 1% actually did, and 2% of those who supposedly voted by mail, say they never got a ballot.
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You retard, post #529 demonstrates exactly what Bobob said. You're the one who can't type in coherent English and who knows not of what he speaks.
Your post 529 is in splinters after being shredded by my post 539.
Ho hum. yawn****

The reason I wasnt typing in coherent English, is because I had just returned for having surgery on my lung, and was still feeling the after effects of the anesthetic. I got a few hours sleep after that. and am more clear-headed now.
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