In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 44 50.6%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 26 29.9%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 54 62.1%

  • Total voters
I’ve had Faun on ignore for months. He doesn’t debate fairly, as you’ve seen.

Your chart clearly shows a big line straight up for Biden, which is when they dumped on the harvested ballots.
And no vertical line for Trump, in my REAL chart, whereas Faun's concocted chart shows a vertical line for Trump (which wasnt there in the original chart, written by the NGO fivethirtyeight.

Really odd. Really low,
You're welcome. Faux thought he could invent a chart that would show Trump receiving votes simultaneous with the Biden DUMPS (vertical line on the chart), and slip it in here, pretending it was a real chart.

Problem for him is, his fabricated chart (made with powerpoint or photoshop) is DIFFERENT than the 2 fivethirtyeight charts that I posted. He couldn't stand it that I was proving massive election fraud, showing Biden stealing the election, so he devised his own chart (with no source signature), with a phony red line drawn in vertically, to try to snow us.

He was clever, but not clever enough, and he got caught, and got reported to the moderators for it. It sometimes takes a few days for any action to happen, but we will see. In the meantime, I'm going to alert other posters to watch out for him and his dishonorable, underhanded tricks to the point of taking a legitimate chart and DOCTORING it to what he wanted it to show.

This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen in this forum, and I'be been here almost 10 years. Well, the OP was asking about which political party was crazy, and Faux just showed us.
Outta the park, protectionist!
If it's horizontal, gramps, why does it end at 4am? Is that when they finished counting votes?
Another thing that leftist loons do is, they take a simple fact, and they add 1,000 little things to it, so as to distort it beyond recognition. if you had a leg to stand on here, Faux. you would not have highjacked the fivethirtyeight chart, and you would not have CHANGED it, to what you wanted it to be.

That pretty much sums it up. People who are truthful, don't go around editing charts to their preferred specifications. Sheeesh!
Republicans are by far more crazy than democrats because they created the Big Lie of election fraud that never happened and has been totally rejected by anybody credible. then you people rioted at the Capitol based on total lies.

I am still waiting for you people to answer the simple questions that have completely debunked the fake election fraud lies. You people are scared, that is why nobody can answer. You have no answer.

Why are Jenna Ellis (and the other Trump lawyers) getting censured for lying to the courts???
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied to the courts??
If she is innocent, why does she not just simply prove her innocence??? Now is her chance to present your bullshit evidence so she can prove her innocence, yet she does not do it, instead admitting she lied and has no evidence??? (how can that be?)
Why would every court in the US reject Trump's supposed evidence, wouldn't the US courts want to know the truth about election fraud? Why did numerous judges say there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud at all. Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"
DO you really think Trump has magic evidence of election fraud that will make him president, but no court in the entire US will accept his "evidence" because they are "paid off"
Why do Ivanka Trump, AG Barr, GOP election officials, all the people at Fox news, and Dept of justice and Homeland security all say no fraud? Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"
There’s nothing too sneaky for them. And the ironic thing is that they oar themselves in the back for their moral superiority.
True, and I've seen lots of sneakiness from them, but this it the first I've seen where they take your diagram, and alter it to their desired state. You'd think it would give them pause, to realize if they have to resort to such fakery, just maybe they don't have a very good position on the issue. :rolleyes:
Another thing that leftist loons do is, they take a simple fact, and they add 1,000 little things to it, so as to distort it beyond recognition. if you had a leg to stand on here, Faux. you would not have highjacked the fivethirtyeight chart, and you would not have CHANGED it, to what you wanted it to be.

That pretty much sums it up. People who are truthful, don't go around editing charts to their preferred specifications. Sheeesh!


That you can't explain why the red line dissappear reveals you're full of shit.

By the way, that red line is barely visible for the first million votes counted. According to your lunacy, since you can't see the red line, that means there weren't actually those first 800,000 votes for Trump. So, according to you, Trump didn't lose Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes. It was more like 820,000 votes.
True, and I've seen lots of sneakiness from them, but this it the first I've seen where they take your diagram, and alter it to their desired state. You'd think it would give them pause, to realize if they have to resort to such fakery, just maybe they don't have a very good position on the issue. :rolleyes:
Yes, it’s a new low.
And this >>>

A lawyer for the Trump campaign alleges that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada.

Voting machines were not secure or password protected, according to a Trump campaign attorney at a Dec. 3 court hearing, and votes disappeared on machines between logging off and logging in. However, they point out they cannot get access to the machines to examine and figure out why.

Watch the court hearing

There was an inexplicable jump in voter registrations with unusual addresses and incomplete information. That's according to an affidavit filed by a data scientist who said there was a “historically strange” spike of 13,000 voters who registered with missing information, such as gender and age. There were also registrations that used casinos and RV parks as their address.

The Trump campaign claims gift cards and other incentives given away in a a get-out-the-vote effort aimed at Native Americans was illegal. The organizing group says it is not.

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Republicans say they identified several thousand voters who appear to have cast ballots after they moved from Nevada.

The Voter Integrity Project says 8,443 people who voted in Nevada did not meet the legal residency requirements.

At a hearing, the Trump campaign said over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, 42,248 people voted more than once, of those who are on record as not voting: 1% actually did, and 2% of those who supposedly voted by mail say they never got a ballot.

Ballots of approximately 1,400 voters illegally listed postal facility addresses as residential. That’s according to Matt Braynard, of Trump’s 2016 election campaign. Braynard also says large percentages of registered Republicans say they voted absentee, while the state data indicates they didn’t.

A statistical analysis of New York Times data in Philadelphia claims a suspicious string of voting “ratios” benefitting Biden, as also happened in Georgia. By 11pm Election Day, Trump was leading Biden by about 285,000 votes. Then, 347,768 votes from somewhere dumped into the system in 44 batches in increments of approximately 6,000, 12,000, or 18,000 additional net votes for Biden. As a result, Biden came back from an election night deficit of 285,000 to a 46,000 vote win four days later.

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1.8 million absentee ballots were mailed out for the 2020 election in Pennsylvania, but 2.5 million were counted, according to testimony at a Pennsylvania state hearing.

One incident recorded on video indicates 2,600 to 2,700 votes were not initially counted, that “ballots didn’t transfer over like they should have.” The voting machine company, Dominion, was troubleshooting, but nobody could explain.

Dominion Voting Systems’ executives canceled a planned appearance at a hearing in Pennsylvania on Nov. 20.

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Registered Republicans requested 165,412 ballots that ultimately were not returned or counted. A statistical analysis determined up to nearly 54,000 ballots were improperly requested by someone other than the registered voter and sent to people who did not request them; and Republicans mailed up to nearly 45,000 ballots that did not ultimately get counted.

Read Declaration

A poll watching attorney in Pittsburgh, David Shestokas, says observers were kept from observing the ballot tabulations, saying the ballots are therefore illegal.

Read More

There were 47 missing USB cards, according to a poll worker.

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A truck driver for a subcontractor with the U.S. Postal Service claims that a trailer he was driving with as many a 288,000 ballots disappeared from its parked location, at a Lancaster, Pa., USPS depot, after he dropped it off. He says he transported them from New York.

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Gregory Stenstrom claims he saw a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting flash drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, and co-mingling flash drives from aggregation machines, possibly hurting the ability of auditors to properly certify results, according to a Pennsylvania legislature hearing.

A social worker at the Mexia State Supported Living Centers in Texas is charged with illegally submitting 67 voter registration applications for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities without signatures or meaningful consent, including some who are not eligible because they are totally mentally incapacitated.
Much of this, that, and the other thing. However, 60 courts tossed out the challenges since they bore no fruit.

That you can't explain why the red line dissappear reveals you're full of shit.

By the way, that red line is barely visible for the first million votes counted. According to your lunacy, since you can't see the red line, that means there weren't actually those first 800,000 votes for Trump. So, according to you, Trump didn't lose Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes. It was more like 820,000 votes.
I see no reason to even dignify with a response, all your doubletalk, jibberish nonsense. Leftists always try to cloud up simple things, with mindless, goofy complexites. What else is new ?

The sole fact is that both of these fivethirtyeight charts show vertical lines (which don't happen in real vote counting, without fraud) - massive DUMPS of votes for Biden. Does not show that for Trump. That is the crux of this, and neither your cloudy babbling, or your FAKE, concocted, powerpoint chart is going to change that.
Much of this, that, and the other thing. However, 60 courts tossed out the challenges since they bore no fruit.
We smashed the "courts" argument a long time ago in this thread. A simple search for this thread, with the word courts would have informed you of that. Read the thread before posting.

That you can't explain why the red line dissappear reveals you're full of shit.

By the way, that red line is barely visible for the first million votes counted. According to your lunacy, since you can't see the red line, that means there weren't actually those first 800,000 votes for Trump. So, according to you, Trump didn't lose Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes. It was more like 820,000 votes.
Save your breath, these people just repeat their lies over and over, its like talking to a wall.

Protectionist has some serious holes in his story that he can't address at all. He has not answered any of my issues/questions because he can't, then he tries to claim victory when really he just repeats lies over and over. Worse still all the courts in America have rejected his fake lies, and trump appointed judges have said the evidence is bull shit.

None of these people can have a real debate at all. None of them can answer any of my simple questions, yet they all still cling to the fake election fraud lies.

Even the people at Fox news and Ivanka Trump have said no fraud. Jenna Ellis and other Trump attorneys are being censured for knowingly lying and Jenna Ellis has admitted to lying. They claim AG Barr is "paid off", the entire US court system is "in on the steal", yet nobody credible has come forward to say Trump's fake evidence has any validity at all.
They have Guliani, Disgrace Gen Flynn, Sydney Powell, and trump. That is it.

We have the entire US court system with Trump appointed judges. AG Barr, Dept of justice and Homeland security, Ivanka trump, the people at Fox News, GOP election officials, and even the presidents own daughter. We have nothing left to prove at all, because all the evidence in the world proves there was no fraud, yet they can't answer simple questions to defend their position at all.

At this point they are just pathetic little children that can't man up and admit Trump lost, and also can't answer any serious questions destroying their bullshit.

Protectionist is the biggest joke on the board, he can't even defend his own positions under scrutiny, he just reposts his fake debunked BS. Its laughable.
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All one has to do to ascertain which party is the CRAZY one, and which is the NORMAL one, is look at the lunatics in San Francisco, who are talking about giving every black person in San Francisco $5 Million, just for being black.

I don't think I've ever seen anything more stupid or insane than this. I know it would be hard to refuse $5 Million, but if the blacks in San Francisco were to be offered this crazy giveaway, they ought to refuse to take it, on moral grounds.

If one is to receive a large amount of money, they should either have WORKED for it, INHERITED it, or received it in a LAWSUIT. Anything else is tantamount to stealing.
Save your breath, these people just repeat their lies over and over, its like talking to a wall.

Protectionist has some serious holes in his story that he can't address at all. He has not answered any of my issues/questions because he can't, then he tries to claim victory when really he just repeats lies over and over. Worse still all the courts in America have rejected his fake lies, and trump appointed judges have said the evidence is bull shit.

None of these people can have a real debate at all. None of them can answer any of my simple questions, yet they all still cling to the fake election fraud lies.

Even the people at Fox news and Ivanka Trump have said no fraud. Jenna Ellis and other Trump attorneys are being censured for knowingly lying and Jenna Ellis has admitted to lying. They claim AG Barr is "paid off", the entire US court system is "in on the steal", yet nobody credible has come forward to say Trump's fake evidence has any validity at all.
They have Guliani, Disgrace Gen Flynn, Sydney Powell, and trump. That is it.

We have the entire US court system with Trump appointed judges. AG Barr, Dept of justice and Homeland security, Ivanka trump, the people at Fox News, GOP election officials, and even the presidents own daughter. We have nothing left to prove at all, because all the evidence in the world proves there was no fraud, yet they can't answer simple questions to defend their position at all.

At this point they are just pathetic little children that can't man up and admit Trump lost, and also can't answer any serious questions destroying their bullshit.

Protectionist is the biggest joke on the board, he can't even defend his own positions under scrutiny, he just reposts his fake debunked BS. Its laughable.
It is obvious that you are suffering from a severe case of pathogenic liberalitis. You exhibit an abundance of scam mentality, consistent with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukraine babblings, the gold star Muslim father, the McCain ruse, and other such leftist failures, and the 2020 election fraud, which resulted in the further increase of Trump popularity. I shall now prescribe your cure and rehabilitation methodology.

You are to go to the city of the name of a conservative (Republican preferably) US president, and your purification will take place there. I will suggest, Lincoln, Nebraska, or Monroe, New York. Upon your arrival, you will approach the first lake you see, and drink some of the water. Then, you must jump in the lake, with all your liberal clothes on, and swim for one minute. Don't worry, they don't have alligators there.

You then will come out and walk around in the sunshine to dry off, and you must pick a conservative apple from a conservative apple tree, and eat it. This will purify your internal organs and extinguish any liberalism festering there. A conservative apple a day keeps the leftist contamination away.

Upon encountering a roadside stand selling Trump relection paraphenalia, you must buy everything they are selling. You will wear a MAGA hat, a Trump/Pence 2020 banner diagonally across your chest, and at least 50 Trump relection campaign buttons.

You then will spend a week going house to house, hunting down illegal aliens, and reporting them to ICE, for which you will receive a gold medal, which you will sell to a pawn shop, and then buy more Trump paraphenalia. You will then find a wooden soapbox, stand on it, and make speeches to whomever will listen, proclaiming your support for nationwide bans on Islam, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, homosexuality, and 3rd world immigration.

You will furthermore sing the national anthem, while holding a large American flag in one hand, and holding your hand over your heart with the other. After this, your purification from the disease of liberalism will be complete in its first stage. You will them come back and report to me for further doctor's orders.
It is obvious that you are suffering from a severe case of pathogenic liberalitis. You exhibit an abundance of scam mentality, consistent with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukraine babblings, the gold star Muslim father, the McCain ruse, and other such leftist failures, and the 2020 election fraud, which resulted in the further increase of Trump popularity. I shall now prescribe your cure and rehabilitation methodology.

You are to go to the city of the name of a conservative (Republican preferably) US president, and your purification will take place there. I will suggest, Lincoln, Nebraska, or Monroe, New York. Upon your arrival, you will approach the first lake you see, and drink some of the water. Then, you must jump in the lake, with all your liberal clothes on, and swim for one minute. Don't worry, they don't have alligators there.

You then will come out and walk around in the sunshine to dry off, and you must pick a conservative apple from a conservative apple tree, and eat it. This will purify your internal organs and extinguish any liberalism festering there. A conservative apple a day keeps the leftist contamination away.

Upon encountering a roadside stand selling Trump relection paraphenalia, you must buy everything they are selling. You will wear a MAGA hat, a Trump/Pence 2020 banner diagonally across your chest, and at least 50 Trump relection campaign buttons.

You then will spend a week going house to house, hunting down illegal aliens, and reporting them to ICE, for which you will receive a gold medal, which you will sell to a pawn shop, and then buy more Trump paraphenalia. You will then find a wooden soapbox, stand on it, and make speeches to whomever will listen, proclaiming your support for nationwide bans on Islam, sanctuary cities, gun-free zones, homosexuality, and 3rd world immigration.

You will furthermore sing the national anthem, while holding a large American flag in one hand, and holding your hand over your heart with the other. After this, your purification from the disease of liberalism will be complete in its first stage. You will them come back and report to me for further doctor's orders.
yea nice comeback. You can't even defend your position, which is full of holes. You have presented nothing beyond tears, sour grapes, and debunked conspiracy theories that got rejected by the entire US court system.

You have Guliani, Disgrace Gen Flynn, Sydney Powell, and trump. That is it.

I have the entire US court system with Trump appointed judges. AG Barr, Dept of justice and Homeland security, Trumps own attorneys, the people at Fox News, GOP election officials, and even the presidents own daughter. We have nothing left to prove at all, because all the evidence in the world proves there was no fraud, yet they can't answer simple questions to defend their position at all.

Jenna Ellis has been censured for lying to the courts, and she admitted she lied and admitted there was no fraud at all. Obviously she has no evidence of fraud, else she would have used it to defend herself. That's the nail in the coffin, its over at that point.

You can't even defend your own position anymore it is so full of holes, yet you can't man up and admit Trump lost, like a little child that can't admit they lost a game.

Republicans are the scum of America, Crying like weaklings, rioting at the Capitol like trash, and attacking and beating cops in total disgrace. And it was all over lies, because you got played by Trump.

Get back to me when you actually answer my questions, which have destroyed you and your existence on this board. You should be real proud of that, you are the biggest phony on this entire board.
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We smashed the "courts" argument a long time ago in this thread. A simple search for this thread, with the word courts would have informed you of that. Read the thread before posting.
How about that Ninja outfit, hired by and loaded with Trump and his donors, and they found nada, zip, zilch. I have a hunch that your version of "smashed" is loaded with gibberish. Even trump knows he lost and he is simply playing you. Too bad you are so easy for a con-man to con.
I see no reason to even dignify with a response, all your doubletalk, jibberish nonsense. Leftists always try to cloud up simple things, with mindless, goofy complexites. What else is new ?

The sole fact is that both of these fivethirtyeight charts show vertical lines (which don't happen in real vote counting, without fraud) - massive DUMPS of votes for Biden. Does not show that for Trump. That is the crux of this, and neither your cloudy babbling, or your FAKE, concocted, powerpoint chart is going to change that.


That you flat out refuse to discuss why you don't see the red line at times on that chart reveals it's either a) you're too stupid to read a chart; or b) you can't bring yourself to admit the red line is behind the blue line.

Either way doesn't bode well for you.

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