In the US today the one political party represents "CRAZY" and one party represents "NORMAL" (Poll)

Which party represents "normal", and which party represents "crazy"?

  • Republicans represent normal

    Votes: 44 50.6%
  • Republicans represent crazy

    Votes: 26 29.9%
  • Democrats represent normal

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • Democrats represent crazy

    Votes: 54 62.1%

  • Total voters
Yes, me. And it seems to have worked. Looks like I educated you. I told you that link to Sydney Powell's lawsuit, which you included in post #215, didn't work; and now I see you didn't include in in post #438.

You're welocme.

Nope, my chart doesn't need a signature on it since it's the same as your chart except the red line is in the forefront.

And STILL no answer from you. Your Metamucil making your brain fuzzy...?

3rd time... why do you think there is no red line visible to the right of that 4am batch?
Oh thanks so much for telling me the Sidney Powell link wasn't working, It hasn't been for 2 years. I just kept neglecting to delete it. Ho hum.

Please learn how to spell welcome, while you're educating me.

NO, your chart is NOT the same as mine. Mine has a source signature, Your's doesn't. Did you forget to type in your name at the bottom, Faux ?
You need to put your name in there, to copyright it. You want anybody to come along and claim that illustrious FAKE chart as theirs, would you ?
Gotta watch out that people don't steal your creative artwork.

As for a red line to the right of the 4am batch, why would there be ?
The truth isn’t your half-baked conspiracy theories. Sorry, tinfoil.

Reality must be very confusing to people like you.
But you DON'T KNOW if I have "conspiracy theories" (leftists's favorite catch phrase-) because you didn't read what I wrote. I forgot if I QUIZZED you on it yet. OK here's your quiz, since you claim to have read the stuff >>

Who are these people and what's their connection to 2020 election fraud ? >>
1. Zacahry Larsen
2. Phill Kline
3. Alexandra Seely
4. Steve Miller
5. Russell Ramsland
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman

You gonna report me to the police on that one too?
People who do bad things should be reported. If you see something, say something. Don't you agree with that, Faux ?

I wait - I forgot. You're a Democrat, so you LIKE criminals.
The answer is -- because the red line is behind the blue line.

"the red line is behind the blue line"

You do know that nobody knows what the hell you're babbling about, right ?....... because its all just fake jibberish, just like your FAKE chart.
It's significant enough for you to be talking to me. Looks like I hit a raw nerve with you. That's what happens when brainwashed liberals get a good dose of the truth.

Of course, the big dose would be my posts of 2020 election fraud evidences in Arizona, California, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin. But you dodge them to remain comfortable with your indoctrinated ignorance. Suit yourself.
You are the one that needs to answer these questions, which you can't do:

Why are Jenna Ellis (and the other Trump lawyers) getting censured for lying to the courts???
Why did Jenna Ellis admit she lied to the courts??
If she is innocent, why does she not just simply prove her innocence??? Now is her chance to present your bullshit evidence so she can prove her innocence, yet she does not do it, instead admitting she lied and has no evidence??? (how can that be?)
Why would every court in the US reject Trump's supposed evidence, wouldn't the US courts want to know the truth about election fraud? Why did numerous judges say there was no fraud and no evidence of fraud. Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"
Why do Ivanka Trump, AG Barr, GOP election officials, all the people at Fox news, and Dept of justice and Homeland security all say no fraud? Are they all "paid off" and "in on the steal"

You are the one in denial, I bet you don't answer these questions at all. Nobody can.
Why are you so scared of the questions that blow up your bull shit
Too bad, gramps, I already answered the question you were too afraid to answer. And that line was vertical, including votes for both Biden and Trump, because it was a large batch of votes from Wisconsin's largest county after no county turned in results for an hour or more.
NO Faux. Trump's line (on the REAL chart) is horizontal. There IS NO Trump vertical line, other than the one you maliciously FABRICATED, which is why I reported you for doing that. Look at the REAL chart. A vertical line for Trump is on your FAKE chart. It's not on my chart. The REAL one.

That's why you will heretofore, always be referred to as Faux.
Oh thanks so much for telling me the Sidney Powell link wasn't working, It hasn't been for 2 years. I just kept neglecting to delete it. Ho hum.

Please learn how to spell welcome, while you're educating me.

NO, your chart is NOT the same as mine. Mine has a source signature, Your's doesn't. Did you forget to type in your name at the bottom, Faux ?
You need to put your name in there, to copyright it. You want anybody to come along and claim that illustrious FAKE chart as theirs, would you ?
Gotta watch out that people don't steal your creative artwork.

As for a red line to the right of the 4am batch, why would there be ?

How deranged are you?

There's a continuous line from the left to the circle on the right. Where's the red line connecting to the circle?
People who do bad things should be reported. If you see something, say something. Don't you agree with that, Faux ?

I wait - I forgot. You're a Democrat, so you LIKE criminals.

Well your report to the mods seems to have failed you.

"the red line is behind the blue line"

You do know that nobody knows what the hell you're babbling about, right ?....... because its all just fake jibberish, just like your FAKE chart.


Wrong, gramps. Everyone who knows how to read a chart knows what I'm saying. Even you do, you're just not man enough to admit it.

NO Faux. Trump's line (on the REAL chart) is horizontal. There IS NO Trump vertical line, other than the one you maliciously FABRICATED, which is why I reported you for doing that. Look at the REAL chart. A vertical line for Trump is on your FAKE chart. It's not on my chart. The REAL one.

That's why you will heretofore, always be referred to as Faux.

If it's horizontal, gramps, why does it end at 4am? Is that when they finished counting votes?

Protectionist, you rock.

You have clearly done your homework.

And thank you for sharing it with us.
You're welcome. Faux thought he could invent a chart that would show Trump receiving votes simultaneous with the Biden DUMPS (vertical line on the chart), and slip it in here, pretending it was a real chart.

Problem for him is, his fabricated chart (made with powerpoint or photoshop) is DIFFERENT than the 2 fivethirtyeight charts that I posted. He couldn't stand it that I was proving massive election fraud, showing Biden stealing the election, so he devised his own chart (with no source signature), with a phony red line drawn in vertically, to try to snow us.

He was clever, but not clever enough, and he got caught, and got reported to the moderators for it. It sometimes takes a few days for any action to happen, but we will see. In the meantime, I'm going to alert other posters to watch out for him and his dishonorable, underhanded tricks to the point of taking a legitimate chart and DOCTORING it to what he wanted it to show.

This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen in this forum, and I'be been here almost 10 years. Well, the OP was asking about which political party was crazy, and Faux just showed us.
Wow. I have always called him “Fauny” since he is a phony.

But I grew tired of his insatiable need to be a scumbag lying troll. So I dumped his ass into the ignore group.
Republicans agreed that Biden won, grudgingly. Just like the democrats in 2016. Remember the "not my president" crowd?

As for J6, I believe that was an FBI setup.
Otherwise the National Guard would have been there, or the DC police would have been there to protect the Capitol, as requested by Trump AND Capitol police chief Sund.
That's just stupid.

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