In the 1960 Presidential election, Democrats created the precedent for sending a second set of electors to the electoral college

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
In the 1960 Presidential election, after the Republicans from Hawaii sent in their electors for their candidate, Nixon, Democrats from Hawaii sent in their own, second set of electors for their candidate, JFK. When the electoral votes were officially counted by Vice President Nixon on January 6, 1961, it was that second set from Hawaii that got the official count. With this, a new precedent was set, and it was set by Democrats.

Now, in the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans from 7 states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico) have copied that precedent by sending in a second set of electors. On January 6, when Vice President Pence counts the electoral votes, he will have to choose whether to count the first or second set of electors from each state.
In the 1960 Presidential election, after the Republicans from Hawaii sent in their electors for their candidate, Nixon, Democrats from Hawaii sent in their own, second set of electors for their candidate, JFK. When the electoral votes were officially counted by Vice President Nixon on January 6, 1961, it was that second set from Hawaii that got the official count. With this, a new precedent was set, and it was set by Democrats.

Now, in the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans from 7 states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico) have copied that precedent by sending in a second set of electors. On January 6, when Vice President Pence counts the electoral votes, he will have to choose whether to count the first or second set of electors from each state.
Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient. Each legislature gets one vote.

Guess how many legislatures are GOP vs Dem.
In the 1960 Presidential election, after the Republicans from Hawaii sent in their electors for their candidate, Nixon, Democrats from Hawaii sent in their own, second set of electors for their candidate, JFK. When the electoral votes were officially counted by Vice President Nixon on January 6, 1961, it was that second set from Hawaii that got the official count. With this, a new precedent was set, and it was set by Democrats.

Now, in the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans from 7 states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico) have copied that precedent by sending in a second set of electors. On January 6, when Vice President Pence counts the electoral votes, he will have to choose whether to count the first or second set of electors from each state.
Why would the Republicans send a delegation, when the Democrats won the state? It sounds to me that the Rs were the ones sending a second delegation. Cheaters!!!
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Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient.


First, only a majority of appointed electors is required, not 270. If a state doesn't have any appointed electors, the number drops. For example, if PA did not approve any of its 20 electors, the threshold to win would drop to 260.

Second, Pence has a purely ceremonial position. He only gets to read the envelopes. He doesn't get to choose between slates. According to your kook theory, the current Vice President has absolute power to decide who wins any presidential election, which is insane.

Third, for Hawaii in 1960, the recounts were still being decided as congress convened. That's not the case now. There is no debate, at least by anyone who isn't a open fascist traitor, about who won each state.
Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient.


First, only a majority of appointed electors is required, not 270. If a state doesn't have any appointed electors, the number drops. For example, if PA did not approve any of its 20 electors, the threshold to win would drop to 260.

Second, Pence has a purely ceremonial position. He only gets to read the envelopes. He doesn't get to choose between slates. According to your kook theory, the current Vice President has absolute power to decide who wins any presidential election, which is insane.

Third, for Hawaii in 1960, the recounts were still being decided as congress convened. That's not the case now. There is no debate, at least by anyone who isn't a open fascist traitor, about who won each state.
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.
In the 1960 Presidential election, after the Republicans from Hawaii sent in their electors for their candidate, Nixon, Democrats from Hawaii sent in their own, second set of electors for their candidate, JFK. When the electoral votes were officially counted by Vice President Nixon on January 6, 1961, it was that second set from Hawaii that got the official count. With this, a new precedent was set, and it was set by Democrats.

Now, in the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans from 7 states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico) have copied that precedent by sending in a second set of electors. On January 6, when Vice President Pence counts the electoral votes, he will have to choose whether to count the first or second set of electors from each state.
Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient. Each legislature gets one vote.

Guess how many legislatures are GOP vs Dem.
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.

You clearly haven't read the 12th Amendment. I have. Read it, and then get back to us. Pay attention to these parts

"if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed "

Appointed electors, not total electors.

"The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted"

See? Just ceremonial. He's a letter-opener, not a letter-chooser.
Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient.


First, only a majority of appointed electors is required, not 270. If a state doesn't have any appointed electors, the number drops. For example, if PA did not approve any of its 20 electors, the threshold to win would drop to 260.

Second, Pence has a purely ceremonial position. He only gets to read the envelopes. He doesn't get to choose between slates. According to your kook theory, the current Vice President has absolute power to decide who wins any presidential election, which is insane.

Third, for Hawaii in 1960, the recounts were still being decided as congress convened. That's not the case now. There is no debate, at least by anyone who isn't a open fascist traitor, about who won each state.
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.
No surprise the fact he never
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.

You clearly haven't read the 12th Amendment. I have. Read it, and then get back to us. Pay attention to these parts

"if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed "

Appointed electors, not total electors.

"The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted"

See? Just ceremonial. He's a letter-opener, not a letter-chooser.
My God, but you need a keeper.

So, when it says, "Open all certificates and the votes shall then be counted, and when all the counting is done and no one has 270....

Understand yet you fucking moron?
So, when it says, "Open all certificates and the votes shall then be counted, and when all the counting is done and no one has 270....

The 12th amendment doesn't say anything like that. Think about it, dumbass. How many EVs were there when the 12th Amendment was written? It wasn't 538.

This is why I asked you to actually read the 12th amendment. You refused. Like a good authoritarian-follower lackey, you won't look at anything unless your cult feeds it to you.
Correct. If neither candidate gets 270 votes, the State legislatures will elect the Presdient.


First, only a majority of appointed electors is required, not 270. If a state doesn't have any appointed electors, the number drops. For example, if PA did not approve any of its 20 electors, the threshold to win would drop to 260.

Second, Pence has a purely ceremonial position. He only gets to read the envelopes. He doesn't get to choose between slates. According to your kook theory, the current Vice President has absolute power to decide who wins any presidential election, which is insane.

Third, for Hawaii in 1960, the recounts were still being decided as congress convened. That's not the case now. There is no debate, at least by anyone who isn't a open fascist traitor, about who won each state.
You clearly don't understand what you are talking about.
Then clarify the problem...
The electors from the House and the elector from the Senate both must contest the election

Federal law requires the states to deliver certified electoral college results to the vice president, serving as president of the Senate, and other parties by December 23. Then a joint meeting of Congress is required by the 12th Amendment to count the electoral votes and declare the winners of the presidential election. The session on January 6, 2021 starts at 1 p.m.

Objections at that meeting about electors will be settled using a process established by the Electoral Count Act of 1887. The law has its origins in the contested presidential election of 1876 between Samuel Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes. Several states during the 1876 election sent rival electoral ballots to be considered by Congress, which lacked a procedure to decide among contested slates of electors. The short-term solution was a special 15-person commission (including five House Representatives, five Senators, and five Supreme Court justices) to decide the election, which went to Hayes. In the end, the participating Supreme Court justices cast the deciding votes, after the House and Senate members voted on party lines.

The Electoral Count Act of 1887 and several federal statutes address questions about contested electors that land in Congress. The Congressional Research Service’s current interpretation of the Electoral Count Act explains its understanding of the process when it comes to objections to electoral votes.

“Objections to individual state returns must be made in writing by at least one Member each of the Senate and House of Representatives. If an objection meets these requirements, the joint session recesses and the two houses separate and debate the question in their respective chambers for a maximum of two hours,” the CRS said. “The two houses then vote separately to accept or reject the objection. They then reassemble in joint session, and announce the results of their respective votes. An objection to a state’s electoral vote must be approved by both houses in order for any contested votes to be excluded.”
In the 1960 Presidential election, after the Republicans from Hawaii sent in their electors for their candidate, Nixon, Democrats from Hawaii sent in their own, second set of electors for their candidate, JFK. When the electoral votes were officially counted by Vice President Nixon on January 6, 1961, it was that second set from Hawaii that got the official count. With this, a new precedent was set, and it was set by Democrats.

Now, in the 2020 Presidential election, Republicans from 7 states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico) have copied that precedent by sending in a second set of electors. On January 6, when Vice President Pence counts the electoral votes, he will have to choose whether to count the first or second set of electors from each state.

Thanks, hadn't heard of that and it's an interesting story. Here is my understanding of how the system works, Using Pennsylvania as an example, let's say the House votes to accept the Democratic slate of electors while in the Senate it goes the Republican's way. The tie breaker becomes the slate certified by the state's governor.

I doubt the Senate will accept the Republican's slate in these 7 states but even if they do, I haven't heard of any governor's certification of these second set of electors.

Pennsylvania Certificate of Ascertainment 2020 (

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