In Spite of Massive Lockdowns Europe is Over 1 Million Deaths From COVID

Europe had massive lockdowns, and yet they are over 1,000,000 deaths (and many of those countries don't count COVID deaths as easily as we have been doing).

And this in spite of the fact that many European nations do not count COVID deaths as generously as we do.

There have been at least 38,843,000 reported infections and 1,026,000 reported deaths caused by the novel coronavirus in Europe so far.

Yeah, and I'm right in the middle of this. We've been on severe lockdowns since early November and the vaccines are going at a snails pace. You have no idea of how lucky you are to have had Trump instead of a bloated bureaucracy where no one has the balls to do anything except Orban in Hungary.
Orange man bad

Lockdowns good
Was that his point?

Europe's response to the pandemic was held up as the standard.

It seems they weren't such a good standard after all.
Tell me about it. I'm in the middle of this fucking mess. Americans were lucky to have Trump who secured the vaccines unlike these EU idiots.
This was always going to be a shit show no matter what anyone did. I just can't believe how politicized this became.
The counting was a political exercise. I haven't noticed any of the media keeping a running tally since slow Joe and his HO took office...
CNN Latino tuns a tally count of deaths in each Latin American country each day. It runs at the bottom of the screen.
CNN North America stopped the week Biden was elected.
If it was as bad as they say, then the WHO would be air-dropping masks on poor countries in Africa.
The figures are being grossly inflated in certain countries.
In some U.S States people with gunshot wounds to the head were registered as China Virus.
Germany is a mess, their vaccine rollout has been a disaster.
Things are getting worse now for them.

Numerous times the MSM and DemonRats opined back in 2020 that 'if only we could do the COVID thing like the Germans are'.
Birx said that A YEAR AGO....

Your article link is from a year ago, and it is meaningless now....a lot has changed since then....

And? Do you have evidence that they have changed how they count COVID deaths in America since then? If not, I politely recommend that you STFU.
This was always going to be a shit show no matter what anyone did. I just can't believe how politicized this became.

The media in America and Europe are propagandists for the left. None of them in America have come close to breaking out of that mold during this pandemic. Look at them covering-up for Biden over the mess Biden created at the southern border.
Europe had massive lockdowns, and yet they are over 1,000,000 deaths (and many of those countries don't count COVID deaths as easily as we have been doing).

And this in spite of the fact that many European nations do not count COVID deaths as generously as we do.

There have been at least 38,843,000 reported infections and 1,026,000 reported deaths caused by the novel coronavirus in Europe so far.

Germany is a mess, their vaccine rollout has been a disaster.
Things are getting worse now for them.

Thank God we had Trump to get our vaccines on the fast track.

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