In God we trust South Dakota will require in God we trust signs in all public schools under new stat

Where is the choice of free will in that?

Your America's problem.

The free will is " I DO NOT HAVE TO PRACTICE" WHAT IT SAYS just because it is displayed in public.

These ppl the ppp like it where the fk is yours when asshats want to take it away from them they want to take away NOTHINGeeee!

it is "you're" not "your"

example: "you're the problem with America. Your desire to indoctrinate everyone else's children with your religious fairy tales. Your desire to FORCE your religion on everyone."
Christianity has been in the schools since the beginning of this country you fuck face
In God We Trust: South Dakota will require "In God We Trust" signs in all public schools under new state law - CBS News
A new law in South Dakota now requires all public schools across the state to feature the "In God We Trust" motto on display. Students returning to school this fall will be greeted by the message, which supporters say is meant to "inspire patriotism.".......

Good for them don't like it then it really sucks to be you. I don't go to church and I could care less if it's there I appreciate the CHOICE OF FREE WILL!!! Commies can't and don't.
There is a lot of evidence that proves that the Bible is the truth. But as it says in the scriptures. That there are people that they knows that the are not going to be in God's presence forever. That they are going to make sure that no one else will be.
Scientist is still trying to figure out what causes depression. Jesus made a statement that He is the light of life in a person. Without Him, they will never make to this realm. King David prayed that God will never leave him alone in this wilderness. All through his life, that he have had a joyful spirit, until he had sinned. But afterwards, that he have had a miserable life. But one thing why God have kept David in His thoughts. Because David never had left Him during his time of suffering.
God told the Hebrews, that if they were to keep Him, that they shall be very prosperous. But most people misunderstood the phrase "God is good". Thinking that it means that His attitude towards life is good. But it really means that He is the good force that makes people feel great. and without Him, that they will weeping and gnashing at the teeth.
Like the old prophets. That they has brought prosperity to the land that they has reside in. Like Laban and the Pharaohs didn't want to let go of those that had God's presence in them. That they were considered their lucky charm.

Matthew 23:13
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

Psalm 51:11
Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.

Job 2:10
He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

Mark 10:18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good, except God alone

2 Kings 9:36
They went back and told Jehu, who said, “This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh.

In God We Trust: South Dakota will require "In God We Trust" signs in all public schools under new state law - CBS News
A new law in South Dakota now requires all public schools across the state to feature the "In God We Trust" motto on display. Students returning to school this fall will be greeted by the message, which supporters say is meant to "inspire patriotism.".......

Good for them don't like it then it really sucks to be you. I don't go to church and I could care less if it's there I appreciate the CHOICE OF FREE WILL!!! Commies can't and don't.
So much for any kid/parent who isn't christian, right?
They are free to pursue any religion they want… Christianity was here first
In God We Trust: South Dakota will require "In God We Trust" signs in all public schools under new state law - CBS News
A new law in South Dakota now requires all public schools across the state to feature the "In God We Trust" motto on display. Students returning to school this fall will be greeted by the message, which supporters say is meant to "inspire patriotism.".......

Good for them don't like then it really sucks to be you. I don't go to church and I could care less if it's there I appreciate the CHOICE OF FREE WILL!!! Commies can't and don't.

Public schools should not be promoting any religion or mythology.


belief in god does NOT equate to "patriotism"

this is not only unconstitutional but also WRONG, UNETHICAL and dangerous.

neither YOU nor any teacher or school has a right to indoctrinate ANYONES' CHILDREN with religion or fairy tales.

If muslims take over south dakota and use that very law to indoctrinate YOUR kids with islam would you be happy about it?

Your whole attitude seems to be..."i don't care about morals or ethics or right or wrong...I just want to piss off liberals"


Yeah but the left has no qualms about teaching homosexuality, drag queens etc to children. Gotta love those morals
As opposed to "grab her by the pussy", Epstein buddy morals with a dash of Catholic priest pedophile morals.
Says a fucked up Clinton supporter
Where is the choice of free will in that?

Your America's problem.

The free will is " I DO NOT HAVE TO PRACTICE" WHAT IT SAYS just because it is displayed in public.

These ppl the ppp like it where the fk is yours when asshats want to take it away from them they want to take away NOTHINGeeee!

Ok. Let’s demand that we put Assalaamu ‘Aleykum in all our schools. You asshats can have the freedom to ignore it.

I am sure that will go over really well.

We say that same phrase in English in our church all the time.
In God We Trust: South Dakota will require "In God We Trust" signs in all public schools under new state law - CBS News
A new law in South Dakota now requires all public schools across the state to feature the "In God We Trust" motto on display. Students returning to school this fall will be greeted by the message, which supporters say is meant to "inspire patriotism.".......

Good for them don't like then it really sucks to be you. I don't go to church and I could care less if it's there I appreciate the CHOICE OF FREE WILL!!! Commies can't and don't.

Public schools should not be promoting any religion or mythology.


belief in god does NOT equate to "patriotism"

this is not only unconstitutional but also WRONG, UNETHICAL and dangerous.

neither YOU nor any teacher or school has a right to indoctrinate ANYONES' CHILDREN with religion or fairy tales.

If muslims take over south dakota and use that very law to indoctrinate YOUR kids with islam would you be happy about it?

Your whole attitude seems to be..."i don't care about morals or ethics or right or wrong...I just want to piss off liberals"


Yeah but the left has no qualms about teaching homosexuality, drag queens etc to children. Gotta love those morals
As opposed to "grab her by the pussy", Epstein buddy morals with a dash of Catholic priest pedophile morals.

Was anyone required to post any of that in schools? No.

Next deflection, dumbass!
Progressives = Sociopaths and CONTROL FREAKS.
Now, let's force the schools to endorse my favorite, stupid, magical fetish!



And what would that be? Nobody is forced to say nor stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Yet you remove history on a daily basis because it "offends" you. Get a life, and stop trying to control what others can view. Effing Nazis.


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