In Case You are not Taking Trump's Lawsuits Seriously

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide.

Fox News received widespread backlash from voters after declaring an early victory for Joe Biden in Arizona and how Democrats would add five seats to the House. Voters were further incensed after the news station cut away from a press briefing with White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Many former fans of Fox have turned to alternative media, most notably Newsmax.

In addition to the Georgia recount beginning next week, McDaniel asserted that Wisconsin will also hold a recount in the near future.

“Affidavits are evidence because these are people testifying under oath that they saw in Detroit ballots coming in, they couldn’t get a clear picture from where they were coming from,” she said. “But they saw many being fed into machines that they were forced to backdate or told to backdate ballots, as election workers who were working in Detroit.”

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The outgoing president fired Krebs for noting the obvious fact that those working to undermine confidence in the electoral process were necessarily bad actors.
That’s because you don’t have any first-hand knowledge of the situation. I don’t have any first-hand knowledge of the situation. If these people claim to have firsthand knowledge of the situation they should be listen to and it should be decided if it really is firsthand knowledge.
That's exactly right... You find more evidence than just their word. Without it... Their word means nothing. The affidavit needs corroborating evidence.

Thats not what he said Shelzin you stupid idiot!!

A judge decides what is hearsay and what is legitimate evidence. These affidavits were given under oath. If they had been deemed hearsay they would have been rejected. They were not rejected. Ergo they are real evidence, being submitted to the court AS real evidence.

GOOD GOD you democrats are ignorant fucktards!
The issue is not with us not taking him seriously. The issue is the courts aren't.

I see. I take it you have a crystal ball and you are personal friends will all the judges eh? I mean, that is the only way you could know such thing.

OR, it is more likely that you are just a lying sack of shit.

Just going on the past results.

Past results are Trump has an over 90% win rate.
The outgoing president fired Krebs for noting the obvious fact that those working to undermine confidence in the electoral process were necessarily bad actors.

Nobody has done more to undermine confidence in the electoral process than democrats. From 4 years of Russia Russia Russia, to Hillary two weeks ago telling Biden to never concede if it appears he lost.

Democrats have done everything they can to muddy the water with illegal last minute rule changes on all manner of voting laws. Democrats WANTED this chaos to help cover their cheating.

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide.

Fox News received widespread backlash from voters after declaring an early victory for Joe Biden in Arizona and how Democrats would add five seats to the House. Voters were further incensed after the news station cut away from a press briefing with White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Many former fans of Fox have turned to alternative media, most notably Newsmax.

In addition to the Georgia recount beginning next week, McDaniel asserted that Wisconsin will also hold a recount in the near future.

“Affidavits are evidence because these are people testifying under oath that they saw in Detroit ballots coming in, they couldn’t get a clear picture from where they were coming from,” she said. “But they saw many being fed into machines that they were forced to backdate or told to backdate ballots, as election workers who were working in Detroit.”

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The outgoing president fired Krebs for noting the obvious fact that those working to undermine confidence in the electoral process were necessarily bad actors.
There's nothing obvious about that. In fact, precisely the opposite is more likely to be true.
Thats not what he said Shelzin you stupid idiot!!

A judge decides what is hearsay and what is legitimate evidence. These affidavits were given under oath. If they had been deemed hearsay they would have been rejected. They were not rejected. Ergo they are real evidence, being submitted to the court AS real evidence.

GOOD GOD you democrats are ignorant fucktards!
I'm not Democrat. And... That's not how it works in this case. The affidavits are there to give cause for an investigation, or more to the point decide if there should be one or not, and not part of the investigation itself. Without corroborating evidence this goes nowhere. You don't have to take my word for it youngling... If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again.
Thats not what he said Shelzin you stupid idiot!!

A judge decides what is hearsay and what is legitimate evidence. These affidavits were given under oath. If they had been deemed hearsay they would have been rejected. They were not rejected. Ergo they are real evidence, being submitted to the court AS real evidence.

GOOD GOD you democrats are ignorant fucktards!
I'm not Democrat. And... That's not how it works in this case. The affidavits are there to give cause for an investigation, or more to the point decide if there should be one or not, and not part of the investigation itself. Without corroborating evidence this goes nowhere. You don't have to take my word for it youngling... If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again.
Only a moron would claim the affidavits aren't evidence. You haven't got a clue how the legal process works, do you?
The outgoing president fired Krebs for noting the obvious fact that those working to undermine confidence in the electoral process were necessarily bad actors.

Nobody has done more to undermine confidence in the electoral process than democrats. From 4 years of Russia Russia Russia, to Hillary two weeks ago telling Biden to never concede if it appears he lost.

Democrats have done everything they can to muddy the water with illegal last minute rule changes on all manner of voting laws. Democrats WANTED this chaos to help cover their cheating.

It must be very emotionally satisfying to say that, but there is no evidence. Only hearsay.

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide.

Fox News received widespread backlash from voters after declaring an early victory for Joe Biden in Arizona and how Democrats would add five seats to the House. Voters were further incensed after the news station cut away from a press briefing with White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Many former fans of Fox have turned to alternative media, most notably Newsmax.

In addition to the Georgia recount beginning next week, McDaniel asserted that Wisconsin will also hold a recount in the near future.

“Affidavits are evidence because these are people testifying under oath that they saw in Detroit ballots coming in, they couldn’t get a clear picture from where they were coming from,” she said. “But they saw many being fed into machines that they were forced to backdate or told to backdate ballots, as election workers who were working in Detroit.”
Key word....potential..... potential doesn't cut it.... courts actually need EVIDENCE with PROOF....

and proof that shows the election could be overturned with this alleged fraud....

So far, our courts have ruled on all of their frivolous lawsuits, that they have shown no proof of such... They are 0 - 10 in court.
Who cares how many affidavits they have? They’re all useless.

LOL. A sworn affidavit is considered evidence. Are you a lawyer?
Who cares how many affidavits they have? They’re all useless.
I agree. Proof... This all means nothing without it.

My God. Your ignorance is frightening. When a criminal act is committed, witnesses are counted on AS evidence you imbecile.

If I charge you with exposing yourself in public, there will be no physical evidence. Eyewitnesses testimony will be used to convict you. Thats what an affidavit is, sworn witness testimony.

Like most democrats you are a brainless idiot.

Are you a lawyer?

Then shut your dick sucker
Witnesses to crimes are allowed in court, subject to cross examination, for crimes committed.... the first step is showing evidence a crime was committed, then you call witnesses, to that crime, when the alleged criminal is being charged... then the alleged criminal' s lawyer has the opportunity to question and even disparage, that witness' s testimony and character.

The court judges rejected those affidavits, because they did not show a crime was committed....
Only a moron would claim the affidavits aren't evidence. You haven't got a clue how the legal process works, do you?
Would you quote where I said it wasn't evidence?

God I hate dealing with stupid people.

Edit: In fact... The paragraph YOU QUOTED, says that it's evidence. I said " If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again. "

If you understand the English language... That's saying that the affidavits are evidence, but you can't make a case solely on them for something like this.
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Only a moron would claim the affidavits aren't evidence. You haven't got a clue how the legal process works, do you?
Would you quote where I said it wasn't evidence?

God I hate dealing with stupid people.

Edit: In fact... The paragraph YOU QUOTED, says that it's evidence. I said " If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again. "

If you understand the English language... That's saying that the affidavits are evidence, but you can't make a case solely on them for something like this.
I'm not Democrat. And... That's not how it works in this case. The affidavits are there to give cause for an investigation, or more to the point decide if there should be one or not, and not part of the investigation itself. Without corroborating evidence this goes nowhere. You don't have to take my word for it youngling... If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again.
Currently Trump has nine lawsuits, and they have 12,000 Incident Reports and over 400 sworn Affidavits from witnesses. This is not counting the state recounts.

All you idiots on the left that think Trump's cases are a joke are in for a rude awakening

I'm not taking them seriously and I'm not alone:
President Trump has claimed widespread fraud was at play in the presidential election. Several of his lawyers have told judges in courtrooms across the country that they don’t believe that to be true.​
Who cares how many affidavits they have? They’re all useless.
I agree. Proof... This all means nothing without it.

My God. Your ignorance is frightening. When a criminal act is committed, witnesses are counted on AS evidence you imbecile.

If I charge you with exposing yourself in public, there will be no physical evidence. Eyewitnesses testimony will be used to convict you. Thats what an affidavit is, sworn witness testimony.

Like most democrats you are a brainless idiot.

Are you a lawyer?

Then shut your dick sucker
I think USMB has found my replacement. :)
Only a moron would claim the affidavits aren't evidence. You haven't got a clue how the legal process works, do you?
Would you quote where I said it wasn't evidence?

God I hate dealing with stupid people.

Edit: In fact... The paragraph YOU QUOTED, says that it's evidence. I said " If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again. "

If you understand the English language... That's saying that the affidavits are evidence, but you can't make a case solely on them for something like this.
I'm not Democrat. And... That's not how it works in this case. The affidavits are there to give cause for an investigation, or more to the point decide if there should be one or not, and not part of the investigation itself. Without corroborating evidence this goes nowhere. You don't have to take my word for it youngling... If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits, you won't hear about this again.

If no more evidence shows up other than the affidavits

Learn English... And don't call other people stupid when you fuck up like this. You just destroy your own perceived integrity.

Edit: Maybe you just don't know what corroborating means. Link
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The outgoing president fired Krebs for noting the obvious fact that those working to undermine confidence in the electoral process were necessarily bad actors.

Nobody has done more to undermine confidence in the electoral process than democrats. From 4 years of Russia Russia Russia, to Hillary two weeks ago telling Biden to never concede if it appears he lost.

Democrats have done everything they can to muddy the water with illegal last minute rule changes on all manner of voting laws. Democrats WANTED this chaos to help cover their cheating.
Dont forget the fantasy hanging, pregnant and dimpled Chad's Algores lawyers made up to try and steal that election.
Just gossip, hearsay, and soothsay until proved otherwise in Court.
Affidavits are not hearsay or gossip. They are sworn statements from eyewitnesses that carry the weight of lawful evidence & strict penalties if they are falsely filed.
Do you understand the meaning of preponderance of evidence? It means overwhelming.
Hundreds of affidavits & 12,000 reports of shenanigans means the defense will have to refute them significantly or it will be overwhelming evidence.
It's really hard to get away with it when you panic once you realize your side is facing a pantsing in the election.
Hard to hide that much fraud, particularly when the other side knows& prepares for what you are doing. They had to break election laws to hide it.
That's even more serious evidence of fraud & grounds for nullifying the results in some cases.
Too much, too widespread & too obvious equals big problems in court. It's gonna get ugly.

BTW, the word you were looking for was "proven"
Giuliani says election WILL be overturned, PROOF just can't be released.. Said it was coming...
I bet that Giuliani's evidence is in the same file as the health care plan.
Avidavits are "evidence". But without corroborating evidence...they are virtually useless, regardless how many there are.

And there ain't no evidence
Avidavits are "evidence". But without corroborating evidence...they are virtually useless, regardless how many there are.

And there ain't no evidence
There absolutely ***IS*** evidence. There ***HAS*** been voter fraud... How much is the only question. And unless they can prove it would swing the election... I doubt this goes anywhere.

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