impeachment hearings this friday

As far as the topic. The title of your OP was just a baiting and trolling tactic that isn't factual. These are not impeachment hearings. It's a hearing based on someone's own wet dream about impeachment. You make it sound like Bush is on the stand at the "impeachment hearings." All Pelosi is doing is giving them their moment in the spotlight and letting them "have a voice." Kucinich wants to inact legislation to impeach Bush, and he's getting to voice his opinion in these hearings....that's it.

Cool. Thanks Brian.
The Audacity Of Hope

LOL...hope? You better pray that your irrationality improves. If not, no one will ever take you serious or listen to you.

You call everyone republican neocons if they simply disagree with you. Or you say that they love Bush when you have no proof of such...simply because they disagree with what you say. Then, when they open a can of whoop-ass and throw your argument down the shitter, you cry like a baby and say..."Well he called me names...I was just stating my opinion and posting facts...."... :-(

So sowwy.....
LOL...hope? You better pray that your irrationality improves. If not, no one will ever take you serious or listen to you.

You call everyone republican neocons if they simply disagree with you. Or you say that they love Bush when you have no proof of such...simply because they disagree with what you say. Then, when they open a can of whoop-ass and throw your argument down the shitter, you cry like a baby and say..."Well he called me names...I was just stating my opinion and posting facts...."... :-(

So sowwy.....


Very good sir. If you prove me wrong. That's great. I'm not ashamed to admit when I've been proven wrong. However, if you're ever proven wrong, just admit it and get it over with....

remember, not everyone is a neocon republican who holds hands with dubya just because they disagree with you.

Very good sir. If you prove me wrong. That's great. I'm not ashamed to admit when I've been proven wrong. However, if you're ever proven wrong, just admit it and get it over with....

remember, not everyone is a neocon republican who holds hands with dubya just because they disagree with you.


No shit, I would be far more likely to punch dubya in the face than to hold his hand :)
In Baker County, for example, with 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans, the vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush, the opposite of what is seen everywhere else in the country where registered Democrats largely voted for Kerry.
In Dixie County, with 9,676 registered voters, 77.5% of them Democrats and a mere 15% registered as Republicans, only 1,959 people voted for Kerry, but 4,433 voted for Bush.
The pattern repeats over and over again - but only in the counties where optical scanners were used. Franklin County, 77.3% registered Democrats, went 58.5% for Bush. Holmes County, 72.7% registered Democrats, went 77.25% for Bush.
nothing? how can we expect fair elections when diebold, es&s and other voting machine companies are also bush backers? their machines are rigged.

I just don't understand how they got away with it. I do remember Gore sourly just conceeded in2000 and bush prosecutors in 04 just looked the other way. that's a very simplified explanation. i'm sure its more complicated than that but for sure they stole the last 2 elections.
Thanks to massive pressure from and our pro-impeachment allies, Speaker Pelosi finally allowed Chairman Conyers to hold a hearing this Friday. Kucinich will get a few minutes to argue for impeachment along with Rep. Robert Wexler, former Rep. Liz Holtzman, and former Salt Lake City mayor Rocky Anderson.

H.Res. 1345 focuses on Bush's ultimate crime - invading Iraq on the basis of lies. The evidence is overwhelming that George Bush and other top officials manufactured those lies to "sell" an invasion whose real purpose was to gain control of Iraq's oil and establish military bases in the heart of the Middle East - the agenda of the Project for a New American Century that Bush and McCain fully embraced.


Are the impeachment proceeding also investigating the congressment the obtained the same information and voted to support the president in sending troops into Iraq? That seems only fair.

I know that congress does not care what tax payers and loyal Americans such as myself think but I really think it should be criminial to bring such an injustice as this when the only purpose is to run a democrat scam. Only a fool would think there would be any other reason to bring such a silly thing up for no other reason than to help the democrat party in the election. The cost of this scam should come right out of the democrat party campaign funds.

After the results of 9-11 a president could no longer over look the threats from these nut cases of the world. When they flew those planes into the towers it endangered the entire world. We have to take our intelligence reports seriously. If for no other reason than that we can't vote for Obama.
Are the impeachment proceeding also investigating the congressment the obtained the same information and voted to support the president in sending troops into Iraq? That seems only fair.

I know that congress does not care what tax payers and loyal Americans such as myself think but I really think it should be criminial to bring such an injustice as this when the only purpose is to run a democrat scam. Only a fool would think there would be any other reason to bring such a silly thing up for no other reason than to help the democrat party in the election. The cost of this scam should come right out of the democrat party campaign funds.

After the results of 9-11 a president could no longer over look the threats from these nut cases of the world. When they flew those planes into the towers it endangered the entire world. We have to take our intelligence reports seriously. If for no other reason than that we can't vote for Obama.

Why did Colon Powell, numerous retired generals, downing memos and Scott McMlellen, just to name a fraction of former Bush colleagues, later admit that Bush misposition the information that they gave to Congress and the American people when it came to Iraq wmd information?
Are the impeachment proceeding also investigating the congressment the obtained the same information and voted to support the president in sending troops into Iraq? That seems only fair.

I know that congress does not care what tax payers and loyal Americans such as myself think but I really think it should be criminial to bring such an injustice as this when the only purpose is to run a democrat scam. Only a fool would think there would be any other reason to bring such a silly thing up for no other reason than to help the democrat party in the election. The cost of this scam should come right out of the democrat party campaign funds.

After the results of 9-11 a president could no longer over look the threats from these nut cases of the world. When they flew those planes into the towers it endangered the entire world. We have to take our intelligence reports seriously. If for no other reason than that we can't vote for Obama.

And weren't Dennis Hastert and Tom Delay in charge back when Congress voted on Iraq? I also remember Bush was tight chested with his intelligence back when he was selling us on iraq. Worried any leaks could get back to the enemy, I believe Bush only let house leaders see his infrmation. Those would have been republicans, righr? And he may have given them false information too, so no I wouldn't blame them for their votes considering the facts.
Why did Colon Powell, numerous retired generals, downing memos and Scott McMlellen, just to name a fraction of former Bush colleagues, later admit that Bush misposition the information that they gave to Congress and the American people when it came to Iraq wmd information?

This is a poor response. The Legislative is a co-equal branch of government, not one that is subordinate to the Executive. They have their own access to classified information and their own sources for obtaining information. The excuses for Congress proceeding on bad intel are just as bad (or good depending on your POV) as the excuses for the Executive. Pretending that poor Congress is comprised of a bunch of dupes rather than a co-equal branch of the U.S. government is nonsense.
I wouldn't blame them for their votes considering the facts.

Then you're exactly the kind of useful idiot our politicians like to see in the country. Congress was at worse complicit in the war (and that goes for every member who voted for it) or at best they were a bunch of grossly negligent, ill-informed dupes who cast a vote for war without knowing what they hell they were doing. Neither is a good scenario, so quit trying to make excuses for them.
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Then you're exactly the kind of useful idiot our politicians like to see in the country. Congress was at worse complicit in the war (and that goes for every member who voted for it) or at worse they were a bunch of grossly negligent, ill-informed dupes who cast a vote for war without knowing what they hell they were doing. Neither is a good scenario, so quit trying to make excuses for them.

Brilliant observation!:eusa_whistle:

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