impeachment hearings this friday

Now I know what Charlie does. He posts immediately after someone posts something good so it gets buried. Nice Republican tactic.

LOL me, I think we can all see you are the one making multiple posts to bury stuff.

But good try. You can not even come up with your own material and have to steal mine. Pathetic.:cuckoo:
LOL me, I think we can all see you are the one making multiple posts to bury stuff.

But good try. You can not even come up with your own material and have to steal mine. Pathetic.:cuckoo:

LOL me, I think we can all see you are the one making multiple posts to bury stuff.

But good try. You can not even come up with your own material and have to steal mine. Pathetic:clap2:
Bobo's motto.


Did you know that Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct."
Thomas Jefferson

"Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."
Thomas Jefferson
LOL me, I think we can all see you are the one making multiple posts to bury stuff.

But good try. You can not even come up with your own material and have to steal mine. Pathetic.:cuckoo:

It is so funny with all your "prove it's", you never prove it when I ask. And I provide links and great details and you don't want to read it.

Because you know Bush stole the elections. You just can't stand that you voted for such a treasonist traitor. I bet most Germans didn't admit to voting for Hitler after ww2 also. But we know they all did. At least you admitted being a dumbass. I mean, voting for him once, maybe. Twice? :cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_clap::eusa_silenced::D:eusa_whistle:
It is so funny with all your "prove it's", you never prove it when I ask. And I provide links and great details and you don't want to read it.

Because you know Bush stole the elections. You just can't stand that you voted for such a treasonist traitor. I bet most Germans didn't admit to voting for Hitler after ww2 also. But we know they all did. At least you admitted being a dumbass. I mean, voting for him once, maybe. Twice? :cuckoo::eusa_hand::eusa_clap::eusa_silenced::D:eusa_whistle:

Ah yes, going to your crystal ball again to know what I think.

You are pathetic pal.
It is discouraging to nearly see every discussion of issues, many of which are truly worthy of our closest attention,being turned into angry name calling sessions.

What should happen, when it becomes apparent that the debate has reached that stage where the disagreements are based on diametically opposed beliefs about what what actually happened in history, is that the participants agree that until new evidence manifests which can answer the question to both side' satisfaction, further debate about that issue is essantially fruitless

In other words, find that impasse, accept that it is an impasse, and move one to something that can be discussed.

This is exacty why I try to eschew issues as:

what happened on 9-11;
who killed Kennedy;
were the 2000 -2004 elections stolen;

and so forth.

Dueling database debates are dialogues worthy only moments for theater of the absurd.

Americans...we are being fed continuous streams of disinformation, isn't that apparent to ALL of us?

The question is: what is information and what is disinformation and NONE of us can prove to the other which is which because we really CANNOT KNOW for certain ourselves in most cases.

If we CAN KNOW, then we can logically prove it to everyone's satisfaction EXCEPT the terminally dense of the purposefully obteuse...and let's face it, why bother writing to those people AT ALL?

Unless someone can show us logically that some fact MUST logically be disinformation, getting pissed that your information base is not the same as someone else's database is a total waste.

There is plenty to debate just working with what we can all agree is true, you know.

Do you really think its worth any of your time to get into these..

Yes it is,
No, it isn't,
You're stupid!
No, you're stupider!

Death spirals?​

Stop allowing yourselves to be sucked into this crap by malicious lying idiotic trolls, and stop assuming because somebody thinks one thing, and you think another, that they are dishonest, stupid or malicous.

I fthey are that why write to them AT ALL?!​

Haven't ANY of you EVER found out you were wrong about something that you TRULY believed in your heart of hearts was truth engraved on stone?​

Not once?​


If you ever have had the ground ripped out from under you like that, then little humility (and compassion for those we think are wrong) on all our parts will go a long way in helping this place become much much much more interesting place to visit.​

Such behavior from many of us who are obviously trying to be honest will also DRIVE OUT THE TROLLS like sunlight drives away vampires.​
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It is discouraging to nearly see every discussion of issues, many of which are truly worthy of our closest attention,being turned into angry name calling sessions.

What should happen, when it becomes apparent that the debate has reached that stage where the disagreements are based on diametically opposed beliefs about what what actually happened in history, is that the participants agree that until new evidence manifests which can answer the question to both side' satisfaction, further debate about that issue is essantially fruitless

In other words, find that impasse, accept that it is an impasse, and move one to something that can be discussed.

This is exacty why I try to eschew issues as:

what happened on 9-11;
who killed Kennedy;
were the 2000 -2004 elections stolen;

and so forth.

Dueling database debates are dialogues worthy only moments for theater of the absurd.

Americans...we are being fed continuous streams of disinformation, isn't that apparent to ALL of us?

The question is: what is information and what is disinformation and NONE of us can prove to the other which is which because we really CANNOT KNOW for certain ourselves in most cases.

If we CAN KNOW, then we can logically prove it to everyone's satisfaction EXCEPT the terminally dense of the purposefully obteuse...and let's face it, why bother writing to those people AT ALL?

Unless someone can show us logically that some fact MUST logically be disinformation, getting pissed that your information base is not the same as someone else's database is a total waste.

There is plenty to debate just working with what we can all agree is true, you know.

Do you really think its worth any of your time to get into these..

Yes it is,
No, it isn't,
You're stupid!
No, you're stupider!

Death spirals?​

Stop allowing yourselves to be sucked by trolls, and stop assuming because somebody things one thing and you the other that they are dishonest, stupid or malicous.​

Haven't ANY of you EVER found out you were wrong about something that you TRULY believed?​

Not once?​

Not EVER?​

A little humility on all our parts will go a long way in helping this place become much much much more interesting.​

It will also DRIVE OUT THE TROLLS like sunlight drives away vampires.​

Sorry. If you go back and look, I start off posting my opinion, not trying to beat anyone up, and then the attack dogs come out. I have repeatedly asked, no, begged Charles to stop replying to me because he is just baiting me. It is pointless for us to talk. He knows that. I know that. I avoided him all day and it seemed like he was respecting my request, and then he sucked me in. His email ended with, "Get a clue". I can't wait for him to go back on the road trucking so he'll be off of here. YOu will see a much more respectful and calm bobo.
Sorry. If you go back and look, I start off posting my opinion, not trying to beat anyone up, and then the attack dogs come out. I have repeatedly asked, no, begged Charles to stop replying to me because he is just baiting me. It is pointless for us to talk. He knows that. I know that. I avoided him all day and it seemed like he was respecting my request, and then he sucked me in. His email ended with, "Get a clue". I can't wait for him to go back on the road trucking so he'll be off of here. YOu will see a much more respectful and calm bobo.

Are you serious Bobo. All I called you is Ignorant(which does not mean you are stupid it means you do not know the facts), and pathetic(referring to your baseless attacks and name calling on me), while you keep calling me far worse names, and telling me to F-off. Now you are actually going to try to say I started it.

That is a laugh riot bud.
Are you serious Bobo. All I called you is Ignorant(which does not mean you are stupid it means you do not know the facts), and pathetic(referring to your baseless attacks and name calling on me), while you keep calling me far worse names, and telling me to F-off. Now you are actually going to try to say I started it.

That is a laugh riot bud.

Stick to the topics. This is not about me and you. I'm trying to change because we are ruining the topics.

No, you baited me into starting the name calling, but now you are deserving of it.
Stick to the topics. This is not about me and you. I'm trying to change because we are ruining the topics.

No, you baited me into starting the name calling, but now you are deserving of it.

I baited you, Bobo take responsibility for your own actions. You started calling me names long ago. I have still yet to call you any name anywhere close to what you have said about me.:cuckoo:
Sorry. If you go back and look, I start off posting my opinion, not trying to beat anyone up, and then the attack dogs come out. I have repeatedly asked, no, begged Charles to stop replying to me because he is just baiting me. It is pointless for us to talk. He knows that. I know that. I avoided him all day and it seemed like he was respecting my request, and then he sucked me in. His email ended with, "Get a clue". I can't wait for him to go back on the road trucking so he'll be off of here. YOu will see a much more respectful and calm bobo.


Awww...poor bobo is da victim??

You're full of shit dude. What you do, is you get on here and post baseless talking points that have very little fact involved. You post sources from and expect everyone to take that as a credible source. Then you proceed to telling everyone about their own lives as if you're Ms. Cleo. Then, when someone disagrees with your baseless rant, they must be a republican neocon who gets under the desk for Bush.

When in reality, you haven't a frickin clue what you're talking about...just opinions. We've seen people like you on these threads. They take factual information and twist them to fit their opinion...when in fact, their opinion doesn't even remotely relate to the information they posted. You need to PM THe Good SHephard and get a club going.

Awww...poor bobo is da victim??

You're full of shit dude. What you do, is you get on here and post baseless talking points that have very little fact involved. You post sources from and expect everyone to take that as a credible source. Then you proceed to telling everyone about their own lives as if you're Ms. Cleo. Then, when someone disagrees with your baseless rant, they must be a republican neocon who gets under the desk for Bush.

When in reality, you haven't a frickin clue what you're talking about...just opinions. We've seen people like you on these threads. They take factual information and twist them to fit their opinion...when in fact, their opinion doesn't even remotely relate to the information they posted. You need to PM THe Good SHephard and get a club going.

exactly brain, I am sure know how it works. He calls me names in nearly every single response to my posts, and then actually has the audacity to try and say I started it and that I bait him into it.

Failing to take responsibility for his own actions.:cuckoo::eusa_boohoo:
exactly Brain, I Am Sure Know How It Works. He Calls Me Names In Nearly Every Single Response To My Posts, And Then Actually Has The Audacity To Try And Say I Started It And That I Bait Him Into It.

Failing To Take Responsibility For His Own Actions.:cuckoo::eusa_boohoo:

The Audacity Of Hope
As far as the topic. The title of your OP was just a baiting and trolling tactic that isn't factual. These are not impeachment hearings. It's a hearing based on someone's own wet dream about impeachment. You make it sound like Bush is on the stand at the "impeachment hearings." All Pelosi is doing is giving them their moment in the spotlight and letting them "have a voice." Kucinich wants to inact legislation to impeach Bush, and he's getting to voice his opinion in these hearings....that's it.

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