Immigration & Politics


And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?
Who originally pushed the idea?

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?

Now, Cleetus, you done know that your boy George H. Bush negotiated that done der treaty and Clinton signed it over the objections of his own party.

I'm talking about something a little more complicated than NAFTA.


Yeah, i guess so. But here's the thing. I guess we can make life better for Mexicans by giving them our jobs, but there's a whole lot of other shithole countries willing to send their excess over here.

Here in Chicago, our biggest illegal problem isn't Mexicans, it's the Polish. Stosh comes over here on a visa and then vanishes into the wind.
I've finally determined that the intellectual capacity just isn't there.

Not one moment of thought given to wage structure.

Your perception of capitalism.

I know how much you folks dislike it, I get it.

Since I am an entrepreneur/self employed business owner, you don't know shit from shinola....I am the one doing the hiring and the last person I would hire is an illegal.

As a business owner with +/- 80 business owner clients - with whom I work very closely on their finances - I do happen to know shit from shinola.

And these five million are no longer going to be illegal.

That's the whole point.

80 people does not a nation make...

Ya think?

But it sure as hell provides an educated perspective.


I have two hundred business owner clients. I've got perspective!
I've worked with thousands over my 35 year career and what Mac claims to be which is rational seems to contradict his many post with illogical conclusions and ignorance.
5 million will all be legalized at once
A complete and utter lie. Since Bush increased fees on Visas and immigration paperwork to cover his tax reduction to the rich, the applicant must pay several thousand dollars to apply to become citizens, pass a criminal background check. I doubt every one of the illegals apply at the same time.
All Mac is doing is flaming and trolling, some professional....what do you do Mac? Massage therapist? Bartender?

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?

Now, Cleetus, you done know that your boy George H. Bush negotiated that done der treaty and Clinton signed it over the objections of his own party.
Actually Reagan started the ball rolling with his North American free trade plan...

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?

Now, Cleetus, you done know that your boy George H. Bush negotiated that done der treaty and Clinton signed it over the objections of his own party.

Who signed it?

I'm talking about something a little more complicated than NAFTA.


Yeah, i guess so. But here's the thing. I guess we can make life better for Mexicans by giving them our jobs, but there's a whole lot of other shithole countries willing to send their excess over here.

Here in Chicago, our biggest illegal problem isn't Mexicans, it's the Polish. Stosh comes over here on a visa and then vanishes into the wind.

...when he's caught deport handcuffs.
Close the border.
Deport all illegals.

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?

Now, Cleetus, you done know that your boy George H. Bush negotiated that done der treaty and Clinton signed it over the objections of his own party.

Who signed it?

Why, Cleetus, I done told you who signed it. Did you not pay attention to reading comprehension in Home Skule?

And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

Who signed that law?

Now, Cleetus, you done know that your boy George H. Bush negotiated that done der treaty and Clinton signed it over the objections of his own party.

Who signed it?

Why, Cleetus, I done told you who signed it. Did you not pay attention to reading comprehension in Home Skule?

Do you approve of nafta?
The Tyson's plant in our town has people from Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe that work in this plant in a town of 1,500. Do you think they get here by a flying carpet, no, they get here from recruiters in their country along with bulletins on the internet, newspapers and employment agencies..
Why? When there are already many folks out of work in the USA?
And why do they get a tax break to employ these people, and why do the US citizens have to pay for their move and a settlement period..???
Corporate fascism is alive and well in the USA, their silent socialism approach is parasitic in nature to their operation and their profits....It is not just Oblama but Bush, Clinton, Reagan that were the founding fathers of this travesty..Just so a few of the rich could become richer...and break the high labor costs in the US. To make her citizens pay for being to wealthy and marginalizing the elite...
The Tyson's plant in our town has people from Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe that work in this plant in a town of 1,500. Do you think they get here by a flying carpet, no, they get here from recruiters in their country along with bulletins on the internet, newspapers and employment agencies..
Why? When there are already many folks out of work in the USA?
And why do they get a tax break to employ these people, and why do the US citizens have to pay for their move and a settlement period..???
Corporate fascism is alive and well in the USA, their silent socialism approach is parasitic in nature to their operation and their profits....It is not just Oblama but Bush, Clinton, Reagan that were the founding fathers of this travesty..Just so a few of the rich could become richer...and break the high labor costs in the US. To make her citizens pay for being to wealthy and marginalizing the elite...

wow...good post.

By now it seems obvious, except to the most rabid hyperpartisans, that all three branches of government are irredeemably corrupt, dysfunctional and infiltrated by "special" interests.

Collapse, partitioning and reconstruction.
The Tyson's plant in our town has people from Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe that work in this plant in a town of 1,500. Do you think they get here by a flying carpet, no, they get here from recruiters in their country along with bulletins on the internet, newspapers and employment agencies..
Why? When there are already many folks out of work in the USA?
And why do they get a tax break to employ these people, and why do the US citizens have to pay for their move and a settlement period..???
Corporate fascism is alive and well in the USA, their silent socialism approach is parasitic in nature to their operation and their profits....It is not just Oblama but Bush, Clinton, Reagan that were the founding fathers of this travesty..Just so a few of the rich could become richer...and break the high labor costs in the US. To make her citizens pay for being to wealthy and marginalizing the elite...

Explain the part about how those Tyson's workers are here. Are they on work permits? And what role with do the recruiters play? Do the recruiters work for Tyson's? And why do they go after these people, are they paying them illegal wages?


And while I'm thinking of it, here's another thing.

Why do I never see a conversation about demand? Why is no one talking about the root of this problem, the fact that so many people want to escape the shit hole down south and come here? Willing to risk their lives and the lives of their children to escape?

Seems to me that it would be in our best interest to examine that and develop a policy of working with our southern neighbors to improve conditions there.


Are you fucking kidding me. We signed NAFTA and there really was a sucking sound as millions of jobs went down to Mexico and it's still an overpopulated shithole.

That is why I say Clinton is the worse president in my lifetime.

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