Imagine what the United States economy would be like TODAY! IF... we had IGNORED THE LEFT!

Are you saying we would be competitive with near-slave labor in Asia for manufacturing?

That's wishful thinking to the extreme.

Thing is...
...when our capitalist class (who owns our politicians) partnered with Communist China for its cheap labor, the result was that a whole generation of middle class Americans would require ever larger amounts of credit (debt) to replace their wages. This kind of credit-based system works for a little while, but eventually too many consumers become too indebted to consume at the needed levels to drive economic growth.

When this happens, you need more talk radio - more propaganda - to convince the poor consumer that it's gubmint's fault (rather than the wealthy puppet masters who own government).

Reagan promised that if we lifted the chains from business, they would give us good American jobs. Who knew the joke would be on us? Who knew they would partner with freedom hating nations in order to get oppressed sweatshop labor.

Point is: Nike investors make more money when their sneaks are made in sweatshops by workers who live beneath brutal dictators and make less than $5/day. If you want to know where the American Dream went, than look at the criminally bloated portfolios of those who profited by shifting global production to freedom hating nations. (and you thought the Republican Party cared about freedom? Their biggest donors are the very corporations who have made insane profits by partnering with despots for ultra cheap labor. It's a sad game, and the punchline is delivered at the expense of those people who are strategically distracted by the culture war).

Do you think Fox News ever mentions the partnership between Walmart and their primary manufacturer, China, a freedom hating nation if ever there was one? Of course not. Fox News would never attack one of the largest contributors to the Republican Party.
Well said. I think it's strange that the most rabid Fox viewers seem to be the people who are marginally educated and will be the first to lose their jobs to China. Maybe the anger towards the government and the hope that that anger will produce some change in their favor is all they have left.

I'm sure you have a PhD. Just not sure what it would stand for.

But, obviously, they forgot to teach how to support your accusations with any kind of facts.

Can you please show us the study that links Fox viewership to education.

I'd be grateful.

And you would not look so utterly stupid.
Pew Research findings. Read 'em and weep.


Thank you Joe...but is this the entire population ? What if this were just 5% of the population and the rest don't read anything at all. I don't see that addressed anywhere here. Your asseration is that Fox News watchers will be the first to lose their jobs. First, relative to who ?

This does nothing for that assertion.
Yeah, I'm sure there are all kinds of bogus justifications for these findings but wouldn't it be simpler for Fox viewers to just work a little harder on becoming informed? If it makes you feel better, I don't believe that most of you are actually stupid - just intellectually lazy. I'll bet that if you tried really, really hard, after a while you'd be able to tell the difference between simpleminded propaganda and actual information.
Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.
Well, it would probably be much better cause the slaves would all still be working away for the white man. Let's see....and only white men would have good paying jobs. Should I go on? Of course....

If the country allowed the ultra conservatives to rule it, only the poor would be drafted into military service, so the rich white boys would be doing very well in this economy. You get the idea?

Actually, the Slaves actually earned considerably more than do many urban black folks today. They were also people of superior character, with a significantly better work effort and vastly more capable of sustaining themselves under strenuous circumstances, than are the black and addled products of socialism that stands in for such today.

There's no such thing as an ultra-conservative. One either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America, or one does not.

Principles like slavery, for example.

Oregon's economy sucks.

California's economy sucks.

Texas is booming.

Red States are looking for workers because they have jobs !!!

Don't get that economics "thing" do you ?
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.
Fracking in South Texas Generates 61 Billion Annually in Economic Activity - The Objective Standard

The cost to the environment has been hit and it has only been temporary...). Texas boom was led by energy boom...

Dear Texas Enjoy The Oil Boom. Just Don t Blow It This Time. - Forbes

Truth is Liberal states perform the best over time... They are richer and continue to be richer... Texas's boom will be blown like the Arabs are doing with there oil too... Just look at the figures above...

This goes along with what I said. Republicans in Red States generally make their money digging things out of the ground. Taking advantage of what is already there. Unlike Liberals, Republicans don't invent, create, discover or manufacture. They "find" or think up schemes to legally take away other people's money. Like Mitt Romney with his Bain Capital.
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.
Fracking in South Texas Generates 61 Billion Annually in Economic Activity - The Objective Standard

The cost to the environment has been hit and it has only been temporary...). Texas boom was led by energy boom...

Dear Texas Enjoy The Oil Boom. Just Don t Blow It This Time. - Forbes

Truth is Liberal states perform the best over time... They are richer and continue to be richer... Texas's boom will be blown like the Arabs are doing with there oil too... Just look at the figures above...

This goes along with what I said. Republicans in Red States generally make their money digging things out of the ground. Taking advantage of what is already there. Unlike Liberals, Republicans don't invent, create, discover or manufacture. They "find" or think up schemes to legally take away other people's money. Like Mitt Romney with his Bain Capital.

That is about as ludicrous a statement that has ever been published, anywhere.
That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
So the 3000 page boondoggle that is obamacare,
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.

Well sure, because even those old school GOP Legislators such as Nancy Pelosi told us that "We'll have to pass, so that you can know what's in it... ."

Yes... that was the GOP Democrat SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Telling Democrats that she could not tell them what was in the obamacare bill... .

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that had the US rejected socialism when it first began to infect the culture at the turn of the 20th Century, the US would still be a viable nation and not on the brink of its destruction.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
Reagan did those things and covered his ass by tripling the debt. He destroyed the middle class in the process

Do you have the numbers that support this assertion ?

I've always been middle class and did quite well under Reagan.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression

And what we see here is a lack of any kind of comprehensive argument.

Reagan did these things and we got one of the greatest economic expansions in history.

We then pissed it all away.

A near depressoin: Don't you guys ever get tired of that bullshit meme ?
He also got that with giant deficit defense spending and a corrupt bubble, the S+L scandal...BRILLIANT!.

It WAS a depression, dingbat, only cost 6-7 TRILLION to avoid the worst effects HERE. The ME, Ukraine/Russia, Africa, etc, weren't so lucky.

That's a bullshit meme.

There was no depression and never would have been.
Red states are looking for workers because they're generally armpits where nobody wants live.

That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.
Fracking in South Texas Generates 61 Billion Annually in Economic Activity - The Objective Standard

The cost to the environment has been hit and it has only been temporary...). Texas boom was led by energy boom...

Dear Texas Enjoy The Oil Boom. Just Don t Blow It This Time. - Forbes

Truth is Liberal states perform the best over time... They are richer and continue to be richer... Texas's boom will be blown like the Arabs are doing with there oil too... Just look at the figures above...

This goes along with what I said. Republicans in Red States generally make their money digging things out of the ground. Taking advantage of what is already there. Unlike Liberals, Republicans don't invent, create, discover or manufacture. They "find" or think up schemes to legally take away other people's money. Like Mitt Romney with his Bain Capital.

What have liberals invented lately ?

Answer: Porn.
In 2008, we saw what happens to the economy when you ignore the left

Slash taxes, deregulate, get government off our backs....see what happens

What happened was a near depression


In 2008 what we saw was what happens when you set aside sound, actuarial lending principle... OKA: the laws of nature, and institute a perverted notion of fairness.

In truth, the financial collapse had zero to do with slashing taxes, and less to do with deregulation, it came as a result of decades of Leftist coercion to force the financial markets to set aside the principles and practices that had so long sustained their industry; those practices being essential to the industries very viability... thus such was in fact the result of the abuse of government power, wherein not only did the Left manage to get otherwise reasonable people to agree to the absurdity of 'fairness' as a financial principle, let alone the absurdity that 'everyone deserves to own their own home', they literally GUARANTEED THE CERTAINTY OF UNSUSTAINABLE LOSSES as a means to get those people to DO IT.

It was, in short: INSANITY, OKA: Just another foolish idea brought to you by, the Ideological Left.

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that IF the US HAD rejected the Socialism when it first infected the US, we would not now be standing upon the edge of our destruction.
Just the greedy idiot megarich GOP and their corrupt cronies screwing the country AND THE WORLD AGAIN, DINGBAT DUPES. READ SOMETHING. The deficit is STILL almost all UE and welfare for their victims- 400 billion. FACT
Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.

You could just google:
First Texas started quite low.
Another stupid :asshole: mindlessly parroting the 3,000 page GOP scripted lie programmed into him by hate radio. The ACA is 906 pages :asshole:
It became unintelligible after the first 100 pages. The Democrat assholes that voted for it even admit they didn't read it, so your point is moot.

Sorry if you can't read it but it is a document that covers 20% GDP of the country. 1 in every 5 dollars spent... Probably best that is written to lock out loopholes and ambiguity rather than be written in one syllable words so idiots like you can understand it.

I know that ACA law might have made you uncomfortable in that it it exposed your mental weakness (this was there before the law was written) but hey they are the compromises you make when you lock down lawyers to find gaps...
Idiots like me? CONGRESSMEN couldn't read this thing, you jackass.
Only stupid GOP congressmen.

Well sure, because even those old school GOP Legislators such as Nancy Pelosi told us that "We'll have to pass, so that you can know what's in it... ."

Yes... that was the GOP Democrat SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Telling Democrats that she could not tell them what was in the obamacare bill... .

Proving ONCE AGAIN, that had the US rejected socialism when it first began to infect the culture at the turn of the 20th Century, the US would still be a viable nation and not on the brink of its destruction.

How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time? There were two bills at the time, how could Pelosi be expected to know what would be in the consolidated bill?

Why are conservatives so dumb?
That must be why Texas is booming...and places like New York, Kalifornia, and Massachusetts are imploding.

Texas has increased fracking has more to do with it than anything else.

Link please.
Fracking in South Texas Generates 61 Billion Annually in Economic Activity - The Objective Standard

The cost to the environment has been hit and it has only been temporary...). Texas boom was led by energy boom...

Dear Texas Enjoy The Oil Boom. Just Don t Blow It This Time. - Forbes

Truth is Liberal states perform the best over time... They are richer and continue to be richer... Texas's boom will be blown like the Arabs are doing with there oil too... Just look at the figures above...

This goes along with what I said. Republicans in Red States generally make their money digging things out of the ground. Taking advantage of what is already there. Unlike Liberals, Republicans don't invent, create, discover or manufacture. They "find" or think up schemes to legally take away other people's money. Like Mitt Romney with his Bain Capital.

What have liberals invented lately ?

Answer: Porn.
Where would this nation be without porn?
How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time?

That is the most profoundly foolish thing ever posted on the internet.

But it IS a classic demonstration that the ideological lacks the means to discern truth and why there will no longer be any tolerance of them, their 'ideas', their 'feelings' and coming soon: THEIR PRESENCE.

Frankly I am a proponent of skipping skipping steps one and two... but I'm waiting on them to prove to enough people that steps one and two are useless, without step three being moved to step one.

And crap like THAT is just what we need to move things along... .
How could she tell what was in a bill that had not been finalized at the time?

That is the most profoundly foolish thing ever posted on the internet.

But it IS a classic demonstration that the ideological lacks the means to discern truth and why there will no longer be any tolerance of them, their 'ideas', their 'feelings' and coming soon: THEIR PRESENCE.

Frankly I am a proponent of skipping skipping steps one and two... but I'm waiting on them to prove to enough people that steps one and two are useless, without step three being moved to step one.

And crap like THAT is just what we need to move things along... . are the fool

Pelosi was correct in saying she did not know what was in the bill.....nobody did

Rightwing taking quotes out of context and refusing to acknowledge their true meaning is all they have left

Can we didn't build that next?
A little thing called affordable health care for all. Why not a SINGLE story on peoples' lives being saved, suffering over? Our media is cowardly and pathetic. "Librul" my ass. Just not ALL bs Pub propaganda...

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