I'm Voting Hillary For POTUS & Republicans Down-Ballot: Here's Why...(NC)

^^ No. And you can't trust Trump. View the video in the OP to see if he ACTUALLY shares your values or simply has you hypnotized to believe he does..
Which ones of hitlery lies inspired you the most?
Oh, m'gosh! You mean politicians lie sometimes!!!???

Let me ask you: which one of Trump's lies inspired YOU the most? All things equal, I'm looking at personality. And a man who has to have his Twitter account taken away from him by women is not a man; nor is he fit to be president...admittedly even by his own campaign staff who felt a need to step in.
Well anyone who votes for Hillary must like stupid, careless and incompetent running the country.

Oh and get ready for more refugees to support. Such a deal for we the taxpayer.
I couldn't vote for Clinton; to vote for her guarantees that at some point, future generations here will be ruled by an Islamic Theocracy, oppressing, persecuting and killing non-Muslims. Huge numbers of Muslims brought in and open borders coupled with a Muslim average family birthrate of 7.1 children per family versus 2.8 per average U.S. westerner family, this ensures that over time, they will only control more and more in the political realm and with enough numbers in politics, the U.S. Constitution will just be tossed in favor of Sharia Law and the Hadith.
Should she become the POTUS, I feel sorry for my great-great or great-great-great grandchildren; they will be cursing those who voted for Clinton for their loss of basic freedoms and the enslavement of women.
Well anyone who votes for Hillary must like stupid, careless and incompetent running the country.

Oh and get ready for more refugees to support. Such a deal for we the taxpayer.
Not without the permission of Congress. Hence why I said we should vote in all down ballot GOP. Perfect balance for Hillary since she's going to win anyway.
No, you are voting for Hillary because you hate Trump because he is not a doctrinaire ideologue like you are.

Trump is progun, antiabortion, pro tax cuts, and wants to allow more religious expression by repealing the Johnson Amendment.

And some retarded conservative Christians think because he said "pussy" 12 years ago he is unfit for office and they will instead put into the WH a fanatical Marxist Lite Dimocrat who plans to hike taxes, reduce gun rights, expand abortion on demand, and wants to change Christianity to match leftwing ideology.

This is the very definition of stupidity.
Still waiting for CNN's explanation of how their debate questions got into the hands of Donna Brazille, former Gore campaign chief and DNC chief.
Still waiting for CNN's explanation of how their debate questions got into the hands of Donna Brazille, former Gore campaign chief and DNC chief.

Still waiting for wikileaks to release just one of Trump's emails.
Ill fucking give youu 100 emails if you vote for trump -0 I don't want to die - I'm on the god damn front lines. Fucking Alaska next to a base. My troops have been practicing for 4 days straight.

MSM is corrupt. We have /no/ true media right now. This isn't a hoax. Our election is being /stolen/ we are going to end up at war. I think its some twisted fucking cult "start the end of the world" shit. Their batshi Look at what is happening in the world right now.

Turkey, U.S. agree on long-term plan to capture, govern Raqqa, Syria

U.S. Forces Korea conducts evacuation drill for American civilians

Odessa, Ukraine, Gov. Saakashvili resigns, citing rampant corruption


Election 2016: Trump beating Clinton in Google searches

Israel won't attend French peace conference, wants direct talks with Palestinians

China blocks recently-elected separatist lawmakers from Hong Kong parliament


Search Wikileaks - go check twitter Podesta Emails

You vote for Clinton you are electing a corrupt One World Order initiative, scandals all over, murder, and possibly a huge child peto ring (which I presume she will pardon everything on and thus why this is happening - shit goes back like 40 years - Bill Clinton and pedo Island shit)

It's on Fox, they are rebelling from MSM.
'Disregarded ethics guidelines': Clinton document raised issues with 2010 Shanghai Expo
Cal Thomas: The media are 'enablers of Clinton's candidacy'

News about #DNCLeaks2 on Twitter
News about #PodestaEmails32 on Twitter
News about #PodestaEmails33 on Twitter
#PodestaEmails34 hashtag on Twitter

Go look for it. Check out the #1 trending election twitter - #ElectionFinalThoughts hashtag on Twitter
#TrumpWinsBecause hashtag on Twitter

It is all over the world - scroll through take the polls - read what people are saying in other fucking countries - #electionfinalthoughts not american - Twitter Search "Do we even have a country anymore??"

Please Vote Trump. She's probably going to lie anyway but we need to try
Sillywet says "Show me Trumps emails!"

What a freaking idiot.

When did you become pro-abortion, Sillywet?

Still waiting for wikileaks to release just one of Trump's emails.

Translation - I do not care if CNN gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate. CNN has been doing that since 1988, and I supported it each and every time. All I care about is my GOVERNMENT CHECK and I am hence for HILLARY regardless of anything....

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