I'm going to go out on a limb here...

Before you make a further fool of yourself, revisit that statement.
Which part of that statement is untrue? From my understanding someone physically turned the transponders off and the plane continued traveling for another four hours afterwards.

Revisit it as I said. I am not going to do it for you.
I already revisited it. I don't see anything factually untrue about anything I said.
If I was living in Israel I would be very worried right now.
If this plane takes off from, or flies across any Middle East country and makes it to Israel...this will start a major-major war.

A war in the Middle East?

Now you are just talking crazy. :badgrin:

If they use WMD's against Israel it might behoove Israel to point their nukes at Megiddo and Mecca and just end it once and for all.
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The authorities are doing everything they can to not say terrorism. The two iranians who paid cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports are just innocent asylum seekers. Saying differently would be profiling iranian men who pay cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports as would be terrorists and we can't have that.

I hope they find the wreckage. If they don't, that means the real terrorist attack hasn't happened yet.
That's what world govt.'s are hiding from us. The plane not crashed elevates the threat to a whole new level. It's sad that everybody is hoping to find a crashed plane. Especially for the relatives of those who were on the plane. Many are going to loose their parents and sons and daughters.

They are indeed. On Fox News Meagan Kelly interviewed a group of pilots and reporters. There were 3 disinformation guys in the front row.. several more in the middle and one in the back. ( navy seal ) They were so unconvincing that I was amazed at the thought they were getting paid for it. WSJ is running disinfo too. They are all scrambling and rambling at this point.

Meagan was trying to help them out with well this is the theory, right? lol. She had to feed them lines to keep them on track. 80% of her questions last night were statements in disguise.

It was a very aggressive move by FOX to shut down any discussion of WHY the hijackers would want this plane. Her boss at FOX must have told her there won't be any discussions about a 777 jet out there that could be used as a weapon against a city and kill millions with a bio attack.. not a word of it. Oh and make sure to call on the disinformation guys because we need to keep the public totally confused. Do yourselves a favor and don't bother watching FOX anymore.
It's obvious why they would want to hijack a plane. It's harder to get control of and deploy a WMD, so they steal a plane, load it up with whatever and then use the plane as a missile to target a major city. Very ambitious move, and one that will definitely surpass 9-11 . Funny part is nobody is the media is talking about this more likely scenario. Anybody living in major Western cities should be concerned now. That is why the Pentagon has deployed two warships and God knows how many submarines in search of the plane. This is a very serious situation.
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That's what world govt.'s are hiding from us. The plane not crashed elevates the threat to a whole new level. It's sad that everybody is hoping to find a crashed plane. Especially for the relatives of those who were on the plane. Many are going to loose their parents and sons and daughters.

They are indeed. On Fox News Meagan Kelly interviewed a group of pilots and reporters. There were 3 disinformation guys in the front row.. several more in the middle and one in the back. ( navy seal ) They were so unconvincing that I was amazed at the thought they were getting paid for it. WSJ is running disinfo too. They are all scrambling and rambling at this point.

Meagan was trying to help them out with well this is the theory, right? lol. She had to feed them lines to keep them on track. 80% of her questions last night were statements in disguise.

It was a very aggressive move by FOX to shut down any discussion of WHY the hijackers would want this plane. Her boss at FOX must have told her there won't be any discussions about a 777 jet out there that could be used as a weapon against a city and kill millions with a bio attack.. not a word of it. Oh and make sure to call on the disinformation guys because we need to keep the public totally confused. Do yourselves a favor and don't bother watching FOX anymore.
It's obvious why they would want to hijack a plane. It's harder to get control of and deploy a WMD, so they steal a plane, load it up with whatever and then use the plane as a missile to target a major city. Very ambitious move, and one that will definitely surpass 9-11 . Funny part is nobody is the media is talking about this more likely scenario. Anybody living in major Western cities should be concerned now. That is why the Pentagon has deployed two warships and God knows how many submarines in search of the plane. This is a very serious situation.

so which city will they take out?

I don't think it will be Washington DC. After all, they want to destroy the US, not save it. :badgrin:
They are indeed. On Fox News Meagan Kelly interviewed a group of pilots and reporters. There were 3 disinformation guys in the front row.. several more in the middle and one in the back. ( navy seal ) They were so unconvincing that I was amazed at the thought they were getting paid for it. WSJ is running disinfo too. They are all scrambling and rambling at this point.

Meagan was trying to help them out with well this is the theory, right? lol. She had to feed them lines to keep them on track. 80% of her questions last night were statements in disguise.

It was a very aggressive move by FOX to shut down any discussion of WHY the hijackers would want this plane. Her boss at FOX must have told her there won't be any discussions about a 777 jet out there that could be used as a weapon against a city and kill millions with a bio attack.. not a word of it. Oh and make sure to call on the disinformation guys because we need to keep the public totally confused. Do yourselves a favor and don't bother watching FOX anymore.
It's obvious why they would want to hijack a plane. It's harder to get control of and deploy a WMD, so they steal a plane, load it up with whatever and then use the plane as a missile to target a major city. Very ambitious move, and one that will definitely surpass 9-11 . Funny part is nobody is the media is talking about this more likely scenario. Anybody living in major Western cities should be concerned now. That is why the Pentagon has deployed two warships and God knows how many submarines in search of the plane. This is a very serious situation.

so which city will they take out?

I don't think it will be Washington DC. After all, they want to destroy the US, not save it. :badgrin:
I guess we have to wait and see. I'm not sure how far the plane can fly on a full fuel tank. Probably at least 8 to 10 hours. That puts most of Europe and probably even Coastal US into play. India, China, Australia and Russia are the closest possible targets.
It's obvious why they would want to hijack a plane. It's harder to get control of and deploy a WMD, so they steal a plane, load it up with whatever and then use the plane as a missile to target a major city. Very ambitious move, and one that will definitely surpass 9-11 . Funny part is nobody is the media is talking about this more likely scenario. Anybody living in major Western cities should be concerned now. That is why the Pentagon has deployed two warships and God knows how many submarines in search of the plane. This is a very serious situation.

so which city will they take out?

I don't think it will be Washington DC. After all, they want to destroy the US, not save it. :badgrin:
I guess we have to wait and see. I'm not sure how far the plane can fly on a full fuel tank. Probably at least 8 to 10 hours. That puts most of Europe and probably even Coastal US into play. India, China, Australia and Russia are the closest possible targets.

Would they take out a holy site like Jerusalem?

I have no idea how these psychopaths think.
Load up that plane with explosives and it's a potent weapon. The longer it goes without finding wreckage, the more likely it is that the terrorist attack hasn't happened yet. The passengers and crew are dead by now. There's no reason to hold them.
You don't have to worry about that. If this plane is going to be sent anywhere for a terrorist attack it will be the United States. Not Israel. This isn't the first to go missing. This is the second one. The first one was stolen while on the ground and has never been found.

Something tells me that Israeli airspace is tightly monitored, and any aircraft that deviates from its flightpath towards any town, city or military asset will be swiftly investigated by one or more of Israel's F16s.
You don't have to worry about that. If this plane is going to be sent anywhere for a terrorist attack it will be the United States. Not Israel. This isn't the first to go missing. This is the second one. The first one was stolen while on the ground and has never been found.

Something tells me that Israeli airspace is tightly monitored, and any aircraft that deviates from its flightpath towards any town, city or military asset will be swiftly investigated by one or more of Israel's F16s.

I believe it possible to fly under the radar. It is very dangerous, but I think it possible.

That is why I believe they would only try this over the open ocean at night. The target would have to be a coastal city.
I may well be right too. You don't have a fuckin' clue. Neither does he. But that wont stop him from putting up a thread such as this in hopes he has an extra ammunition case for the bigot jew/muslim flame war.

And i'm the one who lacks credit here? You're funny, Fake.

Your 'may' is 'probably not'. You are merely a hater who wont stop from reactonary righttard nonsense.

Yeah, you never have had any cred here.

You opinion is as worthless as anyone else in this discussion, Fake. And your catch phrase is worn out.

Nah, it is your hating nonsense that is worn out on this Board.

Step off, hater.
There is an old book by a GRU defector who wrote under the pen name Viktor Suvorov. The book's title is Spetsnaz: The Inside Story of the Soviet Special Forces. Chapter 15 in this book is about Spetsnaz's role at the outset of World War III. It makes very interesting reading.

Russian Spetsnaz commandos are trained as paratroopers, explosives experts, terrorists and assassins. According to Suvorov, World War III will not begin with conventional military operations, or even with massed nuclear missile strikes. On page 196 he describes "a series of large and small [terrorist] operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets...." According to Suvorov: "The principle method employed at this stage is 'grey terror.'" This is a kind of terror that is carried out "in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations."

Suvorov claimed that "grey terror" would have a psychological warfare component. The Russian special services, he wrote, would launch a scandal parade. Dirt would be invented, created or dug up on America's leaders, on America's defense establishment and on America's friends abroad. According to Suvorov, various nations would begin to distrust their leaders. The peace movement, he wrote, would make use of these scandals. "In many countries there are continual demands to make the country neutral and not to support American foreign policy, which has been discredited." When America's international support erodes away, explained Suvorov, the "grey terror" gathers in scope and "reaches its peak." The next stage is pink terror, "when active military operations have not yet begun and there is still peace, but when some of the best spetsnaz units have already gone into action." This leads directly to "red terror" - which is open warfare between major powers.

Perhaps it is crazy to make this suggestion: But is it possible the "grey terror" of Viktor Suvorov has begun? Are key leaders in al Qaeda paid agents of the old Communist Bloc, paving the way for "pink terror" and the "red terror" that logically follows?

One hesitates to accept, at face value, the statements of anti-Communists in Eastern Europe (since their statements are so grim). And yet, there is something strange about the terrorists and their war against America. What do these terrorists hope to achieve for themselves? Islam is not going to take over the United States. The Islamists have no army. They don't even have a country that dares to openly embrace their cause.

Last Sunday night I received a call from an American businessman recently returned from South America. He had a strange encounter. He'd met a Russian down below the equator. This Russian thought South America was safe place to be at the moment. The businessman talked about life in South America. "Life is better in the United States," he said. The Russian answered. "Yes, but the United States is not going to be there much longer."

The Russian refused to elaborate. Perhaps he doesn't need to.

hold on.. I'm getting you the link.

Grey Terror | JR Nyquist | FINANCIAL SENSE
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You don't have to worry about that. If this plane is going to be sent anywhere for a terrorist attack it will be the United States. Not Israel. This isn't the first to go missing. This is the second one. The first one was stolen while on the ground and has never been found.

Something tells me that Israeli airspace is tightly monitored, and any aircraft that deviates from its flightpath towards any town, city or military asset will be swiftly investigated by one or more of Israel's F16s.
Israel will not be a possible target. Israeli airspace is like a fortress in the sky. Even low flying objects can be detected.
You don't have to worry about that. If this plane is going to be sent anywhere for a terrorist attack it will be the United States. Not Israel. This isn't the first to go missing. This is the second one. The first one was stolen while on the ground and has never been found.

Something tells me that Israeli airspace is tightly monitored, and any aircraft that deviates from its flightpath towards any town, city or military asset will be swiftly investigated by one or more of Israel's F16s.

I believe it possible to fly under the radar. It is very dangerous, but I think it possible.

That is why I believe they would only try this over the open ocean at night. The target would have to be a coastal city.
Latest satellite information says the plane was in the air around SEVEN hours heading towards southern Khazakestan. We are in the first stage of a multi phase attack. No way a plane flies seven hours in the wrong direction and then crashes. This thing is probably on the ground.
Khazakestan is Russia's neighborhood. Look at this one, Roudy.

Grey Terror | JR Nyquist | FINANCIAL SENSEGrey Terror
By JR Nyquist05/13/2004
More Sharing Services It is generally believed that Mohammed Atta was the leader of the 9/11 strikes against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Atta was an Egyptian, a student of architecture in Cairo and Hamburg, born on Sept. 1, 1968. His studies continued to the end of the 1990s. We are told that he was seriously religious, though he was seen drinking alcohol and playing video games at a sports bar the week before 9/11.

In May 2003, Capt. Vladimir Hucin, formerly with Czech intelligence (BIS), made a curious statement in front of Petr Cibulka, the head of the Right Bloc (Pravy Blok) in response to a question about Atta: "I had information that Mohammed Atta was trained in the Zastavka terrorist training camp in 1988, by Czechoslovak Communists and STB."

Cibulka was not surprised by Hucin's claim regarding Atta. According to Cibulka, al Qaeda is the child of the Communist Bloc and its rogue state allies. "[Al Qaeda] is supplied and trained by Iraq," said Cibulka in a 2003 interview. "But the real brains behind this global terrorist campaign against the free world ... is in fact the Russian GRU. Moscow fights against the United States with a hidden hand."

There is no question that the FBI and the CIA, in their infinite wisdom, would dismiss Cibulka's statement and the allegations of Capt. Hucin. The reasoning of the FBI and CIA goes something like this: People who have fought communism their whole lives are deeply committed to their views, even when communism has collapsed. Those who hate communism do not stop hating it, and their judgment is distorted by this hatred. Therefore, statements connecting today's terrorism with "International Communism" are not to be taken seriously.

Perhaps the prevailing wisdom of the FBI and CIA deserves the honored place it now enjoys. On the other hand, an admission that anti-Communism can become an obsession does not automatically discredit everything anti-Communists have to say. Soviet Communism invented modern terrorism. The Communists trained Arafat, Mandela, Carlos the Jackal and others. To what end was this training?

Kind of a telling picture, isn't it?
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Nyquist/2005/0813Is Al Qaeda a Kremlin Proxy?

By J.R. Nyquist

Last month a journalist friend in Poland sent me a translation of an interview with FSB [KGB] defector Alexander Litvinenko. The following testimony, offered by Litvinenko, was published by FAKT. Alexander Valterovich Litvinenko (b. Voreonezh, 1962) served in the counterintelligence agencies of the Soviet KGB, and after 1991, as a counter-terrorism expert in the Central Staff of the MB-FSK-FSB (KGB successor organizations). In 1997 Litvinenko served in one of the most secretive departments of the Russian KGB -- the Department for the Analysis of Criminal Organizations. He was a senior operations officer and deputy head of the Seventh Section. Litvinenko defected from Russia and was granted political asylum by the United Kingdom in May 2001.

In a July 2002 article titled Ayman al-Zawahiri's Russian Adventure, I offered the following analysis: "Given Zawahiri's travels to Russia and China, given the full context of Russia's double game in Chechnya (described in last week’s column), we ought to entertain the possibility that China and Russia secretly supported the terrorists who attacked America on 9/11."

Poland's FAKT contacted Litvinenko after the London bombings last month and the following conversation was reported:

FAKT: Alexander, who, in your opinion, is the originator of this [London] terrorist attack?

A. Litvinenko: You know, I have spoken about it earlier and I shall say now, that I know only one organization that has made terrorism the main tool of solving political problems. It is the Russian special services. The KGB was engaged in terrorism for many years, and mass terrorism. At the special department of the KGB they trained terrorists from practically every country in the world. These courses lasted, as a rule, for a half-year. Specially trained and prepared agents of the KGB organized murders and explosions, including explosions of tankers, the hijacking of passenger airliners, strikes on diplomatic, state and commercial organizations worldwide.

FAKT: Could you name ... some of the terrorists prepared at the "special courses" of the KGB-FSB?

A. Litvinenko: The bloodiest terrorists in the world were or are agents of the KGB-FSB. These are well-known, like Carlos Ilyich Ramiros, nicknamed "the Jackal," the late Yassir Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Adjalan (he is condemned in Turkey), Wadi Haddad, the head of the service of external operations of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hauyi, the head of the communist party of Lebanon, Mr. Papaionnu from the Cyprus, Sean Garland from Ireland and many others. All of them were trained by the KGB, received money from there, weapons and explosives, counterfeit documents and a communication equipment for carrying out of acts of terrorism worldwide.

FAKT: Some may object that each of the listed figures, and the forces supporting them, were engaged in solving their own political problems.

A. Litvinenko: Certainly, all these figures and movements operated under their own slogans; however, none of them especially hid their "intimate" ... relationship with the Kremlin and Lubyanka. There is a simple question: whether the Russian special services would train and finance people and groups that were not supervised by Lubyanka and did not serve the interests of the Kremlin? You understand perfectly, they would not. Each act of terrorism made by these people was carried out as an assignment and under the rigid control of the KGB of the USSR. And [the terrorism] ... is not casual after the disintegration of the USSR and [reform of the KGB]....

FAKT: Every terrorist you have named is from 'the old staff' of the KGB. Could you name someone from recent history?

A. Litvinenko: Certainly, here it is. The number two person in the terrorist organization al Qaeda, who they are crediting with the series of explosions in London, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is an old agent of the FSB. Being sentenced to death in Egypt for terrorism and hunted by Interpol, Ayman al-Zawahiri, in 1998, was in the territory of Dagestan, where for half a year he received special training at one of the educational bases of the FSB. After this training he was transferred to Afghanistan, where he had never been before and where, following the recommendation of his Lubyanka chiefs, he at once ... penetrated the milieu of bin Laden and soon became his assistant in al Qaeda.

con't on link
Respectfully disagree. If it did, some group would've already taken credit for it.

Why would they point a finger at themselves when they haven't reached their objective?
Stealing the plane is not the objective. Loading said plane with explosives and crashing it into a building might be.
I think they're shooting higher this time. Probably loading it with a nuke / dirty nuke or chemical / gas WMD.
Don't know about Russian involvement here. Especially when Russians themselves are fighting Islamists supported by Al Queda on their southern border.

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