I'm forced by the rules to put this here

Even though it's not "theory" -

I know most people can't conceive the gov't would set them up or lie to them- moral high ground and all that- but, what makes them believe that?

How the Truth Movement Can Win

I dare doubters to watch the video- I dare doubters to do your own research- I dare readers to peruse this

The airplane nose coming out thru the building indeed is possible. The reporter in one chain of TV media, saying he didn't see the second airplane (minute 33:08) but he just saw the explosion, this is easily understood. Usually the reporters are broadcasting watching the game, but in several opportunities they are not looking at the game but to the other reporter while his is talking.

The sound will have lots of variations depending of the winds. When you hear a crash from different angles and distances, the sounds heard by people and devices will be different.

The same scream of a person can be immediately used in several film shots by the different news media broadcasters. They have experts who will enforce sounds in order to make more dramatic the scenario.

You just can't avoid that, because this is how TV broadcasters work. Even when the are broadcasting a "live" event, as I told you before, they will transmit it with a delay. This is not "conspiracy" but in several cases they have themselves saved their butts from being sued.

Even though it's not "theory" -

I know most people can't conceive the gov't would set them up or lie to them- moral high ground and all that- but, what makes them believe that?

How the Truth Movement Can Win

I dare doubters to watch the video- I dare doubters to do your own research- I dare readers to peruse this

Minute 39:23

The settings of the lens (no the camera) allows you to see in different ways the same scenario. You don't need to set the camera but just turning the adjuster of the lens and "you will see what you want to see" .

In this case, the broadcasters will set their lenses which will help best to see the smoke coming out from the buildings.

Other cameras, from people, those just show the whole scenario in normal setting.

The action made by broadcasters is not to make the images "unclear" but to appreciate better what they consider is more worthy for you to see.

Here are three setting of the same view, you will notice that in one picture the smoke is not very clear, but using the other settings you can see it better.




Even though it's not "theory" -

I know most people can't conceive the gov't would set them up or lie to them- moral high ground and all that- but, what makes them believe that?

How the Truth Movement Can Win

I dare doubters to watch the video- I dare doubters to do your own research- I dare readers to peruse this

Minute 1:00:40

The obvious is that they will put the videos from other media guys.

They will "hide" or "delay" regular people videos in order to monopolize the market.

The whole videos you see broadcasted by the media people as "amateurs" have gave them "rights" and collect money for their pictures and videos. They help one to another. It's a kind of "mafia".

Check that the videos from cameras close to the Pentagon, stores, building surveying devices and more, were confiscated by the FBI. Only one view was broadcasted in order to avoid people not related to the media of making profit.

Remember when regular vendors in the streets of New York started to sell pictures of the burning towers on the very next day. Then, a complaint was made by "professional photographers" who caused the authorities to prohibit that kind of business and they only allowed the selling of the same pictures from "authorized" people and stores.

It is a mafia.

You better make a new conspiracy theory mentioning this mafia.
Minute 1:06:29

The sudden "cut" of the video when the camera is moved right when or right after the accident happens is a normal behavior by people. Watch those videos showing accidents, and the amateur camera man mostly move the camera away right at the moment of the impact.

This happens for several reasons, one of those is the camera man wants to see with his naked eyes the scenario, the camera man reaction of protecting himself, for example from particles that might come straight to him, and more.

Look the reaction of the amateur video in the following video.

At second 0:36 trains are passing by. At second 0:43 the camera man by instinct will move the camera from the initial focus. This is a normal reaction seen as well with the 911 video.

Up to minute 1:15:00

Again, the broadcasting images can be out of time while the reporter is talking. This is also perceived in sports.

The images showing the bridge column at difference distances are easily explained by angle and distance. He shows in parallel two images taken from different angle and distance. Same with the shadow of the flames. one is from far distance and the another from down the street under the building. Of course will be a huge difference.

I might take some pictures showing you the effects similar to what the conspirator sees as a manufactured video.

So far, his theory based in camera manipulation fails, because cameras at the moment of recording will suffer of pixels perturbation. A similar scenario happened with early 50" or more TVs which were not only slow but also showed deformed borders of images.

If the conspirator assumes that was a video made with specials effects, then, and for sure, all the videos should be "perfect" because the help of the computer program.

Even though it's not "theory" -

I know most people can't conceive the gov't would set them up or lie to them- moral high ground and all that- but, what makes them believe that?

How the Truth Movement Can Win

I dare doubters to watch the video- I dare doubters to do your own research- I dare readers to peruse this

The video can only sustain the theory that the buildings were hit by other than airplanes.

The presentation of "fraud" in the videos is not well supported.

It can be accepted a plan made to attack those towers by others than the "terrorists".

There were precedents insinuating the plan.

The best way to transmit espionage information is doing it openly in the media.

A video made in July 2001, was broadcasted all around the world, showing a "UFO" hiding behind one of the Twin Towers, and moved fast to another location and finally came against the helicopter which was filming the event.

You can get the information of what was predicted already, the use of flying devices to hit the towers two months before 911.

This is also recorded after the attacks. The US Intelligence knew about the attacks, but they didn't know when and what kind of flying vehicles or devices.

Sci Fi video or real, the purpose of that video showed two months before the hit of the towers, was the knowledge of a plan in progress.

Here is the video analyzing the image of the UFO.

Look at it and see for yourself if the images are real or fake. The video is showing step by step the coming of the UFO against the helicopter.

Look at the difference in pixels quality in comparison with the video posted by you.

There are other YouTube videos showing the UFO video at normal speed.

No matter what was used to spread the information about the knowledge of the possible attacks to the towers, the US Intelligence surely knew about it and gave the warning.

The presentation of "fraud" in the videos is not well supported.
You've done a good job of dissecting the video- however, coupled with the mountains of other evidence this particular video only adds to the already suspicious nature- this particular video is every bit as plausible as the official lies-
The presentation of "fraud" in the videos is not well supported.
You've done a good job of dissecting the video- however, coupled with the mountains of other evidence this particular video only adds to the already suspicious nature- this particular video is every bit as plausible as the official lies-
Surely the official report will hide lots of valuable information.

In many cases hiding information is not a synonymous of lying, but of covering "something else".

The good outcome from videos like the one you have posted, is that people have the opportunity to review all angles available to learn and even understand the falling of the buildings and even the reaction of people who were there at that moment.

Notice people who were watching the burning towers on TV and from far away locations keeping cool while others who were close to those buildings showed emotions of fear. And you can tell that there is a huge difference between feeling an explosion in person than watching it thru a video.

I was lucky to be present when the army was doing practices, and the canons were about five blocks away on our backs, and we were in the middle and the chosen hills about two miles away in front of us. The sound of the shot, the sound of the projectile on the sky, which you can't see but only can be heard as an airplane flying at low altitude, later the image of the hill being hit, and lots of places surrounding the epicenter starting to be hit by smaller particles making greater dust on the air... and suddenly the boom! sound, shaking the air and felt on the floor as well... man, that was terrible. When I watch war videos, even with sound round system, I won't feel the same experience.

I'm glad people won't become conformist about the official report.
In many cases hiding information is not a synonymous of lying, but of covering "something else".
Lying "officially" by not telling the truth is still lying- and I have never said, for those who want to bash me, that the gov't was responsible- even though the buck stops at the top does apply- the gov't is/was at best complicit- the fed gov't has been "officially" lying for at least 106 years (1913) - couple that with all the "official" Acts by Congress and by Fiat (EO's) perpetrated at the expense of our Liberty how anyone can side with or defend 9/11 lies is beyond me-
In many cases hiding information is not a synonymous of lying, but of covering "something else".
Lying "officially" by not telling the truth is still lying- and I have never said, for those who want to bash me, that the gov't was responsible- even though the buck stops at the top does apply- the gov't is/was at best complicit- the fed gov't has been "officially" lying for at least 106 years (1913) - couple that with all the "official" Acts by Congress and by Fiat (EO's) perpetrated at the expense of our Liberty how anyone can side with or defend 9/11 lies is beyond me-

I dont think these Bush dupes even have a clue what you are talking about when you talk about that critical year 1913,the year that horribly changed America for all americans alive that day and future americans,they are clueless to the fact that ever since 1913,we have not been a free country,that ever since then we have been a facist dictatership.

the one patriotic president who tried to put a stop to it and return us to the constitution of the united states where the people had control over the government instead of all these bankers and corporations that do now,they are clueless sheep that dont get it that because he tried to do something about it and make us a free country again,he paid the deadly price ofor it on nov 22nd 1963. they are that stupid they dont get is and incredibly STILL want to believe in magic bullets,that the ALLEGED assassin,even though he said he did NOT do it,they inbcredibly STILL believe the fairy tale warren commission oswald did it to make his mark on his history.

uh someone trying to make their mark on history would hardly DENY they did it,they would BRAG about it but these stupid fucks cant put two and two together.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::rolleyes:
In many cases hiding information is not a synonymous of lying, but of covering "something else".
Lying "officially" by not telling the truth is still lying- and I have never said, for those who want to bash me, that the gov't was responsible- even though the buck stops at the top does apply- the gov't is/was at best complicit- the fed gov't has been "officially" lying for at least 106 years (1913) - couple that with all the "official" Acts by Congress and by Fiat (EO's) perpetrated at the expense of our Liberty how anyone can side with or defend 9/11 lies is beyond me-

The sheeple have been programmed. Taking the red pill is simply too painful for most. Cognitive dissonance....

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