I'm Confused about this Baby Formula Situation

I, personally, do not well tolerate the barbarism of tit sucking for food. I had a client discussing a Trust, she whipped out that tit like it was nothing. Mindful of California law, I excused myself to give her some privacy and left. My secretary was instructed to make the client comfortable. Did she want anything. She could stay as long as she wanted but I was gone for the day.

She sued me anyway. But, I had followed the exact letter of the law. There is nothing in the statute that requires me to provide an audience.

Barbarism? You consider basic biology to be barbaric?
Biden is in charge and baby formula is in short supply. Who else should we blame?
Exactly. Democrats set the precedent. The left's attempts at spinning this are nothing but a distraction. 70% of voters say the country is headed in the wrong direction so no matter how much BS the left want to spin everything, the voters know who is responsible and that includes baby formula.
Joe is being blamed for everything. That's the entire platform of the Republican party, also known as Trumpland.

You know Trump is going to be reinstated any day now right?

No really.
Wow doofus, you are the ones that taught the lesson of blaming the incumbent for everything including the brown streak in your undies. How quickly you tiny beebrains forget.
For those questioning how we can be mad at Biden it's this easy.

1 he created a supply chain problem a while back which he hasn't done anything to improve. That hurts the situation.

2 he fucked up the value of the dollar which doesn't help the situation.

3 he sent a lot of formula to the border for illegals. Formula which could have gone to actual American citizen mothers and kids.

And if you're one of the ones that say "pop a tit in the kids mouth" see my reply below on how you're wrong for dumbing it down that far.

Aren’t most mothers baby food manufacturers?

Well you seem to forget about the millions of babies in America everyday that need to eat every couple hours that in hospitals like children's hospital or a nicu, clinics, day cares, adoption agencies, foster homes, orphanages and so on. Then you have mother's that can't get a child to latch on, or the mother isn't producing, or she has to take medication that crosses the blood brain barrier and she can't breastfeed. There are a lot of kids who need formula in a situation where it's the only option.

Even if there is only 1 million babies a day that need formula but they eat 10 times a day that's 10 million right there. The average is 4 to 6 but babies also cluster feed sometimes which can be every hour.
Typical Biden lefty response. Blame everyone else, including yourself. What happened to Biden's proclamation that the buck stops here?
Well since we are a capitalist country and not socialist we don’t expect the president to control the means and distribution of goods in this country. Is that something you like to see us do??
There was a recall of Baby Formula due to bacterial issues, right? So why is Joe Biden being blamed for this?

Source on recall: Powdered Infant Formula Recall: What to Know
Its really quite simple

If biden has baby formula to send to illegal aliens at the border he should give it to American babies instead

Of course the actual decision to favor aliens over Americans was not made by biden personally

But as president the buck stops with him
If only the creator had given women a method to feed their babies that did not rely on companies making acritical formula.

Yeah......and for those who need special formula because their babies can't digest any regular food?

Again, never, ever give people who think the world is overpopulated control over your food supply....
If only the creator had given women a method to feed their babies that did not rely on companies making acritical formula.

Hey.....dumb ass....I thought you lib assholes loved gay men.........

“Imagine having a large gay fanbase, many of whom are raising kids in two-dad households, and thinking this is a good suggestion,” Tim Carvell, executive producer for “Last Week Tonight,” shared.

Another follower was equally annoyed, saying: “No. Please- we all love you, but delete this now. There are soooooooo many reasons a woman cannot or chooses not to breastfeed. This sentiment is not helping the mothers trying to keep their babies from starving right now.

Yeah......and for those who need special formula because their babies can't digest any regular food?

this plant does not make special formula for babies can't digest any regular food
Democrats hate babies!

First, they want to kill them before they’re born and then they want to starve them after they’re born.
Well, assuming the US is a Socialist state and Biden is in charge of the production of baby formula.....

The US is only a socialist state with the government production of oil and weapons. All of which are funded with tax payer subsidies.

The oil companies, and weapons companies are the largest socialist entities on the planet.

There are no tax payer subsidies for the baby formula industry.
Biden is in charge and baby formula is in short supply. Who else should we blame?
The manufacturer and distributors that is who is responsible for the shortage to start with. Secondly who really gives two flying fucks? We survives eons with out baby formula. Breast milk, milk and purated food will do the trick
For those questioning how we can be mad at Biden it's this easy.

1 he created a supply chain problem a while back which he hasn't done anything to improve. That hurts the situation.

2 he fucked up the value of the dollar which doesn't help the situation.

3 he sent a lot of formula to the border for illegals. Formula which could have gone to actual American citizen mothers and kids.

And if you're one of the ones that say "pop a tit in the kids mouth" see my reply below on how you're wrong for dumbing it down that far.

Well you seem to forget about the millions of babies in America everyday that need to eat every couple hours that in hospitals like children's hospital or a nicu, clinics, day cares, adoption agencies, foster homes, orphanages and so on. Then you have mother's that can't get a child to latch on, or the mother isn't producing, or she has to take medication that crosses the blood brain barrier and she can't breastfeed. There are a lot of kids who need formula in a situation where it's the only option.

Even if there is only 1 million babies a day that need formula but they eat 10 times a day that's 10 million right there. The average is 4 to 6 but babies also cluster feed sometimes which can be every hour.

And what do you do if you have twins, but you're not producing enough milk for both? What if you didn't opt to breastfeed, and now you're no longer lactating and POOF! the formula you were using is all gone?

Lots of scenarios where this isn't just a throwaway, "no big deal" issue.
Its really quite simple

If biden has baby formula to send to illegal aliens at the border he should give it to American babies instead

Of course the actual decision to favor aliens over Americans was not made by biden personally

But as president the buck stops with him

Wrong. The problem is this is just another monopoly, where one corporation makes 10 different brands everyone uses.

It is the same with the prices of everything else. This started when we stopped enforcing anti trust laws n the 1980’s, allowing corporations to merge, and then buy back their own stocks, which was illegal before then.

If you turds think that is going to get better depending upon who is in office, then you’re a lot more stupid than I thought.

Break up the monopolies across the board, in every industry. Reinstate anti trust laws. Roll back the massive tax cuts given in the Reagan, Bush Jr., and Trump administrations.

This is where our debt, and inflation is coming from. Wake the fuck up. Doesn’t matter what your political leanings are.
Wrong. The problem is this is just another monopoly, where one corporation makes 10 different brands everyone uses.

It is the same with the prices of everything else. This started when we stopped enforcing anti trust laws n the 1980’s, allowing corporations to merge, and then buy back their own stocks, which was illegal before then.

If you turds think that is going to get better depending upon who is in office, then you’re a lot more stupid than I thought.

Break up the monopolies across the board, in every industry. Reinstate anti trust laws. Roll back the massive tax cuts given in the Reagan, Bush Jr., and Trump administrations.

This is where our debt, and inflation is coming from. Wake the fuck up. Doesn’t matter what your political leanings are.
We turds KNOW it is going to get better when Poopeypants is gone, and will start at the mid-terms when we get rid of the Dimmer morons. You wake the pelosi up dimwit!
Wrong. The problem is this is just another monopoly, where one corporation makes 10 different brands everyone uses.

It is the same with the prices of everything else. This started when we stopped enforcing anti trust laws n the 1980’s, allowing corporations to merge, and then buy back their own stocks, which was illegal before then.

If you turds think that is going to get better depending upon who is in office, then you’re a lot more stupid than I thought.

Break up the monopolies across the board, in every industry. Reinstate anti trust laws. Roll back the massive tax cuts given in the Reagan, Bush Jr., and Trump administrations.

This is where our debt, and inflation is coming from. Wake the fuck up. Doesn’t matter what your political leanings are.
Before Poopeypants took over, where was inflation and how were the prices and availability of any and everything? Duuuh you forgot?

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