Illinois Senate passes bill that requires LGBT history in public schools


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illinois Senate passes bill that requires LGBT history in public schools
The Illinois Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would require public schools in the state to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) history, as well as use inclusive and “non-discriminatory” textbooks.

Awww isn't it so sweet how they will force teach your kids to be sexualized into some bs they shouldn't even be thinking about.
I'd sue the fk out of the STATE, the school and any other sick pos that makes these decisions.
Since homos can't reproduce, they have to indoctrinate.

What happened to the old times when queers used to say, "leave us alone and we'll leave you alone?"

Guess they found out that if they did that they couldn't recruit new butt buddies.
Interesting study, finds

Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated
with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
Interesting study, finds

Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated
with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
^^Fake study intended to curtail,any criticism of homosexual activitism to mainstream the lifestyle.
Interesting study, finds

Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated
with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

Damn, you beat me to it!

I use a better analogy.

If you had a vegetarian friend who just couldn't stop talking about Steak.. how icky steak is, describing it cooking smothered in mushrooms and onions in graphic detail, you'd probably think he was obsessed with steak. Maybe he's getting some steak on the side.

So when you see these Homophobes who get on this board and tell you how icky gay sex is, describing it in the most graphic ways... well, draw your own conclusion.
Interesting study, finds

Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated
with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

Hey idiot....this has nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with sexualizing young children.
Why is it necessary?
You are really for teaching little children about this shit well before they even know what sex is?...and have no reason to know.
As well as teaching children a lie. Sex is not a state of mind. A man puts on a a man in a dress. Not a woman.
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Illinois Senate passes bill that requires LGBT history in public schools
The Illinois Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would require public schools in the state to teach lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) history, as well as use inclusive and “non-discriminatory” textbooks.

Awww isn't it so sweet how they will force teach your kids to be sexualized into some bs they shouldn't even be thinking about.
I'd sue the fk out of the STATE, the school and any other sick pos that makes these decisions.
What difference do they think that they are going to make when having such an arrangement? If any significant person in our history happened to be an LGBT person, their being such a person is not what made them the history making person that they were. Their status was due to something else that took place in their life. It had nothing to do with who they did or didn't share a bed with.

God bless you always!!!

Teaching sexuality content of any kind to kids outside sex Ed with proper parental permission is illegal. I can't wait for the lawsuits.

Just a little legal refresher. LGBT are regular men & women doing weird sex stuff. Attempting to expose children to deviant sex "as good or iconic" via a Trojan horse like this law is what's known as pedophile grooming. Arrest Illinois legislators or sue their asses off.
Just a little legal refresher. LGBT are regular men & women doing weird sex stuff.

Okay... let's look at this. What kind of "Weird sex stuff" do gays do?

Um, they do anal, cunnilingus and fellatio...

Well, 37% of straights do anal. 99% of them do cunnilingus and fellatio.

Attempting to expose children to deviant sex "as good or iconic" via a Trojan horse like this law is what's known as pedophile grooming. Arrest Illinois legislators or sue their asses off.

Okay, by that logic, we shouldn't teach them sex education, either. So when they go into a room trying to figure it out for themselves, and get knocked up, that's going to be good for everyone.
Yet another reason for home school or private schools

Um... yeah, because clearly shielding kids from unpleasant realities is the answer.

Hey, true story... I went to Catholic schools for 12 year and got the full nine yards about how the gays were totally evil and God burned all the babies in Sodom because their parents were gay....

And then I got into college and met some gay folks who weren't in the closet (unlike the frustrated queers in the Catholic Clergy) and they turned out to be regular folks.

Imagine my surprise.
Yet another reason for home school or private schools

Um... yeah, because clearly shielding kids from unpleasant realities is the answer.

Hey, true story... I went to Catholic schools for 12 year and got the full nine yards about how the gays were totally evil and God burned all the babies in Sodom because their parents were gay....

And then I got into college and met some gay folks who weren't in the closet (unlike the frustrated queers in the Catholic Clergy) and they turned out to be regular folks.

Imagine my surprise.

Well not everyone is into having their child taught perversion in school. It could lead to real problems later in life, take you as a prime example
Well not everyone is into having their child taught perversion in school. It could lead to real problems later in life, take you as a prime example

Here's the thing...

I went to Catholic Schools. And frankly, what they taught there was intolerance of other religions, homophobia, sexism and even a little subtle racism. (It was back in the 60's and 70's, so they hadn't quite gotten the memo.)

I had an aunt who was gay, but she was also a devote Catholic, so she entered into a marriage that was a sham, pretty much made herself unhappy her entire life because she couldn't be who she was. That's perverted.

Sexual orientation isn't a choice. Being a religious twit is.

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