Illinois keeps relying on the failed trickle-down theory of government spending

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Illinois once again has the 2nd highest property taxes in the nation and 100 grand a year local employees .

Illinois keeps relying on the failed trickle-down theory of government spending

The Democratic Party’s theory seems to be if you give the politicians more money, some of it will eventually trickle down to the government programs that actually benefit taxpayers.
  • on June 4, 2019 12:54 pm

Illinois is a strange place to live.

Baseball teams deliberately lose games and their fans enthusiastically support that strategy. Elected officials get indicted by federal grand juries, but get re-elected. The state (as a financial strategy) fails to make its pension payments, generates billions of dollars in debt and then passes tax hikes so it can spend more money.

So is the state’s property tax system.

And this year, under new Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois set out to reform all that stuff and more.

It passed a law legalizing recreational marijuana, which will raise millions of dollars in new tax revenue. It approved a law legalizing sports gambling and increasing the number of casinos in the state.

As for property tax reform, the state will create a task force to study the issue.

Oh, and gas taxes in Illinois will double from 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon. License plate fees will also increase.

Schaumburg village manager rakes in 318% more than area’s median households


While Schaumburg taxpayers struggle with a high tax burden, the village’s highest-earning government employee is collecting a salary of $240,770, a whopping 318 percent more than the median household income.
Illinois once again has the 2nd highest property taxes in the nation and 100 grand a year local employees .

Illinois keeps relying on the failed trickle-down theory of government spending

The Democratic Party’s theory seems to be if you give the politicians more money, some of it will eventually trickle down to the government programs that actually benefit taxpayers.
  • on June 4, 2019 12:54 pm

Illinois is a strange place to live.

Baseball teams deliberately lose games and their fans enthusiastically support that strategy. Elected officials get indicted by federal grand juries, but get re-elected. The state (as a financial strategy) fails to make its pension payments, generates billions of dollars in debt and then passes tax hikes so it can spend more money.

So is the state’s property tax system.

And this year, under new Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Illinois set out to reform all that stuff and more.

It passed a law legalizing recreational marijuana, which will raise millions of dollars in new tax revenue. It approved a law legalizing sports gambling and increasing the number of casinos in the state.

As for property tax reform, the state will create a task force to study the issue.

Oh, and gas taxes in Illinois will double from 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon. License plate fees will also increase.

Schaumburg village manager rakes in 318% more than area’s median households


While Schaumburg taxpayers struggle with a high tax burden, the village’s highest-earning government employee is collecting a salary of $240,770, a whopping 318 percent more than the median household income.

fk dude, I live here. it's my pain everyday, every week, every month and every year. the people hate their neighbors.

The last election was like, hey we don't pay enough in property tax, so let's raise the tax on every other function of life and vote in everywhere and let them take it all.

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