I’ll Miss the Polar Bears


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Global population size estimates for polar bears clash with extinction predictions

Funny how every climate prediction turns out to be wrong.

I hate those fuckin' things. They should be extinct.
Al Gore in 2007 said there would be no summer Arctic ice by 2013.

Nothing they predict comes true but the ignorant masses still believe them.

The alarmists claimed that due to ice melting, the natural habitat of the polar bears was reducing, the bears were going extinct. Unfortunately, if these inbred alarmists used enough fingers and toes to count on and actually counted the number of polar bears, they would have realised their numbers exploded.

But stating the truth doesn't push their agenda
It's a great thing when an animal like the polar bear lives on. Humans have no business going where they live. There's no natural resources we need where they reside.
The alarmists claimed that due to ice melting, the natural habitat of the polar bears was reducing, the bears were going extinct. Unfortunately, if these inbred alarmists used enough fingers and toes to count on and actually counted the number of polar bears, they would have realised their numbers exploded.

But stating the truth doesn't push their agenda
Can you explain to us how the polar bears will survive when the ice disappears? Or, if you're the sort to deny mainstream science, can you explain how the polar bears will survive IF the ice disappears? You can apply the same question to the walrus.
Can you explain to us how the polar bears will survive when the ice disappears? Or, if you're the sort to deny mainstream science, can you explain how the polar bears will survive IF the ice disappears? You can apply the same question to the walrus.
I don't think many were bothered about Polar Bears, then the alarmists put 2 and 2 together. I purported that as ICE retreats, the population of Polar Bears was under threat and decreasing. After scientists counted the Bears, the figures were through the ceiling.

So how will they survive after the ice melts? As history has proven, in the same way as they do now.

As for the walrus, you will have to start a walrus thread, this one is about the Polar Bear.
Can you explain to us how the polar bears will survive when the ice disappears? Or, if you're the sort to deny mainstream science, can you explain how the polar bears will survive IF the ice disappears? You can apply the same question to the walrus.
They'll do BETTER. That walrus in Copenhagen sank boat after boat perfectly happily till they finally had to kill her. No ice. Easier to target the boats. They'll do BETTER, just like humans did after the Ice Age stopped last time. About 3000 years later, a finger-snap in time, we had civilization: agriculture, towns, domestic animals. Couldn't do that with deep ice everywhere.

I don't suppose the polar bears will work out all that, but warm weather has got to be better for the cubs than sitting on ice floes hoping a seal comes along.
They'll do BETTER. That walrus in Copenhagen sank boat after boat perfectly happily till they finally had to kill her. No ice. Easier to target the boats. They'll do BETTER, just like humans did after the Ice Age stopped last time. About 3000 years later, a finger-snap in time, we had civilization: agriculture, towns, domestic animals. Couldn't do that with deep ice everywhere.

I don't suppose the polar bears will work out all that, but warm weather has got to be better for the cubs than sitting on ice floes hoping a seal comes along.
You seem to be completely unaware how polar bears and walrus eat, mate and reproduce. And speaking out when you have to know you're ignorant on the topic is not a wise strategy.
You seem to be completely unaware how polar bears and walrus eat, mate and reproduce.
Probably pretty much the same as other animals, though both have diets unusually heavy in seals.

They'll probably eat more people if they can live on land more. Not that I believe in this Global Warming religion.
Probably pretty much the same as other animals, though both have diets unusually heavy in seals.

They'll probably eat more people if they can live on land more. Not that I believe in this Global Warming religion.
Do some reading. Please.
Are you people ignorant, completely lacking compassion or have you just given up?


The Polar Bear Wildlife Report


In the Polar Wildlife Report 2022, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) on International Polar Bear Day, zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford explains that ice-dependent species in the Arctic and Antarctic show no sign of impending population crashes due to lack of sea ice.

Crockford’s report reveals that there were no reports in 2022 that would suggest that polar wildlife is suffering as a result of reduced sea-ice extent: no starving polar bears or walrus, no beach-cast dead seals, no marked declines in great whale numbers, no drowned penguin chicks.

While a few Antarctic penguin species and the Antarctic minke whale appear to have suffered a recent decline in abundance, these were unrelated to sea-ice cover in the Southern Ocean. Similarly, in the Arctic, a recent 27% decline in polar bear numbers in Western Hudson Bay was found to be unrelated to sea-ice conditions over the last five years.

Are you people ignorant, completely lacking compassion or have you just given up?

They survived long periods of little to ZERO summer ice which indicate that summer ice cover isn't that important.

Here are a few published science papers and reports:

Little to no summer ice in the Arctic


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