If your wondering how Fox News is going to try and get some viewers back here is an example

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...
Who cares, ditch your cable.

TEE VEE is for brain washing the mindless sheep and is controlled by the cabal.

Wow! What research and what in-depth commentary. LOL!

I don’t waste my time watching MSNBC or Fox but you are just obsessed at what Fox has to say. I bet they will want to thank you for drawing attention to them, way to go!
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...

So? Trump had two servings of ice cream. The salt shakers in front of his plate were bigger than the others at the table. Blah, blah, blah. We had 4 years of listening to liberals whine about everything Trump did or didn't do. If they couldn't find something to bitch about they made something up, I plan on spending whatever time Willie Brown's Ho lets Biden be in office pointing out what garbage he is EVERY day. Suck it up buttercup.
Fox is only good for local news on tv and actual news online. Nobody needs their commentary. Nobody needs CNN commentary.

But, I'm sure there are enough people that can high five each other on what corporate media conglomerates are the best.
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They flamed out on Election Night. What a travesty that was.

You would think, after four years of seeing businesses getting wacked for "falling in line", they would have been smart enough to: a) not allow a flake like Paul Ryan to be on their board, and, b) support their viewers and the 75M people who voted for Trump by simply asking the questions that everyone watching that night was asking.

Good luck getting viewers who feel betrayed back. Just as CNN tried to call out Trump everyday and fell on their faces, the Fox News better be able to provide GOP fighters and policies that make sense. The old Establishment that the owners want to embrace are NOT popular with voters or viewers. Romney needed to run in Utah in order to get his back into government ffs.
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...
This is too funny!

They'll get back those suckers, they fall for this type of claptrap every time.

Just look how they're running to FOX's defense in this thread.

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Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...

So? Trump had two servings of ice cream. The salt shakers in front of his plate were bigger than the others at the table. Blah, blah, blah. We had 4 years of listening to liberals whine about everything Trump did or didn't do. If they couldn't find something to bitch about they made something up, I plan on spending whatever time Willie Brown's Ho lets Biden be in office pointing out what garbage he is EVERY day. Suck it up buttercup.

So you admit what Fox is doing is childish...thanks for being honest
They flamed out on Election Night. What a travesty that was.

You would think, after four years of seeing businesses getting wacked for "falling in line", they would have been smart enough to: a) not allow a flake like Paul Ryan to be on their board, and, b) support their viewers and the 75M people who voted for Trump by simply asking the questions that everyone watching that night was asking.

Good luck getting viewers who feel betrayed back. Just as CNN tried to call out Trump everyday and fell on their faces, the Fox News better be able to provide GOP fighters and policies that make sense. The old Establishment that the owners want to embrace are NOT popular with voters or viewers. Romney needed to run in Utah in order to get his back into government ffs.

You think Fox should provide policies? I realize most of Trump's policies were based on suggestions he heard from Doocy, on Fox and Friends, but the new president won't be looking to a batshit crazy morning show to determine his next choice
They flamed out on Election Night. What a travesty that was.

You would think, after four years of seeing businesses getting wacked for "falling in line", they would have been smart enough to: a) not allow a flake like Paul Ryan to be on their board, and, b) support their viewers and the 75M people who voted for Trump by simply asking the questions that everyone watching that night was asking.

Good luck getting viewers who feel betrayed back. Just as CNN tried to call out Trump everyday and fell on their faces, the Fox News better be able to provide GOP fighters and policies that make sense. The old Establishment that the owners want to embrace are NOT popular with voters or viewers. Romney needed to run in Utah in order to get his back into government ffs.

You think Fox should provide policies? I realize most of Trump's policies were based on suggestions he heard from Doocy, on Fox and Friends, but the new president won't be looking to a batshit crazy morning show to determine his next choice

They should contrast the policies of both parties and let voters decide. If they just do a "Biden is bad" approach, as CNN did, it won't work.

If the GOP aren't offering good policies, than viewers won't watch Fox News anyways. With Trump gone, it's clear they have little interest in the Establishment of either party. Fox can highlight those who are presenting something popular with voters. Trump may not be president, his policies are still very popular.
They flamed out on Election Night. What a travesty that was.

You would think, after four years of seeing businesses getting wacked for "falling in line", they would have been smart enough to: a) not allow a flake like Paul Ryan to be on their board, and, b) support their viewers and the 75M people who voted for Trump by simply asking the questions that everyone watching that night was asking.

Good luck getting viewers who feel betrayed back. Just as CNN tried to call out Trump everyday and fell on their faces, the Fox News better be able to provide GOP fighters and policies that make sense. The old Establishment that the owners want to embrace are NOT popular with voters or viewers. Romney needed to run in Utah in order to get his back into government ffs.

You think Fox should provide policies? I realize most of Trump's policies were based on suggestions he heard from Doocy, on Fox and Friends, but the new president won't be looking to a batshit crazy morning show to determine his next choice

They should contrast the policies of both parties and let voters decide. If they just do a "Biden is bad" approach, as CNN did, it won't work.

If the GOP aren't offering good policies, than viewers won't watch Fox News anyways. With Trump gone, it's clear they have little interest in the Establishment of either party. Fox can highlight those who are presenting something popular with voters. Trump may not be president, his policies are still very popular.

When has Fox ever given a fair or balanced evaluation of any policy? They never have, and never will. They lost viewers because they accurately reported the events of election night, and the few days following. Their viewers didn't want that. The only way they see to regain those viewers is to go postal and put their craziest, and most effective partisan hacks front and center. That's what the schedule change is about.
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...
This is too funny!

They'll get back those suckers, they fall for this type of claptrap every time.

Just look how they're running to FOX's defense in this thread.


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Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...
This is too funny!

They'll get back those suckers, they fall for this type of claptrap every time.

Just look how they're running to FOX's defense in this thread.


Uncle Hotep chimes in.
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...

So, what you're saying is that Fox News is the polar opposite of MSNBC, yet, you guys never create threads complaining about MSNBC. Why is that exactly?
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...

This thread...

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Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...

It's now the world we live in.

If they were nitpicking....you would expect they would be nitipicking things they can show to be true (provable).

I really do have to wonder if people understand what confirmational bias is.

The networks primary functions these days is to simply feed that bias with stories that "prove" a particular POV.
Fox News spent the second day of Biden's presidency to literally nitpicking about anything and everything...He didn't socially distance on the inaugural stage..he used note cards..GASP! His campaign hired some private security..He called us white supremacists ..why does he need a peloton, we thought he liked to do push ups..He violated the Constitution by getting sworn in 12 minutes early...

Great news!

I hope FOX treats that guy in the Oval Office exactly as MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, etc. treated former President Trump.

They "reported" fake news, lies, rumors, gossip, etc. without pity

So they should expect the same treatment in return.

Oh, that's right: Bullies can dish it out but can't take it!

Bullies can dish it, but they can't take it, can they!

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