If you want to know what is wrong with America - click on this thread - Part III


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

“Yet, you’ve got these mindless people, these followers of (Barack Obama), this cult leader, almost. They have no idea what they like him for. They don’t know what he’s done. They don’t know who he is. They don’t know why they like him. And then they throw things out like, ‘Well, he’s done great things diplomatically.’ Now? Like what? ‘Well, in general, the good intentions of his intent was good.’”

College students mindlessly defend Obamas Nobel Peace Prize

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
On the comparison between OBAMAS saber rattling over Syria and bushs over Iraq.
Well, I, I, I, I didn't like him!!

What did he do exactly to earn the Nobel Peace prize?

OP-greedy a-holes and brainwashed haters- the GOP. THANKS FOR 9/11, THE STUPIDEST WARS EVER, THE DEORESSION, RUINING THE COUNTRY OVER 30 Years, and wrecking the recovery for 4 years now...

The GOP flew 2 planes into the WTC, one into the pentagon and one into a field in PA.
That deoression was funny, but deodorant smelled better.

Stupid wars like the war of the roses.
Lancs and Yorks entering into a decades long conflict over a card game between two aristocrats!!
Stupidest wars ever!!
The Germans, Austrians , Hungarians and ottomans invading France because the kaiser hated his 2 first cousins because they were thinner than him and better polo players!!

Step away from the crack pipe!!
S L O W L E Y !!!!!!
Boosh's anti-terrorism czar seems to think he was totally incompetent on 9/11...


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You quack me up, Franco!

Why does franco go off unhinged about things that have NOTHING to do with the thread? The Dumbocrats gave us the Great Depression - but what does that have to do with these libtards on college campus who have no idea what their president is doing and can't spit out a coherent sentence? :lmao:
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OP-greedy a-holes and brainwashed haters- the GOP. THANKS FOR 9/11, THE STUPIDEST WARS EVER, THE DEORESSION, RUINING THE COUNTRY OVER 30 Years, and wrecking the recovery for 4 years now...

What is a "DEORESSION"???
Is that where a majority of people that deified Obama now are having "de-deification depression"???
Or just what is it???
Why does franco go off unhinged about things that have NOTHING to do with the thread? The Dumbocrats gave us the Great Depression - but what does that have to do with these libtards on college campus who have no idea what their president is doing and can't spit out a coherent sentence? :lmao:

thats Frankie right there.....and yet he "claims" to have an advanced degree.....in what?....Sausage making?....:eusa_eh:
Why does franco go off unhinged about things that have NOTHING to do with the thread? The Dumbocrats gave us the Great Depression - but what does that have to do with these libtards on college campus who have no idea what their president is doing and can't spit out a coherent sentence? :lmao:

Francis is the reason Ignore was created
A nation of American Idol fans will never elect a competent government

The Honey Boo Boo generation...

I see the next Secretary of the Interior being a Kardashian

You two need to be careful what you wish for although, its more likely the GObP would run one of those duck dynasty guys for prez and Honey Boo Boo for veep.

There's plenty of room in the Repub Clown Car.

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