If you think Romney will beat Obama


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.
Will Rubio win over the hispanics enough to sway the elections? Will the GOP win back women? Will the oil companies raise gas prices and the public will blame Obama? Will an international incident or another 9-11 happen on his watch? October surprise?

Republicans are definately looking for a hail marry right now. A game changer. They can not deny this.
So are you for or against gloating on the forum after the election.. were you here to answer the poll? IIRC the consensus was 98% for gloating. go ahead speak now or forever hold yer piece.
Will Rubio win over the hispanics enough to sway the elections? Will the GOP win back women? Will the oil companies raise gas prices and the public will blame Obama? Will an international incident or another 9-11 happen on his watch? October surprise?

Republicans are definately looking for a hail marry right now. A game changer. They can not deny this.

will cow shit turn to butter?
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

If OWS shows up, they will be put down by dem municipalities. FACT!!

The polls on taxation already have you at the disadvantage.

If I wanted to read the polls on how democrats view Obama I would go with your poll. Poll smoker..............
Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Politics is about using war politically.

Reagan framed the war against the Soviet Union as a cosmic war of good versus evil. It gave him the ability to grow the Pentagon Budget and expand the power of Government.

Bush framed the war against Terrorism as a cosmic war of good versus evil.

War turns citizens into victims who need to be protected from or Saved by Big Brother.

War is the primary tool for growing government.

War on Poverty.

War on Drugs.

Nothing allows Washington to spend money more than war. (Republicans use the language of War to spend and grow government)

Look at how much Reagan expanded the Pentagon budget. His total spending was triple that of Carter. Reagan is the father of small government, yet he used War to grow the biggest government of all.

America was focused on a faltering Soviet Union while the real communist power, China, was positioning to take over the global economy. We pick dying or petty powers. We pick tin-pot dictators like Hussein because it gives us a context to grow government. This is why the Republican spending and debt record is so abysmal - because for every dollar they take from social programs, they spend hundreds on farcical weapon's manufacturer give-aways like Star Wars.

Iran is the next farce. It will be used by President Romney to get voters to focus on national security rather than the economy.

Iran will be used to move unemployment off the front page. This is a standard Washington trick - and "Talk Radio Republicans" will fall for it hook line and sinker. These same Talk Radio Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they let their Big Government Leaders talk them into invading Iraq and rebuilding the Arab world.

Republican voters never question their Big Government Leaders when it comes to war. Why? Because they get all their information from Republican Media Sources.

God Help Us. . . because if Romney gets elected, another unaffordable, failed war is coming.
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I certainly hope OWS shows up, in high numbers. They need to recreate 68, bigger and better.

The facts are heavily against obama. His war on religion, his utter contempt for women. Skyrocketing energy costs, double digit unemployment, acting basically as a spy against Israel for the Iranians, secret deals with the Russians, closing power plants and coal mines. Eric Holder is going to end up big baggage for obama. Fast and Furious, voter intimidation, the black panthers in Florida, investigations that never seem to find a hate crime if the perpetrator is black and the victim white. Then there are the scandals coming from the administration itself, the way the GSA views it's "job", the betrayal by the secret service itself, TSA turning out to be a massive criminal ring of thieves and child pornographers. obama's lavish parties and vacations. I almost forgot, the Buffett Rule is going to fail by democrat vote. His health care bill is going to go down in flames. Obama will not have one success to point to for the entirety of his administration. He has never once presented a budget. obama has continually embarassed the nation in each and every one of his foreign trips.

While the democrats have mainly lies and disinformation, like Paul Ryan wanting to end medicare and kill seniors, the republicans have such a rich field, the question is what to use and where.
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Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Politics is about using war politically.

Reagan framed the war against the Soviet Union as a cosmic war of good versus evil. It gave him the ability to grow the Pentagon Budget and expand the power of Government.

Bush framed the war against Terrorism as a cosmic war of good versus evil.

War turns citizens into victims who need to be protected from or Saved by Big Brother.

War is the primary tool for growing government.

War on Poverty.

War on Drugs.

Nothing allows Washington to spend money more than war. (Republicans use the language of War to spend and grow government)

Look at how much Reagan expanded the Pentagon budget. His total spending was triple that of Carter. Reagan is the father of small government, yet he used War to grow the biggest government of all.

America was focused on a faltering Soviet Union while the real communist power, China, was positioning to take over the global economy. We pick dying or petty powers. We pick tin-pot dictators like Hussein because it gives us a context to grow government. This is why the Republican spending and debt record is so abysmal - because for every dollar they take from social programs, they spend hundreds on farcical weapon's manufacturer give-aways like Star Wars.

Iran is the next farce. It will be used by President Romney to get voters to focus on national security rather than the economy.

Iran will be used to move unemployment off the front page. This is a standard Washington trick - and "Talk Radio Republicans" will fall for it hook line and sinker. These same Talk Radio Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they let their Big Government Leaders talk them into invading Iraq and rebuilding the Arab world.

Republican voters never question their Big Government Leaders when it comes to war. Why? Because they get all their information from Republican Media Sources.

God Help Us. . . because if Romney gets elected, another unaffordable, failed war is coming.

Is surrender an option to you?
So are you for or against gloating on the forum after the election.. were you here to answer the poll? IIRC the consensus was 98% for gloating. go ahead speak now or forever hold yer piece.

I'm for it! It's why I started this thread. So I can come back and reference. This is going to be great. I should have titled this thread I Told You So.:lol:

And if I'm wrong, boy will it be fun for you. :eusa_shifty:
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

Is your FAX machine on 24/7 awaiting Obama's talking points... or are you just a subscriber to Obama's website that issues marching orders?
I certainly hope OWS shows up, in high numbers. They need to recreate 68, bigger and better.

The facts are heavily against obama. His war on religion, his utter contempt for women. Skyrocketing energy costs, double digit unemployment, acting basically as a spy against Israel for the Iranians, secret deals with the Russians, closing power plants and coal mines. Eric Holder is going to end up big baggage for obama. Fast and Furious, voter intimidation, the black panthers in Florida, investigations that never seem to find a hate crime if the perpetrator is black and the victim white. Then there are the scandals coming from the administration itself, the way the GSA views it's "job", the betrayal by the secret service itself, TSA turning out to be a massive criminal ring of thieves and child pornographers. obama's lavish parties and vacations. I almost forgot, the Buffett Rule is going to fail by democrat vote. His health care bill is going to go down in flames. Obama will not have one success to point to for the entirety of his administration. He has never once presented a budget. obama has continually embarassed the nation in each and every one of his foreign trips.

While the democrats have mainly lies and disinformation, like Paul Ryan wanting to end medicare and kill seniors, the republicans have such a rich field, the question is what to use and where.

Posts like this are exactly what I'm looking for. :clap2:

Paul Ryan wants to give Seniors a $7K voucher and have them go buy health insurance on the private market. :cuckoo: Good luck finding an insurance company that will cover your old ass for that amount.

And God help you if you have a pre existing condition, which most old people probably do. :eusa_pray:
Please say so here. I want to be able to come back and laugh at you and re-read all your bullshit. This is going to be easier than beating McCain. My aunt said Obama visited UofMiami and the cheers were deafening. I don't even think Mitt will win Florida. Might even lose Arizona. McCain almost did and its his home state. No one likes Romney. Its laughable. Polls showing them neck and neck are laughable.

No way Romney wins Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin or NJ. Not with what all the right wing Governors are doing to women and unions. And that's not even counting the Emergency Financial Managers that Snyder is putting in place of elected government. I wonder if people in Michigan even know what I'm talking about.

Not after Citizens United.

Not if the Occupy Wallstreet crowd shows up. They dwarf the tea baggers.

The with Paul Ryan trying to kill social security and medicare.

Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Not when the GOP wants to make the Bush tax breaks even bigger.

But please tell me how/why Romney is going to beat Obama? I want to come back and laugh at you after the elections.

Gas prices? Obamacare? Birth Control? Not enough. No one likes Romney. Obama's beating him by 9 points right now.

Is your FAX machine on 24/7 awaiting Obama's talking points... or are you just a subscriber to Obama's website that issues marching orders?

Half the time you guys are asking me for proof of what I'm saying and then when I provide it you tell me to think for myself. Please make up your minds.
So are you for or against gloating on the forum after the election.. were you here to answer the poll? IIRC the consensus was 98% for gloating. go ahead speak now or forever hold yer piece.

I'm for it! It's why I started this thread. So I can come back and reference. This is going to be great. I should have titled this thread I Told You So.:lol:

And if I'm wrong, boy will it be fun for you. :eusa_shifty:

If you're wrong.... most of us ain't gonna care. Maybe the right wing is a tad more grown up than you are. Just an idea.
A lot is going to depend on what happens between now and November.

The EPA closes the power plants and shutters the coal mines.
The health care bill is struck in its entirety.
OWS starts major disruptions
The democrats double down on their attacks on women
There is a breakout of war between Iran and Israel resulting in attacks on the US, our interests, or the closing or Hormuz
Any more white house scandals

These things are going to have a serious impact on obama's chances as unemployment rises, energy costs skyrocket and basic goods becomes unaffordable.
Not with the GOP wanting to invade Iran next.

Politics is about using war politically.

Reagan framed the war against the Soviet Union as a cosmic war of good versus evil. It gave him the ability to grow the Pentagon Budget and expand the power of Government.

Bush framed the war against Terrorism as a cosmic war of good versus evil.

War turns citizens into victims who need to be protected from or Saved by Big Brother.

War is the primary tool for growing government.

War on Poverty.

War on Drugs.

Nothing allows Washington to spend money more than war. (Republicans use the language of War to spend and grow government)

Look at how much Reagan expanded the Pentagon budget. His total spending was triple that of Carter. Reagan is the father of small government, yet he used War to grow the biggest government of all.

America was focused on a faltering Soviet Union while the real communist power, China, was positioning to take over the global economy. We pick dying or petty powers. We pick tin-pot dictators like Hussein because it gives us a context to grow government. This is why the Republican spending and debt record is so abysmal - because for every dollar they take from social programs, they spend hundreds on farcical weapon's manufacturer give-aways like Star Wars.

Iran is the next farce. It will be used by President Romney to get voters to focus on national security rather than the economy.

Iran will be used to move unemployment off the front page. This is a standard Washington trick - and "Talk Radio Republicans" will fall for it hook line and sinker. These same Talk Radio Republicans tell us that Washington can't run a laundromat, yet they let their Big Government Leaders talk them into invading Iraq and rebuilding the Arab world.

Republican voters never question their Big Government Leaders when it comes to war. Why? Because they get all their information from Republican Media Sources.

God Help Us. . . because if Romney gets elected, another unaffordable, failed war is coming.

President Obama: Quoting Reagan out of context

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