What is the Crime???

If that happened, it is a misdemeanor, and the statute of limitations ran out long ago. Would you care to try again?
I don't need to try again, what I wrote is the crime Trump is being prosecuted for. If you take issue with statues of limitations or felony vs misdemeanor then that can be taken up in appeals court. The DA found that the charges could be elevated if the misdemeanors were related to another crime. In this case the accusation is that the illegal filings were furthering an intention to defraud the public in a national election by hiding the payments. Those are your crimes like it or not.
from a full year ago.. The indictment alleges that Trump falsified New York business records in order to conceal damaging information before the 2016 presidential election.

dont forget that Cohen went to jail for an illegal campaign contribution and tax charges. Do we need to go into why the hush payment was a campaign contribution?
If that happened, that is a misdemeanor, and the statute of limitations ran out long ago.
I bet this won't get an answer... its unbelievable that these people think its okay to prosecute a former president on such a vague offense... even MSNBC can't tell us what the crime is....

They stepped in it so hard.....reaping and sowing libs. Reaping. And. Sowing.
I don't need to try again, what I wrote is the crime Trump is being prosecuted for. If you take issue with statues of limitations or felony vs misdemeanor then that can be taken up in appeals court. The DA found that the charges could be elevated if the misdemeanors were related to another crime. In this case the accusation is that the illegal filings were furthering an intention to defraud the public in a national election by hiding the payments. Those are your crimes like it or not.

You had a chance. The last little bit of ship is going under and you had a chance to bail at the very last second. Still not honorable, btw, but at least understandable.

But nope, there you are on the vertical stern: "It's unsinkable! I'm telling you! That's what they said!"

geeeeez lol
No, I certainly did not. Y'all don't know the crime because you have reading comprehension issues. You can't even understand my over simplified explanations. Well, at least I solved the problem... I hope you figure it out.
You had a chance. The last little bit of ship is going under and you had a chance to bail at the very last second. Still not honorable, btw, but at least understandable.

But nope, there you are on the vertical stern: "It's unsinkable! I'm telling you! That's what they said!"

geeeeez lol
You need some sleep
He hid the payment by having Cohen make it to stormy prior to the election and then hiding the payback via 11 installments dressed up as retainer payments paid back to Cohen over the course of the following year
That’s some imagination you have there.
HIDING payments... making the payments and disclosing them legally is just fine. HIDING them in a way that violates campaign laws is illegal like I very clearly said. How is this not getting through to you?!
So you believe a porn star and a serial perjurer testified to Trump violating campaign finance laws?
If that happened, that is a misdemeanor, and the statute of limitations ran out long ago.
if it were records falsification by itself, yes.
But since this business records fraud was done in furtherance of another crime, then it extends to five years.
What did Trump do to warrant a jury trial that is costing New Yorkers millions at a time NY can't afford to spend it.... If people are asking today... what is the crime... and the defendant is a former US president for Gods sake....
This is going to do real harm to the democrat party....

Now if you would like to try and tell us what the CRIME is please use this thread...
This is almost surreal.

It's as if they had the OJ trial, with all the publicity, all the analysis and taking of side, except . . . there was no murder.

They put OJ on trial for murder, announce confidently that they will prove the murder, and then spend the whole trial assassinating OJ's character without ever saying who he supposedly killed and what the evidence for that is.

OJ got a one-hour verdict, IRRC, and there really was a murder. The jury based their decision on how corrupt the people pursuing OJ were, not on his innocence. If that hold in this trial, the verdict should take about a minute, including filling out the forms.
How many times are you kids gonna ask the same question that has been answered a million times already?

Either you know what the crimes are or you are terminally in denial. Neither one is anything I can help you with.
I do like that in an attempt to show there was “no crime”, it has opened the door to about 30 different posts showing what he is charged with.
How do you not know the crime by now?

He hide payments made to silence Stormy Daniels via a NDA violating business filing and election laws

Hmmmm whats the definition of an NDA? when I look it up it says it is a LEGAL FILING.

So your telling me that if the expenses surounding this Legal FIling called an NDA are not legal expenses?

Does it violate business filing laws to claim the legal expenses, of a legal action of an NDA as legal expenses?

This is what Democrats are saying but Trump never even used campaign funds, so why should this be marked as a campaign expense? Its a real stretch.

Should Biden list his dental bill as a campaign expense because nice teeth make him look good to the public? Who gets to pick and choose these things? Aparently who gets to pick and choose these things depends on how much someone wants to search for a crime.

Lets Be clear (like Biden says), its a real stretch. Trumps crimes stem from the fact that the other political party hate him, dont want him to be president and will manufacture crimes.

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