If you succeed and nationalizing healthcare

Succeed at nationalizing healthcare?

Not gonna happen.

They couldn't even get bill without a public option passed with a nearly filibusterproof majority.
"Exactly?" Nobody could give you that number. They could probably give you a number that would be debatable till the end of time. I honestly do think it would help more people, and I'm sure it would cost people more money out of their pocket.

Like they say, you can't take it with you.............
If health care is nationalized and every American has access to a doctor, then I would guess that every American would have an annual check up and many preventable diseases would be caught early thus reducing expensive hospital stays and long-term care and deaths. But does health care need to be nationalized in order to guarantee every American be able to see a doctor once a year for a check up? I don't think so. I think there are other options to promote preventive medicine and increase access to doctors.
Exactly how many people will you keep from dying?

A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.
Exactly how many people will you keep from dying?

A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.

Look at the survival rates. Looks like we must be doing something right without nationalizing HC.
ACS :: Study Compares U.S. and European Survival Rates
If health care is nationalized and every American has access to a doctor, then I would guess that every American would have an annual check up and many preventable diseases would be caught early thus reducing expensive hospital stays and long-term care and deaths. But does health care need to be nationalized in order to guarantee every American be able to see a doctor once a year for a check up? I don't think so. I think there are other options to promote preventive medicine and increase access to doctors.

how so?.....way to many people with ins. dont go for these check ups....or they keep putting them off for one reason or another....i dont see much change happening in that dept.....
Exactly how many people will you keep from dying?

A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.

Rocks....this has been discussed many times and yet you keep on ignoring it.....Longevity has more to do with lifestyle than a great health care system....if a person takes shitty care of themselves....not even Dr. McCoy can help them....
If health care is nationalized and every American has access to a doctor, then I would guess that every American would have an annual check up and many preventable diseases would be caught early thus reducing expensive hospital stays and long-term care and deaths. But does health care need to be nationalized in order to guarantee every American be able to see a doctor once a year for a check up? I don't think so. I think there are other options to promote preventive medicine and increase access to doctors.
Why can't republicans come up with something?
A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.

Rocks....this has been discussed many times and yet you keep on ignoring it.....Longevity has more to do with lifestyle than a great health care system....if a person takes shitty care of themselves....not even Dr. McCoy can help them....

hey Rocks....i notice whenever i or someone mentions the lifestyle vs healthcare system and its relation to longevity,you never seem to comment....but yet you will say it again in another post.....posting facts is one thing Rocks....posting fallacies to make a point is another....
Exactly how many people will you keep from dying?

The answer is zero.

I am all for people dying faster because they are too ignorant/poor/undereducated to be able to heal themselves and population control is a great thing to aspire to. Oh and fuck the quality of life too as that means nothing either, after all if someone is in pain it is their fault right? After all the companies will still be here chugging along making money proving that unfettered capitalism run amok is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Healthcare has already been partially nationalized. Nearly half of all healthcare expenditures is paid for by the government.
BY people who have paid in their entire life to a system that is doomed to failure - haven't you been paying attention? SSA is broke again. It is the major portion of spend for the government. You want to add 45 million more people to that same system that is broke? and requires private insurance on top of that?
Exactly how many people will you keep from dying?

A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.

Look at the survival rates. Looks like we must be doing something right without nationalizing HC.
ACS :: Study Compares U.S. and European Survival Rates

So we have better survival rates for cancer, but, on the average, die younger. Interesting.
A good many that at present have no health insurance.

And the total cost of health care in this nation will go down, longevity will go up. We saw this happen in Canada.

Today we pay over 18% of our GDP for health care, and do not cover a significant portion of our citizens. Japan pays 8% of their GDP, and covers all of their citizens.

There are many differant approachs to universal health care out there, almost all doing a far better job at a lessor price than the system we have in this nation.

Rocks....this has been discussed many times and yet you keep on ignoring it.....Longevity has more to do with lifestyle than a great health care system....if a person takes shitty care of themselves....not even Dr. McCoy can help them....

hey Rocks....i notice whenever i or someone mentions the lifestyle vs healthcare system and its relation to longevity,you never seem to comment....but yet you will say it again in another post.....posting facts is one thing Rocks....posting fallacies to make a point is another....

OK. You say that Canadians life very differantly than we do? Before they adapted a universal health care system, their health statistics were almost identical with us. Now they not only exceed us in longevity, but also in infant mortality. In early childhood respitory diseases, they have 0.6 deaths per 100,000. We have over 40. Does that have to do with life style, or the fact that in early childhood years is when most young parents have jobs without health insurance?

I see your lifestyle defense of another failure in our health care sysem as just another excuse for a failed system. The only thing that our system has done very well is make millionaires of people like Rick Scott.

That is the fellow whose company when he was CEO was shown to have defrauded Medi-Care of 1.7 Billion dollars. Now he shills for the health insurance companies.

Think Progress VIDEO REPORT: Who Is Rick Scott And What Type Of Health Care System Is He Advocating?

VIDEO REPORT: Who Is Rick Scott And What Type Of Health Care System Is He Advocating?
This Sunday, the front group Conservatives for Patients’ Rights will be airing a 30-minute documentary with “horror stories” aimed at chipping away public support for reforming our health care system. Ironically, the leader and financier of the organization, private health care executive Rick Scott, is actually credited with transforming the American health care system into the profit above-all-else culture that is currently plaguing America.

Rick Scott is not only known for his efforts to build the “McDonald’s” of the health care industry, but his company was also forced to pay a $1.7 billion fraud settlement, the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history, for systematically stealing from taxpayers
Who in their right mind wants to live forever? Not saying you should rush to your demise but then again, maybe it's not a bad idea for some... Forget about Owe Bama's Health Care Reform. It's DOA. Time to move forward to the liberal Democrat's next Trillion dollar boondoggle.

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