Zone1 If You Haven't Been Paying Attention The Uniparty Seems To Be Against Everything That's Good For Us


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Ever get the idea that the powers that be no-longer have our best interests in mind?

As a matter of fact, they seem to want to cause as much harm as they possibly can.

We cannot trust them to know what they're doing. What they're doing is designed to not only make our lives miserable, but quite possibly hazardous. I'm sure we had our suspicions before COVID hit, but since then the reckless behavior of our leaders has gotten out of control.

  • They can't afford to allow us to have good feelings about our lives
  • The American Dream is a thing of the past
  • COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families
  • COVID was the excuse they needed to release millions of criminals from our prisons who are as we speak beating us, stealing from us, or raping and killing us
  • Racial harmony of any kind must be discouraged
  • Common-sense government has been thrown out the window
  • Our open border presents growing threats against our safety and peace of mind
  • Our president doesn't seem to care about his own voters, which indicates that he wasn't elected fairly
  • The left simply doesn't want to get along with anyone and thus they don't want us getting along with each other. Divide & Conquer
  • The left is systematically destroying every single facet of our society
  • Inspirational movies are popular yet have become a target for destruction by the left
  • No good deed goes unpunished

COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families

Could you explain about them invading your home and destroying your family?

I understand you being upset if this happened but I seem to not be aware of it.
COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families

Could you explain about them invading your home and destroying your family?

I understand you being upset if this happened but I seem to not be aware of it.
Probably because you simply accept everything they did as necessary because you had the false impression that the government has our best interests in mind:

  • Abortion is a right and the government has no right to prevent you from getting one, but we all must allow the government to pump their vaccines into us whenever they say they are needed or mandated. Anyone who didn't go along with these mandates lost their jobs and their careers
  • The government prevented us from visiting our elderly relatives during the peak of the COVID scare
  • We were not allowed to worship God in public and discouraged from doing it in private
  • The wearing of masks was encouraged at family gatherings
  • We weren't allowed to shop or feed our families without wearing a mask
Must I go on?
Probably because you simply accept everything they did as necessary because you had the false impression that the government has our best interests in mind:

  • Abortion is a right and the government has no right to prevent you from getting one, but we all must allow the government to pump their vaccines into us whenever they say they are needed or mandated. Anyone who didn't go along with these mandates lost their jobs and their careers
  • The government prevented us from visiting our elderly relatives during the peak of the COVID scare
  • We were not allowed to worship God in public and discouraged from doing it in private
  • The wearing of masks was encouraged at family gatherings
  • We weren't allowed to shop or feed our families without wearing a mask
Must I go on?
Worst of all, the Left used COVID as an excuse for a massive mail-in ballot election, enabling their way to cheating to a win and putting Biden in. We have being paying the price ever since.

If the cheaters try to use another COVID scare to push through another ballot harvesting scheme, we need to show the facts: 90 million voted on Election Day, and there was no spike in cases the week after.
I addressed your question.

Maybe this is why you support everything that they did during the pandemic, and probably will do again when they start another pandemic in 2 months.

You're unable to focus.

You simply ranted.

I didn't support many of the actions but I can address those actions without mindless hyperbole.
You simply ranted.

I didn't support many of the actions but I can address those actions without mindless hyperbole.
Nothing I said was hyperbole.

  • The other day they arrested a kid for reading from a Bible during a LGBTQ+ parade
  • All churches were closed and nobody was allowed to even meet in church parking lots
  • Some cities heard of congregations meeting in their homes and raided their homes
  • Dr Fauci recommended that we not gather our families during holidays to prevent spread of COVID
  • The federal government mandated vaccines for pilots and the armed forces
  • Anyone who refused to get stuck was fired
  • Thousands of airline pilots were let go and active-duty military terminated
  • We had to wear masks to go into any store
  • To be inside I had to wear a mask in every government building
  • Joggers were chased down by the police on our beaches in some states
  • Some states would not allow family members to visit their relatives in nursing homes and assisted care facilities
  • Some people wanted the unvaccinated to be arrested and thrown in jail
You simply ranted.

I didn't support many of the actions but I can address those actions without mindless hyperbole.
The latest deal is getting rid of anyone who doesn't buy into the Transsexual movement.
If we forget to use proper pronouns or address some man wearing a dress as she/her we can get fired.
Nothing I said was hyperbole.

  • The other day they arrested a kid for reading from a Bible during a LGBTQ+ parade

It wasn't a kid and that guy is likely going to get a nice payday out of it.

  • All churches were closed and nobody was allowed to even meet in church parking lots

Church's closed over their own accord. No one shut them down. My church came to the conclusion over a concern for the elderly members.

  • Dr Fauci recommended that we not gather our families during holidays to prevent spread of COVID

He did. It was up to you to listen to him or not. Noted, Trump recommended everyone get vaccinated also.

  • The federal government mandated vaccines for pilots and the armed forces

The armed forces have long been mandated to get vaccines. A long list of them.

  • Anyone who refused to get stuck was fired
  • Thousands of airline pilots were let go and active-duty military terminated
  • We had to wear masks to go into any store
  • To be inside I had to wear a mask in every government building
  • Joggers were chased down by the police on our beaches in some states
  • Some states would not allow family members to visit their relatives in nursing homes and assisted care facilities
  • Some people wanted the unvaccinated to be arrested and thrown in jail

All during the Trump administration.
It wasn't a kid and that guy is likely going to get a nice payday out of it.

Church's closed over their own accord. No one shut them down. My church came to the conclusion over a concern for the elderly members.

He did. It was up to you to listen to him or not. Noted, Trump recommended everyone get vaccinated also.

The armed forces have long been mandated to get vaccines. A long list of them.

All during the Trump administration.
I guess poor excuses are better than none at all.

  1. Anyone below the age of 30 to me is a kid
  2. Churches may have felt they closed willingly, but what would have happened if they hadn't closed? Answer: The same thing that happened when they tried sitting in their cars in the church parking lot and talking to each other on their cell phones. Cops showed up to disperse the gathering.
  3. Trump suggested everyone get vaccinated. Biden mandated everyone in the Defense Department get vaccinated
  4. I spent much of my adult life either active-duty or a civil service employee. The US government didn't put people out of the military for not getting vaccinated. They simply made you unable to deploy or get promoted. What would you say to someone if they were allergic to penicillin and refused a penicillin shot? Far as I can see those vaccines were no different. You cannot force someone to take a shot that is hazardous to their health. Well, Biden did. Thus he put thousands of active-duty military out of the service because they wouldn't get the shot.
  5. Sorry, but you cannot blame Trump for what Blue States did.
Ever get the idea that the powers that be no-longer have our best interests in mind?

As a matter of fact, they seem to want to cause as much harm as they possibly can.

We cannot trust them to know what they're doing. What they're doing is designed to not only make our lives miserable, but quite possibly hazardous. I'm sure we had our suspicions before COVID hit, but since then the reckless behavior of our leaders has gotten out of control.

  • They can't afford to allow us to have good feelings about our lives
  • The American Dream is a thing of the past
  • COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families
  • COVID was the excuse they needed to release millions of criminals from our prisons who are as we speak beating us, stealing from us, or raping and killing us
  • Racial harmony of any kind must be discouraged
  • Common-sense government has been thrown out the window
  • Our open border presents growing threats against our safety and peace of mind
  • Our president doesn't seem to care about his own voters, which indicates that he wasn't elected fairly
  • The left simply doesn't want to get along with anyone and thus they don't want us getting along with each other. Divide & Conquer
  • The left is systematically destroying every single facet of our society
  • Inspirational movies are popular yet have become a target for destruction by the left
  • No good deed goes unpunished

They already did all that to you. Sounds like you are doooooomed
I guess poor excuses are better than none at all.

  1. Anyone below the age of 30 to me is a kid
  2. Churches may have felt they closed willingly, but what would have happened if they hadn't closed? Answer: The same thing that happened when they tried sitting in their cars in the church parking lot and talking to each other on their cell phones. Cops showed up to disperse the gathering.
  3. Trump suggested everyone get vaccinated. Biden mandated everyone in the Defense Department get vaccinated
  4. I spent much of my adult life either active-duty or a civil service employee. The US government didn't put people out of the military for not getting vaccinated. They simply made you unable to deploy or get promoted. What would you say to someone if they were allergic to penicillin and refused a penicillin shot? Far as I can see those vaccines were no different. You cannot force someone to take a shot that is hazardous to their health. Well, Biden did. Thus he put thousands of active-duty military out of the service because they wouldn't get the shot.
  5. Sorry, but you cannot blame Trump for what Blue States did.

Almost everything blue states did, red states did also.
The unimaginably huge amounts of treasure in the hands of extremely few of us leads to obvious consequences. Republican government as it functions in America has to be revised to put money in its place instead of its pockets..
Ever get the idea that the powers that be no-longer have our best interests in mind?

As a matter of fact, they seem to want to cause as much harm as they possibly can.

We cannot trust them to know what they're doing. What they're doing is designed to not only make our lives miserable, but quite possibly hazardous. I'm sure we had our suspicions before COVID hit, but since then the reckless behavior of our leaders has gotten out of control.

  • They can't afford to allow us to have good feelings about our lives
  • The American Dream is a thing of the past
  • COVID gave them the opportunity to invade our homes and destroy our families
  • COVID was the excuse they needed to release millions of criminals from our prisons who are as we speak beating us, stealing from us, or raping and killing us
  • Racial harmony of any kind must be discouraged
  • Common-sense government has been thrown out the window
  • Our open border presents growing threats against our safety and peace of mind
  • Our president doesn't seem to care about his own voters, which indicates that he wasn't elected fairly
  • The left simply doesn't want to get along with anyone and thus they don't want us getting along with each other. Divide & Conquer
  • The left is systematically destroying every single facet of our society
  • Inspirational movies are popular yet have become a target for destruction by the left
  • No good deed goes unpunished

I checked the Owners Manual that came with the Republic. It said if things ever get this bad, hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot the system.

Alternatively we can wipe and replace back to the government pre 1913
If you say so.
Your bullheaded approach to everything seems to be preventing you from understand the concept of freedom of choice in any free society.

You refuse to take lessons learned and apply them to your own personal life....and soon will follow the next government imposed oppression with no complaints.

You would make an excellent party member in the new Nazi Party.

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