If we had as many real hate crimes as fake ones, we might have a problem...

Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
Hell the Progressives are to the point that if you put a Cross on the top of your Christmas tree you are a racist. I just don't care anymore that these dumb asses think or feel. Media is feeding on anything they see as race based. So my parting words are Bite Me.
Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
^ lives in the only 1st world country where bloody massacres are commonplace, sees no problem

What massacres? You mean when the muslim terrorist murdered 86 people and injured 435 with a rental truck in 5 minutes of driving in Nice, France? Or the 135 people murdered by muslim terrorists with illegal, fully automatic military weapons in Paris? Or the 77 murdered in Norway? We have yet to have that many people killed in one go...... or do you mean the 12 million innocent men, women and children murdered in Europe by the German socialists? Or the 3 million people murdered by the Japanese...or the 70 million murdered by the Chinese?

Is it that you don't like private individuals who break the law and murder people...or do you simply prefer when governments murder people in the millions?
Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
^ lives in the only 1st world country where bloody massacres are commonplace, sees no problem

Fake news.
How gun-free zones invite mass shootings

The article should be called how 400 million unaccounted for guns littering the nation make gun free zones unsafe. Your best argument against gun control, is that the country is already too fucked to implement it.

I will continue to support gun free zones, as they discourage guns from being brought there under extra penalty of law. I’m sure you don’t oppose murder laws just because murders still happen.
Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
^ lives in the only 1st world country where bloody massacres are commonplace, sees no problem

Fake news.
How gun-free zones invite mass shootings

The article should be called how 400 million unaccounted for guns littering the nation make gun free zones unsafe. Your best argument against gun control, is that the country is already too fucked to implement it.

I will continue to support gun free zones, as they discourage guns from being brought there under extra penalty of law. I’m sure you don’t oppose murder laws just because murders still happen.

No, there aren't 400 unaccounted for guns...those guns are in the hands of millions of Americans who use them 1.1 million times a year to save lives...

You support gun free zones because they give you dead bodies....that is all they do....then you can drag them through the blood in front of democrat reporters...

They don't discourage the killers do they, genius? They prevent law abiding people from keeping mass shooters away.....we know that mass shooters specifically target your gun free zones...if normal people could carry their legal guns there, there wouldn't be mass shootings...but you need the bodies....especially kids, in order to push your agenda....
Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
^ lives in the only 1st world country where bloody massacres are commonplace, sees no problem

Fake news.
How gun-free zones invite mass shootings

The article should be called how 400 million unaccounted for guns littering the nation make gun free zones unsafe. Your best argument against gun control, is that the country is already too fucked to implement it.

I will continue to support gun free zones, as they discourage guns from being brought there under extra penalty of law. I’m sure you don’t oppose murder laws just because murders still happen.

No, there aren't 400 unaccounted for guns...those guns are in the hands of millions of Americans who use them 1.1 million times a year to save lives...

You support gun free zones because they give you dead bodies....that is all they do....then you can drag them through the blood in front of democrat reporters...

They don't discourage the killers do they, genius? They prevent law abiding people from keeping mass shooters away.....we know that mass shooters specifically target your gun free zones...if normal people could carry their legal guns there, there wouldn't be mass shootings...but you need the bodies....especially kids, in order to push your agenda....
Everytime there is a gun slaughter you demand that nobody care, and condemn those that do. So go fuck yourself with your lies and your horseshit, you absolute clown.
Another fake hate crime...created by democrats to show how we have a problem with hate crimes....but they had to do it themselves since no one else would....

Nooses Found Near Mississippi State Capitol Turn Out To Be Democrat 'Protest'
^ lives in the only 1st world country where bloody massacres are commonplace, sees no problem

Fake news.
How gun-free zones invite mass shootings

The article should be called how 400 million unaccounted for guns littering the nation make gun free zones unsafe. Your best argument against gun control, is that the country is already too fucked to implement it.

I will continue to support gun free zones, as they discourage guns from being brought there under extra penalty of law. I’m sure you don’t oppose murder laws just because murders still happen.

No, there aren't 400 unaccounted for guns...those guns are in the hands of millions of Americans who use them 1.1 million times a year to save lives...

You support gun free zones because they give you dead bodies....that is all they do....then you can drag them through the blood in front of democrat reporters...

They don't discourage the killers do they, genius? They prevent law abiding people from keeping mass shooters away.....we know that mass shooters specifically target your gun free zones...if normal people could carry their legal guns there, there wouldn't be mass shootings...but you need the bodies....especially kids, in order to push your agenda....
Everytime there is a gun slaughter you demand that nobody care, and condemn those that do. So go fuck yourself with your lies and your horseshit, you absolute clown.

You are such an idiot....we have an entire thread here on U.S. message where the solution to mass public shootings was given over and over...but you want to ban guns, so you don't want the solution. You want dead people in gun free zones because they are your best tool to fool uninformed Americans about your pointless, useless, gun control laws...without those dead people, especially young children, you couldn't fool people into supporting your stupid gun control laws...so you need those gun free zones...filled with unarmed, helpless people, and the biggest invitation to mass killers

If gun free zones ended, mass public shootings would end...
If gun free zones ended, mass public shootings would end

not only that, but they cry racist at EVERYTHING
.....and REAL hate crimes against whites are usually not headlines/not labeled as hate crimes
remember--blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites

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