If we banned all guns

If all guns were banned and a confiscation ensued, it would get really ugly.

Nah , don't think so.

Americans are narcotized.

Another Sandy Hook and will be done. The fascists will continue their GUN FREE ZONES policies. Overzealous prosecutors will attempt to find a pretext to lock up those who use their firearms to defend their lives and property. So another massacre is very likely to occur.

They will recruit a "conservative" who will use the boiling frog syndrome, "patriotism" and "national security" to convince us that the proper thing to do is for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to turn their firearms in.

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If all guns were banned and a confiscation ensued, it would get really ugly.

Nah , don't think so.

Americans are narcotized.

Another Sandy Hook and will be done. The fascists will continue their GUN FREE ZONES policies. Overzealous prosecutors will attempt to find a pretext to lock up those who use their firearms to defend their lives and property. So another massacre is very likely to occur.

They will recruit a "conservative" who will use the boiling frog syndrome, "patriotism" and "national security" to convince us that the proper thing to do is for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to turn their firearms in.


There would be some that would willingly give up their firearms, but there would be millions, especially older Americans, that wouldn't willingly hand them over.
If all guns were banned and a confiscation ensued, it would get really ugly.

Nah , don't think so.

Americans are narcotized.

Another Sandy Hook and will be done. The fascists will continue their GUN FREE ZONES policies. Overzealous prosecutors will attempt to find a pretext to lock up those who use their firearms to defend their lives and property. So another massacre is very likely to occur.

They will recruit a "conservative" who will use the boiling frog syndrome, "patriotism" and "national security" to convince us that the proper thing to do is for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to turn their firearms in.


look what a little scare did. drove millions of people to get their first gun and stock pile ammunition.
If all guns were banned and a confiscation ensued, it would get really ugly.

Nah , don't think so.

Americans are narcotized.

Another Sandy Hook and will be done. The fascists will continue their GUN FREE ZONES policies. Overzealous prosecutors will attempt to find a pretext to lock up those who use their firearms to defend their lives and property. So another massacre is very likely to occur.

They will recruit a "conservative" who will use the boiling frog syndrome, "patriotism" and "national security" to convince us that the proper thing to do is for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to turn their firearms in.


There would be some that would willingly give up their firearms, but there would be millions, especially older Americans, that wouldn't willingly hand them over.
I think NY is discovering a lot of lack of compliance with the law.
Nah , don't think so.

Americans are narcotized.

Another Sandy Hook and will be done. The fascists will continue their GUN FREE ZONES policies. Overzealous prosecutors will attempt to find a pretext to lock up those who use their firearms to defend their lives and property. So another massacre is very likely to occur.

They will recruit a "conservative" who will use the boiling frog syndrome, "patriotism" and "national security" to convince us that the proper thing to do is for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to turn their firearms in.


There would be some that would willingly give up their firearms, but there would be millions, especially older Americans, that wouldn't willingly hand them over.
I think NY is discovering a lot of lack of compliance with the law.

connecticut too. now the big thing in NY where labeled assault style Ar's are banned is either milling your own no serialized lower receiver or buying a NY compliant AR, drilling out the magazine lock pin and replacing it with a $12 functioning release pin.
Another Virginia Tech will happen. Another Sandy Hook will happen. Another Aurora will happen. Another Columbine will happen. Another Chardon will happen. Another Santa Barbara will happen. Another Tucson will happen. Another Washington Navy Yard will happen. Another Hamilton Ohio will happen. Another Binghamton New York will happen. Another Oak Creek Wisconsin will happen. Another Compton California, another Centerville Tennessee, another Iowa City Iowa, Olivehurst California, another Grayson Kentucky will happen.

And we are supposed to accept these tragedies as the price of unlimited gun rights. No matter the FACT that these tragedies changed from 'shootings' to 'mass shootings' all because the assailant was armed with a weapon designed to fire rapidly and with a mind bending amount of ammunition. That's the price of willful ignorance of the need to do something to slow the pace of death down just a bit.

Get used to it! We have 'rights' to protect!
Another Virginia Tech will happen. Another Sandy Hook will happen. Another Aurora will happen. Another Columbine will happen. Another Chardon will happen. Another Santa Barbara will happen. Another Tucson will happen. Another Washington Navy Yard will happen. Another Hamilton Ohio will happen. Another Binghamton New York will happen. Another Oak Creek Wisconsin will happen. Another Compton California, another Centerville Tennessee, another Iowa City Iowa, Olivehurst California, another Grayson Kentucky will happen.

And we are supposed to accept these tragedies as the price of unlimited gun rights. No matter the FACT that these tragedies changed from 'shootings' to 'mass shootings' all because the assailant was armed with a weapon designed to fire rapidly and with a mind bending amount of ammunition. That's the price of willful ignorance of the need to do something to slow the pace of death down just a bit.

Get used to it! We have 'rights' to protect!

That bolded statement alone shows you are full of shit.
Another Virginia Tech will happen. Another Sandy Hook will happen. Another Aurora will happen. Another Columbine will happen. Another Chardon will happen. Another Santa Barbara will happen. Another Tucson will happen. Another Washington Navy Yard will happen. Another Hamilton Ohio will happen. Another Binghamton New York will happen. Another Oak Creek Wisconsin will happen. Another Compton California, another Centerville Tennessee, another Iowa City Iowa, Olivehurst California, another Grayson Kentucky will happen.

And we are supposed to accept these tragedies as the price of unlimited gun rights. No matter the FACT that these tragedies changed from 'shootings' to 'mass shootings' all because the assailant was armed with a weapon designed to fire rapidly and with a mind bending amount of ammunition. That's the price of willful ignorance of the need to do something to slow the pace of death down just a bit.

Get used to it! We have 'rights' to protect!

That bolded statement alone shows you are full of shit.
What's limiting them? We call for Universal Back Ground checks and are told they infringe on 'rights'. We ask for a seven day waiting period between gun purchases and are told that too infringes on 'rights'. We ask for a limit on magazine capacity, on semi-automatic firing systems, on trigger locks and a ban on plastic guns and cop killer bullets and all the while we are told those infringe on 'rights'.

We ask what your solutions are. What would a gun nut do to reduce gun violence. And we are told that guns aren't violent and we should arm ourselves in preparation for the onslaught that will inevitably follow. But never NEVER EVEN ONE concession that there any workable solutions to help even to reduce the rate at which our citizens are exposed to gun violence.

So, I suppose we are forced to live in a nation lusting after guns. More powerful, more deadly, able to fire rapidly. The NRA and its lackies, the intractable gun nut are forcing their morbid lifestyle on ALL Americans whether we fail to see the lunacy in it or not.
What's limiting them? The NFA of 1934, The GCA of 1968, the Brady Bill with amendments. State laws. ATF regulations. There are no unlimited gun rights here. But there ought to be.

But here's a newsflash: We will continue to have mass shootings regardless of what we do on gun laws. Just like we will continue to have drunk driving regardless of laws.
Another Virginia Tech will happen. Another Sandy Hook will happen. Another Aurora will happen. Another Columbine will happen. Another Chardon will happen. Another Santa Barbara will happen. Another Tucson will happen. Another Washington Navy Yard will happen. Another Hamilton Ohio will happen. Another Binghamton New York will happen. Another Oak Creek Wisconsin will happen. Another Compton California, another Centerville Tennessee, another Iowa City Iowa, Olivehurst California, another Grayson Kentucky will happen.

And we are supposed to accept these tragedies as the price of unlimited gun rights. No matter the FACT that these tragedies changed from 'shootings' to 'mass shootings' all because the assailant was armed with a weapon designed to fire rapidly and with a mind bending amount of ammunition. That's the price of willful ignorance of the need to do something to slow the pace of death down just a bit.

Get used to it! We have 'rights' to protect!

That bolded statement alone shows you are full of shit.
What's limiting them? We call for Universal Back Ground checks and are told they infringe on 'rights'. We ask for a seven day waiting period between gun purchases and are told that too infringes on 'rights'. We ask for a limit on magazine capacity, on semi-automatic firing systems, on trigger locks and a ban on plastic guns and cop killer bullets and all the while we are told those infringe on 'rights'.

We ask what your solutions are. What would a gun nut do to reduce gun violence. And we are told that guns aren't violent and we should arm ourselves in preparation for the onslaught that will inevitably follow. But never NEVER EVEN ONE concession that there any workable solutions to help even to reduce the rate at which our citizens are exposed to gun violence.

So, I suppose we are forced to live in a nation lusting after guns. More powerful, more deadly, able to fire rapidly. The NRA and its lackies, the intractable gun nut are forcing their morbid lifestyle on ALL Americans whether we fail to see the lunacy in it or not.

you really believe we have unlimited gun rights? Just answer the question.

We will not offer concessions because everything you do does nothing to prevent crazy people or criminals from getting guns, and does nothing but try to stop people like me from getting guns, law abiding people with ZERO criminal record, and a right to own a firearm, not the type the government wants me to only, not after 7 days, not required to be unloaded and locked up so I can't get to it when I need it. Not only in my own home.

If you were to propose a method using the courts to find mentally deficient people unable to purchase firearms then you would have my support. What you have is meaningless restrictions added to reduce my rights.

California had strict background checks. he passed
California had mag limits. he got more.
California had a waiting period between guns, he waited.

1/2 of your proposals wouldn't have done jack shit to stop this guy, yet you still propose making them even more severe, and restrict my rights even more.
What's limiting them? The NFA of 1934, The GCA of 1968, the Brady Bill with amendments. State laws. ATF regulations. There are no unlimited gun rights here. But there ought to be.

But here's a newsflash: We will continue to have mass shootings regardless of what we do on gun laws. Just like we will continue to have drunk driving regardless of laws.

And yet we have REDUCED the number of DUI fatalities through proactive measures. We haven't thrown our hands up in surrender they way gun nuts insist we do in the face of gun violence.
that bolded statement alone shows you are full of shit.
what's limiting them? We call for universal back ground checks and are told they infringe on 'rights'. We ask for a seven day waiting period between gun purchases and are told that too infringes on 'rights'. We ask for a limit on magazine capacity, on semi-automatic firing systems, on trigger locks and a ban on plastic guns and cop killer bullets and all the while we are told those infringe on 'rights'.

We ask what your solutions are. What would a gun nut do to reduce gun violence. And we are told that guns aren't violent and we should arm ourselves in preparation for the onslaught that will inevitably follow. But never never even one concession that there any workable solutions to help even to reduce the rate at which our citizens are exposed to gun violence.

So, i suppose we are forced to live in a nation lusting after guns. More powerful, more deadly, able to fire rapidly. The nra and its lackies, the intractable gun nut are forcing their morbid lifestyle on all americans whether we fail to see the lunacy in it or not.

you really believe we have unlimited gun rights? Just answer the question.

We will not offer concessions because everything you do does nothing to prevent crazy people or criminals from getting guns, and does nothing but try to stop people like me from getting guns, law abiding people with zero criminal record, and a right to own a firearm, not the type the government wants me to only, not after 7 days, not required to be unloaded and locked up so i can't get to it when i need it. Not only in my own home.

If you were to propose a method using the courts to find mentally deficient people unable to purchase firearms then you would have my support. What you have is meaningless restrictions added to reduce my rights.

California had strict background checks. He passed
california had mag limits. He got more.
California had a waiting period between guns, he waited.

1/2 of your proposals wouldn't have done jack shit to stop this guy, yet you still propose making them even more severe, and restrict my rights even more.
If we banned all guns, the Government and its Connected Cronies would all have exceptions to the ban.

No thank you.
If the government really wanted to stop crime they would do more to take them away from gangs, who obtain ALL their guns illegally.
What's limiting them? The NFA of 1934, The GCA of 1968, the Brady Bill with amendments. State laws. ATF regulations. There are no unlimited gun rights here. But there ought to be.

But here's a newsflash: We will continue to have mass shootings regardless of what we do on gun laws. Just like we will continue to have drunk driving regardless of laws.

And yet we have REDUCED the number of DUI fatalities through proactive measures. We haven't thrown our hands up in surrender they way gun nuts insist we do in the face of gun violence.

We've reduced the number of gun deaths as well. And this despite relaxed state laws on carry/concealed carry of handguns and record gun sales.
What was your point again?
What's limiting them? The NFA of 1934, The GCA of 1968, the Brady Bill with amendments. State laws. ATF regulations. There are no unlimited gun rights here. But there ought to be.

But here's a newsflash: We will continue to have mass shootings regardless of what we do on gun laws. Just like we will continue to have drunk driving regardless of laws.

And yet we have REDUCED the number of DUI fatalities through proactive measures. We haven't thrown our hands up in surrender they way gun nuts insist we do in the face of gun violence.

We've reduced the number of gun deaths as well. And this despite relaxed state laws on carry/concealed carry of handguns and record gun sales.
What was your point again?
that's a lie.
And yet we have REDUCED the number of DUI fatalities through proactive measures. We haven't thrown our hands up in surrender they way gun nuts insist we do in the face of gun violence.

We've reduced the number of gun deaths as well. And this despite relaxed state laws on carry/concealed carry of handguns and record gun sales.
What was your point again?
that's a lie.

Gawd, you'r such a fucking moron. How do you manage to dress yourself every day?
FBI: Violent crime rates in the US drop, approach historic lows - U.S. News

Now go kill yourself. Just do.

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