If we banned all guns

And police officers
And police unions
And alarm companies
And locksmiths
And lighting companies

What was your point, again?
You forgot courts, attorneys, and prisons. Crime pays.

OK. What was your point again?
Plumbers do well with people's problems. Electricians. Mechanics. Social Workers. So what?
My point is the same as his, crime is big business. If it went away, then what would those people do?

You always seem to wonder why the borders aren't closed, regardless of who is in the Oval Office? Maybe that's because the powers that be, don't want them closed eh?
You forgot courts, attorneys, and prisons. Crime pays.

OK. What was your point again?
Plumbers do well with people's problems. Electricians. Mechanics. Social Workers. So what?
My point is the same as his, crime is big business. If it went away, then what would those people do?

You always seem to wonder why the borders aren't closed, regardless of who is in the Oval Office? Maybe that's because the powers that be, don't want them closed eh?

Wow, what a tremendous insight. The board is lucky to have a first class intellect like you.
OK. What was your point again?
Plumbers do well with people's problems. Electricians. Mechanics. Social Workers. So what?
My point is the same as his, crime is big business. If it went away, then what would those people do?

You always seem to wonder why the borders aren't closed, regardless of who is in the Oval Office? Maybe that's because the powers that be, don't want them closed eh?

Wow, what a tremendous insight. The board is lucky to have a first class intellect like you.
It's a very simple notion, that very few understand, or can manage to take into account.
My point is the same as his, crime is big business. If it went away, then what would those people do?

You always seem to wonder why the borders aren't closed, regardless of who is in the Oval Office? Maybe that's because the powers that be, don't want them closed eh?

Wow, what a tremendous insight. The board is lucky to have a first class intellect like you.
It's a very simple notion, that very few understand, or can manage to take into account.

Yeah, your cryptic responses notwithstanding...
What's limiting them? The NFA of 1934, The GCA of 1968, the Brady Bill with amendments. State laws. ATF regulations. There are no unlimited gun rights here. But there ought to be.

But here's a newsflash: We will continue to have mass shootings regardless of what we do on gun laws. Just like we will continue to have drunk driving regardless of laws.

And yet we have REDUCED the number of DUI fatalities through proactive measures. We haven't thrown our hands up in surrender they way gun nuts insist we do in the face of gun violence.

you fool ! we are the ones surrendering our rights, what more do you want ? there are more than 10,000 anti gun laws across this once great land where gun freedom was enjoyed by all patriots.
OK. let's say the Diane Feinsteins of the world got their wish and the US imposed a total ban on guns, no private citizen was allowed to own one. I realize the Supreme Court made that impossible, but let's say it's wet dream week at the DNC.
Then what?
The civil disobesdiance would make Prohibition look like child's play. If the gov't tried to enforce the edict going to house to house they would have a rebellion of major proportions in many places. Sure, not in Commieformia, where men are limp dicks. But in more rural areas, forget it. There isn't an army big enough to enforce that.

OK, so let's say we simply enacted "common sense" gun control like they want. Basically a re-enactment of the Assault Weapons Ban and other provisions like registration of guns, no private sales, etc.
We know what the old AWB did. Nothing. OK, not nothing It drove up the price of hi cap mags and pre ban weapons. It sure didnt stop a single shooting or crime. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.
There are over 300M guns in this country. The genie is not going back in the bottle.

Yep, you can say that again. The US is too far gone....
So if we had a complete ban on guns and the criminals still obtain guns and assault weapons illegally, where is the change?

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