Debate Now If the Right truly fears Tyranny, why have they done nothing ?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
This thread is for true Conservatives only
If you are a liberal, voted Biden, Obama or are a libertarian or centrist, you may not post in this thread

My fellow Conservatives, we are at a crisis point.
For quite a time, we have seen the warning signs.
We've seen the Left attack the Right in public encouraged by their Democrat leaders, we've seen Leftist politicians outright lie over and over.
We've seen public platforms boldly censor the Right
We've now even witnessed the theft and perversion of the American Election System
We have seen California all but nullify the 2nd amendment
We KNOW that Joe Biden will essentially enact nationwide gun confiscation.

Joe Biden is now poised to appoint Xavier Becerra (California's Attorney General and strict opponent of the 2nd Amendment) to US Attorney general Position
this clearly means California's strict gun laws will become National.

But why has the Right failed to mobilize?
The 2nd Amendment for example provides for a Well Organized Militia.......yet none are to be found with more than a small, community group of members.

Why hasn't the Right organized state by state groups and laid out plans to deal with tyranny?
They stand as if frozen, waiting to be picked off.

WHY? Why do they refuse to understand the threat and mobilize?
What SHOULD the Conservative Right be doing, given the ominous and clear warning signs we have now?
Good guys wait for green lights. Unfortunately, that means we have to wait until someone kicks in our door and violates our castle. If it starts happening on a mass scale, then we all come out of our castles and do what needs to be done.

This is not a discussion that should be taken lightly.

Good guys wait for green lights. Unfortunately, that means we have to wait until someone kicks in our door and violates our castle. If it starts happening on a mass scale, then we all come out of our castles and do what needs to be done.

This is not a discussion that should be taken lightly.

I agree.
I just am appalled that the Right has done absolutely zero planning and organizing.
I agree.
I just am appalled that the Right has done absolutely zero planning and organizing.

They didn't do anything like that for the Bundy Ranch uprising either. Yet thousands showed up with long guns and the feds ran off when it was realized half of the officers sided with the rebellion.

This thread is for true Conservatives only
If you are a liberal, voted Biden, Obama or are a libertarian or centrist, you may not post in this thread

My fellow Conservatives, we are at a crisis point.
For quite a time, we have seen the warning signs.
We've seen the Left attack the Right in public encouraged by their Democrat leaders, we've seen Leftist politicians outright lie over and over.
We've seen public platforms boldly censor the Right
We've now even witnessed the theft and perversion of the American Election System
We have seen California all but nullify the 2nd amendment
We KNOW that Joe Biden will essentially enact nationwide gun confiscation.

Joe Biden is now poised to appoint Xavier Becerra (California's Attorney General and strict opponent of the 2nd Amendment) to US Attorney general Position
this clearly means California's strict gun laws will become National.

But why has the Right failed to mobilize?
The 2nd Amendment for example provides for a Well Organized Militia.......yet none are to be found with more than a small, community group of members.

Why hasn't the Right organized state by state groups and laid out plans to deal with tyranny?
They stand as if frozen, waiting to be picked off.

WHY? Why do they refuse to understand the threat and mobilize?
What SHOULD the Conservative Right be doing, given the ominous and clear warning signs we have now?
when you say conservative do you mean just republicans???

cause the republican party quit being conservative decades ago,,,
I have wondered the same thing, but I can't see how any major thing can be done without some major organization. Without that, all there can be are individual acts to resist rights violations on a local level.
This thread is for true Conservatives only
If you are a liberal, voted Biden, Obama or are a libertarian or centrist, you may not post in this thread

My fellow Conservatives, we are at a crisis point.
For quite a time, we have seen the warning signs.
We've seen the Left attack the Right in public encouraged by their Democrat leaders, we've seen Leftist politicians outright lie over and over.
We've seen public platforms boldly censor the Right
We've now even witnessed the theft and perversion of the American Election System
We have seen California all but nullify the 2nd amendment
We KNOW that Joe Biden will essentially enact nationwide gun confiscation.

Joe Biden is now poised to appoint Xavier Becerra (California's Attorney General and strict opponent of the 2nd Amendment) to US Attorney general Position
this clearly means California's strict gun laws will become National.

But why has the Right failed to mobilize?
The 2nd Amendment for example provides for a Well Organized Militia.......yet none are to be found with more than a small, community group of members.

Why hasn't the Right organized state by state groups and laid out plans to deal with tyranny?
They stand as if frozen, waiting to be picked off.

WHY? Why do they refuse to understand the threat and mobilize?
What SHOULD the Conservative Right be doing, given the ominous and clear warning signs we have now?

So you think that using due process of law as opposed to burning and rioting is doing nothing? LMAO!

Wow... Just WOW.
Good guys wait for green lights. Unfortunately, that means we have to wait until someone kicks in our door and violates our castle. If it starts happening on a mass scale, then we all come out of our castles and do what needs to be done.

This is not a discussion that should be taken lightly.

. pre

We also have the disadvantage of not thinking the other side has no right to their position. The left sees any disagreement as heresy that must be prevented from seeing the light of day.

A leftist doesn't counter the message, it tries to silence the messenger.
This thread is for true Conservatives only
If you are a liberal, voted Biden, Obama or are a libertarian or centrist, you may not post in this thread

My fellow Conservatives, we are at a crisis point.
For quite a time, we have seen the warning signs.
We've seen the Left attack the Right in public encouraged by their Democrat leaders, we've seen Leftist politicians outright lie over and over.
We've seen public platforms boldly censor the Right
We've now even witnessed the theft and perversion of the American Election System
We have seen California all but nullify the 2nd amendment
We KNOW that Joe Biden will essentially enact nationwide gun confiscation.

Joe Biden is now poised to appoint Xavier Becerra (California's Attorney General and strict opponent of the 2nd Amendment) to US Attorney general Position
this clearly means California's strict gun laws will become National.

But why has the Right failed to mobilize?
The 2nd Amendment for example provides for a Well Organized Militia.......yet none are to be found with more than a small, community group of members.

Why hasn't the Right organized state by state groups and laid out plans to deal with tyranny?
They stand as if frozen, waiting to be picked off.

WHY? Why do they refuse to understand the threat and mobilize?
What SHOULD the Conservative Right be doing, given the ominous and clear warning signs we have now?
First thing is boycott the mainstream media, including Fox and go from there. Without responsible honest journalism and a truly free press, they win.
So far we've all had the individual mindset.
That won't work when tyrants come calling.

It's far easier to be picked off one by one.

Have you joined any groups? If not, you should.
There are some VERY advanced trained people who could teach you tactics for dealing with tyranny
I am just a guy with thoughts in his head, myself. I wish to conserve all that liberal political theory has delivered us, though, which places me squarely in opposition to the new authoritarian left. I am all about maximizing the rights of people to determine their own actions short of hurting others rather than controlling what everybody can do and say.

Believe me, I recognize the tyranny of the new fascist left and oppose it, but as far as doing something, I see that as the stuff of younger people than myself. I just wish there were some voices out there better capable of framing the issues in an appropriate way than Trump. The struggle here is between sovereignty and globalism, between self-determination and the centralization of power in the select few. It seems to me that there are precious few voices out there that REALLY get it.
This thread is for true Conservatives only
If you are a liberal, voted Biden, Obama or are a libertarian or centrist, you may not post in this thread

My fellow Conservatives, we are at a crisis point.
For quite a time, we have seen the warning signs.
We've seen the Left attack the Right in public encouraged by their Democrat leaders, we've seen Leftist politicians outright lie over and over.
We've seen public platforms boldly censor the Right
We've now even witnessed the theft and perversion of the American Election System
We have seen California all but nullify the 2nd amendment
We KNOW that Joe Biden will essentially enact nationwide gun confiscation.

Joe Biden is now poised to appoint Xavier Becerra (California's Attorney General and strict opponent of the 2nd Amendment) to US Attorney general Position
this clearly means California's strict gun laws will become National.

But why has the Right failed to mobilize?
The 2nd Amendment for example provides for a Well Organized Militia.......yet none are to be found with more than a small, community group of members.

Why hasn't the Right organized state by state groups and laid out plans to deal with tyranny?
They stand as if frozen, waiting to be picked off.

WHY? Why do they refuse to understand the threat and mobilize?
What SHOULD the Conservative Right be doing, given the ominous and clear warning signs we have now?
#1. Don't Panic.
#2. Be Patient.
#3 Have Faith.

When we threw off the Tyranny of Britian in the Revolutionary War. All 13 colonies were in union in their decision.
There will be no success of overthrowing tyranny unless all the States become unified in their decision.
There will be an internal civil war which is exactly what the tyrants want.
Divide and conquer.

I don't know if you've noticed but since Biden has come into office, there has been a climate change amongst the people who lean moderate democrat. They are not so happy with the policies and bills that are being passed.
The more liberal are feeling a pinch as well.
The party of we want everything free, will soon find themselves spending a weeks wages to put gas in their cars.

And although it doesn't seem fair and right in the conservative point of view.. and it's not..
It is a necessary evil we must endure until the weight of tyranny becomes so overwhelming,
they will throw it off themselves or turn on themselves.

If conservatives take a stand at this point in time, which is what they are pushing and anticipating we do,
then the entire country will be divided. And the only ones who will win are those who hold tyrannical rule over all.

!. Don't Panic
2. Be Patient
3. Have Faith


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