Debate Now Tell Me Something

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Okay there's only going to be a couple of rules here and that's no wishing illness upon Trump or Biden and Harris, (or each other) other than that it's free game because I really want to know the truth about something and I want to hear what everybody has to say. Also, please stay on topic.

If a lot of you people on here worship Biden and Harris so much tell me one thing. Why is it that when they don't seem to care about the safety of this country you all are fine with it, but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news? Ziggy posted something about Kamala Harris on another forum and I am now convinced she is Satan because of it. Ziggy mind posting that again on here how she won't go to the border to secure America's safety or something?
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Okay there's only going to be ONE rule in here and that's no wishing illness upon Trump or Biden and Harris, (or each other) other than that it's free game because I really want to know the truth about something and I want to hear what everybody has to say. (Actually I take that back of two rules of trying to stay on topic.)

If a lot of you people on here worship Biden and Harris so much tell me one thing. Why is it that when they don't seem to care about the safety of this country you all are fine with it, but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news? Ziggy posted something about Kamala Harris on another forum and I am now convinced she is Satan because of it. Ziggy mind posting that again on here how she won't go to the border to secure America's safety or something?

Take the first part to the basement. That's where talking crap belongs.

Why does Harris need to go to the border? I mean it's not like she's gonna pose next to a "beautiful" wall. (Because that's ALL the last guy did).
She's busy actually addressing the issues that every Republican before her refused to. I'll give her a long runway.
Your OP is confusing. No bashing trump, biden and/or harris but then you commence to insult biden/harris supporters by saying they worship them.
Then you talk about Ziggy posting something and now you know Harris is Satan. Is that not bashing???

Just sayin'.

No, we can bash anybody just not wishing bad upon them like having Covid and death and stuff. I want to edit my OP though I've got way too many freaking things going on right now sorry.
Okay there's only going to be a couple of rules here and that's no wishing illness upon Trump or Biden and Harris, (or each other) other than that it's free game because I really want to know the truth about something and I want to hear what everybody has to say. Also, please stay on topic.

If a lot of you people on here worship Biden and Harris so much tell me one thing. Why is it that when they don't seem to care about the safety of this country you all are fine with it, but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news? Ziggy posted something about Kamala Harris on another forum and I am now convinced she is Satan because of it. Ziggy mind posting that again on here how she won't go to the border to secure America's safety or something?
short version is, partisans are tools, without which the 'powers that be' you mentioned would not be in power for long

Okay there's only going to be a couple of rules here and that's no wishing illness upon Trump or Biden and Harris, (or each other) other than that it's free game because I really want to know the truth about something and I want to hear what everybody has to say. Also, please stay on topic.

If a lot of you people on here worship Biden and Harris so much tell me one thing. Why is it that when they don't seem to care about the safety of this country you all are fine with it, but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news? Ziggy posted something about Kamala Harris on another forum and I am now convinced she is Satan because of it. Ziggy mind posting that again on here how she won't go to the border to secure America's safety or something?

It doesn't matter if Vice President Harris goes to the border, because it won't make a bit of difference if she does.
The partisan fighting over the obvious, is just a product of people chasing one narrative or another coming from the media.

The important thing to remember is that the Supreme Court ruled on the Temporary Protected Status of Illegal Immigrants June 11, 2021.
It wasn't even a close vote in that the ruling was 9-0 and Elena Kagan wrote the Opinion of the court.

The Court's decision was unanimous that Illegal Immigrants granted Temporary Protected Status
are not eligible for Green Cards or Citizenship.

This is also marking a surprising trend in recent Supreme Court cases, that have not been divided along assumed party lines,
and have become more and more in line with The Constitution than some political minutia, or the idea it is not the documented law of the land as written.

It doesn't matter what politicians, political pundits, or the media say to get make people divisive, and keep them fight with each other.
Our Supreme Court is finally standing up for the Constitution, and without partisanship in a lot of cases.

but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news
My take is..many people want to be led. They are followers, not leaders. And many of them are JFK people. His era. Kinda like my husband. He is a dem. He hates repubs. He will only vote dem..regardless. And the reason he does this is because is of the JFK era. He refused to see how different the party is now from back then. Why does he refuse? I have no clue. But truth he closes his eyes and ears. I think many do the same thing that refuse to "see".
You want me to remember something I said when?
I don't remember putting Harris and the border in the same post... somewhere...

I did mention Harris today.. somewhere though..
I forget the topic. I'll find it.. anywhooo

Harris was put in charge by Biden of the Border Issue.
She should go there and talk to the authorities to see what they need to help them do their job.
It is a Federal issue as well as a States issue.

The media says she won't go because it would be bad optics.
Frankly, I just think she's either scared or she has no power to do anything about it anyways.

I don't have any intelligent flies hanging on the walls in the White House (or wherever they are)
to be able to add anything factual.
I hope this helped...

somewhere.. harris.. hmm..
another forum even...
wish me luck, i'm going to need it, but I don't think I'll find it.
If I do though, I will bring it here and post it, okay?
Yeah it was in current events where I mentioned Harris being like Satan. You also posted something about Nancy Pelosi too. :)
Does the right think Harris can't talk to the border authorities on the phone to see what they need? Do you think she hasn't had constant communication with them? I know the right is keeping their crazies stirred up about a visit, but sane people know that a visit is nothing more than a photo op.
Well somebody who doesn't salute the military doesn't seem like the kind of person who gives a shit about America, The Constitution, or it's security. Just saying.
I went through a list of threads and I saw me talking about her facelift.
Or whatever it was. And Pelosi had a weird looking updo too.
They look like aliens from another planet.
(prove their not)

I don't see anything else though.
I may have.. I say a lot of things.
Does the right think Harris can't talk to the border authorities on the phone to see what they need? Do you think she hasn't had constant communication with them? I know the right is keeping their crazies stirred up about a visit, but sane people know that a visit is nothing more than a photo op.
I don't think it's so much about the actual helping of the situation.
Ofcourse anything can be done over the phone.
But according to the authorities in the States effected.. nothing is being done by the Federal Government.
So even Florida is getting involved sending I think Marshalls to Texas to help stop the flow.

I haven't been paying much attention to the news lately.
So some things I'm out of the loop with.
I spend a lot of time in Fellowship Forums where we listen to beautiful songs and lift each other up with words of encouragement and lots of prayer.

And boy do we need lots of prayer.
Thank You
Okay there's only going to be a couple of rules here and that's no wishing illness upon Trump or Biden and Harris, (or each other) other than that it's free game because I really want to know the truth about something and I want to hear what everybody has to say. Also, please stay on topic.

If a lot of you people on here worship Biden and Harris so much tell me one thing. Why is it that when they don't seem to care about the safety of this country you all are fine with it, but if it was Trump who had that attitude it would be front page news? Ziggy posted something about Kamala Harris on another forum and I am now convinced she is Satan because of it. Ziggy mind posting that again on here how she won't go to the border to secure America's safety or something?
Clearly you have no interest in the truth.

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