If the people cannot see what is happening it is on them.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
Good luck trying to herd us into cattle-cars.
Nothing puts a damper on oppressors when their leader gets his head blown off.
It worked in Iraq....and it'll work here.
The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society.

The founders were the elite of society. Nothing changed
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.
COViD didn’t sabotage Trump, Trump sabotaged Trump. He could have flourished politically during COVID but he didn’t know how to handle it. Instead he politicized it and lied. That’s on him
Trump's embracing of the terrorists in D.C. on January 6, and their worship of him, begs the question of why anyone with an i.q. over 60 or 65 would consider Trump anything but an anti American terrorist himself.
Very well said
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
I noticed you lost your right to have private property.
Trump's embracing of the terrorists in D.C. on January 6, and their worship of him, begs the question of why anyone with an i.q. over 60 or 65 would consider Trump anything but an anti American terrorist himself.
The fact Langley shill wrongwinger likes this post proves it to be bullshit,it was the dems that embraced the terrorists antifa at Washington that trump supporters tried to stop from vandalising the place.this troll also leaves out how antifa funded by the dems terrorized trump suporrters cowardly attacking trump supporters that were children and the elderly.
I am one, who at 72, feels the conservatives need to be herded off and done away with.
That would explain why you are so stupid,a senial old man who ignores the dems are as corrupt as the gop, too much an idiot to understand that Langley shills like wrongwinger and slade hate trump is because he is not a warmonger terrorist like the normal gop wrongwinger and slade worships in bush and Reagan :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
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We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
:thankusmile: Best damn post o this thread.:yes_text12:
We clearly have an orchestrated totalitarian communist takeover of the United States going on....and it is happening rapidly.

Also, the 2024 election will also be rigged by the left if Pubs dont grow some fucking balls. The voting laws were changed in key states. Republicans who are there to audit the count need to lose their fucking minds if Dem counters prevent them from auditing the vote count.
We have clearly done nothing of the sort. Stop being a drama Queen we are doing just fine. Audits were done. Recounts were done. The election was fine. You’ve been conned
As a 74-year-old white male in the United States, I am probably safe from a lot of what is coming for you. I can see the Holocaust reasoning behind Critical Race Theory and know that today Caucasian Americans are low hanging fruit like the Jews were in the 1930’s. The notion that a specific group is responsible for all the miseries of society is not new. Those who are not wary of the subtle connection live at their own peril. The Jews were doing well in spite of Germany’s bad government and that government acted to protect itself using the Jews as scapegoats in much the same way colleges and universities in the US are blaming white America.

The founders of American democracy realized that all governments eventually take on a life their own and the elites that gravitate to control those governments will function to keep that control always at the expense of the weakest in society. They tried to structure our government so the people could maintain that control but even they admitted the odds were against them and they were right.

If a leader like Trump emerges and calls for a return to nationhood that gets the attention not just of permanent Washington, but of the world, and in particular, the People’s Republic of China, which has been spreading money around Washington for decades. That is how they got control of the manufacture of nearly all the ingredients used in our pharmaceutical drugs.

Trump’s threat to permanent Washington was a grave one for the global initiative of a one world government, and nationhood with people controlling government spreading to Europe and Asia was more than Washington and China could tolerate. No one believes Sars-Cov-2 came from nature. It was manufactured using gain-of-function gene splicing in a lab and released to sabotage America’s 2021 presidential election as a biological weapon to save the New world Order.

The weakest in US society, the elderly and young schoolchildren, are being sacrificed while America falls to a herd mentality and submits to a government that sold them out long ago. America’s election process was seen as too dangerous to risk Trump’s re-election, so it was rigged in broad daylight. A designed plague has killed many in nursing homes because they had no one to fight for them.

The people are told not blame the government, but those damned white people. If the people cannot see what is happening then it is on them.

I know that it is cold comfort, but two current minority groups (no need to name them) are going to be really, really, really sorry when Caucasians become a small minority by the end of this century.

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