If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2019
Born L.A.-NYC is 2nd home-Rustbelt is home base
From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.)

"If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States"


We have all witnessed the presentation of social Marxism in the Democrat party in the last few years. We have been told of a transformation from the ground up to change this country. We had President Obama speaking about the collective which is a communist term. We have seen the mandates trying to control the populace. The powers that be have hidden their transformation under the guise of climate change and not Marx's socialist communism. If this actually does continue to permeate and transform the American way of life which this transformation will annihilate the individual American who today does have rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have witnessed a one-sided government, a one-sided media and a division of the people like never before. If this transformation takes place fully will there be a civil war? Will many Americans support this new communist entity and those that do not want this will they fully fight back? Will Americans that support the leftists become like the Viet Cong and fight against other Americans to support communism? We must look at history to understand what is taking place now. Will the Patriots who have been intimidated by the leftists just lay down and accept this transformation and become just like many other countries under a ruler, a dictator under fear constantly?

We see many Americans today who support this intimidation and fear mongering of Americans and intimidating the Supreme Court all because they support the Democrats. They support jailing Americans who support this ONE PARTY CONTROL using the Federal agencies to support only the Democrat party to which the Communists have funded and fully support. We have seen it for the last decade and it is getting worse. Just check out the Communist website on the internet and you would think you were looking at the Democrat party website. They are using the Democrat party as the path to Communism because the Communists have infiltrated into our school system into our government and into the minds of many Americans who do not even know they are supporting communism indirectly. We have seen Communists take root in many countries and will we be the next to fall under this intimidation? Communist website link you would think it was the Democrat party.

Communist Party USA


My reply...

what would.jpg

Humans can't be good commies. Ant or bees can be good commies, because they are selfless and always work for the good of the community...it is instilled within them. Humans are too greedy and self-centered to be good commies. Humans work for what they think is best for them.

But it is part of human nature to seek the easiest path. People think commies will give them a free lunch. Hell, I'd like it too. I could do what I like and get free money to live. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work out that way.

neuro queer.jpg

Taratova gives a good rundown on the state of America and future worries. Dems have basically taken over control of every important aspect of American life and if their plans work out they will have perpetual one party rule of America. Taratova doesn't have to worry if socialism spreads...it has already spread far and wide in the US of A. Many people can't get by, the kids don't see any future, so it is an easy decision to try something new. I don't think communism would be successful in America. We don't produce much anymore. Everything is from China. Explain to me how we could be communists?

Look at what the dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors.
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
Plus, they own half of America's vote. So, dems control the narrative.

The reps have proven themselves to be consistently, absolutely and without question, useless at fighting the dems, consequently the reps won't save us. The reps were trained to deal with Tip O'Neil dems and not the new school dems we got now. Reread that list above. It spells out a terrifying future for America if the citizens don't wake up. But the up-and-coming American kids don't present much hope for that.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

A lady I discussed this with told me 'don't worry, the pendulum will swing back.' Well the pendulum hasn't swung back in CA for 45 years. CA just gets worse and worse and shows no sign at all of 'swinging back.' And it is the same with many major dem run US cities...they just get worse and worse...under perpetual dem control.

She said things were worse in the 1970's, with all the bombings and such. I told her the bombings were mainly from one group...the Weatherman. And in the 1984 election, only 1 state, Minnesota, supported the dems and 49 states supported the reps. Now 50% + of the country supports this craziness, so 2023 can't be compared to the 1970's. But American's seem to be predisposed to having the dream that America comes back to being America.

America only worked when it worked. America 'worked' as a country when it produced things and lived under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that America is long gone and never to return.


A few people online have recently mentioned their worries about the U.S. military being reformed as the dems jackboots. They had mentioned that the injection of transqueer people into the military already look at non-transqueer people as their enemies. So it won't be a big stretch to think those groups would do whatever the dem overlords tell them to do...to their enemies. Well, to me it seems that is exactly what the dems are doing. The dems are reforming the military to do their bidding. They have already done it with the FBI, CIA, IRS and Secret Service.

The only saving grace that may help us is; there are not enough transqueer people to do the the dem's dirty work. But the dems are working diligently around the clock to create as many transqueers as possible. For they know every transqueer they can create will be a lifelong dem voter.


As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

Besides that, the reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. In addition, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was; the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And when it comes to progressives...progressives only get progressively worse.

People talk of secession. Maybe that would help, some. We could save a 'piece' of traditional America that lives under the Constitution and Bill of rights. But that is another post.

In short, dems would never let you go...they want your tax $ to fund their pet projects. And good luck getting them to give you your share of the Social Security $. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution, I can only outline some of the problems. Sometimes your enemy just wins and you lose in battle. That seems to be the score here...if the pendulum doesn't swing soon. And I'm not counting on it.

vote democrat.jpg
From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.)

"If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States"


We have all witnessed the presentation of social Marxism in the Democrat party in the last few years. We have been told of a transformation from the ground up to change this country. We had President Obama speaking about the collective which is a communist term. We have seen the mandates trying to control the populace. The powers that be have hidden their transformation under the guise of climate change and not Marx's socialist communism. If this actually does continue to permeate and transform the American way of life which this transformation will annihilate the individual American who today does have rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have witnessed a one-sided government, a one-sided media and a division of the people like never before. If this transformation takes place fully will there be a civil war? Will many Americans support this new communist entity and those that do not want this will they fully fight back? Will Americans that support the leftists become like the Viet Cong and fight against other Americans to support communism? We must look at history to understand what is taking place now. Will the Patriots who have been intimidated by the leftists just lay down and accept this transformation and become just like many other countries under a ruler, a dictator under fear constantly?

We see many Americans today who support this intimidation and fear mongering of Americans and intimidating the Supreme Court all because they support the Democrats. They support jailing Americans who support this ONE PARTY CONTROL using the Federal agencies to support only the Democrat party to which the Communists have funded and fully support. We have seen it for the last decade and it is getting worse. Just check out the Communist website on the internet and you would think you were looking at the Democrat party website. They are using the Democrat party as the path to Communism because the Communists have infiltrated into our school system into our government and into the minds of many Americans who do not even know they are supporting communism indirectly. We have seen Communists take root in many countries and will we be the next to fall under this intimidation? Communist website link you would think it was the Democrat party.

Communist Party USA


My reply...

View attachment 805278

Humans can't be good commies. Ant or bees can be good commies, because they are selfless and always work for the good of the community...it is instilled within them. Humans are too greedy and self-centered to be good commies. Humans work for what they think is best for them.

But it is part of human nature to seek the easiest path. People think commies will give them a free lunch. Hell, I'd like it too. I could do what I like and get free money to live. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work out that way.

View attachment 805279

Taratova gives a good rundown on the state of America and future worries. Dems have basically taken over control of every important aspect of American life and if their plans work out they will have perpetual one party rule of America. Taratova doesn't have to worry if socialism spreads...it has already spread far and wide in the US of A. Many people can't get by, the kids don't see any future, so it is an easy decision to try something new. I don't think communism would be successful in America. We don't produce much anymore. Everything is from China. Explain to me how we could be communists?

Look at what the dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors.
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
Plus, they own half of America's vote. So, dems control the narrative.

The reps have proven themselves to be consistently, absolutely and without question, useless at fighting the dems, consequently the reps won't save us. The reps were trained to deal with Tip O'Neil dems and not the new school dems we got now. Reread that list above. It spells out a terrifying future for America if the citizens don't wake up. But the up-and-coming American kids don't present much hope for that.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

A lady I discussed this with told me 'don't worry, the pendulum will swing back.' Well the pendulum hasn't swung back in CA for 45 years. CA just gets worse and worse and shows no sign at all of 'swinging back.' And it is the same with many major dem run US cities...they just get worse and worse...under perpetual dem control.

She said things were worse in the 1970's, with all the bombings and such. I told her the bombings were mainly from one group...the Weatherman. And in the 1984 election, only 1 state, Minnesota, supported the dems and 49 states supported the reps. Now 50% + of the country supports this craziness, so 2023 can't be compared to the 1970's. But American's seem to be predisposed to having the dream that America comes back to being America.

America only worked when it worked. America 'worked' as a country when it produced things and lived under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that America is long gone and never to return.

View attachment 805280

A few people online have recently mentioned their worries about the U.S. military being reformed as the dems jackboots. They had mentioned that the injection of transqueer people into the military already look at non-transqueer people as their enemies. So it won't be a big stretch to think those groups would do whatever the dem overlords tell them to do...to their enemies. Well, to me it seems that is exactly what the dems are doing. The dems are reforming the military to do their bidding. They have already done it with the FBI, CIA, IRS and Secret Service.

The only saving grace that may help us is; there are not enough transqueer people to do the the dem's dirty work. But the dems are working diligently around the clock to create as many transqueers as possible. For they know every transqueer they can create will be a lifelong dem voter.

View attachment 805282

As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

Besides that, the reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. In addition, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was; the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And when it comes to progressives...progressives only get progressively worse.

People talk of secession. Maybe that would help, some. We could save a 'piece' of traditional America that lives under the Constitution and Bill of rights. But that is another post.

In short, dems would never let you go...they want your tax $ to fund their pet projects. And good luck getting them to give you your share of the Social Security $. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution, I can only outline some of the problems. Sometimes your enemy just wins and you lose in battle. That seems to be the score here...if the pendulum doesn't swing soon. And I'm not counting on it.

View attachment 805283
Nothing but nonsense. None of this endless lies about the Democrats is going to put a Republican as a President in 2024.
From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.)

"If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States"


We have all witnessed the presentation of social Marxism in the Democrat party in the last few years. We have been told of a transformation from the ground up to change this country. We had President Obama speaking about the collective which is a communist term. We have seen the mandates trying to control the populace. The powers that be have hidden their transformation under the guise of climate change and not Marx's socialist communism. If this actually does continue to permeate and transform the American way of life which this transformation will annihilate the individual American who today does have rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have witnessed a one-sided government, a one-sided media and a division of the people like never before. If this transformation takes place fully will there be a civil war? Will many Americans support this new communist entity and those that do not want this will they fully fight back? Will Americans that support the leftists become like the Viet Cong and fight against other Americans to support communism? We must look at history to understand what is taking place now. Will the Patriots who have been intimidated by the leftists just lay down and accept this transformation and become just like many other countries under a ruler, a dictator under fear constantly?

We see many Americans today who support this intimidation and fear mongering of Americans and intimidating the Supreme Court all because they support the Democrats. They support jailing Americans who support this ONE PARTY CONTROL using the Federal agencies to support only the Democrat party to which the Communists have funded and fully support. We have seen it for the last decade and it is getting worse. Just check out the Communist website on the internet and you would think you were looking at the Democrat party website. They are using the Democrat party as the path to Communism because the Communists have infiltrated into our school system into our government and into the minds of many Americans who do not even know they are supporting communism indirectly. We have seen Communists take root in many countries and will we be the next to fall under this intimidation? Communist website link you would think it was the Democrat party.

Communist Party USA


My reply...

View attachment 805278

Humans can't be good commies. Ant or bees can be good commies, because they are selfless and always work for the good of the community...it is instilled within them. Humans are too greedy and self-centered to be good commies. Humans work for what they think is best for them.

But it is part of human nature to seek the easiest path. People think commies will give them a free lunch. Hell, I'd like it too. I could do what I like and get free money to live. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work out that way.

View attachment 805279

Taratova gives a good rundown on the state of America and future worries. Dems have basically taken over control of every important aspect of American life and if their plans work out they will have perpetual one party rule of America. Taratova doesn't have to worry if socialism spreads...it has already spread far and wide in the US of A. Many people can't get by, the kids don't see any future, so it is an easy decision to try something new. I don't think communism would be successful in America. We don't produce much anymore. Everything is from China. Explain to me how we could be communists?

Look at what the dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors.
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
Plus, they own half of America's vote. So, dems control the narrative.

The reps have proven themselves to be consistently, absolutely and without question, useless at fighting the dems, consequently the reps won't save us. The reps were trained to deal with Tip O'Neil dems and not the new school dems we got now. Reread that list above. It spells out a terrifying future for America if the citizens don't wake up. But the up-and-coming American kids don't present much hope for that.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

A lady I discussed this with told me 'don't worry, the pendulum will swing back.' Well the pendulum hasn't swung back in CA for 45 years. CA just gets worse and worse and shows no sign at all of 'swinging back.' And it is the same with many major dem run US cities...they just get worse and worse...under perpetual dem control.

She said things were worse in the 1970's, with all the bombings and such. I told her the bombings were mainly from one group...the Weatherman. And in the 1984 election, only 1 state, Minnesota, supported the dems and 49 states supported the reps. Now 50% + of the country supports this craziness, so 2023 can't be compared to the 1970's. But American's seem to be predisposed to having the dream that America comes back to being America.

America only worked when it worked. America 'worked' as a country when it produced things and lived under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that America is long gone and never to return.

View attachment 805280

A few people online have recently mentioned their worries about the U.S. military being reformed as the dems jackboots. They had mentioned that the injection of transqueer people into the military already look at non-transqueer people as their enemies. So it won't be a big stretch to think those groups would do whatever the dem overlords tell them to do...to their enemies. Well, to me it seems that is exactly what the dems are doing. The dems are reforming the military to do their bidding. They have already done it with the FBI, CIA, IRS and Secret Service.

The only saving grace that may help us is; there are not enough transqueer people to do the the dem's dirty work. But the dems are working diligently around the clock to create as many transqueers as possible. For they know every transqueer they can create will be a lifelong dem voter.

View attachment 805282

As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

Besides that, the reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. In addition, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was; the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And when it comes to progressives...progressives only get progressively worse.

People talk of secession. Maybe that would help, some. We could save a 'piece' of traditional America that lives under the Constitution and Bill of rights. But that is another post.

In short, dems would never let you go...they want your tax $ to fund their pet projects. And good luck getting them to give you your share of the Social Security $. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution, I can only outline some of the problems. Sometimes your enemy just wins and you lose in battle. That seems to be the score here...if the pendulum doesn't swing soon. And I'm not counting on it.

View attachment 805283
As the two terms are different and your rant makes absolutely no sense whatsoever..I'll say, we'll be OK. :)
The amount of hate of fellow Americans you have for those who do not chose your favorite political party,
IS the reason our country is not united on any subject
And that is what is killing us.
If communism is bad, then why do so many of those on the right here seek to emulate the worst traits of communists?

It's not communism or fascism that the right loves specifically. The Trump cultists love authoritarianism of any flavor. They don't much care whether the authoritarianism comes from the right or left. The close ties of Trumpists to both Russian fascists and Chinese communists demonstrate that.
From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.)

"If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States"


We have all witnessed the presentation of social Marxism in the Democrat party in the last few years. We have been told of a transformation from the ground up to change this country. We had President Obama speaking about the collective which is a communist term. We have seen the mandates trying to control the populace. The powers that be have hidden their transformation under the guise of climate change and not Marx's socialist communism. If this actually does continue to permeate and transform the American way of life which this transformation will annihilate the individual American who today does have rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have witnessed a one-sided government, a one-sided media and a division of the people like never before. If this transformation takes place fully will there be a civil war? Will many Americans support this new communist entity and those that do not want this will they fully fight back? Will Americans that support the leftists become like the Viet Cong and fight against other Americans to support communism? We must look at history to understand what is taking place now. Will the Patriots who have been intimidated by the leftists just lay down and accept this transformation and become just like many other countries under a ruler, a dictator under fear constantly?

We see many Americans today who support this intimidation and fear mongering of Americans and intimidating the Supreme Court all because they support the Democrats. They support jailing Americans who support this ONE PARTY CONTROL using the Federal agencies to support only the Democrat party to which the Communists have funded and fully support. We have seen it for the last decade and it is getting worse. Just check out the Communist website on the internet and you would think you were looking at the Democrat party website. They are using the Democrat party as the path to Communism because the Communists have infiltrated into our school system into our government and into the minds of many Americans who do not even know they are supporting communism indirectly. We have seen Communists take root in many countries and will we be the next to fall under this intimidation? Communist website link you would think it was the Democrat party.

Communist Party USA


My reply...

View attachment 805278

Humans can't be good commies. Ant or bees can be good commies, because they are selfless and always work for the good of the community...it is instilled within them. Humans are too greedy and self-centered to be good commies. Humans work for what they think is best for them.

But it is part of human nature to seek the easiest path. People think commies will give them a free lunch. Hell, I'd like it too. I could do what I like and get free money to live. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work out that way.

View attachment 805279

Taratova gives a good rundown on the state of America and future worries. Dems have basically taken over control of every important aspect of American life and if their plans work out they will have perpetual one party rule of America. Taratova doesn't have to worry if socialism spreads...it has already spread far and wide in the US of A. Many people can't get by, the kids don't see any future, so it is an easy decision to try something new. I don't think communism would be successful in America. We don't produce much anymore. Everything is from China. Explain to me how we could be communists?

Look at what the dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors.
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
Plus, they own half of America's vote. So, dems control the narrative.

The reps have proven themselves to be consistently, absolutely and without question, useless at fighting the dems, consequently the reps won't save us. The reps were trained to deal with Tip O'Neil dems and not the new school dems we got now. Reread that list above. It spells out a terrifying future for America if the citizens don't wake up. But the up-and-coming American kids don't present much hope for that.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

A lady I discussed this with told me 'don't worry, the pendulum will swing back.' Well the pendulum hasn't swung back in CA for 45 years. CA just gets worse and worse and shows no sign at all of 'swinging back.' And it is the same with many major dem run US cities...they just get worse and worse...under perpetual dem control.

She said things were worse in the 1970's, with all the bombings and such. I told her the bombings were mainly from one group...the Weatherman. And in the 1984 election, only 1 state, Minnesota, supported the dems and 49 states supported the reps. Now 50% + of the country supports this craziness, so 2023 can't be compared to the 1970's. But American's seem to be predisposed to having the dream that America comes back to being America.

America only worked when it worked. America 'worked' as a country when it produced things and lived under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that America is long gone and never to return.

View attachment 805280

A few people online have recently mentioned their worries about the U.S. military being reformed as the dems jackboots. They had mentioned that the injection of transqueer people into the military already look at non-transqueer people as their enemies. So it won't be a big stretch to think those groups would do whatever the dem overlords tell them to do...to their enemies. Well, to me it seems that is exactly what the dems are doing. The dems are reforming the military to do their bidding. They have already done it with the FBI, CIA, IRS and Secret Service.

The only saving grace that may help us is; there are not enough transqueer people to do the the dem's dirty work. But the dems are working diligently around the clock to create as many transqueers as possible. For they know every transqueer they can create will be a lifelong dem voter.

View attachment 805282

As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

Besides that, the reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. In addition, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was; the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And when it comes to progressives...progressives only get progressively worse.

People talk of secession. Maybe that would help, some. We could save a 'piece' of traditional America that lives under the Constitution and Bill of rights. But that is another post.

In short, dems would never let you go...they want your tax $ to fund their pet projects. And good luck getting them to give you your share of the Social Security $. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution, I can only outline some of the problems. Sometimes your enemy just wins and you lose in battle. That seems to be the score here...if the pendulum doesn't swing soon. And I'm not counting on it.

View attachment 805283
Garbage in, garbage out.
From the City-Data Forum. (Lifetime banned...so I opened up discussion here.)

"If Socialist Communism Spreads in the United States"


We have all witnessed the presentation of social Marxism in the Democrat party in the last few years. We have been told of a transformation from the ground up to change this country. We had President Obama speaking about the collective which is a communist term. We have seen the mandates trying to control the populace. The powers that be have hidden their transformation under the guise of climate change and not Marx's socialist communism. If this actually does continue to permeate and transform the American way of life which this transformation will annihilate the individual American who today does have rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We have witnessed a one-sided government, a one-sided media and a division of the people like never before. If this transformation takes place fully will there be a civil war? Will many Americans support this new communist entity and those that do not want this will they fully fight back? Will Americans that support the leftists become like the Viet Cong and fight against other Americans to support communism? We must look at history to understand what is taking place now. Will the Patriots who have been intimidated by the leftists just lay down and accept this transformation and become just like many other countries under a ruler, a dictator under fear constantly?

We see many Americans today who support this intimidation and fear mongering of Americans and intimidating the Supreme Court all because they support the Democrats. They support jailing Americans who support this ONE PARTY CONTROL using the Federal agencies to support only the Democrat party to which the Communists have funded and fully support. We have seen it for the last decade and it is getting worse. Just check out the Communist website on the internet and you would think you were looking at the Democrat party website. They are using the Democrat party as the path to Communism because the Communists have infiltrated into our school system into our government and into the minds of many Americans who do not even know they are supporting communism indirectly. We have seen Communists take root in many countries and will we be the next to fall under this intimidation? Communist website link you would think it was the Democrat party.

Communist Party USA


My reply...

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Humans can't be good commies. Ant or bees can be good commies, because they are selfless and always work for the good of the community...it is instilled within them. Humans are too greedy and self-centered to be good commies. Humans work for what they think is best for them.

But it is part of human nature to seek the easiest path. People think commies will give them a free lunch. Hell, I'd like it too. I could do what I like and get free money to live. It sounds good, but it just doesn't work out that way.

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Taratova gives a good rundown on the state of America and future worries. Dems have basically taken over control of every important aspect of American life and if their plans work out they will have perpetual one party rule of America. Taratova doesn't have to worry if socialism spreads...it has already spread far and wide in the US of A. Many people can't get by, the kids don't see any future, so it is an easy decision to try something new. I don't think communism would be successful in America. We don't produce much anymore. Everything is from China. Explain to me how we could be communists?

Look at what the dems control...

All the major newspapers...and many smaller papers.
High Tech
Social Media
Major League Sports
Popular Culture
Giant Corporations
Big City Governors
Big City D.A.'s
Big City Mayors.
They own the public schools from Kindergarten to Grade, Middle & High School. Higher Education, Colleges and Universities.
Plus, they own half of America's vote. So, dems control the narrative.

The reps have proven themselves to be consistently, absolutely and without question, useless at fighting the dems, consequently the reps won't save us. The reps were trained to deal with Tip O'Neil dems and not the new school dems we got now. Reread that list above. It spells out a terrifying future for America if the citizens don't wake up. But the up-and-coming American kids don't present much hope for that.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

A lady I discussed this with told me 'don't worry, the pendulum will swing back.' Well the pendulum hasn't swung back in CA for 45 years. CA just gets worse and worse and shows no sign at all of 'swinging back.' And it is the same with many major dem run US cities...they just get worse and worse...under perpetual dem control.

She said things were worse in the 1970's, with all the bombings and such. I told her the bombings were mainly from one group...the Weatherman. And in the 1984 election, only 1 state, Minnesota, supported the dems and 49 states supported the reps. Now 50% + of the country supports this craziness, so 2023 can't be compared to the 1970's. But American's seem to be predisposed to having the dream that America comes back to being America.

America only worked when it worked. America 'worked' as a country when it produced things and lived under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But that America is long gone and never to return.

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A few people online have recently mentioned their worries about the U.S. military being reformed as the dems jackboots. They had mentioned that the injection of transqueer people into the military already look at non-transqueer people as their enemies. So it won't be a big stretch to think those groups would do whatever the dem overlords tell them to do...to their enemies. Well, to me it seems that is exactly what the dems are doing. The dems are reforming the military to do their bidding. They have already done it with the FBI, CIA, IRS and Secret Service.

The only saving grace that may help us is; there are not enough transqueer people to do the the dem's dirty work. But the dems are working diligently around the clock to create as many transqueers as possible. For they know every transqueer they can create will be a lifelong dem voter.

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As far as civil war?

It is all fantasy and wishful thinking. Do you remember how 1.6.21 turned out? As it stands, America is open for the taking. There is nothing to stop the dems. The dems have learned, that even if SCOTUS rules against them, that there is no one to enforce the law. Stopping the dems' destruction was the military's job. But, the dems own them as well and the last hope for saving America is gone. The dems will enthusiastically use the military to take down any attempt at civil war. They will be gleeful at reducing the surplus population of reps!

Besides that, the reps have NO leader, NO national, state and local organizations that are all on the same page. Reps have NOTHING! Reps don't have the money to fight any war. We have no Soros to back us. We have no Biden to give us billions of $ of weapons. In addition, the world at large supports the dems and not the conservatives. Any break away attempt by the reps would be looked at as illegitimate, even though it is the dems that have broken away and seceded from America long ago.

The mistake that was made by previous generations was; the reps never pushed the dems out when they didn't tow the line. The reps just went along to get along and have lost it all. Another problem is America changes course every 4 years. So, there is no continuity with conservative values, the continuity seems to be only with the destructive, liberal values. And when it comes to progressives...progressives only get progressively worse.

People talk of secession. Maybe that would help, some. We could save a 'piece' of traditional America that lives under the Constitution and Bill of rights. But that is another post.

In short, dems would never let you go...they want your tax $ to fund their pet projects. And good luck getting them to give you your share of the Social Security $. I'm not smart enough to offer a solution, I can only outline some of the problems. Sometimes your enemy just wins and you lose in battle. That seems to be the score here...if the pendulum doesn't swing soon. And I'm not counting on it.

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Truth. They think humans are equal to ants & will behave like ants because they are faggot ass commies.

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