If Republicans are going to call you a liar, shouldn't they at least have to prove it?

So NO, besides right wing spin, you can't back up your statement and are just a liar. Shocking

“I don’t regret that at all,” Reid said, claiming that he felt compelled to criticize GOP politicians funded by the Koch brothers. When asked about being called a “McCarthyite” for lying about Romney’s taxes, he replied: “Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Politifact ruled prince harry's statement pants on fire, so you can keep telling your lies just like reid or you can learn to face facts. Like all the commies on this board I'm very sure you will remain in your typical delusional state.

Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn t pay taxes for 10 years PolitiFact

Reid told the website that about a month earlier, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office and said, "Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years."

Reid continued, "He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain," said Reid. "But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look? … You guys have said his wealth is $250 million. Not a chance in the world. It's a lot more than that. I mean, you do pretty well if you don't pay taxes for 10 years when you're making millions and millions of dollars."

Our Truth-O-Meter guidelines say we hold officials accountable to back up their words. By those standards, Reid has not proven his allegation.

Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn t pay taxes for 10 years PolitiFact

So NO, besides right wing spin, you can't back up your statement and are just a liar. Shocking

“I don’t regret that at all,” Reid said, claiming that he felt compelled to criticize GOP politicians funded by the Koch brothers. When asked about being called a “McCarthyite” for lying about Romney’s taxes, he replied: “Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Politifact ruled prince harry's statement pants on fire, so you can keep telling your lies just like reid or you can learn to face facts. Like all the commies on this board I'm very sure you will remain in your typical delusional state.

Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn t pay taxes for 10 years PolitiFact

Cool. So you AGAIN admit he NEVER said it was a lie. But others have. Thanks for showing you stand on the side of liars (GOPers)...

Actually he said it was up to Romney to prove it was a lie when in reality it was up to him to prove it was true, which he failed to do and basically said the ends justified the means. You commies are all alike, lie your ass off and demand people to prove it was a lie when it's your obligation to prove it true to begin with. Hell that's the premise of this whole damned thread. Anyway I'm done with your ignorant ass, you are dismissed.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

This begs the topic "Fox News Republicans/Libertarians vs. actual Republicans/Libertarians".

Sadly, the only media for the Right Wing today is Fox News and they use ANGER MONGERING. It doesn't matter if you are correct if they are mad.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?

It's extremely easy for anyone to find that information.

Conservatives are the most laziest people I've ever encountered.

I did your work for you. Just click the link below to a search on republicans cut veteran benefits:


Here's a search on republicans cutting veteran's food stamps


Just click the links and pick your article.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

The American people have held them accountable in 5 of the last 6 general elections. That trend is more likely to continue than no.

Says the "liberal", lol

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

The Senate's 46 Democrats Got 20 Million More Votes Than Its 54 Republicans

Senate Democratic minority snagged 20 million more votes than GOP majority


Yep, facts DO matter in reality... Try it!

Well, since I had not seen the statistic on senate elections I was a bit taken back.

It's a bummer for democrats.

I am afraid it does nothing for them as the system was set up that way.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

"I have a higher and grander standard of principle than George Washington. He could not lie; I can, but I won't." - Samuel Clemens
It's simple, actually. Joseph Goebbels had it correct (and liberals live by it) - "tell the lie often enough and it becomes the truth".

The left's non-stop lying tells you a LOT about them as human beings, the description creepy comes to mind.
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

You are simply repeating liberal lies and false talking points like some mindless liberal drone. I would try to talk some sense into you but its clear it would be pointless. For example yes Nixon created the EPA, then lowlife scum liberals corrupted it.

I posted video. How can that be a lie?
We have proved it to you many times. So many in fact that we are tired of doing it. You never stop lying, even after we have shown you to be a liar. It is a waste of our time to try any more.
Without examples, you haven't proven anything.
We have proved it to you many times. So many in fact that we are tired of doing it. You never stop lying, even after we have shown you to be a liar. It is a waste of our time to try any more.
Without examples, you haven't proven anything.
over the past 5 years you have been shown plenty of stuff,you not accepting those examples is your problem......
The left's non-stop lying tells you a LOT about them as human beings, the description creepy comes to mind.
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

You are simply repeating liberal lies and false talking points like some mindless liberal drone. I would try to talk some sense into you but its clear it would be pointless. For example yes Nixon created the EPA, then lowlife scum liberals corrupted it.

I posted video. How can that be a lie?

You said Republicans want dirty air, dirty water, and low paying jobs without benefits, hence you are a liar and a broad brushing worthless liberal troll. Sorry to break this news to you.

So NO, besides right wing spin, you can't back up your statement and are just a liar. Shocking

“I don’t regret that at all,” Reid said, claiming that he felt compelled to criticize GOP politicians funded by the Koch brothers. When asked about being called a “McCarthyite” for lying about Romney’s taxes, he replied: “Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Politifact ruled prince harry's statement pants on fire, so you can keep telling your lies just like reid or you can learn to face facts. Like all the commies on this board I'm very sure you will remain in your typical delusional state.

Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn t pay taxes for 10 years PolitiFact

Cool. So you AGAIN admit he NEVER said it was a lie. But others have. Thanks for showing you stand on the side of liars (GOPers)...

Actually he said it was up to Romney to prove it was a lie when in reality it was up to him to prove it was true, which he failed to do and basically said the ends justified the means. You commies are all alike, lie your ass off and demand people to prove it was a lie when it's your obligation to prove it true to begin with. Hell that's the premise of this whole damned thread. Anyway I'm done with your ignorant ass, you are dismissed.

Got it, says the fascists right wingers who claim tax cuts grow revenues and tax increases harm growth, I'm supposed to believe your nonsense? lol
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

The American people have held them accountable in 5 of the last 6 general elections. That trend is more likely to continue than no.

Says the "liberal", lol

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority
GOP Memo Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

The Senate's 46 Democrats Got 20 Million More Votes Than Its 54 Republicans

Senate Democratic minority snagged 20 million more votes than GOP majority


Yep, facts DO matter in reality... Try it!

Well, since I had not seen the statistic on senate elections I was a bit taken back.

It's a bummer for democrats.

I am afraid it does nothing for them as the system was set up that way.

Not really, the GOP isn't a national party anymore, just a bunch of Conservative Confederate States of AmeriKKKa hate mongers and liars, as this thread proves
We have proved it to you many times. So many in fact that we are tired of doing it. You never stop lying, even after we have shown you to be a liar. It is a waste of our time to try any more.
Without examples, you haven't proven anything.
over the past 5 years you have been shown plenty of stuff,you not accepting those examples is your problem......

Says a guy supporting the party of liars *shaking head*
Can you give us some examples?

Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

You are simply repeating liberal lies and false talking points like some mindless liberal drone. I would try to talk some sense into you but its clear it would be pointless. For example yes Nixon created the EPA, then lowlife scum liberals corrupted it.

I posted video. How can that be a lie?

You said Republicans want dirty air, dirty water, and low paying jobs without benefits, hence you are a liar and a broad brushing worthless liberal troll. Sorry to break this news to you.

Republicans (or more correctly the current conservatives/libertarians running the GOP today) want US to be more "free market" which DOES show that those things are true, just look at ANY state or nation you Klowns want to emulate? Try Honduras or Somalia (or any Latin American nation) to see that!!!

So NO, besides right wing spin, you can't back up your statement and are just a liar. Shocking

“I don’t regret that at all,” Reid said, claiming that he felt compelled to criticize GOP politicians funded by the Koch brothers. When asked about being called a “McCarthyite” for lying about Romney’s taxes, he replied: “Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Politifact ruled prince harry's statement pants on fire, so you can keep telling your lies just like reid or you can learn to face facts. Like all the commies on this board I'm very sure you will remain in your typical delusional state.

Harry Reid says anonymous source told him Mitt Romney didn t pay taxes for 10 years PolitiFact

Cool. So you AGAIN admit he NEVER said it was a lie. But others have. Thanks for showing you stand on the side of liars (GOPers)...

Actually he said it was up to Romney to prove it was a lie when in reality it was up to him to prove it was true, which he failed to do and basically said the ends justified the means. You commies are all alike, lie your ass off and demand people to prove it was a lie when it's your obligation to prove it true to begin with. Hell that's the premise of this whole damned thread. Anyway I'm done with your ignorant ass, you are dismissed.

Got it, says the fascists right wingers who claim tax cuts grow revenues and tax increases harm growth, I'm supposed to believe your nonsense? lol

Tax increases do harm growth you fool, what public school did you flunk out of?
Ahahaha, sure for example the person who wrote this is a liar, "Why do Republicans always seem to want crap? They want dirty air and dirty water and low paying jobs without benefits."
Senate Republicans Introduce Bill to Abolish the EPA

Senate Republicans have introduced legislation to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, established 40 years ago by President Richard Nixon to give Americans clean air and water.


Clean air and clean water costs business money. That's why Republicans don't give a flying fart about clean air and clean water. And that's no lie.

What Would It Be Like if the GOP Abolished the EPA As Dirty As It Used to Be Peter Lehner s Blog Switchboard from NRDC

You are simply repeating liberal lies and false talking points like some mindless liberal drone. I would try to talk some sense into you but its clear it would be pointless. For example yes Nixon created the EPA, then lowlife scum liberals corrupted it.

I posted video. How can that be a lie?

You said Republicans want dirty air, dirty water, and low paying jobs without benefits, hence you are a liar and a broad brushing worthless liberal troll. Sorry to break this news to you.

Republicans (or more correctly the current conservatives/libertarians running the GOP today) want US to be more "free market" which DOES show that those things are true, just look at ANY state or nation you Klowns want to emulate? Try Honduras or Somalia (or any Latin American nation) to see that!!!

You realize that you are insane right?
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.
you've got to take into acct that they are a bitter and shrinking demographic.
Remember when I said the GOP blocked the BP investigation into the Gulf Oil Spill and they cried liar? Even when I presented video from congress of Republicans blocking the investigation?

Remember when I said Republicans threatened to not pay unemployment benefits to millions of Americans unless the rich got enormous tax cuts? I proved that.

Remember when I said a Senate Republican apologized to BP because Obama was making them pay?

Remember when I said the military made the worlds fastest supercomputer out of game chips and USMB Republicans laughed and laughed. Turns out I was right.

Instead of actually proving anything, they will say "everybody knows" and then make some unproven accusation.
Then, they whine about Republicans always being attacked. Could you imagine Democrats apologizing to BP? Or sending soldiers into the wrong country? Or any of the awful things Republicans have done? There may be a few who vote Republican because this is a coalition party. There are conservatives in the Democratic Party. Besides they give cover to Republican policies.

I think If Republicans are going to scream liar, they should at least have the decency to prove it. Not that I'm calling them decent. Anyone who cuts benefits disabled veterans and school lunches for children is hardly decent. Even many of them agree with that.

What benefits have they cut from disabled vets?

It's extremely easy for anyone to find that information.

Conservatives are the most laziest people I've ever encountered.

I did your work for you. Just click the link below to a search on republicans cut veteran benefits:


Here's a search on republicans cutting veteran's food stamps


Just click the links and pick your article.

You might want to keep up, the bill you comrade was referring to was never passed by the House, so his argument was a non-starter to begin with.

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