If MAGA Republicans are "extremists".. why all the censorship?


Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2022

go to this site (or series of sites)

It's unbelievable. You can't find ONE conservative site there.. or maybe I missed it? But I skipped over the page 5 and still no mention of Fox or any other conservative site.. I know conservatives don't see Trump as extreme but.. well, that's kind of my point anyway..

Trump is an extremist, I guess because he didn't like seeing millions of babies murdered year after year for 46 years

A non-extremist is someone like Ralph Northam, Dim gov of VA (former, thank God.. Now VA has a good gov :) ) who said we should allow parents 3 days after birth to decide: Do I really want this child? and if they don't, kill it...

yep, that is an example of a NON-extremist. The extremists so-called don't like killing children.. Who knew that was extreme??

The extremists so called would never leave Americans, allies and massive military equipment in a foreign country

But the normies would

so yeh.. This makes sense to something like 10% of Americans (so called)
Anyone that preaches the truth......and I'm talking about reality here, not someones personal opinion.......

they get censored.

Evil does not like truth, nor does it like honesty, reliability, or self-control. These things tend to destroy evil in all forms.

That doesn't mean anybody is perfect, it just means that whoever is telling the absolute truth, evil doesn't want it being publicized or preached in any way. It interfere's with evils plans to destroy, dominate, and decieve.
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Anyone that preaches the truth......and I'm talking about reality here, not someones personal opinion.......

they get censored.

Evil does not like truth, nor does it like honesty, reliability, or self-control. These things tend to destroy evil in all forms.

That doesn't mean anybody is perfect, it just means that whoever is telling the absolute truth, evil doesn't want it being publicized or preached in any way. It interfere's with evils plans to destroy, dominate, and decieve.
Or as the Bible puts it

And this is the judgment: ... the light is come into the world [but] men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil. (Douay Rheims Bible)

go to this site (or series of sites)

It's unbelievable. You can't find ONE conservative site there.. or maybe I missed it? But I skipped over the page 5 and still no mention of Fox or any other conservative site.. I know conservatives don't see Trump as extreme but.. well, that's kind of my point anyway..

Trump is an extremist, I guess because he didn't like seeing millions of babies murdered year after year for 46 years

A non-extremist is someone like Ralph Northam, Dim gov of VA (former, thank God.. Now VA has a good gov :) ) who said we should allow parents 3 days after birth to decide: Do I really want this child? and if they don't, kill it...

yep, that is an example of a NON-extremist. The extremists so-called don't like killing children.. Who knew that was extreme??

The extremists so called would never leave Americans, allies and massive military equipment in a foreign country

But the normies would

so yeh.. This makes sense to something like 10% of Americans (so called)
Whatever gave you the idea that the orange douchebag is against abortions? He was all for pro-choice before he ran for office. Watch and learn...

Whatever gave you the idea that the orange douchebag is against abortions? He was all for pro-choice before he ran for office. Watch and learn...

Normal people evolve or grow


Never.. or rarely
Whatever gave you the idea that the orange douchebag is against abortions? He was all for pro-choice before he ran for office. Watch and learn...

Perhaps you should bring up old Joes's flip flops. Trump had 4 years a politician. Old Joe has had 50 years.
Whatever gave you the idea that the orange douchebag is against abortions? He was all for pro-choice before he ran for office. Watch and learn...

This thread was started by a maga cultist. His job isn't to learn or think for himself, it's to listen and believe whatever his dear leader tells him to believe.



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