If God made Man, did he make Neanderthals too?

how come he didn't fly to rome to spread the good news, or in the nazareth daily news report with an etch or two while in flight - and by the way is there a photo of the itinerant in the 24k documents - or anywhere ... how can that be with all the sculptures they did in those days.

or try telling the truth why they crucified him - liberation theology, the same response today as then.
God's ways are unsearchable and inscrutable.
God's ways are unsearchable and inscrutable.
no, servient christian, they are attainable for everyone - the true religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil to attain purity - in your case not sure which that would be - best maybe not to try and hope for the best w/ your book - good luck. looser.
God's ways are unsearchable and inscrutable.

Thats the line they give you when trying to get you to swallow the lie that One unequalled God is really three co equal persons in one edible Godhead....

It's a great mystery too deep for the human mind to grasp ? Right. You don't have the faith, knowledge, understanding, courage, or common sense to say its just bullshit.

The truth is the way of the Lord is easy enough for any second grade child to comprehend.
Thats the line they give you when trying to get you to swallow the lie that One unequalled God is really three co equal persons in one edible Godhead....

It's a great mystery too deep for the human mind to grasp ? Right. You don't have the faith, knowledge, understanding, courage, or common sense to say its just bullshit.

The truth is the way of the Lord is easy enough for any second grade child to comprehend.
No. That is reality. Atheists like yourself and breezewood can't understand how a good God can exist and the world be how it is. I don't have that problem.

Who do you get your strength from?
no, servient christian, they are attainable for everyone - the true religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil to attain purity - in your case not sure which that would be - best maybe not to try and hope for the best w/ your book - good luck. looser.
Then please do explain to me how if God is good why do bad things happen to good people.
No. That is reality. Atheists like yourself and breezewood can't understand how a good God can exist and the world be how it is. I don't have that problem.

I am not an atheist and I have no problem with the world as it is. God gave clear instructions about how to live an abundant fruitful life and avoid abject misery and insanity. I always do exactly as God commands and dwell in the sanctuary of God. People like you set aside that instruction and seek spiritual life from something made by human hands that has no life and is not God. Consequently you have lost your mind. God said fuck you to you a very long time ago, in the very day you first got down on your knees to worship a matzo.. God doesn't give a shit that you are dead, in hell, and on your way to permanent destruction. Neither do I. You have made evil a deliberate choice.

If people want to live in a more perfect world all they have to do on earth is what God did in heaven in genesis 3:14 and relegate serpents, religious deceivers, to the lowest place in society, lower than cattle and every species of foul and loathsome beast and bird.

Where do you get your strength from?

My hair.

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I am not an atheist and I have no problem with the world as it is. God gave clear instructions about how to live an abundant fruitful life and avoid misfortune and insanity. I always do exactly as God commands and dwell in the sanctuary of God. People like you set aside that instruction and seek spiritual life from something made by human hands that has no life and is not God. Consequently you have lost your mind. God said fuck you to you a very long time ago, in the very day you first got down on your knees to worship a matzo.. God doesn't give a shit that you are dead, in hell, and on your way to permanent destruction. Neither do I. You have made evil a deliberate choice.

My hair.

The fact that you can't offer an answer as to why a good God would allow good people to suffer says you are an atheist.

So does your belief that you get your strength from your hair.

Who do you get your strength from?
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God's ways are unsearchable and inscrutable.
You knew what I was talking about.

Is God good?
no, servient christian, they are attainable for everyone - the true religion of antiquity, the triumph of good vs evil to attain purity -
as prescribed the religion of antiquity is required for admission to the Everlasting - hard to see how a book of forgeries and fallacies can contribute to accomplishing the required goal which is also not just for the individual but reliant for all humanity to accomplish in unison before any judgements would be rendered ... humanity is destined to sink or swim together.

being accusatorial is a true sign of delusion derived from an alcoholic nature. you seem to fit the bill ...
24,000 written manuscripts say He did.

Who is it that strengthens you again?
I'll let you in on a secret, Jesus knew who he was. He said he was the son of God, it was correct. We are all sons & daughters of God. More precisely, facets or aspects of God. We are One with God, not separate from God as many religions teach.


as prescribed the religion of antiquity is required for admission to the Everlasting - hard to see how a book of forgeries and fallacies can contribute to accomplishing the required goal which is also not just for the individual but reliant for all humanity to accomplish in unison before any judgements would be rendered ... humanity is destined to sink or swim together.

being accusatorial is a true sign of delusion derived from an alcoholic nature. you seem to fit the bill ...
Cool story.

Is God good?
I'll let you in on a secret, Jesus knew who he was. He said he was the son of God, it was correct. We are all sons & daughters of God. More precisely, facets or aspects of God. We are One with God, not separate from God as many religions teach.
I see us more as God's creatures.
God created man in his own image. Man occupies a unique place in creation. God in his own nature unites the spiritual and material worlds and established his friendship. Of all visible creatures only man is able to know and love his creator. He is called to share, by knowledge and love, in God's own life. It was for this end that he was created, and this is the fundamental reason for his dignity.

Being in the image of God the human individual possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just something, but someone. He is capable of self-knowledge, of self-possession and of freely giving himself and entering into communion with other persons. And he is called by grace to a covenant with his Creator, to offer him a response of faith and love that no other creature can give in his stead.
Cool story.

Is God good?
Indifferent would be better word; to put it simply, there was a glitch in the program. I know it seems like a long time, but time lacks a counterpart in Heaven. Resolution requires the cooperation of all on Earth. Now you may understand, in a small way, the extent of the problem.
Indifferent would be better word; to put it simply, there was a glitch in the program. I know it seems like a long time, but time lacks a counterpart in Heaven. Resolution requires the cooperation of all on Earth. Now you may understand, in a small way, the extent of the problem.
The question was is God good? Do you believe God is good?
Indifferent would be better word; to put it simply, there was a glitch in the program. I know it seems like a long time, but time lacks a counterpart in Heaven. Resolution requires the cooperation of all on Earth. Now you may understand, in a small way, the extent of the problem.
So if you believe God is good how is it that a good God can allow suffering?
The question was is God good? Do you believe God is good?
Good and bad are human terms, they don't really fit the bill for God. If this debacle has a positive outcome then I guess you could say God is good. If there is no resolution to it the reverse would be true. Now you might understand why your question is problematic.

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