If Democrats Really Believe The Right Ruins The Economy


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Then why would they be clamoring for "Unity" rather than wanting to divide America?

Some on the Right are suggesting it.
Some Texas Republicans want to secede from union over Trump loss

What is the point of having a Union when half the population would like to kill the other half?

The Left wants 'Unity" now that they have their man in the WH, but they most certainly did not want any Unity before that.

They find the Conservative Right's values 'Deplorable" so why do they cling to the Right?

The Left Hates the Right with a passion. They hate Christianity. They hate The Constitution. They hate America.
They LOVE immorality, abortion, government power, big government and all of the things that go against the US Constitution.

STILL....they always reject any call for separation. WHY?
I know why and you probably know why too.
Then why would they be clamoring for "Unity" rather than wanting to divide America?

Some on the Right are suggesting it.
Some Texas Republicans want to secede from union over Trump loss

What is the point of having a Union when half the population would like to kill the other half?

The Left wants 'Unity" now that they have their man in the WH, but they most certainly did not want any Unity before that.

They find the Conservative Right's values 'Deplorable" so why do they cling to the Right?

The Left Hates the Right with a passion. They hate Christianity. They hate The Constitution. They hate America.
They LOVE immorality, abortion, government power, big government and all of the things that go against the US Constitution.

STILL....they always reject any call for separation. WHY?
I know why and you probably know why too.

Because we prefer the US whole.

Also, the right's demand for secession is a tacit admission of the failure of their ideology and the ultimate snowflake move.

A vibrant, growing, thriving party is eager to compete in the market place of ideas....seeking to persuade and convince, wanting as many people to vote as is legally possible.

But instead, your fetid political movement sees red states turning blue, hasn't been able to win the popular vote for the presidency but once in the last generation, and sees that with competition...its will continue to erode and decay.

So they seek to eliminate opposition voices...through separation, or violence, or threats. You want to create a 'safe space' where only your view is allowed. It wouldn't work. You'd either have to go full fascist and violent suppress the millions upon millions of democrats that live within your borders.......or you'd eventually go blue.

Its your political movement that is diseased, riddled with ideological cancer like fat through a juicy roast. Where it rots is essentially irrelevant. So we'd prefer the decay of your political movement to occur AND for the US to remain whole....since its decaying in either case.
"Some Texas Republicans want to secede from the union" :icon_rolleyes:

It's not going to happen.

Of course not. This is more hormonal snow flake horseshit.

The Russians talked about how they have a deadman switch that will launch their nuclear weapons at the entire world if Russia were ever destroyed. Their logic being "What's the point of a world without Russia'.

I think conservatives view the US the same way. And would rather watch it burn than slip from their control.

On paper. In reality, they're far too fat and happy to really sacrifice their creature comforts flghting and dying to 'forge their new nation'.

So we get this hormonal snow flake nonsense that should be served with a hot-topic gift card and a yard of running mascara.
Then why would they be clamoring for "Unity" rather than wanting to divide America?

Some on the Right are suggesting it.
Some Texas Republicans want to secede from union over Trump loss

What is the point of having a Union when half the population would like to kill the other half?

The Left wants 'Unity" now that they have their man in the WH, but they most certainly did not want any Unity before that.

They find the Conservative Right's values 'Deplorable" so why do they cling to the Right?

The Left Hates the Right with a passion. They hate Christianity. They hate The Constitution. They hate America.
They LOVE immorality, abortion, government power, big government and all of the things that go against the US Constitution.

STILL....they always reject any call for separation. WHY?
I know why and you probably know why too.
It’s not that the right ‘ruins’ the economy, it’s that the right fails to respond to economic crises hobbled by their blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma.
You want to create a 'safe space' where only your view is allowed. It wouldn't work.

You are kidding right? Democrats are the most blatant bigots on the planet and there isn’t a close second. Republicans are actually too complacent most of the time. It is funny that when a Republican finally puts their foot down on a topic and says enough is enough that somehow they become bigoted. When Democrats don’t get their way they call names, they riot, they loot, you name it. Democrats are petulant children.
Then why would they be clamoring for "Unity" rather than wanting to divide America?

Some on the Right are suggesting it.
Some Texas Republicans want to secede from union over Trump loss

What is the point of having a Union when half the population would like to kill the other half?

The Left wants 'Unity" now that they have their man in the WH, but they most certainly did not want any Unity before that.

They find the Conservative Right's values 'Deplorable" so why do they cling to the Right?

The Left Hates the Right with a passion. They hate Christianity. They hate The Constitution. They hate America.
They LOVE immorality, abortion, government power, big government and all of the things that go against the US Constitution.

STILL....they always reject any call for separation. WHY?
I know why and you probably know why too.
It’s not that the right ‘ruins’ the economy, it’s that the right fails to respond to economic crises hobbled by their blind adherence to failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma.

Like free market capitalism?

For someone who considers prosperity to be measured by how many currency printing presses are running 24/7 you sure are confused.

HINT: Prosperity is not measured by how much free stuff you can get at the expense of others.
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You are kidding right? Democrats are the most blatant bigots on the planet and there isn’t a close second. Republicans are actually too complacent most of the time. It is funny that when a Republican finally puts their foot down on a topic and says enough is enough that somehow they become bigoted. When Democrats don’t get their way they call names, they riot, they loot, you name it. Democrats are petulant children.

They are.

And we're like irresponsible parents who condone their bad behavior and look the other way while they throw tantrums and break plates
Do not be fooled by asshole Democrats. If they had the votes they would the people to go F themselves and pass every liberal wet dream on the liberal agenda. Because they don't they are calling for unity, it's a lie.
Because we prefer the US whole.
Also, the right's demand for secession is a tacit admission of the failure of their ideology and the ultimate snowflake move.

Actually, it's an admission that the Left has increasing power and influence, but that their ideology and values are vastly different.
Most on the Right, for example, believe abortion is infanticide. Expecting them to simply accept it is not reasonable.
The Conservative Right believes there are two genders. The Left believes they are unlimited. One side acknowledges Science, one doesn't

A vibrant, growing, thriving party is eager to compete in the market place of ideas....seeking to persuade and convince, wanting as many people to vote as is legally possible.

This is false.
All one need do is look to Facebook, Twitter and college campuses where Conservative ideas are censored and met with violence.
So to say this is either highly hypocritical or flatly naive.

But instead, your fetid political movement sees red states turning blue, hasn't been able to win the popular vote for the presidency but once in the last generation, and sees that with competition...its will continue to erode and decay.

The Right is complacent, forgiving and passive.
The Left has exploited this weakness to the extreme.
If what you said was true (it isn't) then companies would be flocking to Blue states, instead they are fleeing.
there is proof of massive flight from Democrat areas INTO Red States, NONE from Red areas to Blue.
You cannot explain this away.

So they seek to eliminate opposition voices...through separation, or violence, or threats. You want to create a 'safe space' where only your view is allowed. It wouldn't work. You'd either have to go full fascist and violent suppress the millions upon millions of democrats that live within your borders.......or you'd eventually go blue.

You are saying the Right seeks to silence the opposition?
this is madness and couldn't be farther from the truth.
All one need do is look to Facebook, Twitter and college campuses where Conservative ideas are censored and met with violence.
So to say this is either highly hypocritical or flatly naive.

Its your political movement that is diseased, riddled with ideological cancer like fat through a juicy roast. Where it rots is essentially irrelevant. So we'd prefer the decay of your political movement to occur AND for the US to remain whole....since its decaying in either case.

Again, ALL of the homelessness, drug abuse, violence and decaying society is in the blue Strongholds. Democrat areas OWN THE ROT you speak of.
So while your lips move, nothing honest comes out.
I am more pragmatic -parties suck and if the country split between eft and right then those in the newly portioned spaces would start fighting each other. It's not a political problem it is a human character trait problem..
Then why would they be clamoring for "Unity" rather than wanting to divide America?

Some on the Right are suggesting it.
Some Texas Republicans want to secede from union over Trump loss

What is the point of having a Union when half the population would like to kill the other half?

The Left wants 'Unity" now that they have their man in the WH, but they most certainly did not want any Unity before that.

They find the Conservative Right's values 'Deplorable" so why do they cling to the Right?

The Left Hates the Right with a passion. They hate Christianity. They hate The Constitution. They hate America.
They LOVE immorality, abortion, government power, big government and all of the things that go against the US Constitution.

STILL....they always reject any call for separation. WHY?
I know why and you probably know why too.
For defensive purposes of course you will not understand that because you only know what the blob tells you. We do not want an enemy at our borders. The blue states support the red states this is true we will put up with it to avoid a costly war. Also if civil war happens it will be like the new world again. Every other government on the planet would swoop in and claiming territory.

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