Trump tells allies he will run in 2024 to keep attention on himself, but hints he may back out if he finds there's no path to victory

This all almost certainly stems from the same fake news article that was posted here a month or so ago. That's also why they deliberately do not give any source to their claim.

Same stupid regurgitated fake news have been posted here couple times by idiots. Recycled fake news trash for the lowest of low information tools.
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This all almost certainly stems from the same fake news article that was posted here a month or so ago. That's also why they deliberately do not give any source to their claim.

Same stupid regurgitated fake news have been posted here couple times by idiots. Recycled fake news trash for the lowest of low information tools.
' “It’s been an amazing four years,” Trump told the crowd, which included many Republican National Committee members. “We’re trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I’ll see you in four years.”'....Donald Trump suggests 2024 presidential bid: 'I'll see you in four years'
If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .

I think the fat bastard would do well to concern himself w/his pending legal matters that will arrive at his doorstep once he's out of Office.

It may very well lead to his incarceration.
If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .


Or.....your wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate international conspiracy theory is completely unnecessary.

As Trump just lost. It happens.

Occam's Razor, my friend.
If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .


Or.....your wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate international conspiracy theory is completely unnecessary.

As Trump just lost. It happens.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Sorry. . I know I am in the minority in what I believe, but you needn't throw ad hom, or name calling my way.

It is just logical, from my POV. I have not met many folks that voted for Biden, that also did NOT vote for Clinton. Likewise, I also do not see many folks that did not vote for Trump in 2016, but decided to vote for him this time.

. . . with that said;


The government, or, if you like, the establishment, has every reason, to get folks to believe, no matter what their partisan persuasion, that there were more folks voting than ever before.

That the government is more popular than ever before. No matter who their chosen candidate. This gives cover for the international global corporations that run the place cover for what they have in mind for our future.

It gives the government legitimacy for anything they do, or their supposed do in our name.

That is, after all, the point of voting. It isn't, really, to represent the will of the voters. It is to give legitimacy to the elites in what they do.

The more eligible voters that DON'T vote than do? Then the government is no longer legitimate. Those are the facts. And they scare to death the ruling elites and the bureaucracy that run the show. . . thus the propaganda to get out and vote for these losers, and, yes, the possible rigging of vote totals, regardless of who those totals actually are for. . . AS IT DOES NOT MATTER.

If folks believe that hundreds of thousands of people sent in ballots, or showed up to vote, then they believe that the government is legitimate.

Clandestine operations, DO HAPPEN, when folks are desperate. And looking at the last election? Things were getting pretty damn desperate.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Occam's Razor, my friend.
If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .


Or.....your wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate international conspiracy theory is completely unnecessary.

As Trump just lost. It happens.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Sorry. . I know I am in the minority in what I believe, but you needn't throw ad hom, or name calling my way.

It is just logical, from my POV. I have not met many folks that voted for Biden, that also did NOT vote for Clinton. Likewise, I also do not see many folks that did not vote for Trump in 2016, but decided to vote for him this time.

. . . with that said;


The government, or, if you like, the establishment, has every reason, to get folks to believe, no matter what their partisan persuasion, that there were more folks voting than ever before.

That the government is more popular than ever before. No matter who their chosen candidate. This gives cover for the international global corporations that run the place cover for what they have in mind for our future.

It gives the government legitimacy for anything they do, or their supposed do in our name.

That is, after all, the point of voting. It isn't, really, to represent the will of the voters. It is to give legitimacy to the elites in what they do.

The more eligible voters that DON'T vote than do? Then the government is no longer legitimate. Those are the facts. And they scare to death the ruling elites and the bureaucracy that run the show. . . thus the propaganda to get out and vote for these losers, and, yes, the possible rigging of vote totals, regardless of who those totals actually are for. . . AS IT DOES NOT MATTER.

If folks believe that hundreds of thousands of people sent in ballots, or showed up to vote, than they believe that the government is legitimate.

Clandestine operations, DO HAPPEN, when folks are desperate. And looking at the last election? Things were getting pretty damn desperate.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Its not ad hom attack. I pointed out that the conspiracy you're forwarding is overly complicated and completely unnecessary.

Trump was an unpopular candidate governing over a damaged economy and massive job losses. Such a vulernable candidate losing isn't merely plausible. Its probable.

Occam's Razor is not your friend. As your story is pointless complicated. While Trump losing matches the evidence and is far, far simpler.
Somebody has a serious Covid cough.

Be on the alert for more covid-catching announcement from the Super Spreaders'R' Us Administration.

I noticed that.

. . but stop being so . . . . hyperbolic. It is winter, seasonal corona-virus goes around every year.

It ain't no big thang. Relax.

View attachment 429373

300,000 deaths 'ain't no big thing'?

That's like 5 Vietnams? A hundred 911s? And we're not done yet.

I think you may be underplaying the human toll this pandemic has caused.
Trump should have his kick off rally for the 2024 election the same time as the fraud inauguration.
If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .


Or.....your wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate international conspiracy theory is completely unnecessary.

As Trump just lost. It happens.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Sorry. . I know I am in the minority in what I believe, but you needn't throw ad hom, or name calling my way.

It is just logical, from my POV. I have not met many folks that voted for Biden, that also did NOT vote for Clinton. Likewise, I also do not see many folks that did not vote for Trump in 2016, but decided to vote for him this time.

. . . with that said;


The government, or, if you like, the establishment, has every reason, to get folks to believe, no matter what their partisan persuasion, that there were more folks voting than ever before.

That the government is more popular than ever before. No matter who their chosen candidate. This gives cover for the international global corporations that run the place cover for what they have in mind for our future.

It gives the government legitimacy for anything they do, or their supposed do in our name.

That is, after all, the point of voting. It isn't, really, to represent the will of the voters. It is to give legitimacy to the elites in what they do.

The more eligible voters that DON'T vote than do? Then the government is no longer legitimate. Those are the facts. And they scare to death the ruling elites and the bureaucracy that run the show. . . thus the propaganda to get out and vote for these losers, and, yes, the possible rigging of vote totals, regardless of who those totals actually are for. . . AS IT DOES NOT MATTER.

If folks believe that hundreds of thousands of people sent in ballots, or showed up to vote, than they believe that the government is legitimate.

Clandestine operations, DO HAPPEN, when folks are desperate. And looking at the last election? Things were getting pretty damn desperate.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Its not ad hom attack. I pointed out that the conspiracy you're forwarding is overly complicated and completely unnecessary.

Trump was an unpopular candidate governing over a damaged economy and massive job losses. Such a vulernable candidate losing isn't merely plausible. Its probable.

So we have your wildly complicated international conspiracy on one hand......and a vulnerable, unpopular candidate just losing an election on the other.

Occam's Razor is not your friend. As your story is pointless complicated. While Trump losing matches the evidence and is far, far simpler.

Whenever someone disagrees with your point of view. . . just call it "conspiracy."

I agree with you. . . it is probable that Trump lost. . but I cannot be sure.

It is equally probable that Biden lost. (If we were strictly talking about vote count.)

I do not believe EITHER got the amount of votes we are being told they received. It is not statistically probable.

Nor is it a "complicated international conspiracy."

It is really quite simple. The international cabal is putting it all right out there. No conspiracy needed. Apparently you have not been following the rhetoric coming out of the WHO or the World Economic Forum, nor have you read any of the white papers published by the U.N. I do not know if you have a clue what is really going on. But I tell you this, it started long before this virus emerged, and the end game has nothing to do with a "disease."


If the computerized AI systems are rigged, and the mail in voting systems are rigged. . what good would it do?

The clandestine think tanks, and the organizational bureaucracies and two party oligarchs decide well in advance, in consultation with the global oligarchs who they are going to seat on the thrown. . . so. . .


Or.....your wildly complicated, fantastically elaborate international conspiracy theory is completely unnecessary.

As Trump just lost. It happens.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Sorry. . I know I am in the minority in what I believe, but you needn't throw ad hom, or name calling my way.

It is just logical, from my POV. I have not met many folks that voted for Biden, that also did NOT vote for Clinton. Likewise, I also do not see many folks that did not vote for Trump in 2016, but decided to vote for him this time.

. . . with that said;


The government, or, if you like, the establishment, has every reason, to get folks to believe, no matter what their partisan persuasion, that there were more folks voting than ever before.

That the government is more popular than ever before. No matter who their chosen candidate. This gives cover for the international global corporations that run the place cover for what they have in mind for our future.

It gives the government legitimacy for anything they do, or their supposed do in our name.

That is, after all, the point of voting. It isn't, really, to represent the will of the voters. It is to give legitimacy to the elites in what they do.

The more eligible voters that DON'T vote than do? Then the government is no longer legitimate. Those are the facts. And they scare to death the ruling elites and the bureaucracy that run the show. . . thus the propaganda to get out and vote for these losers, and, yes, the possible rigging of vote totals, regardless of who those totals actually are for. . . AS IT DOES NOT MATTER.

If folks believe that hundreds of thousands of people sent in ballots, or showed up to vote, than they believe that the government is legitimate.

Clandestine operations, DO HAPPEN, when folks are desperate. And looking at the last election? Things were getting pretty damn desperate.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Occam's Razor, my friend.

Its not ad hom attack. I pointed out that the conspiracy you're forwarding is overly complicated and completely unnecessary.

Trump was an unpopular candidate governing over a damaged economy and massive job losses. Such a vulernable candidate losing isn't merely plausible. Its probable.

So we have your wildly complicated international conspiracy on one hand......and a vulnerable, unpopular candidate just losing an election on the other.

Occam's Razor is not your friend. As your story is pointless complicated. While Trump losing matches the evidence and is far, far simpler.

Whenever someone disagrees with your point of view. . . just call it "conspiracy." conspiracies conspiracies.

You guys have folded in everyone from George Soros, to Governor Kemp, to North Korea, to the CIA, to Phili mob bosses, to Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez, Attorney General William Barr, to the US Army in a firefight in Germany, to the Sectary of State of Georgia, to the SCOTUS in a vast international conspiracy spanning *at least* half a decade.

And this after the same silly accusations of 'fraud' in 2016...which amounted to nothing. And 2018....which amounted to nothing.

Trump, an unpopular and vulnerable candidate who governed over a damaged economy and massive job losses.....just losing?

That is utterly plausible. And doesn't require the absurd layers of overlapping complexity that your silly conspiracy does.

Again, Occam's Razor.

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