If Democrats & Progs are so innocent why do they need to plead the 5th so often?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Democrats and Progressives are CONSTANTLY (falsely) accusing the Right of dishonesty...yet over and over...we see their people pleading the 5th and hiding their corruption......

They make it a daily strategy to accuse others of their wrongs (this is taken directly from the Communist Manifesto...and is a known Marxist tactic.....but they cannot hide from TRUTH.

Next time some ignorant, anti-American Communist/Marxist/Socialist hugging lefty tries to say republicans are dishonest.....link back to this thread.

Recent Democrats who avoided justice by pleading the 5th and brazenly lied to the American people
Lois Lerner Obama IRS director(TWICE)
Obama former national security advisor Michael Flynn
Obama GSA director Jeffrey Neely (TWICE)
Patrick Cunningham (Fast & Furious scandal)
Obama veterans affairs officials - John Sepulveda, Diana Rubens, and Kimberly Graves
Obama EPA official - John Beale
Hillary Clinton
Eric Holder
Bryan Pagliano, a Hillary Clinton IT aide (125 times)

And we wont even go into the cheating in the 2016 Presidential debates where HRC had her staff give her the questions BEFORE the debate with Trump. Or Democrat Supervisor of elections Brenda Snipes in Broward County Florida had her staff ILLEGALLY dispose of thousands of voter ballots. Guess why.
Or the highly inappropriate tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch DURING the Hillary investigation.
Or Obama smugly claiming not even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS, later PROVEN a lie.
Or the sick game they played with SCOTUS nominee Brett kavanaugh
And today we have Elizabeth Warren angering Native Americans with her claiming to be native American when she's about as Native American as Trump is negro.
Gutfeld on Elizabeth Warren’s latest claim

Simple truth...they are SICK people pointing fingers at others, and we are fools to allow then to get away with it all.

Democrats love to say...but but...Trump pleaded the 5th 97 times!
NOT THE SAME. There was NO EVIDENCE against Trump. Just false allegations (ala Dr. Ford)

Let's hope the American people are wise enough now to realize just how sick and twisted the Left is and keeps them away from any power in November and going forward.
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If the dems told the truth they would never get elected...can you imagine the blowout win for McCain if Obama was honest about his agenda to ruin our healthcare system and kill off our economic recovery with tax and regilation hikes and send billions of tax payers dollars in cash to Iran in the middle of the night on private transport? Can you say VP Palin?????????
Democrats and Progressives are CONSTANTLY (falsely) accusing the Right of dishonesty...yet over and over...we see their people pleading the 5th and hiding their corruption......

They make it a daily strategy to accuse others of their wrongs (this is taken directly from the Communist Manifesto...and is a known Marxist tactic.....but they cannot hide from TRUTH.

Next time some ignorant, anti-American Communist/Marxist/Socialist hugging lefty tries to say republicans are dishonest.....link back to this thread.

Recent Democrats who avoided justice by pleading the 5th and brazenly lied to the American people
Lois Lerner Obama IRS director(TWICE)
Obama former national security advisor Michael Flynn
Obama GSA director Jeffrey Neely (TWICE)
Patrick Cunningham (Fast & Furious scandal)
Obama veterans affairs officials - John Sepulveda, Diana Rubens, and Kimberly Graves
Obama EPA official - John Beale
Hillary Clinton
Eric Holder
Bryan Pagliano, a Hillary Clinton IT aide (125 times)

And we wont even go into the cheating in the 2016 Presidential debates where HRC had her staff give her the questions BEFORE the debate with Trump. Or Democrat Supervisor of elections Brenda Snipes in Broward County Florida had her staff ILLEGALLY dispose of thousands of voter ballots. Guess why.
Or the highly inappropriate tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch DURING the Hillary investigation.
Or Obama smugly claiming not even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS, later PROVEN a lie.
Or the sick game they played with SCOTUS nominee Brett kavanaugh
And today we have Elizabeth Warren angering Native Americans with her claiming to be native American when she's about as Native American as Trump is negro.
Gutfeld on Elizabeth Warren’s latest claim

Simple truth...they are SICK people pointing fingers at others, and we are fools to allow then to get away with it all.

Democrats love to say...but but...Trump pleaded the 5th 97 times!
NOT THE SAME. There was NO EVIDENCE against Trump. Just false allegations (ala Dr. Ford)

Let's hope the American people are wise enough now to realize just how sick and twisted the Left is and keeps them away from any power in November and going forward.
The Democrats have avoided jail so many times due to the a dual legal system. They pick judges who owe the Judgeships to the Democrats and this can turn a case into a not guilty or dismissed. The Grand Juries are control by the DOJ who are Deep State people, the only cases that happen is when they have a smart jury who dismisses the Lawyer assigned to them. It seems when this happens the crap hits the fan and people get indicted. They use to give the Jurors handbooks but quit when they started to read them. The time has come to a head that the Court system needs cleaned up. I should tell you that George Soros and others are targeting the Court and young Lawyers to do his biddings in the Local Courts and the State Courts. It a good idea to see who the funding is coming from...Not under his name but a High sounding ones. Like American Bar Association Commission a group for illegals crossing the border.


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