If black people want me to expend effort helping them they might start by asking nicely


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
A card would be nice.

A box of chocolates.

Perhaps, they should buy me dinner at a nice restaurant.

Most people, when they want something from me, go to some effort to be nice and use persuasion to convince me that their problems are worth my time to try to solve.

Unfortunately, that's not what black people chose to do.

Instead, blacks decided to get my attention with random murders, burnings, and lootings. And then they said, "Help us with our problems."

I find it difficult to be persuaded to help people who haven't learned the basics of how to win friends and influence people.
A card would be nice.

A box of chocolates.

Perhaps, they should buy me dinner at a nice restaurant.

Most people, when they want something from me, go to some effort to be nice and use persuasion to convince me that their problems are worth my time to try to solve.

Unfortunately, that's not what black people chose to do.

Instead, blacks decided to get my attention with random murders, burnings, and lootings. And then they said, "Help us with our problems."

I find it difficult to be persuaded to help people who haven't learned the basics of how to win friends and influence people.
Those are the black people shown to you by the racist scum in the media.

I work with a number of them who know damn well that their people are being played.
A card would be nice.

A box of chocolates.

Perhaps, they should buy me dinner at a nice restaurant.

Most people, when they want something from me, go to some effort to be nice and use persuasion to convince me that their problems are worth my time to try to solve.

Unfortunately, that's not what black people chose to do.

Instead, blacks decided to get my attention with random murders, burnings, and lootings. And then they said, "Help us with our problems."

I find it difficult to be persuaded to help people who haven't learned the basics of how to win friends and influence people.
You first...
A card would be nice.

A box of chocolates.

Perhaps, they should buy me dinner at a nice restaurant.

Most people, when they want something from me, go to some effort to be nice and use persuasion to convince me that their problems are worth my time to try to solve.

Unfortunately, that's not what black people chose to do.

Instead, blacks decided to get my attention with random murders, burnings, and lootings. And then they said, "Help us with our problems."

I find it difficult to be persuaded to help people who haven't learned the basics of how to win friends and influence people.

This is the fundamental mentality of left-wingers. This is "entitlement" ideology.

They shouldn't have to ask you nicely for anything, because they are 'entitled' to your help.

And this is exactly why, when I see blacks dying all the time, murdering each other, living in poverty, I don't care.

If you think that I somehow "owe" you, when I have to worked my butt off for nearly everything I have in life... yeah... don't care.
There's a solution for dealing with people who haven't mastered the basics of how to act like civilized people:

You put them in prison.
But let's say I put that issue aside and agree to help black people with their problems.

How exactly do blacks want me to do that?

Do I use my influence as a white person to talk to other white people and convince them that they also should help black people with their problems?

Should I write a letter to my Congressman and Senator?

Should I vote for leaders who promise to help black people with their problems?

Yes, I could do all that, but blacks could have done that also.

So why did they, instead, murder people, burn down buildings and loot stores?
I guess my basic question is this:

Why did you, instead of asking me nicely to help you with your problems, go ape-shit so now I don't want to help you at all but believe that if the police need to crack a few heads to get you under control, they should have at it.
There's a solution for dealing with people who haven't mastered the basics of how to act like civilized people:

You put them in prison.
Spoken like a true fascist.
As long there is money in the government tills and the private businesses can get their shakedowns, the musical chairs game will continue. People who have relatives that get into trouble or worse feel the pain. Something else must be tried. The riot angle is not getting old. It is old.
No one needs to be asked "nicely" to do the right thing. All you need is a sense of right and wrong, ethics, and sincerely-held beliefs.Notice the hundreds of peaceful people out in the street with signs across the world from North America to Australia to Japan. If you are a Christian, please be informed by the Sermon on the Mount.
Black people don't need or want our help. Most people want opportunity. Don't be a pawn.
A card would be nice.

A box of chocolates.

Perhaps, they should buy me dinner at a nice restaurant.

Most people, when they want something from me, go to some effort to be nice and use persuasion to convince me that their problems are worth my time to try to solve.

Unfortunately, that's not what black people chose to do.

Instead, blacks decided to get my attention with random murders, burnings, and lootings. And then they said, "Help us with our problems."

I find it difficult to be persuaded to help people who haven't learned the basics of how to win friends and influence people.
You first...
You have nothing we want. Well, you people could stop being so violent, but if we have to ask you nicely to stop murdering people, then you arent worth even talking to.
There's a solution for dealing with people who haven't mastered the basics of how to act like civilized people:

You put them in prison.
Spoken like a true fascist.
You act like I care what you say.

I'd have to care you existed to care what you say.

I'd have to think there's a point to your existence to care you exist.
No one needs to be asked "nicely" to do the right thing. All you need is a sense of right and wrong, ethics, and sincerely-held beliefs.Notice the hundreds of peaceful people out in the street with signs across the world from North America to Australia to Japan. If you are a Christian, please be informed by the Sermon on the Mount.
I stopped caring about all that the moment you murdered your first innocent victim.

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