If Biden Wins & Democrats Win Whole Congress.......CHAOS


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
If Biden wins and both houses of Congress fall to the Democrats the ensuing nightmare will consist of >>

1. The Trump tax cuts will be repealed. EVERYBODY'S taxes go up.

2. Oil & gas pipelines will be closed. Fracking will be banned. Hundreds of thousands out of jobs. US no longer # 1 energy producer in the world. Will go back to being at mercy of OPEC. Biden will bow down to Saudis, as Obama did. Gas prices will skyrocket.

3. Domestic terrorist anarchists in jail, will be all be pardoned/released. Will go back to rioting/looting/burning. Police departments defunded. Cops quitting en masse. Criminal disorder rampant in Democrat cities.

4. Practically everything will be defined as being "racist". Blacks will continually be told they are oppressed (despite Affirmative Action preference). More rioting and demands.

5. Guns will be in jeopardy, if not outright confiscated.

6. Supreme Court will be packed to ensure Democrat majority.

7. Abortions will proceed full speed. Bloodiest era in American history. More American lives lost thn ever before.

8. Catholic religion and other Christianity will be under attack. Just the opposite for Islam.

9. Trump travel ban will be repealed. Muslim terrorists stream into the country. Terrorist attacks skyrocket.

10. US military budget is slashed. More jobs lost.

11. Trump tariffs will be repealed. Chinese imports will increase back to pre-Trump levels (have been reduced $32 Billion)

12. Immigration laws will be changed to allow as many migrants to enter as they see fit. Millions of aliens will pour into the country, State budgets will hemmorage. Sexual assault rate will increase as Mexicans bring Mexican rape culture into the country at a massive rate.

13. Federal budget will hemmorage as well, with Medicare going to millions of aliens , and now millions more.

14. Affirmative Action bans in 8 states will be repealed. More racial discrimination against whites & Asians.

15. Public restrooms will become unisex. Rapes will skyrocket.

16. Free speech will disappear. Conservative media will be eradicated.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)

You are a scared old man or young boy. Joe Biden is himself a Christian, and he goes to Church, he is a Catholic so your fear are unfounded.
You are a scared old man or young boy. Joe Biden is himself a Christian, and he goes to Church, he is a Catholic so your fear are unfounded.
Damn right I'm scared, and with plenty of good reason to be (outlined in the OP).

As for Biden, he is just like his whore running mate. An indecent, decrepit opportunist, only interested in keeping himself in power, and using his office to enrich himself and his family, as he did while VP.

He wouldn't know a Christian or Catholic tenet if it bounced off his demented head.

You are a scared old man or young boy. Joe Biden is himself a Christian, and he goes to Church, he is a Catholic so your fear are unfounded.
Damn right I'm scared, and with plenty of good reason to be (outlined in the OP).

As for Biden, he is just like his whore running mate. An indecent, decrepit opportunist, only interested in keeping himself in power, and using his office to enrich himself and his family, as he did while VP.

He wouldn't know a Christian or Catholic tenet if it bounced off his demented head.

I don't care about him or his kids or who got rich due to him.

Perhaps he can make his son AG and put his DIL in an office in the WH.
You trampers voted for a serial adulterer, serial assaulter, one who gets out of paying taxes, a reality TV personality.

A compulsive liar, and one who only cares about himself.

Calls military , losers and suckers.

A real sick man.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)

I get it. You're a scared conspiracy theory nut. So sorry about that. Nothing seems to help your type. You just whine and cry till your heart gives out from fear. If you have dependents, I hope you at least have life insurance because you are worrying yourself into an early grave.
I don't care about him or his kids or who got rich due to him.

Perhaps he can make his son AG and put his DIL in an office in the WH.
Well if you don't care about him, then why are you praising him, if he was worthy of becoming president ? And why put his worthless son in the White House ?
I don't care about him or his kids or who got rich due to him.

Perhaps he can make his son AG and put his DIL in an office in the WH.
Well if you don't care about him, then why are you praising him, if he was worthy of becoming president ? And why put his worthless son in the White House ?

That's another one of Trump's precedents. Put his worthless relatives in the white house.
I don't care about him or his kids or who got rich due to him.

Perhaps he can make his son AG and put his DIL in an office in the WH.
Well if you don't care about him, then why are you praising him, if he was worthy of becoming president ? And why put his worthless son in the White House ?

No his son would the The AG of the US.

I don't care how many men got rich due to Biden, and Harris is not a whore. Tramp is the whore, who does anything for a buck.

Biden has attended Catholic church for a long time, and is not going to take your guns or bible away.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)

I get it. You're a scared conspiracy theory nut. So sorry about that. Nothing seems to help your type. You just whine and cry till your heart gives out from fear. If you have dependents, I hope you at least have life insurance because you are worrying yourself into an early grave.
Pretty sure this one has outlived any chance at an early grave. Just another joyless old fart that somehow still has not come to terms with human mortality.
I get it. You're a scared conspiracy theory nut. So sorry about that. Nothing seems to help your type. You just whine and cry till your heart gives out from fear. If you have dependents, I hope you at least have life insurance because you are worrying yourself into an early grave.
Leftists just can't resist waving that "conspiracy theory" card around. They relish it almost as much as they love their race card, and the "white supremacist" card. They've got no idea how stupid they look.

And you don't even know how to use your own tactics. Conspiracy theory line is only good for things that haven't happened (yet). Failing economy, jihad, sanctuary, China imports, military cuts, etc ALREADY HAPPENED with Obama /Biden. Duh! No, you DON'T get it.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)

You are a scared old man or young boy. Joe Biden is himself a Christian, and he goes to Church, he is a Catholic so your fear are unfounded.
And Hitler said he was a Christian as well.

So what?

Biden sold his soul to the DNC long ago, which is why he supports tax funded infanticide much like Hitler supported tax payer funded elimination of the Jews.
Pretty sure this one has outlived any chance at an early grave. Just another joyless old fart that somehow still has not come to terms with human mortality.
Got no idea what jibberish this fool is babbling about. Lucky me.
You trampers voted for a serial adulterer, serial assaulter, one who gets out of paying taxes, a reality TV personality.

A compulsive liar, and one who only cares about himself.

Calls military , losers and suckers.

A real sick man.
There is absolutely no proof Trump called those military people suckers and losers.

Essentially what the Left has done is say, since he called McCain a loser, which he was, then people will believe he said that about all military people.

But for the record, if it is true, just so long as Trump does not send military people to an idiot war, like all other Presidents have done before him, or abandon them in places like Benghazi, he can trash talk all he wants.

As for why McCain is a loser in my book, not only did he lie to his voting base about repealing and replacing Obamacare, he also abandon Veterans at the VA in Arizona as he threw the doctor who was the whistleblower under the bus by having him fired. That has enraged me to the point my blood boils. You would think that Mr. Veteran would have their back instead of trying to cover up their abuse.

Oh, and if McCan't had been elected the entire Middle East would have been occupied by the US military as he would have happily bathed in their blood.
Wow, somebody scared the shit out of you. I realize those are all things right wing radio told you would happen, but they are mostly making stuff up. The world is not going to end. Nobody is coming to take your guns or your bibles. You'll be alright, and the sun will still shine.
FALSE! All the things in the OP ARE going to happen, as many of them already DID HAPPEN, during the Obama/Biden years. In addition, some critical things not mentioned in the OP will happen such as an all-out assault on the Republican party, and its millions of registered voters.

This is well evidenced by the recently released, declassified documents of John Brennan and his anti-Trump coup d'etat boys and girls (Clapper, Rice, etc)

You are a scared old man or young boy. Joe Biden is himself a Christian, and he goes to Church, he is a Catholic so your fear are unfounded.
And Hitler said he was a Christian as well.

So what?

Biden sold his soul to the DNC long ago, which is why he supports tax funded infanticide much like Hitler supported tax payer funded elimination of the Jews.

Infanticide is illegal in every state. Biden is a Catholic, the only 2nd one, the first one got assassinated.

Tramp is more like Hitler!!
Well, they are starting to realize how bad they are losing. They are going from Denial to Anger... that's good progress. Next up, Bargaining...

If Biden wins and both houses of Congress fall to the Democrats the ensuing nightmare will consist of >>

1. The Trump tax cuts will be repealed. EVERYBODY'S taxes go up.

Okay, let's look at that. We can't keep borrowing forever. Frankly, I was fine with the taxes I was paying Pre-Trump.

2. Oil & gas pipelines will be closed. Fracking will be banned. Hundreds of thousands out of jobs. US no longer # 1 energy producer in the world. Will go back to being at mercy of OPEC. Biden will bow down to Saudis, as Obama did. Gas prices will skyrocket.

Right now, we have a surplus of oil, Fracking needs price supports to keep going.

3. Domestic terrorist anarchists in jail, will be all be pardoned/released. Will go back to rioting/looting/burning. Police departments defunded. Cops quitting en masse. Criminal disorder rampant in Democrat cities.

Okay, let's get real... in 2004, 90% of people arrested in the RNC Demonstrations were never charged. Fewer still were convicted of anything, and if they were, it was fines and community service.

4. Practically everything will be defined as being "racist". Blacks will continually be told they are oppressed (despite Affirmative Action preference). More rioting and demands.

Again- biggest beneficiary of Affirmative Action has been White Women.

5. Guns will be in jeopardy, if not outright confiscated.

You guys have been saying that since the 1990's... Even you don't beleive that anymore.

6. Supreme Court will be packed to ensure Democrat majority.

Um.... yeah, just like you tried to do with Serena Joy...

7. Abortions will proceed full speed. Bloodiest era in American history. More American lives lost thn ever before.

Fetuses aren't people. So how will the number of abortions increase, exactly..... Will more ladies be getting knocked up JUST so they can have abortions?

16. Free speech will disappear. Conservative media will be eradicated.

We can only hope.

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