If Biden is so popular and won by a landslide, why are we locking down DC and calling in 25,000 troops for an inauguration that no one will attend????

Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.

Oh it will come out. That's not bearing false witness, sorry.
It would have already come out if it were true; around three score of nothing but right wing frivolity in legal venues proves it not your right wing, immoral false witness bearing.

You can repeat that a millions but you're still wrong. It will come out.
Dude, you have nothing but false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy. If you had any "gospel Truth" it would have come out already. Your guy lost the popular vote and the electoral college vote, unlike last time. I could claim it was Your guy who cheated last time and is the only reason he won, last time.
Thinking logically, why would this be taking place with razor wire and so many NG? Either two things: Keeping Biden OUT and Trump IN, or to assist in getting Trump out if he refuses to leave. I'm hoping the former, but its probably not going to happen since even Generals are corrupt.
You had better get your heads examined. This train of thought is a great display of why Cults are unhealthy.

The guard is there because there were riots of cultists last week. Its to ensure the peaceful transfer of power is not interrupted by same.

When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?

Biden never claimed he won by a landslide.. People are going to have to adapt to hearing the truth after four years of Trump's grandiose lies.
It looks like he did:
He noted his own Electoral College win equaled Trump's, and at the time, 'President Trump called the electoral college tally a landslide. By his own standards these numbers represented a clear victory then, and I respectfully suggest they do so now.'

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved against the Electoral College. He advocated to discontinue it. At this point I don't think it matters. Biden won the popular vote and the EC.
It doesn't matter because the Dims have learned how to swindle an election, and there will never be another free election ever again.
So don’t bother voting . We all win. Just go with it. You’re successful right? You’ll get to keep your doctor.
The idiot thinks he wins when the Dims impose a totalitarian dictatorship. You're a classic brainwashed servile minion.
Yea well we won and the blue wave was completed when democrats won the senate races in Georgia.

Thats proof trump lost georgia. If republicans would have won maybe you’d have an argument but they lost. Lol
You just doubled down on stupid.
Get in the back seat. We’re driving for the next two years.
Not if we give you a flat tire first
Oh I have no doubt that will happen. And I’m sure lobbyists will get to enough blue dog democrats so we never have enough votes. That’s ok. Better than trump and Mitch being in charge.
When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?

Biden never claimed he won by a landslide.. People are going to have to adapt to hearing the truth after four years of Trump's grandiose lies.
It looks like he did:
He noted his own Electoral College win equaled Trump's, and at the time, 'President Trump called the electoral college tally a landslide. By his own standards these numbers represented a clear victory then, and I respectfully suggest they do so now.'

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved against the Electoral College. He advocated to discontinue it. At this point I don't think it matters. Biden won the popular vote and the EC.
It doesn't matter because the Dims have learned how to swindle an election, and there will never be another free election ever again.
So don’t bother voting . We all win. Just go with it. You’re successful right? You’ll get to keep your doctor.
The idiot thinks he wins when the Dims impose a totalitarian dictatorship. You're a classic brainwashed servile minion.
Yea well we won and the blue wave was completed when democrats won the senate races in Georgia.

Thats proof trump lost georgia. If republicans would have won maybe you’d have an argument but they lost. Lol
You just doubled down on stupid.
Get in the back seat. We’re driving for the next two years.
Not if we give you a flat tire first
Oh I have no doubt that will happen. And I’m sure lobbyists will get to enough blue dog democrats so we never have enough votes. That’s ok. Better than trump and Mitch being in charge.
Why you want to go to war again?
Because right wingers are sore losers. Any other questions?
Why do you say that? Because they're acting like left wingers?
Only right wingers aren't bright enough to understand the difference and confuse the issues as a result.
It’s ok when we do it but not when you do isn’t all that hard to understand. We even have a word for it, hypocrisy.
Rioting over black people being shot by police is the same as insurrection against the Union to right wingers?
Rioting over druggies rapists and criminals that were fighting the police is acceptable. Showing support for a free nation isn’t. That’s your point?
A lack of respect for police authority is not the same as a lack of respect and insurrection against Government authority and its operation.
Police are government you stupid fuck. Christ you’re an idiot.
Insurrection to obstruct Congress is more than protesting excessive use of force by police. Only right wingers seem to lack that wisdom.
Thinking logically, why would this be taking place with razor wire and so many NG? Either two things: Keeping Biden OUT and Trump IN, or to assist in getting Trump out if he refuses to leave. I'm hoping the former, but its probably not going to happen since even Generals are corrupt.
You had better get your heads examined. This train of thought is a great display of why Cults are unhealthy.

The guard is there because there were riots of cultists last week. Its to ensure the peaceful transfer of power is not interrupted by same.

Republicans bragged that trump had lots of people at his rallies and biden didn’t have very many. I tried to explain to them that means nothing. I don’t go to rallies but I vote. You don’t get extra credit for going above and beyond.

Go to trump rallies or blm protest. Waste of Time. Just vote.

How many watched Trumps inauguration on tv? Bet biden has more viewers.
This is really the dumbest thread ever. Not even a tenuous link to the real world.
Better hurry, Tommy. The London Bridge is falling down.
Why would that concern me ?

Something is going down in your backyard. You don't need to be screwing around in US politics.
I can take an interest in many different topics. Why does it bother you ?
You fuckers that are not from the US need to stay in your own lane. Nobody gives a fuck about what you think.
I definitely want to hear what people from other countries think.

Oh, I bet you do. Say.......did you see the demonstration in Japan in support of Trump?
Were they violent? Trump opposes China and that's why.
You dismissed them immediately?
When did Biden claim a landslide? I can only recall Trump making that assertion. Got a cite for that whopper?

Biden never claimed he won by a landslide.. People are going to have to adapt to hearing the truth after four years of Trump's grandiose lies.
It looks like he did:
He noted his own Electoral College win equaled Trump's, and at the time, 'President Trump called the electoral college tally a landslide. By his own standards these numbers represented a clear victory then, and I respectfully suggest they do so now.'

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved against the Electoral College. He advocated to discontinue it. At this point I don't think it matters. Biden won the popular vote and the EC.
It doesn't matter because the Dims have learned how to swindle an election, and there will never be another free election ever again.
So don’t bother voting . We all win. Just go with it. You’re successful right? You’ll get to keep your doctor.
The idiot thinks he wins when the Dims impose a totalitarian dictatorship. You're a classic brainwashed servile minion.
Yea well we won and the blue wave was completed when democrats won the senate races in Georgia.

Thats proof trump lost georgia. If republicans would have won maybe you’d have an argument but they lost. Lol
You just doubled down on stupid.
Get in the back seat. We’re driving for the next two years.
Not if we give you a flat tire first
Oh I have no doubt that will happen. And I’m sure lobbyists will get to enough blue dog democrats so we never have enough votes. That’s ok. Better than trump and Mitch being in charge.
Why you want to go to war again?
Who’s going to war?
Thinking logically, why would this be taking place with razor wire and so many NG? Either two things: Keeping Biden OUT and Trump IN, or to assist in getting Trump out if he refuses to leave. I'm hoping the former, but its probably not going to happen since even Generals are corrupt.
You had better get your heads examined. This train of thought is a great display of why Cults are unhealthy.

The guard is there because there were riots of cultists last week. Its to ensure the peaceful transfer of power is not interrupted by same.

Republicans bragged that trump had lots of people at his rallies and biden didn’t have very many. I tried to explain to them that means nothing. I don’t go to rallies but I vote. You don’t get extra credit for going above and beyond.

Go to trump rallies or blm protest. Waste of Time. Just vote.

How many watched Trumps inauguration on tv? Bet biden has more viewers.
They're a sick ticket, what they've become. Life is literally the same as its been in effect for 40years and every time a democrat is in office they act like Satan is murdering their everything and when a republican is in they treat him like a daddy master of the universe.

Here is a simple answer to your stupid question. Right now democrats aren’t going out in public. We are social distancing.

Did you see how many people were in time square this New Year’s Eve? No one. There’s a pandemic.

If you would have gone to trumps inauguration that would have been called a super spreaders event
Are BIden and Harris bailing the Capitol rioters out like they did for the BLM/Antifa rioters (where they could keep the Burning-Looting-Murders going)???
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.

Oh it will come out. That's not bearing false witness, sorry.
How’s the investigation going on Obama and the fbi Illegally spying illegally on trump? You said that would all come out too remember?

You lied about russian hoax which was proven to be a lie, you lied about both impeachments and now an illegitimate president elected through fraud.
Thinking logically, why would this be taking place with razor wire and so many NG? Either two things: Keeping Biden OUT and Trump IN, or to assist in getting Trump out if he refuses to leave. I'm hoping the former, but its probably not going to happen since even Generals are corrupt.
You had better get your heads examined. This train of thought is a great display of why Cults are unhealthy.

The guard is there because there were riots of cultists last week. Its to ensure the peaceful transfer of power is not interrupted by same.

Republicans bragged that trump had lots of people at his rallies and biden didn’t have very many. I tried to explain to them that means nothing. I don’t go to rallies but I vote. You don’t get extra credit for going above and beyond.

Go to trump rallies or blm protest. Waste of Time. Just vote.

How many watched Trumps inauguration on tv? Bet biden has more viewers.
They're a sick ticket, what they've become. Life is literally the same as its been in effect for 40years and every time a democrat is in office they act like Satan is murdering their everything and when a republican is in they treat him like a daddy master of the universe.

When things got better under Obama’s watch, it was never enough or not his doing. Or remember they didn’t believe the unemployment numbers? But as soon as trump got in even a little improvement made trump the greatest. It didn’t matter that growth was 2.3%. It didn’t matter that the gap between rich and poor was still widening. It didn’t matter that the debt was out of control.

We could point to the stock market as evidence Obama was doing a good job but trump could.

While I would argue that Biden is the "most popular President ever," and I would further argue that I have not heard anyone credible make such a claim, and setting aside the fact that he is not yet President, you already know the answer to your question. If you don't, you are practicing some mighty powerful willful ignorance.
Are BIden and Harris bailing the Capitol rioters out like they did for the BLM/Antifa rioters (where they could keep the Burning-Looting-Murders going)???
Link showing they did that.

Oh, and roger stone was part of the coup in 2000 when republicans rioted and stopped the recount. Trump just pardoned that slimeball. Roger stone was involved in the rigging of our elections twice and trump pardoned him.
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.

Oh it will come out. That's not bearing false witness, sorry.
How’s the investigation going on Obama and the fbi Illegally spying illegally on trump? You said that would all come out too remember?

You lied about russian hoax which was proven to be a lie, you lied about both impeachments and now an illegitimate president elected through fraud.
Russia wasn’t a hoax. Just wasn’t enough to charge a sitting president. But like 5 of trumps boys went to jail over it. Obstruction? Lying? Evidence linking them to Russians?

Hell the trump team had meetings with russian scumbags. Two Russian men tied to rudy went to jail. Posed for pictures several times with trump he said he didn’t know them. Then that russian woman. Shady shit.

Its ok. Trump only served one term. Guilty or not he’s gone baby!
Here is a simple answer to your stupid question. Right now democrats aren’t going out in public. We are social distancing.

Did you see how many people were in time square this New Year’s Eve? No one. There’s a pandemic.

If you would have gone to trumps inauguration that would have been called a super spreaders event
Because he's an illegitimate not duly president. He's a fraud that could only win by breaking the law. Q
Only immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture, say that.

There are mountains of evidence. Yes, the election was fraud. That's not beating false witness. Scripture also says that God hates scales that aren't even.....
Still bearing false witness? Show the evidence in Court.

Nope, it will be shown. The truth always comes out.
It should have come out Yesterday if you had anything more than false witness bearing and the practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) according to Scripture.

Oh it will come out. That's not bearing false witness, sorry.
How’s the investigation going on Obama and the fbi Illegally spying illegally on trump? You said that would all come out too remember?

You lied about russian hoax which was proven to be a lie, you lied about both impeachments and now an illegitimate president elected through fraud.
Russia wasn’t a hoax. Just wasn’t enough to charge a sitting president. But like 5 of trumps boys went to jail over it. Obstruction? Lying? Evidence linking them to Russians?

Hell the trump team had meetings with russian scumbags. Two Russian men tied to rudy went to jail. Posed for pictures several times with trump he said he didn’t know them. Then that russian woman. Shady shit.

Its ok. Trump only served one term. Guilty or not he’s gone baby!

Yes, it was. It was proven there was nothing there and clinton planted the fake dossier.

I knew a Trumpsters would bring this up. The 25,000 national guard and the millions of dollars being spent for security is directly related to Big Lie that trump has been bellowing like a bull in heat.

trump is a lying POS....that refuses to accept that he has lost the election. Even after losing 60+ challenges in court...He still will not admit that he is a LOSER. His bellowing has given his mentally deranged cult members reason to commit violent acts all over the country. He is
a treasonous Bas*rad.


Please grow a Brain.

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