"If a kid has not had straight & gay sex by the time they are 16 we have a problem?

Hey, I'm no child. I am 28 with four years of college, and an honorary MBA. I make over $40,000 a year. Young people and sex have pretty much stayed the same over the years. It is the seniors that concern me. They are the ones who messed up this country, and now they try to tell young people what to do. Remember active young adults played a significant role in the last election. We plan to stay active, and take a pass on all the senior citizen bravado.


Is it any wonder no one comes to visit?
Lead, follow, but get out of the way.​

Thankies for the factoids Stainmaster. WTF is an "honorary MBA"? 28 is a tad late to sound or think like an 18 year old, but hey, my 34 year old nephew sounds and acts like he's 12, so it's all good.

Don't be hating on all us Gray Panthers, Stainmaster. Your only two choices are age or death.


</title></head>"+"<body onload='if (!window.parent.StateManager || window.parent.StateManager.frameSaving) return;"+"window.parent.StateManager.restore(decodeURIComponent(document.body.innerText));'>"+enc(b)+"</body></html>");c.close();a.frameSaving=

It is not the energy and idealism of the young that wins the day. Nor is it the wisdom and life experience of the old. It is the synergy of those two together, Stainmaster. We each need the other.

Don't talk down to me. People earn my respect regardless of their age. Bottom line, sex and love are about all that is left of value in this world after the mess left by previous generations. Working in these threads has taught me to push aside the advice of people who are useless. The message is live for now. The older generations have insulted those of us under 30. I hope when I am 60 my attitude is still as it is.

Ah huh.

Okie dokie, Stainmaster...you're on your own. Good luck with the "hating on people over 30" thing. Did not work all that well for my generation.

Got a birthday coming up? What're your plans for the day after YOU turn 30?
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Ha ha. "Live for now". Isn't that the motto of all the Gen Y's living in their parents' basements?

Tough getting laid when you don't have your own place. lol

Certainly, the backseat of a Chrysler Cordoba is a whole lot less comfortable for a 40 yo than a 17 year old.
And now if you are over 30 then you are one of the "ones who messed up this country."


Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.
Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.
Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.
Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.

I think you and I have different definitions of respect.
Hey, I'm no child. I am 28 with four years of college, and an honorary MBA. I make over $40,000 a year. Young people and sex have pretty much stayed the same over the years. It is the seniors that concern me. They are the ones who messed up this country, and now they try to tell young people what to do. Remember active young adults played a significant role in the last election. We plan to stay active, and take a pass on all the senior citizen bravado.


Is it any wonder no one comes to visit?
Lead, follow, but get out of the way.​

Thankies for the factoids Stainmaster. WTF is an "honorary MBA"? 28 is a tad late to sound or think like an 18 year old, but hey, my 34 year old nephew sounds and acts like he's 12, so it's all good.

Don't be hating on all us Gray Panthers, Stainmaster. Your only two choices are age or death.


</title></head>"+"<body onload='if (!window.parent.StateManager || window.parent.StateManager.frameSaving) return;"+"window.parent.StateManager.restore(decodeURIComponent(document.body.innerText));'>"+enc(b)+"</body></html>");c.close();a.frameSaving=

It is not the energy and idealism of the young that wins the day. Nor is it the wisdom and life experience of the old. It is the synergy of those two together, Stainmaster. We each need the other.

Don't talk down to me. People earn my respect regardless of their age. Bottom line, sex and love are about all that is left of value in this world after the mess left by previous generations. Working in these threads has taught me to push aside the advice of people who are useless. The message is live for now. The older generations have insulted those of us under 30. I hope when I am 60 my attitude is still as it is.

I'm sure when you're 60 it will be. Perverts and pedophiles hardly ever improve with age.

And please note the one foolish enough to justify his crazy behavior is getting shit on by him. Typical ungrateful shitheel behavior.
Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.

That's a good point. I try to be respectful. When bitter people, come to USMB to vent life-time disappointments, how much are the rest of us supposed to listen to? Young people are looking for honest answers about sex, and from reading your posts you are in no position to offer them anything. Including safe sex.

We have these wonderful computers so we can communicate around the planet. We have software like this great web site, and how do we use it? Name calling, cursing, and put downs. We are an incredibly stupid species to be throwing away an opportunity like this. I operate on the premise of lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Unfortunately, many seniors with their lives behind them are a hinderence to meaningful change. I have worked a voter registrar, and seen too many people who get the same vote I do, and they might as well be from Mars. Sherry, you have not been civil with me, and I have no respect for you.
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And now if you are over 30 then you are one of the "ones who messed up this country."


Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

I love this grandfatherly approach starting with "Son." And, now you are going to tell everyone about the birds and the bees. Ollie respect is earned. You are a bigot, which in my book makes you useless. Useless means a write off. This is not your country any more. America love it or leave it.

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Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.

That's a good point. I try to be respectful. When bitter people, come to USMB to vent life-time disappointments, how much are the rest of us supposed to listen to? Young people are looking for honest answers about sex, and from reading your posts you are in no position to offer them anything. Including safe sex.

We have these wonderful computers so we can communicate around the planet. We have software like this great web site, and how do we use it? Name calling, cursing, and put downs. We are an incredibly stupid species to be throwing away an opportunity like this. I operate on the premise of lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Unfortunately, many seniors with their lives behind them are a hinderence to meaningful change. I have worked a voter registrar, and seen too many people who get the same vote I do, and they might as well be from Mars. Sherry, you have not been civil with me, and I have no respect for you.

Poor titty baby.:lol: I give don't give a flying fuck if you respect me or not. Once you showed your true colors, I had no use for your babblings. You're a creepy freak.:cuckoo:
Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

Elders are not entitled to respect. Respect is earned not demanded.

No shit Sherlock. And most people who are older than stainedmattress have earned a degree of respect.
In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.

That's a good point. I try to be respectful. When bitter people, come to USMB to vent life-time disappointments, how much are the rest of us supposed to listen to? Young people are looking for honest answers about sex, and from reading your posts you are in no position to offer them anything. Including safe sex.

We have these wonderful computers so we can communicate around the planet. We have software like this great web site, and how do we use it? Name calling, cursing, and put downs. We are an incredibly stupid species to be throwing away an opportunity like this. I operate on the premise of lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Unfortunately, many seniors with their lives behind them are a hinderence to meaningful change. I have worked a voter registrar, and seen too many people who get the same vote I do, and they might as well be from Mars. Sherry, you have not been civil with me, and I have no respect for you.

Poor titty baby.:lol: I give don't give a flying fuck if you respect me or not. Once you showed your true colors, I had no use for your babblings. You're a creepy freak.:cuckoo:

Where have I heard that before?

Oh, yeah, that's exactly how I nailed him. Anyone who promotes adults teaching children how to have sex has got a problem. At least with me.
And now if you are over 30 then you are one of the "ones who messed up this country."


Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

I love this grandfatherly approach starting with "Son." And, now you are going to tell everyone about the birds and the bees. Ollie respect is earned. You are a bigot, which in my book makes you useless. Useless means a write off. This is not your country any more. America love it or leave it.


You want to be an adult, start acting like one. Now I am a bigot? Maybe you should explain that to me because I hope I misunderstand you.
In general, I think they have earned a certain degree of respect for their life experiences. Unless an individual shows me that they are unworthy of respect, I'm more than willing to be civil and open to their sage advice.

That's a good point. I try to be respectful. When bitter people, come to USMB to vent life-time disappointments, how much are the rest of us supposed to listen to? Young people are looking for honest answers about sex, and from reading your posts you are in no position to offer them anything. Including safe sex.

We have these wonderful computers so we can communicate around the planet. We have software like this great web site, and how do we use it? Name calling, cursing, and put downs. We are an incredibly stupid species to be throwing away an opportunity like this. I operate on the premise of lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Unfortunately, many seniors with their lives behind them are a hinderence to meaningful change. I have worked a voter registrar, and seen too many people who get the same vote I do, and they might as well be from Mars. Sherry, you have not been civil with me, and I have no respect for you.

Poor titty baby.:lol: I give don't give a flying fuck if you respect me or not. Once you showed your true colors, I had no use for your babblings. You're a creepy freak.:cuckoo:

What are my true colors? Read me. Why do you keep posting if you have no use for my "babblings?" Should I put in a call for your caregiver?
And now if you are over 30 then you are one of the "ones who messed up this country."


Son you really should learn some respect for your elders. I learned from mine, you go ahead and screw up by ignoring yours, we'll see where you end up over 30.

I love this grandfatherly approach starting with "Son." And, now you are going to tell everyone about the birds and the bees. Ollie respect is earned. You are a bigot, which in my book makes you useless. Useless means a write off. This is not your country any more. America love it or leave it.


You want to be an adult, start acting like one. Now I am a bigot? Maybe you should explain that to me because I hope I misunderstand you.

What do you mean, your avatar is plastered all over the Tea Bagger thread?

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I love this grandfatherly approach starting with "Son." And, now you are going to tell everyone about the birds and the bees. Ollie respect is earned. You are a bigot, which in my book makes you useless. Useless means a write off. This is not your country any more. America love it or leave it.


You want to be an adult, start acting like one. Now I am a bigot? Maybe you should explain that to me because I hope I misunderstand you.

What do you mean, your avatar is plastered all over the Tea Bagger thread?


And? This makes me a bigot? Keep going punk.
That's a good point. I try to be respectful. When bitter people, come to USMB to vent life-time disappointments, how much are the rest of us supposed to listen to? Young people are looking for honest answers about sex, and from reading your posts you are in no position to offer them anything. Including safe sex.

We have these wonderful computers so we can communicate around the planet. We have software like this great web site, and how do we use it? Name calling, cursing, and put downs. We are an incredibly stupid species to be throwing away an opportunity like this. I operate on the premise of lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Unfortunately, many seniors with their lives behind them are a hinderence to meaningful change. I have worked a voter registrar, and seen too many people who get the same vote I do, and they might as well be from Mars. Sherry, you have not been civil with me, and I have no respect for you.

Poor titty baby.:lol: I give don't give a flying fuck if you respect me or not. Once you showed your true colors, I had no use for your babblings. You're a creepy freak.:cuckoo:

What are my true colors? Read me. Why do you keep posting if you have no use for my "babblings?" Should I put in a call for your caregiver?

I'm free to post wherever I please, douchemaster. I fucking love that I get under your skin.:D One thing you're revealing is that you're a lying phoney. Why would you pretend to be 28. Clearly someone of that age would not refer to a person 13 years older than them as needing a caregiver. It was a lot more fun when Dante was here feeding you your lines.:lol:
Poor titty baby.:lol: I give don't give a flying fuck if you respect me or not. Once you showed your true colors, I had no use for your babblings. You're a creepy freak.:cuckoo:

What are my true colors? Read me. Why do you keep posting if you have no use for my "babblings?" Should I put in a call for your caregiver?

I'm free to post wherever I please, douchemaster. I fucking love that I get under your skin.:D One thing you're revealing is that you're a lying phoney. Why would you pretend to be 28. Clearly someone of that age would not refer to a person 13 years older than them as needing a caregiver. It was a lot more fun when Dante was here feeding you your lines.:lol:

Oh brother, your post is LOADED! I don't pretend anything, my positions are clear. I figured you had a caregiver because you are so stuck in the past with backward thinking. You SON, have to understand your politics went out with automobile tail fins! I thought you were going to read me! Is a tie in to Dante your whole bit? I think Dante has ideas worth listening to. You know if there were any teens out there, they probably left as this thread as you degenerated it. The topic of this thread is supposed to be:

"If a kid has not had straight & gay sex by the time they are 16 we have a problem?​
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Don't talk down to me. People earn my respect regardless of their age. Bottom line, sex and love are about all that is left of value in this world after the mess left by previous generations. Working in these threads has taught me to push aside the advice of people who are useless. The message is live for now. The older generations have insulted those of us under 30. I hope when I am 60 my attitude is still as it is.

Funny, I'm under 30. I've never felt insulted by older generations. Quite contrary I learn alot from them. And I realize there is still much of this world to learn.

If you don't want people to talk down to you, don't talk down to them.

And if you think that sex and love are the only things of value, you really need to get out more.

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