IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

OH, and the blockade is indeed legal, at least 20% of Israeli citizens are not Jews, and 'who' drafted it is not a valid reason to refuse a cease-fire.

But keep on yipping your Commie party line lies, l'il georgie-boy : )) Your Jew-hate and 'euro-hate' are too strong for anyone to buy that "brotherhood of man" schtick, though - I'd advise against attempting that one.
How about me? I'm not the one who volunteered for the military and faked my way back out again during Basic because I got homesick. You admitted that was your 'reason': I understand the rest of your life you've been pimping the lie that you were a "pacifist", LOL.

Whatever else you are, you've been proven a liar, coward, and oathbreaker. And nothing you've farted out since then has had even a faint whiff of suggestion that you ever grew past that point.

I have no objection to pacifists.
I got homesick fifty years, reneged on an oath taken under duress, and absolved myself from enabling the mass murder of millions of South-East Asians; obviously the honorable thing to have done would have required refusing to take the oath and serve time in prison. I'm pretty sure it's beyond the ability of a kosher whore like you to understand that, and personally I don't care.

Your and yours
Israel does everything it can to minimize casualties and destroy the terror infrastructure. hamas insists that civilians remain in bomb sites to increase the casualties.

I was Israel to sterilize gaza. Not leave one brick atop another. Burn the muslims in mass graves.
Israel does everything it can to minimize casualties and destroy the terror infrastructure. hamas insists that civilians remain in bomb sites to increase the casualties.

I was Israel to sterilize gaza. Not leave one brick atop another. Burn the muslims in mass graves.

Are you Jewish?

are you humanoid?

You have to laugh at Dhimmi George. He asks this question to many people; and for all we know, he might be the missing link. He is actually foolish enough to think all the posters and viewers believe that he actually cares about the Arabs when he is just using them as pawns in his flight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. All losers seem to require a scapegoat. Really, I am surprised that Dhimmi George is still here. I would have thought he would have hopped over the Paris and helped his new barbarian friends in their riots against the Jews. Imagine all the exercise he would get. He certainly is getting no exercise sitting in front of his computer all day. Take a look at this second video and see how Dhimmi George's new friends act like they should be caged in some zoo.

Synagogue, Kosher Markets Attacked Again During anti-Israel Protest in Paris | Israel Video Network
"Israel has escalated its targeting of civilians in Gaza during its ongoing onslaught on the Strip for the sixteenth consecutive day in an unprecedented manner, a European human rights organisation said today.

"The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, said the Israeli troops increased their targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

"The organisation confirmed that around 50 Palestinian families were targeted, wiping out entire families since the start of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza on July 7.

"The number of victims from families completely decimated reached 213.

"Euro-Mid warned against further escalation in the targeting of Palestinian families. It noted that Israeli fighter planes bombed the house of the Abu Jami' family to the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The house consisted of three floors where five families lived. The attack on Sunday evening resulted in the death of all 26 people inside the house, including 18 children. Only three people survived."

Does that sound like genocide?
213 families extinguished by the IDF sounds suspiciously like the first page of a Final Solution.

It's time for the world to impose a price tag on Israel for its occupation of Palestine.

Blame hamas for the deaths as they should have done what the Geneva conventions told them to do. That is to evacuate the civilians to a place of safety
"Israel has escalated its targeting of civilians in Gaza during its ongoing onslaught on the Strip for the sixteenth consecutive day in an unprecedented manner, a European human rights organisation said today.

"The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, said the Israeli troops increased their targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

"The organisation confirmed that around 50 Palestinian families were targeted, wiping out entire families since the start of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza on July 7.

"The number of victims from families completely decimated reached 213.

"Euro-Mid warned against further escalation in the targeting of Palestinian families. It noted that Israeli fighter planes bombed the house of the Abu Jami' family to the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The house consisted of three floors where five families lived. The attack on Sunday evening resulted in the death of all 26 people inside the house, including 18 children. Only three people survived."

Does that sound like genocide?
213 families extinguished by the IDF sounds suspiciously like the first page of a Final Solution.

It's time for the world to impose a price tag on Israel for its occupation of Palestine.
Really sad. Let´s listen to the absurd justifications the self-proclaimed "good guys" come up with.


Why not just look at the justifications given by the pro palis to justify the civilians acting as human shields.
No one is justifying the deaths of innocent Palestinians.

But just remember one thing: All of these Palestinians would be alive. Nd breathing had Hamas accepted the cease fire that Israel did.
Yes, the Hamas should have accepted the cease-fire. But the Hamas as extremist terror group is not a reason to bomb random locations claiming there are missiles stored inside. How to determine whether there are Hamas missiles stored in a building or not?

Simples just look at the smoke trails that go right back to the "random" locations
"Israel has escalated its targeting of civilians in Gaza during its ongoing onslaught on the Strip for the sixteenth consecutive day in an unprecedented manner, a European human rights organisation said today.

"The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, said the Israeli troops increased their targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

"The organisation confirmed that around 50 Palestinian families were targeted, wiping out entire families since the start of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza on July 7.

"The number of victims from families completely decimated reached 213.

"Euro-Mid warned against further escalation in the targeting of Palestinian families. It noted that Israeli fighter planes bombed the house of the Abu Jami' family to the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The house consisted of three floors where five families lived. The attack on Sunday evening resulted in the death of all 26 people inside the house, including 18 children. Only three people survived."

Does that sound like genocide?
213 families extinguished by the IDF sounds suspiciously like the first page of a Final Solution.

It's time for the world to impose a price tag on Israel for its occupation of Palestine.

Don't you think that Hamas should have told these families to flee, Dhimmi George, instead of using them as propaganda purposes when they are dead. Meanwhile, can you tell us how many families have been killed in the rest of the Middle East with the conflicts going on? After all, everyone there is not coming out alive, you know. Over 150,000 people have been killed in Syria alone, Dhimmi George, and that is quite a huge number, wouldn't you say? I think many of the viewers realize that you will only bring up dead people if you can blame your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, but once in a while try to show that you care about those who have been killed in other Middle East countries.
Where would you suggest those families flee to, $ally?
Jews are shelling indiscriminately from air, sea, and land.
Families who flee are murdered in the streets by your heroic "chosen people."
Why is it racist Jews who shill for ethnic cleansing always want to talk about Syria on threads devoted to Palestine?
Because they're well paid?

So that means when I look at Google Earth all of gaza will be in flames, and not the less that 3% that is ?

Try again as 50% of gaza is arable land with no buildings, and UNWRA has shelters for the familes to go into
Don't you think that Hamas should have told these families to flee, Dhimmi George, instead of using them as propaganda purposes when they are dead. Meanwhile, can you tell us how many families have been killed in the rest of the Middle East with the conflicts going on? After all, everyone there is not coming out alive, you know. Over 150,000 people have been killed in Syria alone, Dhimmi George, and that is quite a huge number, wouldn't you say? I think many of the viewers realize that you will only bring up dead people if you can blame your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, but once in a while try to show that you care about those who have been killed in other Middle East countries.
Where would you suggest those families flee to, $ally?
Jews are shelling indiscriminately from air, sea, and land.
Families who flee are murdered in the streets by your heroic "chosen people."
Why is it racist Jews who shill for ethnic cleansing always want to talk about Syria on threads devoted to Palestine?
Because they're well paid?

So that means when I look at Google Earth all of gaza will be in flames, and not the less that 3% that is ?

Try again as 50% of gaza is arable land with no buildings, and UNWRA has shelters for the familes to go into

Did you notice, Phoenall, that Dhimmi George still has not found any other signs on his computer other than the dollar sign -- when a monkey or chimp can certainly do better than he does? Meanwhile, no one has ever seen Dhimmi George say anything about all those innocent people who have been killed and wounded in the other Middle East countries. Those dead bodies and badly wounded people mean nothing to him because he can't drag in his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. It is his own new masters who have done and are still doing the murders in these Middle East countries.
Don't you think that Hamas should have told these families to flee, Dhimmi George, instead of using them as propaganda purposes when they are dead. Meanwhile, can you tell us how many families have been killed in the rest of the Middle East with the conflicts going on? After all, everyone there is not coming out alive, you know. Over 150,000 people have been killed in Syria alone, Dhimmi George, and that is quite a huge number, wouldn't you say? I think many of the viewers realize that you will only bring up dead people if you can blame your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, but once in a while try to show that you care about those who have been killed in other Middle East countries.

leaflets, phone calls, warning bomb "knocking", bull horn calling to clear the building.
What do you want, for IDF to help them pack and load a moving van and have IDF pay the hotel bill till the family can find another apartment or home?
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

What occupation as even hamas has said that gaza is not occupied.

Then get hamas to evacuate then to safety as the Geneva conventions say

Who has decreed it is illegal that has the power to do so

Is it not written in the Koran that the muslims are the owners of all the Earth ?

WRONG as the muslims are evicting all the Jews by force, and the land is forever Jewish
"Israel has escalated its targeting of civilians in Gaza during its ongoing onslaught on the Strip for the sixteenth consecutive day in an unprecedented manner, a European human rights organisation said today.

"The Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, said the Israeli troops increased their targeting of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip in recent days.

"The organisation confirmed that around 50 Palestinian families were targeted, wiping out entire families since the start of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza on July 7.

"The number of victims from families completely decimated reached 213.

"Euro-Mid warned against further escalation in the targeting of Palestinian families. It noted that Israeli fighter planes bombed the house of the Abu Jami' family to the east of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip.

"The house consisted of three floors where five families lived. The attack on Sunday evening resulted in the death of all 26 people inside the house, including 18 children. Only three people survived."

Does that sound like genocide?
213 families extinguished by the IDF sounds suspiciously like the first page of a Final Solution.

It's time for the world to impose a price tag on Israel for its occupation of Palestine.
Really sad. Let´s listen to the absurd justifications the self-proclaimed "good guys" come up with.

"According to B'Tselem's initial figures, at least 505 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip and Israel in the time between early Tuesday, 8 July 2014, when Operation Protective Edge airstrikes on Gaza began until the 21 July at 9PM.*

The fatalities include:

140 minors (one minor participated in the hostilities)

56 women (under age 60)

28 senior citizens (aged 60 and over)"

It's a good thing those Jews aren't Evil:cuckoo:

Initial figures: At least 505 Palestinians, two Israeli civilians and 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed up to 21 July 2014 8PM | B'Tselem

All given plenty of warnings to evacuate the area before the bombing commenced, so why didn't they leave ?
Really sad. Let´s listen to the absurd justifications the self-proclaimed "good guys" come up with.


No one is justifying the deaths of innocent Palestinians.

But just remember one thing: All of these Palestinians would be alive. Nd breathing had Hamas accepted the cease fire that Israel did.
Just remember it's the Jews who are refusing to lift their illegal blockade of Gaza that Hamas has every right to resist under international law that inspired the Jew-centric cease fire that was probably drafted in Tel Aviv before making its way to Cairo.

What illegal blockade, LINK that shows the UN has declared it illegal
Got any proof?
Of course not.
You're a Zionist shill.

And you've got proof of that allegation, Coward George?

Remember, georgie: the one primarily responsible for the train wreck your life became after you lied your way out of your military obligation (volunteered!) is yourself.....
Breaking the Silence ? Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

Killing women and kids whether in Vietnam or Palestine never figured into my plans for success, Marg.

How about you?

So were is the proof about the T shirt then georgie ?
Really sad. Let´s listen to the absurd justifications the self-proclaimed "good guys" come up with.

"According to B'Tselem's initial figures, at least 505 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip and Israel in the time between early Tuesday, 8 July 2014, when Operation Protective Edge airstrikes on Gaza began until the 21 July at 9PM.*

The fatalities include:

140 minors (one minor participated in the hostilities)

56 women (under age 60)

28 senior citizens (aged 60 and over)"

It's a good thing those Jews aren't Evil:cuckoo:

Initial figures: At least 505 Palestinians, two Israeli civilians and 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed up to 21 July 2014 8PM | B'Tselem

All given plenty of warnings to evacuate the area before the bombing commenced, so why didn't they leave ?
Where do you imagine they would go, Jerusalem?
Israel is the Occupying Power in its relationship with Gaza.
That means Jews should not be inflicting collective punishment on the civilians of Gaza.
Instead Jews are murdering children in Gaza as they did one week ago on the beach in front of a hotel full of international press.
Why do Jews deliberately murder children?
And you've got proof of that allegation, Coward George?

Remember, georgie: the one primarily responsible for the train wreck your life became after you lied your way out of your military obligation (volunteered!) is yourself.....
Breaking the Silence ? Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

Killing women and kids whether in Vietnam or Palestine never figured into my plans for success, Marg.

How about you?

So were is the proof about the T shirt then georgie ?
How many times do you want me to post the same link?
Are you Jewish?

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