IDF Annihilates 50 Families in Gaza

Israel does everything it can to minimize casualties and destroy the terror infrastructure. hamas insists that civilians remain in bomb sites to increase the casualties.

I was Israel to sterilize gaza. Not leave one brick atop another. Burn the muslims in mass graves.
Are you Jewish?

Why does someone need to be Jewish to see the demise of a terrorists entity for the betterment of the world.
The juden have been causing problems in Europe for centuries.

So it's quite reasonable that the French citizens want to drive them out. .. :cool:

Take it from someone who is a short train ride from France, it is the muslim migrants that are driving the Jews out VIOLENTLY. Very soon the French will be driving the muslims out and taking back their country.
Blame hamas for the deaths as they should have done what the Geneva conventions told them to do. That is to evacuate the civilians to a place of safety
When did Hamas sign the Geneva Convention?? .. :cool:

When the selected Palestinians went to the UN and signed for all of Palestine. Or are you saying that gaza is not part of Palestine and so does not come under the welfare of the UN ?
Israel does everything it can to minimize casualties and destroy the terror infrastructure. hamas insists that civilians remain in bomb sites to increase the casualties.

I was Israel to sterilize gaza. Not leave one brick atop another. Burn the muslims in mass graves.
Are you Jewish?

Why does someone need to be Jewish to see the demise of a terrorists entity for the betterment of the world.

you don't-----but you probably need to be jewish to like pickled herring----although---
it seems to be no different from CERVICHE-------really----I was amazed when I read
the recipe for cerviche. Pickled herring is ---herring cerviche Phoen---do you like

The only reason I like pickled herring-----or herring cerviche---is because I used
to watch my father eat it. It is not the kind of thing a kid would like----very ---
vinegary------BUT he liked it so much------that I concluded IT MUST BE GOOD

My experience with olives was similar-------so many people liked them that I
got over my childish distaste for them----------caviar? NEVER!!!!!!!
"According to B'Tselem's initial figures, at least 505 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip and Israel in the time between early Tuesday, 8 July 2014, when Operation Protective Edge airstrikes on Gaza began until the 21 July at 9PM.*

The fatalities include:

140 minors (one minor participated in the hostilities)

56 women (under age 60)

28 senior citizens (aged 60 and over)"

It's a good thing those Jews aren't Evil:cuckoo:

Initial figures: At least 505 Palestinians, two Israeli civilians and 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed up to 21 July 2014 8PM | B'Tselem

All given plenty of warnings to evacuate the area before the bombing commenced, so why didn't they leave ?
Where do you imagine they would go, Jerusalem?
Israel is the Occupying Power in its relationship with Gaza.
That means Jews should not be inflicting collective punishment on the civilians of Gaza.
Instead Jews are murdering children in Gaza as they did one week ago on the beach in front of a hotel full of international press.
Why do Jews deliberately murder children?

To the UNWRA shelters provided in safe areas, to the UN shelters in the Sinai, to the 50% of gaza that is empty of buildings.
Not according to hamas and the UN
What collective punishment is that then, they gave plenty of warning of air strikes and still the hamas scum stayed and became human shields. So no longer protected perfsons under the Geneva conventions.
That is hamas when it forces people to stay in their homes rather than take shelter, while the cowardly hamas leaders are cowering in fear in case they get targeted next
Show one charge sheet from the ICJ citing Israel as child murderers.

Now why do hamas deliberately target children with rockets ?
Breaking the Silence ? Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

Killing women and kids whether in Vietnam or Palestine never figured into my plans for success, Marg.

How about you?

So were is the proof about the T shirt then georgie ?
How many times do you want me to post the same link?
Are you Jewish?

No mention of the T shirt in the link georgie, must try harder

leaflets, phone calls, warning bomb "knocking", bull horn calling to clear the building.
What do you want, for IDF to help them pack and load a moving van and have IDF pay the hotel bill till the family can find another apartment or home?
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

What occupation as even hamas has said that gaza is not occupied.

Then get hamas to evacuate then to safety as the Geneva conventions say

Who has decreed it is illegal that has the power to do so

Is it not written in the Koran that the muslims are the owners of all the Earth ?

WRONG as the muslims are evicting all the Jews by force, and the land is forever Jewish
Muslims haven't evicted any Jews from Palestine in the last 66 years while Jews have evicted hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine over the same time period. Some Jews believe all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews; do you?
Their might be new tribes I want them named after American slave nation groups and they must earn the prominent name and inheritance it is huge.
The juden have been causing problems in Europe for centuries.

So it's quite reasonable that the French citizens want to drive them out. .. :cool:

This post is extremely ironic considering a Muslim posted in it because once again, Sunni Troll is accusing Jewish people of EXACTLY what his Muslim people are guilty of (he does this all the time)

Jews contribute to society everywhere they live. But we all know how many Europeans are viewing the fact that Muslims have infested their land, while contributing nothing, receiving welfare, causing problems for those who oppose them, trying to get Sharia Law to be used in society, trying to convert others etc.
Truly a parasitic religion with many parasitic people (not all of them).

Muslims shouls stay in the Middle East where they can kill and oppress their own people.

True story :cool:
I want to IDF to lift its belligerent occupation of Gaza.
I want heroic Jews on gunboats to stop murdering children playing on a Gaza pier.
I want Jews and their US enablers to lift the illegal blockade that's responsible for Hamas war crimes.
Jews who believe they alone are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea should be the ones calling for a moving van.
I hear France is offering warm welcomes.

What occupation as even hamas has said that gaza is not occupied.

Then get hamas to evacuate then to safety as the Geneva conventions say

Who has decreed it is illegal that has the power to do so

Is it not written in the Koran that the muslims are the owners of all the Earth ?

WRONG as the muslims are evicting all the Jews by force, and the land is forever Jewish
Muslims haven't evicted any Jews from Palestine in the last 66 years while Jews have evicted hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine over the same time period. Some Jews believe all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews; do you?

What a stupid fuckin comment from the Jew Hating welfare receiving scumbag...

Muslims didn't evict any Jews from Mandatory Palestine because he Jews didn't let them. But what do you think they tried to do during the Arab revolt? Or even more so during the 1948 Arab Israeli war? Or the 6 day war? Yom Kippur war?
Had Muslims won ANY of those wars, the Jews would have been expelled.
What occupation as even hamas has said that gaza is not occupied.

Then get hamas to evacuate then to safety as the Geneva conventions say

Who has decreed it is illegal that has the power to do so

Is it not written in the Koran that the muslims are the owners of all the Earth ?

WRONG as the muslims are evicting all the Jews by force, and the land is forever Jewish
Muslims haven't evicted any Jews from Palestine in the last 66 years while Jews have evicted hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine over the same time period. Some Jews believe all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews; do you?

What a stupid fuckin comment from the Jew Hating welfare receiving scumbag...

Muslims didn't evict any Jews from Mandatory Palestine because he Jews didn't let them. But what do you think they tried to do during the Arab revolt? Or even more so during the 1948 Arab Israeli war? Or the 6 day war? Yom Kippur war?
Had Muslims won ANY of those wars, the Jews would have been expelled.
It was the creation of your parasitic state in 1948 that created massive displacement among Jew and Arab alike in the ME. Jews have never hidden their intention to inflict a Jewish state upon Palestine, regardless of demographics. Do you think Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today?
Muslims haven't evicted any Jews from Palestine in the last 66 years while Jews have evicted hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine over the same time period. Some Jews believe all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews; do you?

What a stupid fuckin comment from the Jew Hating welfare receiving scumbag...

Muslims didn't evict any Jews from Mandatory Palestine because he Jews didn't let them. But what do you think they tried to do during the Arab revolt? Or even more so during the 1948 Arab Israeli war? Or the 6 day war? Yom Kippur war?
Had Muslims won ANY of those wars, the Jews would have been expelled.
It was the creation of your parasitic state in 1948 that created massive displacement among Jew and Arab alike in the ME. Jews have never hidden their intention to inflict a Jewish state upon Palestine, regardless of demographics. Do you think Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today?

Again, those 5 Arab armies are responsible for starting the 1948 War. The Palestinians BTW took part in this genocidal war. You reap what you sow!
Muslims/Arabs ar not good at conventional warfare, they should stick to terrorism :lol:

Say it with me you army deserting, welfare receiving scum if the earth anti Semitic peasant:
Muslims haven't evicted any Jews from Palestine in the last 66 years while Jews have evicted hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine over the same time period. Some Jews believe all the land between the River and the sea belongs to Jews; do you?

What a stupid fuckin comment from the Jew Hating welfare receiving scumbag...

Muslims didn't evict any Jews from Mandatory Palestine because he Jews didn't let them. But what do you think they tried to do during the Arab revolt? Or even more so during the 1948 Arab Israeli war? Or the 6 day war? Yom Kippur war?
Had Muslims won ANY of those wars, the Jews would have been expelled.

It was the creation of your parasitic state in 1948 that created massive displacement among Jew and Arab alike in the ME. Jews have never hidden their intention to inflict a Jewish state upon Palestine, regardless of demographics. Do you think Jews are entitled to rule all the land between the River and the sea today?

Dhimmi George, you still are not fooling anyone with even a few brain cells no matter how you try to slice it. You are only using these Arabs in your fight against your favor scapegoats, the Jews. Right now there are over 2 million refugees from Syria, and you have had not one word to say about them. Why not tell us once in a while how your new masters treat others including Muslim of other sects. Tell us something, for example, about, how the lighter skinned Muslims from the Sudan, have killed off so many darker-skinned Muslims in Darfur so that many of their women are now living in tents in Chad. My goodness, these Muslims would be calling you an "abd."
the tee shirt is not popular at all-----some jerky kids made it and it has been banned----the sons and
daughters of the rapist pig lie alot
Got any proof?
Of course not.
You're a Zionist shill.

Here is your proof.
Israel army bans t-shirts mocking attacks on Palestinians | Reuters
Israel's military said on Wednesday it had banned soldiers from making and wearing t-shirts encouraging violence against Palestinians.

One of the t-shirts has a rifle sight aimed at a pregnant Palestinian with the slogan "1 shot, 2 kills," according to a report last month in the Haaretz newspaper.

A spokesman for the military called the shirts "simply tasteless," and said the armed forces' chief educational officer had instructed commanders to ensure soldiers did not create or wear the items and to discipline those who disobeyed.

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