Identical twins, one gay, one ain't

[1]I do see what you're saying, but we're getting hampered by ambiguity of language here. When I use the word bisexual, I mean they are capable of sexual desire for both sexes, not that they actually act on their desire for both sexes.

The problem with figuring out how many bisexuals there are is that some of both heterosexual and homosexual communities claim there is no such thing as a bisexual for political reasons.

There is also the idea that you're supposed to commit to one person in ours and most contemporary cultures, thus making it necessary for bisexuals to choose one gender or the other. It would be against their interests to be open about having bisexual thoughts or tendencies because that may threaten their current or even future relationships, causing people to question their fidelity.

Finally and probably most importantly, people in our culture often demonize homosexuality for whatever reason. Thus if somebody did have bisexual tendencies, it would be safest for them to deny their gay side, so to speak.

So the reason my polygraph example is interesting is because it highlights the fact that, within that group of people (mostly innocent people accused of sexual misconduct), there are a significant number of self-described heterosexual men who may actually be bisexual.

[2]Some things are simpler than others. When you're talking about behavior of any kind, it's going to be quite complex. It's true that everybody has choices in their behavior, but what are the choices? Somebody who is purely homosexual in preference literally can choose between living a homosexual lifestyle and not having a sex life. Should they have to make that choice? No, because homosexuality doesn't hurt anybody. What if they were a pedophile? In that case not acting on their desires would be a choice they should make morally because their sexual preference likely will hurt others when turned to action. To be clear, pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality. Pedophiles can be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual.

[3]Not if you suppose these women are "naturally" bisexual while some people are naturally homosexual or heterosexual. It would be hard to test that idea without a polygraph, and even then it wouldn't be 100% certain. (polygraphs aren't perfect, but they're more reliable than relying on somebody's honesty about such an issue, lol).


1. “Bisexual: characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward both sexes” [] It appears to be that a person involved in a long-term monogamous relationship has directed her desire towards one sex.
2. The reason why the behavior so complex is that it is learned.
3. Again, your hypothesis. A better explanation is the simpler one, and the simpler one is usually the correct one.
A disadvantage?

A disadvantage in what?

You do realize that there are lots of people out there that don't have one of the two parents in their life (gay or straight) who end up perfectly fine.
I know there are many- I have a friend who grew up with a single mom and he's doing great. But ask him, and he sure as hell wishes the old man was there to give a man's advice and perspective. And I'll bet he's damn glad he didn't have to put up with the baggage of two lesbian mothers.

Okay...which would be a better situation in which to raise a boy?

A family with two nurturing lesbian mothers


A family with a drunk, abusive father and an enabling mother.

Generalizations will always result in proving you wrong.
How do you know they aren't bisexual? Did you ask them?
Observed behavior.
Oh, that's really scientific. :cuckoo:

There are scientists working eagerly to prove it is not genetic so they can feel better about treating gays as second class citizens. If only they could find this elusive "proof" that being homosexual is simply an immoral lifestyle "choice" then they can feel justified in discriminating against this "behavior".

There are also scientists working eagerly to prove that there is indeed a genetic component to human sexuality and this proof would presumably make some people feel better about accepting people for who they are and justify wanting society to respect them as individuals who deserve equality under the law.

Unfortunately for glockmail his personal experience with one set of twins doesn't sway the argument either way.

Research involving identical twins, often used to study genetics since they share the same DNA, has had mixed results.

One widely cited study in the 1990s found that if one member of a pair of identical twins was gay, the other had a 52 percent chance of being gay. In contrast, the result for pairs of non-twin brothers, was 9 percent. A 2000 study of Australian identical twins found a much lower chance.

No single 'gay gene'
Dr. Alan Sanders of Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute, the lead researcher of the new study, said he suspects there isn’t one so-called “gay gene.”

It is more likely there are several genes that interact with nongenetic factors, including psychological and social influences, to determine sexual orientation, said Sanders, a psychiatrist.
Study seeks genetic roots of homosexuality - More health news-

Until a few years ago, sexual orientation used to be called sexual preference. Obviously, the two terms denote significant differences in the the manner by which sexuality develops. A preference is something that is chosen, whereas orientation is merely something that defines us. The differences are potentially important regarding how the law applies to those who are gay. If homosexuality is not chosen, but actually is a biologically-determined characteristic over which we have no choice, then laws should not treat gays and straights differently, since homosexuality would be equivalent to one's race, over which we have no control.
Genetics and Homosexuality: Are People Born Gay?

Since sexual differentiation occurs within the womb, as a result of hormonal influences, it has been hypothesized that homosexuality may result from a differential hormone balance in the wombs of those who eventually exhibit a homosexual orientation. Since hormonal levels within the womb are not available, proxies for hormonal influences have been used to examine the question of how hormonal influences might impact sexual orientation.

US researchers find evidence that homosexuality linked to genetics

December 2008

US researchers are finding common biological traits among gay men, feeding a growing consensus that sexual orientation is an inborn combination of genetic and environmental factors that largely decide a person's sexual attractions before they are born.

Such findings - including a highly anticipated study this winter - would further inform the debate over whether homosexuality is innate or a choice, an undercurrent of California's recent Proposition 8 campaign in which television commercials warned that "schools would begin teaching second-graders that boys could marry boys", suggesting homosexuality would then spread.

Some scientists say the political and moral debate over same-sex marriage frequently strayed from established scientific evidence, including comments by Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin that homosexuality is "a choice" and "a decision".

Until 2007, CNN polls had found that a majority of Americans believed gay people could change their sexual orientation if they chose to; it was only last year that a majority for the first time said homosexuality was an inborn trait.

Christian groups such as Exodus International argue "that homosexuals who desire to change can do so". One prominent psychiatrist, Dr Robert Spitzer of Columbia University, found controversial evidence that therapy can cause some gay people to change to a heterosexual orientation, although the study concluded that a "complete change" was uncommon.

While sexual behaviour may be chosen, the preponderance of researchers say attraction is dictated by biology, with no demonstrated contribution from social factors such as parenting or other factors after birth.

A host of studies since the mid-1990s have found common biological traits between gay men, including left-handedness and the direction of hair whorls. The likelihood that if one identical twin is gay, the other will be also be gay is much higher than the "concordance" of homosexuality between fraternal twins, indicating that genes play a role in sexual orientation, but are not the entire cause.
US researchers find evidence that homosexuality linked to genetics | World news |
Is her partner butch?
No she's a cute girl, about 10 years younger. Reminds me of my niece actually. Definitely not butch.

Does it matter?

Not really.

Does it matter if a child has no father? Many don't.

Yes, it does matter. I don't care who you are, children need fathers just as they need mothers.

Yes, I know many don't have fathers in the home and I think our society is much poorer for it, don't you?
No she's a cute girl, about 10 years younger. Reminds me of my niece actually. Definitely not butch.

Does it matter?

Not really.

Does it matter if a child has no father? Many don't.

Yes, it does matter. I don't care who you are, children need fathers just as they need mothers.

Yes, I know many don't have fathers in the home and I think our society is much poorer for it, don't you?

Really ... most people I knew raised by only one parent had only one problem ... their household had to struggle for needs. Other than that, they are fine, many even better than those who had two parents while growing up. The very few I know who had gay parents (thus two of the same sex) had no problems or differences from others, though they seemed much more well adjusted and often more sympathetic to others in need.
There are scientists working eagerly to prove it is not genetic so they can feel better about treating gays as second class citizens. If only they could find this elusive "proof" that being homosexual is simply an immoral lifestyle "choice" then they can feel justified in discriminating against this "behavior".

There are also scientists working eagerly to prove that there is indeed a genetic component to human sexuality and this proof would presumably make some people feel better about accepting people for who they are and justify wanting society to respect them as individuals who deserve equality under the law.

Interesting how one group of scientists has devious motives and the other no motives whatsoever. I'm curious as to how you arrived at this conclusion and what is its basis.
Well, if two posters make the same assertion about a third, must be true. BTW I know a number of identical and fraternal twins.

One set of identical twins, one is lesbian and the other is not. A couple sets of fraternal twins, both twins are gay.
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Glock loves his manly men too much to be straight ... just look at all his avatars.
Argumentum ad hominem

As an aside, why do liberals always use "gay" an an insult?

Same reason conservatives use 'gay' as an insult. Immaturity.
Actually, conservatives maintain that gay is not normal, not moral and unhealthy, while liberals maintain the opposite. It doesn't make sense to insult someone by saying : 'hey, you're normal, moral and healthy'.

No, I think liberals are being hypocritical when they use gay as an ad-hom.

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